War Lord

Chapter 356: Night Banquet (2)


(Today's big seal, 1.5 words broke out in the fifth shift! Guiqiu collection, subscription, monthly pass!)

The black stretched RV was driving slowly in the city. This night, Asgart was very lively. []

Almost all the electricity is supplied to this huge mountain city, so that the exterior walls of every high-rise building are shining with lights of various colors. This is a scenario that will never happen in normal times. Even if Asgart has several large power stations, it cannot supply all the electricity to the city all day long. Therefore, on weekdays, at night, the city will use regional power peaks, and the peripheral areas even stop any power supply.

Only tonight is special.

Zero sat in the RV, and across from him sat an old man in a black dress. The old man is a master who Valkyrie specially invited to give zero temporary etiquette training. He came from a noble family and inherited a complete set of upper-class social etiquette from the old times. He is rumblingly instructing how the Zero Stay Club should behave at the banquet, from the distance to talk to the handshake when leaving, from the different etiquette between men and women to the details that should be paid attention to when eating and dining, and so on.

Difficulty Zero has almost opened up nearly half of the brain memory center in order to remember these things to record the words of the old man, while he himself is absent-mindedly looking at the world outside the car.

The main roads of Asgart can only be described as heavy traffic, and high-end RVs are driving on the road in an orderly manner. These cars all have different patterns, and each pattern represents a certain family in the upper class of Asgart. But as far as nothing is known, there are only three families in Asgartri that are truly rich.

They are the Helburn family, the Black Rose family and the Planing family. These three giants, whether they are politics or shopping malls, occupy an important position in Asgartri, and even the Twelve Lords Hall cannot ignore their voices. On this road, Zero will not see the cars of the three giants, because they have a special road.

The road dedicated to them distinguished them from ordinary nobles, and greatly widened the gap between ordinary nobles and real riches.

This knowledge is also something that Zero has just learned. Its origin, naturally, comes from the mouth of a master of etiquette. The old man is not only familiar with the social etiquette of the old age, but also knows the political power of Asgartri well. Of course, he can't give Zero a comprehensive class, but the general explanation is still possible. Among the three giants, which characters need attention, what characteristics and habits they have, and so on have been told one by one.

At this time, there was a bang from outside the car, followed by various lights that exploded over Asgart. It was a firework, but it was not made of gunpowder, but an energy firework released by the capable person of the elemental system. .

Zero opened the car window and stretched out his head. He saw countless fireworks exploding in the sky. They quickly formed the symbol of the Hall of Valor, and gradually receded. This is the prologue of the fireworks feast, and then one after another fireworks appear in the night sky. They change various patterns, such as blooming flowers, contending with each other, reflecting the city in different brilliance.

Looking at the fireworks in the night sky all the way, the car finally parked on the Baishi Square outside the city auditorium. An area has been planned for parking in the square. Except for the three big names and other high-ranking officials and dignitaries, other nobles have to get off here and walk to the auditorium with their own legs.

The auditorium covers an area of ​​nearly 10,000 square meters and looks like an elegant ancient temple, solemn and solemn. This is usually the place where the city council discusses politics, and occasionally becomes a stage for aristocrats to appreciate opera, but today it is an important place for celebration dinners.

Said it was a celebration dinner, but in fact it was just a title. The main purpose of this dinner is to provide an opportunity for the headquarters and the wealthy and nobles to communicate with each other. As for the promotion ceremony for a few people, it is just an incidental program. There is no interest or lack of interest in the tricks played by the upper class, but he has to come, even if it is for the sake of Ben's face, he gets the spot.

However, being able to show his face on this occasion is good for Zero's future.

After making the final confession, the old man drove Zero out of the car.

Ling tightened the dress on her body and walked towards the auditorium under the lead of the waiter. Because he is not an ordinary guest, the waiter takes a special channel. It entered from the west side door of the auditorium and passed through the wide hall directly to a room that had already been arranged.

It is a room, but it is as big as the living room of a zero apartment, with more than two hundred square meters. The hall was lit with soft lights, and there was beautiful music spinning soft melody in the room. In the room, Ling saw some familiar faces, which naturally included his comrades in the battle of Jotunheim.

Feng and Yoton were in the corner pointing to the waitress in the room, while Berion was sitting alone on a scarlet sofa drinking sullen wine. Su Qu was talking with a man, the man with his back to Zero, wearing a top hat and leaning on a cane, was handsome. Looking at him, Ling felt a little familiar. Then Su found zero, so the man turned his head, but it was Theon who kept the eight-character Hu.

Surprised, he stepped forward and said, "Mr. Theon, why are you here."

