War Lord

Chapter 353: Celebration (4)

Alice walked gracefully from the entrance to the north of the town along the only street in the town to the south. She was surrounded by a sharp cone made of ice elements. There are hundreds of these sharp cones, and every time one shoots out, a new member will generate to complement the number of ice cones.

From the moment Alice stepped into the town, the massacre began. When the first ice cone plunged into the chest of a man who was sleeping on a bed in a shanty, panic spread quickly. Residents of the town, no matter the elderly, children, men or women, cannot escape the lock of Alice's breath. Once locked, the ice cone will drag the blue light to draw a beautiful trajectory in the air, regardless of whether the goal is to run or lie down or lie down. Wherever the ice cone will hit the chest correctly. Then the ice element inside will release a lot of cold air, freezing the target into an ice sculpture.

When Alice reached the end of the street, there were no more moving objects, and hundreds of ice sculptures stood behind her. They are like works of art from a master, each ice sculpture perfectly interprets the expressions of human beings when they face despair.

Are they all dead?

Alice suddenly looked at a gas station next to the street. The convenience store in the gas station was quiet, but Alice felt a very faint biological atmosphere inside. That breath is not obvious, and it appears from time to time. If she still uses the ice cone to shoot, Alice is not sure that she will hit 100%.

So she walked towards the convenience store.

"Why do you want to hide? It is kindness to die in my hands. At least I will let you die very short and the pain will only end in an instant. And if my other companions do it, you will know what? It's the real hell." Alice's voice was very soft, as if the wind was whispering.

But her words got into the convenience store, floated across the room, and finally got into Old Pete's ears. For the old man, this is undoubtedly the whisper of the devil.

Old Peter lit a cigarette for himself with a trembling hand, then put it on his mouth and took a few suffocations. The pungent smoke circulated in his lungs, causing old Peter to feel severe lung pain, but he lifted his spirits.

He found a chair and placed it in the direction facing the bedroom door. Old Peter bit his cigarette and sat down on the delivery chair with his gun. He pointed the rifle flat against the door, pressed his finger lightly on the trigger, and decided to reward it no matter what came in from the door.

Following that, Old Peter heard footsteps.

The footsteps are very fine, but crisp, like the sound of a woman's high heels hitting the ground.

The sound suddenly disappeared when it came to the bedroom door, and then the door was opened, and a slender figure appeared outside the door. Old Peter pressed the trigger almost as soon as he saw this figure, and the rifle exploded a bright flame, and the bullet had already shot out of the door. Old Peter roared and fired again and again, as if he was about to pour out his fear with the bullet.

But suddenly he had a whole body, and old Peter only felt that his chest was completely cold. He lowered his head and saw a sharp ice cone penetrated deeply through the coat, pierced into the mutant tissue, and finally sank into his chest.

The cone of ice suddenly melted, but released a chill of minus 20 degrees, and for a moment stopped Old Peter's inactive life function, turning him into the last ice sculpture in the town.

Before his consciousness disappeared, Old Peter desperately saw his bullet hovering in front of a woman. She was exuding cold air, and the surface of the bullet had frozen, which could not hurt her at all.

Fortunately, Jin has gone. This was the last thought of Old Peter.

Alice walked to the old man's corpse, and she tore off the freeze-dried jacket, revealing the frozen mutated tissue on Old Peter's body. If Alice had some enlightenment: "It turns out that it is."

Because of the lack of drug protection in the wilderness, it is easy for ordinary people to grow mutant tissues. This layer of excess muscle tissue greedily absorbs the nutrients and vitality of the host like a parasite, but at the same time, because of the existence of such tissue, ordinary people can move on the surface where radiation is rampant, at the cost of a longer life span than in the old days. The number of human beings has been reduced by one-third, or even nearly half.

But in the new era, it is not the mutated organization that is fatal, but the lack of resources. Humans can evolve in order to adapt to difficult environments. Although the evolutionary process requires a price, it can finally survive. And life is wonderful, because the shortening of life, the relative reduction of the cycle of breeding offspring, in order to achieve the purpose of extending offspring. However, resources cannot be regenerated in a short period of time, so even if a body adapted to the environment is evolved, countless humans die every day due to lack of resources.

Alice and the like couldn't sense the exact breath of Old Peter, because the mutated tissues already occupied 80% of the old man's body area, and the old man's vitality was already low, so it wouldn't be felt by Alice.

Now after killing the last person in this town, it took a while before Alice walked out of the convenience store. She looked at the oil tank in the gas station and waved her hands after thinking about it. Strips of blue light were drawn on the ground, marking numerous gullies on the surface of the street. After doing all this, Alice threw an ice cone at the oil tank. The ice cone made a gap in the oil tank, so the inferior gasoline flowed out from the gap and moved along the ravines on the ground towards other corners of the town. extend.

It’s just that there is not much gasoline left, and less than one-third of the land that flows through the ravines on the ground can be declared exhausted. But it was enough for Alice. She turned and walked out of town, while throwing a high-powered grenade with a set delay of 5 seconds to explode into the gas station.

When Alice walked out of the town, the grenade exploded and a fire wave rose into the sky, putting the whole town in a sea of ​​flames.

Somewhere in the wilderness, Jin, who was already far away, suddenly had his heart beating wildly. The motorcycle suddenly slid and turned to a stop. Jin slid on the ground. He took off his helmet and looked in the direction of the town. In that direction, he felt a strong unease.

Jin gritted his teeth, turned around and squeezed enough horsepower to drive towards the town. So he returned to the town after an hour, and what he saw was the ruins with the afterglow still remaining.

The motorcycle was pushed to the ground by Jin, and Jin rushed into the town. The gas station has become a ruin, the explosion has lifted the convenience store into the sky, and the once-familiar place has become a pile of rubble. Kim was standing on the pile of rocks, shouting the words of Old Peter. However, no one answered.

Jin yelled and stretched out his palm towards the ruins. He opened his five fingers, and finally clenched into a fist~lightnovelpub.net~, all the stones in Jin's sight burst into powder. The impact of the explosion extinguished the nearby flames, and only metals and other organic matter were not within the range of gold's influence and remained intact, but most of them were distorted by the shock wave.

In this piece of sand powder, Jin finally saw old Peter. But strictly speaking, what King found was only the corpse of old Peter.

Jin picked up the old man's body and wept bitterly. To him, apart from his mother, this town is considered to be the closest relationship between Old Peter and him. But this grandpa-like person was already dead. What Jin could not accept was that Old Peter did not die naturally, but was killed.

So did the others in the town. It was a massacre.

While crying, Jin suddenly felt something behind Old Peter. He put old Peter on the ground and turned it over again. But I saw that the clothes on the back of Old Peter had been torn off, and the back covered with mutant tissues was carved with a knife such a line: Do you like my gift?

Below is a signature.


Suddenly, Jin stopped crying, and became extremely calm. It's just that clenched fist, but clenched "cackling".