War Lord

Chapter 355: Night Banquet (1)

w Twelve Lord God Hall, in Ben's office. () Outside the window, Asgart's sky has already simulated the royal blue night sky based on the calculation of the central brain. The shining stars dotted the sky, forming a splendid and magnificent Tianhe.

Ben shook the red wine in his arms and looked at the sky thoughtfully.

There was a "ding" from the elevator, and Cario in a military uniform strode in while biting his cigar: "Old man, are you still here? Sol and the others are looking for you. It's time to go to the auditorium. The celebration will be fast. It's started, you have to preside over the fireworks launching ceremony."

Cario's voice was huge, like a series of cannons ringing in his ears. He shook his head and smiled: "Old friend, did you say that we have been in peace for too long, and our bodies and heads have become dull. We have forgotten the cruelty of war, so we numb ourselves with beautiful illusions?"

Cario frowned and said: "Don't tell me these things like a poet. What's wrong with you, suddenly I have so many thoughts."

"Zero and passers-by who were coming back were attacked." Ben turned around and said lightly.

Cario's face changed, he took off the cigar in his mouth and said solemnly: "Who did it?"

"I asked Zero, it was only trash fish that attacked them, it should be a test of their strength."

"Will it be Ogg's people?"

Ben shook his head: "It should not be. If it is Ogg, he will be close to sending a high-level blood cavalry to carry out a devastating attack. You should understand him, Ogg will never do superfluous things. Like temptation, he disdains, and Won't do it."

Cario shook his big hand, and when he let it go, the cigar turned gray: "I know, you mean, it was Asgart who attacked Zero. Who could it be? The Helburn family? The Black Rose family. Or the Plannings?"

Ben sat on the big chair, shook his head and said, "It's not like the three giants, because there is no reason. Even if they have done a great job this time, it won't be a problem for them to be promoted to the Holy Spirit according to their schedule. Not to mention being like them. This kind of warrior with military merit is exactly what they recruit. Assassination is zero, for them all harm but no benefit."

"The rest, only people from our military department? But these people..." Cario hesitated.

"Remember the last time they graduated from Zero and the people who belonged to the wilderness chaebol was sent over, but we didn't notice anything. And the false order issued by the headquarters?" There was a cold light in the eyes: "So we are all old, whether you or Paul’s old guy, we are all dull. Naturally we people will not have a problem, but the problem is that in the headquarters there are not only you, but also a group of young people. Active."

Cario's face changed, and he lost his voice: "Do you doubt Sol and the others? But they..."

"I have lived in Asgart since I was a child. I know, but old friends, people can change. And young people are always easy to impulse. And impulsive, it is inevitable that you will do wrong." Ben turned his index finger to the previous one. With the golden ring, he said lightly: "Among Sol and the others, only Valkyrie’s child is the only one I can believe at the moment. As for the others, old friends, you can investigate it for me. No matter who it is, let I know they did something wrong, and I will teach him a profound lesson that he will never remember in his life!"

Cario lowered his head, Ben always looks like a good husband. But Cario knew that the founder of the Hall of Valor was not a bad old man. In the battle that year, Ben was not as active as Cario and Paul on the battlefield. But he, who was in the rear of the war, was Oglock's most feared opponent.

When Ben ordered the investigation of his adopted son, Cario seemed to see the former comrade known as the "Falcon" come alive.

As dark clouds surged in the hall of the twelve main gods, Ling was very busy in the apartment. Although it hasn't been announced yet, he has already been promoted from a warrior to a holy spirit before the zero return.

In Asgartri, the Holy Spirit is already an upper-middle class figure. This means that Zero can own a piece of Asgart's subsidiary territory, and he can set up his own private guard. His property rights are protected by Asgart's laws, and he has the right to live and kill civilians.

The most intuitive manifestation of the benefits of promotion is that Zero has changed from a small dormitory of Doomhammer to a separate three-story apartment, which also has two maids.

This is Zero’s first real house in Asgart, and it retains its private rights forever while Zero is alive. Asgart would take back this apartment and give it to a second person who is qualified to live in it until the zero nature dies of old age or death in battle.

After being sent to the apartment, Zero was urged to change clothes and take a bath. What he and others are going to attend tonight is a night banquet of the upper class in Asgart, everything from costume to etiquette is sloppy. For this reason, Ben deliberately ordered Valkyrie to prepare everything for zero.

So Valkyrie called an old man and a woman. The old man is an expert in etiquette, responsible for designing all the etiquette gestures, expressions and so on that may be used tonight. The woman is a master tailor. She brings a dress directly to Zero, and plans to use this set of courtesy as a prototype directly after Zero takes a shower, and transform it into a fit style by three-dimensional cutting.

As for Zero himself, he is being stripped naked by two young and beautiful maids, serving him in a bath.

Zero is really not used to having someone help to wipe her body even in the bath, especially when the two girls are also naked. During this period, they will inevitably have physical close contact, making the male symbol of Zero stand upright, making the two girls heartbeat.

As Zero’s maids, if Zero wants them, they have no right to resist at all. Or in other words, for the quasi-aristocrats who can serve the young and have status like Zero, they have no idea of ​​resisting at all. If they are zero happy and let them become the mistresses of this apartment, then they can say goodbye to the status of slaves, at least have the rights of free people~lightnovelpub.net~ This is the fate of people without any ability, and the emergence of capable people is cruel The ground has widened the distance between classes. Under the power of the capable, ordinary people do not have the so-called democracy at all, and even if they do, it is the charity of the capable.

As it is now, the two girls not only wiped Zero's body carefully, but also touched Zero with their young bodies intentionally or unintentionally. Of course, it’s impossible for Zero who attends the evening banquet to spend time on them, but after returning from the party, does Zero still have a lot of time?

In such a fragrant harassment, when Ling returned to the bedroom in his bathrobe, the tent that was erected was still so high that the master tailor could not help but whistle. This is even more uncomfortable than letting Zero face Ymir, and what makes Zero more uncomfortable is that the old woman glared at him and said, "Take off the bathrobe!"

Ling's eyes widened immediately, and he was even slightly angry.

The old woman disdainfully said: "Hurry up, kid, we are in a hurry. Besides, you men are also special about that thing, so I see few Yisalan!"

After hearing this, Ling suddenly lost his breath, had to take off the bathrobe, and suddenly revealed a perfect body enough to make a woman scream. m