"It's hard to say in one word," Theon sighed.

At this time, the waitress came to the three of them with drinks, and walked away when she wanted red wine, leaving space for the two men. Theon furrowed his brows, he took a whiskey and drank it, while Zero asked for orange juice.

When the whiskey was almost to the end, Theon whispered: "Remute is over."

Ling lowered his head. On the way back, he had already heard the news.

The zero class people thought that by killing the creator Gullard, the crisis of Remte was resolved. In fact, in Gullard's plan, a plan to infiltrate and conquer Remut quietly unfolded and finally succeeded.

The troops led by Avignon were led away by the living corpses, which eventually led to a tragedy. Zero heard that most of the residents of Remut and some of Asgart’s defenders died in battle, including Doomhammer, a powerful person.

Leimoto thought Theon would not be spared either, but unexpectedly saw him here in Asgart.

Theon closed his eyes and said in pain: "I also wanted to die with Remte and Pera, but Mr. Avignon saved me. Now Lord Douglas allows me to be in this wonderful city. There is a place to stand, but as soon as I close my eyes, I will see everyone who died."

He shook his head and smiled bitterly: "My dream is over. But you are different, zero, you have just started."

Zero was silent, when the door opened, and the waiter said to everyone in the room: "Everyone, please come with me. The banquet begins."

The banquet officially began with a lively music played by the guard of honor composed of three hundred people. The hall as the venue is magnificently decorated, with soft and dim lights flashing on each face, women in elegant dresses and well-mannered men talk to each other, and there is a show of illusion on this huge stage. Pretending drama.

Waiters carrying fine wine and food shuttled among the crowd, music and human voices intertwined, weaving a picture like a flourishing age.

When she saw the hall, Ling felt a trance, as if time was chaotic, and the wilderness and the end of the world were just an absurd dream. It's no wonder he, after all, a soldier like Zero rarely has the opportunity to appear on such occasions on weekdays. Not only did Zero Birth feel this way, even the few people were stunned for a while. Only Belion seemed to be surprised, and he walked straight towards the venue.

"Your Excellency Douglas will not hold a soldier's promotion ceremony on such occasions for no reason. Zero, he must have deep meaning in doing so. One of them, definitely wants you to integrate into the upper class, don't miss this opportunity." Theon smiled as if already. Change back to the handsome man before. But in his eyes, the divine light of pain hidden in the depths betrayed him.

Theon just put on a mask, and he whispered towards Zero: "I'll talk to you later, I will leave first."

In He Zero's nod, Theon turned his cane and walked towards the crowd. There are so many people who know how to communicate by nature, and Theon is undoubtedly such a person. As for zero, it is undoubtedly not.

According to the procedures of the dinner, the opening ceremony is with Ben's speech and the buffet dinner. This is a relatively free link. All guests can move freely and talk with interested people without any restrictions. The middle procedure is the promotion ceremony for the zero class. Finally, there are speeches by some politicians and giants, after which the dinner can be declared over. Of course, if the guests are unwilling to leave, they can continue to stay. Anyway, the banquet party itself is ready to work overnight, and food and wine will definitely be continuously supplied.

Although in name, the few soldiers who survived from Jotunheim were the protagonists of the banquet. But in fact, there are many people who are more conspicuous than them. Among them, Valkyrie and Rocky are the ones who have received the most attention.

The goddess of war wore a long silver dress tonight, which perfectly interprets her glamorous temperament. From the moment Valkyrie entered the hall, the eyes of nearly 80% of the male animals in the hall stayed on her for a long time. Zero has never complained that his five senses are so sharp as he does now, otherwise he would not have to hear those whispers hidden in the hall under the sound of music and noise.

"Look~lightnovelpub.net~ The goddess has a really good figure."

"Yeah, I want to get her to bed more exciting."

"I want to taste her."

Nobility does not mean noble. The corrupt life corrupts the hearts of these people. The power of the superior position makes the ** lose the shackles of control. Therefore, in the eyes of Zero, these so-called nobles are sometimes more unethical than the wild beasts.

These foul language must not escape Valkyrie's ears, and Lei Xin wanted to be wrong with the occasion and time. Those who dared to point her to her might have been greeted by Valkyrie's gun.

While thinking about it, Valkyrie seemed to feel something, looking in the direction of zero. Suddenly, the two eyes met in midair. He nodded in greeting, and raised his glass to Valkyrie. Valkyrie kept his face cold, until he saw Zero at the moment, he showed a little smile.

Although there is only such a small smile, it makes people feel astonishing as melting ice and snow. ^-^Read without popup^_^m