War Lord

Chapter 357: Rocky


If Valkyrie's feeling is amazing, then Loki, the **** of darkness, is coquettish. * This handsome man, who was a bit more feminine than a woman, wore a long fur coat, and when he walked in from the entrance with a smoky look, he drew a scream of women.

Loki's fair complexion that attracted all the nobles gave him the same glamorous feeling as Valkyrie, but that handsome face was painted with eyeliner and eye shadow, and even put on lipstick, which made him incredibly coquettish. There was always such a cold smile on Loki's mouth, as if ridiculing the world all the time.

After he appeared, the noble ladies and wives in the hall quietly moved in Loki's direction. Women surrounded him, and under the cover of the lights and the crowd, some women even took the opportunity to show off their bodies with Loki.

In the deformed circle of nobility, men naturally have multiple female lovers, and women also have their own faces. Even swapping one's own bedmates is not uncommon, this is a rotten and degenerate circle, and Loki is undoubtedly the darling in this circle.

He has countless women, and almost all those beautiful ladies and wives have such inexplicable and ambiguous relationships with Loki, which makes all men go crazy, but there is nothing to bear. After all, Loki's tenth-level ability in the dark element is not a display, and if you are hostile to the dark god, then you must always beware of the dagger that will be pierced in the dark at any time!

On the other side, Loki was chatting with many women in the flowers, and the date of the date was even after the new year. And some bold women even hinted that Rocky could meet them in the garden behind the auditorium during the banquet. As for the content of the tryst, the content of physical pleasure is naturally indispensable.

Rocky has a distinguished status, and the women who can date him are not both rich and noble. He has many lovers, but they are still far from hungry, so many women in the hall still feel disappointed. But besides Loki, there are many other hunting candidates in the hall, and among these people, Zero is undoubtedly the first choice for those inferior aristocratic ladies.

First of all, Zero has no less than Loki's beauty. His facial features tend to be neutral, a bit less feminine than Loki, but more masculine, which is equally attractive; secondly, Zero is an excellent fighter. * The nobles who came to the banquet naturally asked who were attending the meeting long ago to distinguish among them who are worthy of friendship. There is no doubt that Zero is on the list of people who are worthy of friendship. Whether it is the merits of Jotunheim’s battle, or the fact that Zero himself has been promoted to become a high-level ability person, these are the value of zero.

In Asgart's value system, a person of the Holy Spirit possesses the identity and status of no less than aristocrats. Even they, who have a private guard, have more real power than the inferior nobles.

What Zero lacks is only the seniority in the aristocratic circle and the wealth necessary to support his identity. The former requires time. As for money, in turbulent times, a strong fighter like Zero will never lack wealth. As long as a foreign campaign is required, wealth that the inferior aristocrats may not obtain for a lifetime can be obtained. And just being promoted to the Holy Spirit itself means that Asgart has to pay him a lot of salary every month.

Therefore, in the eyes of the inferior aristocracy, zero is simply a potential stock. So after the surprise that Loki gave, two noble ladies began to squeeze towards Zero. They expressed their wishes with gorgeous words and obscurity, which made it very difficult for Ling, who had just received the training, to deal with it. And there are many of these young ladies who are bold and arrogant, using their bodies to directly express certain demands to zero through the cover of the crowd.

In turbulent times, men and women are very open, and nobles are even better than ordinary people. That stems from the need for continuation of offspring, so that the union between people is less of the innumerable moral shackles of the old age, and it tends to be the primitive mating of animals.

And Zero was surrounded by a dozen or so dressed-up women, looking very cramped. At this time, he felt that he didn't know which woman was behind, and he quietly pulled his hand into his skirt, letting Zero touch the smooth skin of the woman's thighs without any hindrance. This is a straightforward tease, which makes Zero feel overwhelmed.

Fortunately, when Juda was in trouble, suddenly a woman whispered: "Look, Loki is coming towards us."

This sentence is tantamount to the gospel to Zero, the woman who was entangled with Zero secretly had to let go of his hand, and Zero quickly left the warm place.

Looking up, it was Loki walking towards him as expected. Loki was like a group of black flames, Shi Shiran came and brought countless dark clouds, with a slight smile on his face, but his eyes were getting colder and colder while looking at Zero.

In a blink of an eye, he has come to Zero, and an aura full of various negative emotions rushes towards Zero. That is the unique aura of dark element abilities, and it is also a pseudo realm that only high-level abilities have the opportunity to form. Like Valkyrie, those with the ability of the pseudo-domain are considered to have the supreme potential to advance to the thirteenth order. Once you reach the thirteenth level, the capable person will have a real domain.

Regardless of the realm of authenticity, there are special powers of capable people. Such as Valkyrie's fighting spirit will weaken the opponent's strength and affect their fighting spirit. And Loki’s magical forbidden domain is obviously related to the dark and negative information. Zero knows that Loki did not fully open up his domain, but just tied it to his left, but when he gets closer, he can feel this aura. Terrible.

