War Lord

Chapter 359: cooperate


In a private meeting room in the auditorium, Ling met Beyonce, the owner of the generation of the Black Rose family. () The layout of the reception room is very simple, and there is no extra ornate decoration. The simple and spacious lobby is covered with dark red carpets, simple crystal lamps emit soft light, comfortable sofa sets and chairs are placed in the middle of the lobby, and only three bottles of red wine are placed in the wine cabinet made of black solid wood.

On the wall of the hall facing the entrance, there is an oil painting. The background of the oil painting is a field picture with blue sky and white clouds. Three farmers are bending over in the field and picking up wheat ears. Show it out and make the scene of farming come to life.

A slender figure turned her back to Zero. From the back, she was obviously a woman who was very well-dressed for her figure. The light gauze dress she wore on her body all perfectly set off her graceful figure. She wore a cocktail hat that was popular among European ladies in the old age. The so-called chicken tail cap is the exaggerated hat with colorful feathers pinned to it, and it is named because it looks like a chicken tail.

After sending Zero to this reception room, Cassillo quietly retreated, leaving space for Zero and Beyonce, the owner of the Black Rose's house.

To Zero's surprise, he didn't feel any breath of energy in Beyonce's body at all, and the biological energy of this wealthy Patriarch was not very obvious, but seemed vague like ordinary people. If it weren't for using a special method to hide one's breath, then the head of the Black Rose family was actually an ordinary person?

Obviously the second guess makes Zero somewhat unacceptable. In turbulent times, it is difficult for ordinary people to control a large family. Unless, like the Parkland chaebol, the kingdom from the old Brandt's own hard work, although it is an ordinary person, has been in charge until now.

But the Parkland chaebol was just a third-rate consortium in the circle of influence of the Dark Council, nothing more than the native nobles in the wilderness. However, the Black Rose family is one of Asgart's three giants. It controls Asgart's 13 economic sources, and is engaged in food and medicine businesses. There are hundreds of companies and factories. For a nobleman like this, whoever can be the head of the patron is not one of the most powerful people.

"In the old age of the Middle Ages in 1857, the French painter Miller created this "Gearing Picture". How does Mr. Zero think he painted it?" With her back to Zero, Beyonce asked faintly.

Zero-footed stared at it for nearly a quarter of an hour, and then said, "Very realistic and ordinary."

Beyonce chuckled softly: "As soon as I hear you, I know that Mr. Zero is a real warrior, not those noble princes who just wander around the studio salon and are full of gorgeous words..."

Ling said indifferently: "I am not a nobleman. I spend time with the **** of death every day, so naturally I don't have time to appreciate any art."

"Very well, I really like your straightforward character."

Beyonce turned around, but her face was blocked by the black veil hanging from the brim of her hat. With zero eyesight, I can only see the faint face behind the veil. Of course, if Zero is willing, as long as he adjusts the viewing distance of his left eye, he can see clearly. But he also knew that this was very impolite behavior.

The old man Rydes said to him in the first sentence: the first rule of communication between nobles, polite

Zero remembers very clearly, so she doesn't look like Beyonce. But judging from her outline, even though she is nearly thirty now, she is still a beautiful woman.

Beyonce said again: "Seeing that I am an ordinary person, is Mr. Zero disappointed? After all, the Black Rose family is also one of the three giants, and the owner of me has no ability at all. joke."

Zero shook his head and said, "I don't think so, I miss Beyonce..."

"I'm still squeezing. []" Beyonce felt like she knew why Zero stopped, gently tapping.

"Sorry, I want to say that Beyonce Soo can control this big family as an ordinary person. There must be something extraordinary. If I and you are the enemy, then people like Beyonce Soo are definitely I will kill the first person on the list. Because if there is no force, then Xiu must have enough and powerful wisdom to resist."

Beyonce finally felt surprised. She invited Zero to meet, without a doubt that she was soliciting. However, in the eyes of Beyonce, Zero is just a small bargaining chip. If it weren't for Black Rose to be the last among the three giants, Beyonce would still disdain to recruit a Holy Spirit. However, I took a fancy to Zero because a celebration banquet was specially held for him this evening, which had to make the contemporary Patriarch of the Black Rose Family reconsider the value of Zero.

But even so, Zero won't get much benefit from her, and she won't give zero much. But now, Beyonce has to reconsider the positioning of zero. Through the black veil, Beyonce looked seriously at zero. Just like external rumors, Ling has a very handsome but masculine appearance. If Beyonce was ten years younger than a man like this, she would definitely be moved by it.

And now, the precipitation of ten years has long allowed Beyonce to put away the romantic feelings of her youth. Now when she looks at a person, she pays more attention to the person's heart and potential. In terms of potential, Beyonce is not worried that she is doing a loss-making business, because even if she doesn't evaluate it, with the outside world's opinion of zero, this young man will be at least a tenth-tier strong in the future. If he re-forms his own pseudo-domain, then Zero has the terrifying potential to directly point to the twelfth level, and even to aspire to the thirteenth level.

So now Beyonce is observing Zero's heart, she finds Zero has a pair of clear eyes. Left black and right gold, although there are two odd pupils, no matter which pupil is clear, it looks like a puddle of clear water. Beyonce knows that people with this kind of eyes do things directly, and repay them with grace; if they are the enemy, then they must suffer thunder strikes.

Suddenly, Beyonce had already thought about it.

"I want to talk to Mr. Zero to see if there is any possibility of cooperation between us." Beyonce came to the sofa cover chair and made a "please sit down" gesture towards Zero.

Zero sat down generously and found that a bosom of fine wine had already been placed on the black stone table.

Beyonce said to Zero: "These are the real fine wines of the old age. The most rare thing is that they are not contaminated. Please use it, Mr. Zero. We will talk about other wines after tasting the wine."

After taking a sip, only the taste is sweet and fragrant, without the slightest bitterness. But he was full of stamina after drinking, his handsome face suddenly flushed, and then slowly spit out a breath of alcohol from his mouth and nostrils. After a while, he was surprised: "What kind of wine is this? The stamina is so powerful."

"It's a tequila brewed by a secret method. The brewing method has been lost, and there are only three bottles left in the entire world. Normally, I can't stand it after a single sip. Mr. Zero drank half of the glass in one breath, and he was still able to stay awake. "Beyond Liss smiled slightly, and at the same time she picked up her arms, took a light sip and savored it in her mouth.

Lingjun blushed again, but this time it wasn't a drunkard, but rather a little embarrassed after listening to Beyoncé's words. He doesn't want to get Beyoncé to treat him with a wine that is hard to find in this world. He took it out casually to entertain him.

Look at Beyonce's attitude of tasting light products. Just now, her violent pouring of qi was like a cow drink, and she was really rude to home. Zero secretly shook his head, and laughed at himself for not being a noble.

After drinking a sip of tequila, Beyonce flew up two red clouds. She put aside her wine and looked at Zero: "Every Holy Spirit has the qualifications for private property. I think Mr. Zero will definitely not just be willing to be a fighter who obeys his orders. Then, the company or factory will probably be the next road. Mr.’s choice. Although our family is not as wealthy as Helburn and Planning, apart from these two, there is no other family in Asgartri that can win in terms of financial resources, resources, talents or even other aspects. Go to my home."

"It's not that I am bragging, but it is true." Beyonce said slowly: "So I have a suggestion, Mr. Zero to see if it is appropriate."

"Please say."

Beyonce said: "Our family can provide Mr. Zero with a start-up capital. If Mr. Zero needs it, we can also provide you with materials and talents, even soldiers or capable people. Of course, we have limited resources. As for the limit, it depends on the role Mr. Zero can play."

Xiaoxiao asked, "Then I don't know what kind of help Beyonce Xiu needs me to provide."

"A lot." Beyonce said lightly: "For example, Mr. Zero and your team's combat power, although we are engaged in the production and development of food and medicine, sometimes we will search and develop some uninhabited areas in the wilderness. Mr. Zero is born in the wilderness. It should be known that there are terrible aliens or arrogant aliens lurking in some areas. At this time, a strong person like Mr. Zero needs to be suppressed. Second, if needed, Mr. Zero can stand. Our family’s position supports some of our decisions, which is also very useful. Also, if Mr. Zero finds some peculiar and valuable things, such as creatures, or items of ancient civilization, we may give priority to us, and our family will buy it. The price is definitely more reasonable than the official price~lightnovelpub.net~ Among the three functions listed by the Beyonce Show, I asked myself to do the first and the third. But the second one, I don’t think it’s my own The voice is enough to influence the will of those in power, such as Mr. Douglas."

Beyonce smiled and said: "Mr. Zero doesn't have to belittle yourself. With your potential, one day you will become a figure on the upper level of the pyramid. I just buy myself insurance in advance."

"Xiu's confidence in me is even greater than me." Ling smiled and asked: "Let's talk about the third point. If I can provide you with an ancient civilization spaceship, I don't know Beyoncé Xiu How much are you willing to pay for the acquisition."

This sentence shocked Beyonce's body like a blockbuster. After thinking for a while, she slowly raised a finger.

"Ten million?" Ling was slightly disappointed.

"No, it's a billion" Beyonce corrected. ;_