Within the scope of the pseudo realm, zero cannot be immune to its effects. And if it is a real domain, it can form its own rules, thus forming an absolute home field that is beneficial to the owner, thereby making the domain owner a god-like existence. Zero had to be grateful that Loki had not yet reached the height of the thirteenth order, otherwise he would have to commit suicide in despair as soon as the real field opened.

Now, Zero can still persevere.

He can be sure that Loki's pseudo-sphere is specifically for himself, and only for himself. If not, the nympho-like women near Loki would have been affected long ago, and they would look at Loki with pity. Zero didn't know where Loki's hostility came from, and all he could do now was to support it hard.

Shadow Wanderers also belong to high-level occupations, but Loki is known as the God of Darkness. The reason why he has the title of God in it has a lot to do with Loki's ability to evolve into a pseudo domain.

For those of the same high-level ability, whether there is a domain or not are definitely two different things. And Zero finally got a first-hand experience of how terrifying these guys called the Lord God are, countless negative emotions constantly attacking Zero's spiritual level. Zero can only clenched his steel teeth, otherwise he could not help but attack, so as to dispel the huge pressure that Loki had put on him.

There is no shortage of high-level abilities in the hall, Valkyrie is one of them, and she feels that Loki is opening up her domain. With a frown, Valkyrie was about to step forward. Unexpectedly, his hands were tight, but they were caught.

She turned her head to look, and saw Ben's face that was not smiling. Ben said: "Let them go, young people are always more energetic."

"Okay, father." Valkyrie had to give up his thoughts.

Fortunately, Loki finally put away his field. He looked at Ling and smiled: "Are you the one? Not bad, able to support in my field for nearly two minutes without doing anything, hey."

Ling said indifferently: "I don't know where I have offended Lord Loki, otherwise, why would your Excellency pressure me as soon as we meet?"

His voice fell silent, and some aristocratic ladies next to Loki had already yelled: "You rude fellow, how can you speak to Lord Loki like this, apologize immediately!"

"Yes, apologize!"

Countless noises rushed to the face, and zero power when the breeze was blowing, there was no pain or oxygen at all. However, the nearby guests had already noticed the abnormality here, all of them looked towards Zero and Loki, making Zero feel uncomfortable all over. In the end, Rocky raised his hand halfway, otherwise these women would be punishable by words.

"It's nothing, I just want to see how much of your weight is worthy of my father's attention." Rocky smiled brightly and said: "Not bad, at least your concentration is much better than many so-called strong people."

"Then Lord Loki has tried it, don't you know if I can leave?" Ling asked.

Rocky nodded: "Please, please."

Zero turned around and left, but Loki said again, "Zero, don't give me a chance to kill you."

The words that hadn't prepared the slightest mentally made him involuntarily, and he turned his head and looked at Loki with perplexity.

Rocky smiled and said: "I'm serious. From the beginning, I have to destroy the things my father likes, because only in this way will my father like me alone. Unfortunately, you happen to be the person your father likes, so you have to Beware of me all the time."

Leaving this sentence aside, Loki waved goodbye to Zero and left with a large group of noble ladies. Ling looked at his back, and shook his head a moment later. After Loki left, the attention of the crowd dissipated from the zero side. Su and Feng squeezed to the side of Zero and asked him what happened. Zero didn't hide it from them. After listening to Loki's rude remarks, the two could not help but yell at the same time: abnormal!

"If he is serious, then you have to be careful. If you can switch knight mode at any time, you don't have to be afraid of him even if you come to ten, but..." Feng shook his head and said "Why don't I and Su Ye move to your apartment? Anyway, you have empty rooms. In this way, everyone can help each other."

Zero said in a good tone: "You can move here anytime you want, no excuses~lightnovelpub.net~ Besides, people like Rocky don't care too much about his words, just a kid who is not growing up."

"Anyway, it's better to be careful." Su Ke still minds Loki's words, after all, Loki's reputation in Asgartri is far inferior to his brothers. Like the **** of mischief in the myth, although Loki didn't make a big mistake, as long as the people he looked at were always in trouble.

What's more, Loki is the commander of the Asgart assassination group "Dark Blade". If he really wants to kill zero, it is not impossible to push it cleanly afterwards.

Zero knew it was out of good intentions, so he nodded and said, "I will be careful."

At this time, the voice of the master of ceremonies sounded in the hall: "Attention, gentlemen and ladies, the next is an important moment for honoring our brave fighters. Our great leader, His Excellency Douglas, will personally preside over the honoring. Ceremony, now, let us have excellent fighters from Doomhammer...Zero!"

Hearing his name, Ling knew that he had to stand under Qianbai's sight again. He sighed secretly, the feeling of being noticed was really uncomfortable at all. ^-^Read without popup^_^m