War Lord

Chapter 360: Anger in my heart


"One hundred million?" Ling's eyes widened, and with his calm and composure, he was also shocked by this number. ()

What is the concept of 100 million?

I remembered that preparing for Leah's rebirth plan, the start-up capital of the entire plan required four million. And four million is an astronomical figure for zero at the time. It is important to know that every adult man in the wilderness needs no more than two hundred continental currency for a year’s life. If it is 100 million, it is enough fifty. One year's livelihood of 10,000 people.

That is an unimaginable huge number. After all, the total population of the entire Central Continent does not exceed one million.

The reason why Zero asked this question was entirely because he thought of the Atlans six-wing ship that he had discovered under the big rift near Death Ridge. His original intention was to estimate a price for the spacecraft, but Beyonce did not expect that Beyonce gave an astronomical figure.

Ignoring Zero who was still in shock, Beyoncé said excitedly: "Of course, this number is close to nearly a quarter of our family's property. Even if I agree, it needs to be authorized and signed by the family elders. All are paid in cash. But we can pay Mr. Zero 50 million in cash, and the rest can be offset by talents or resources. And this number is the initial value. If this spacecraft can bring us a technological breakthrough, then we will still Add the next expenses of the husband, or the husband can consider participating in our shares. Although there is no way to get cash, the dividends per quarter are also very considerable figures. The people and things needed for mining and transportation can be given to us at full authority. You can do it, Mr. Zero doesn't have to spend a dime on it. So the question now is, where is the spaceship you found, Mr. Zero?"

Zero said awkwardly, "Sorry, Miss Beyonce. I just made an assumption."

"Suppose?" Beyonce was disappointed.

The discovery and excavation of the holy sites is not just the exclusive project of the Hall of Valor and the Dark Council, such as the three giants of Asgart, the core member families of the Evernight City and other big chaebols, they also know the existence of the holy sites. The cataclysm brought devastating disasters to the earth, and a series of changes such as environmental changes and crustal changes caused by the past have allowed the hidden and unknown relics of ancient civilizations to appear.

Through the excavation of the sacred sites, people found that Atlantis’s technological civilization was far more than the current level for several generations, especially in terms of energy use, they have reached the level of zero pollution. This is the most needed and most urgent technology for people living on earth now. By using non-polluting energy systems for reverse reasoning, people can even create technologies that change the existing climate and environment.

Take Yongyecheng, their magnetic energy shield system is one of the results developed on the basis of Atlantis civilization. Although it is still in its infancy, it has begun to gradually change the environment within Yongye City. At least the people in that city really live on the ground, unlike Asgart that still uses the natural environment to isolate the surface from radiation pollution.

So it is conceivable that if the Black Rose family gets an Atlantis spacecraft, both in terms of technology and economy, it will be enough to make the Black Rose family achieve a qualitative leap. At that time, it was not a dream to overwhelm the other two giants.

With just one "hypothesis", Beyonce fell from the clouds to the ground, and the disappointment was beyond words. But Beyonce is also a smart person. As far as she knows, most of the holy sites found in the Hall of Valor are buildings like bases, and she has never heard of the discovery of spaceships. Since Zero put forward the hypothesis of a spaceship, it means that even if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he must have seen some related records or revelations.

So Beyonce said: "Then start cooperation as we originally agreed, but if Mr. Zero really finds the spaceship, please seriously consider my suggestion just now."

"Relax, Miss Beyonce. If I have a spaceship for sale, you will definitely be the first one to find." Nodding and saying.

Beyonce finally regained her smile, and she said: "From this moment on, we are the most loyal partners, and Mr. Zero said that I was fine with Lisi."

"Follow your instructions, Miss Lis." Ling Wei smiled.

And then, the two talked for a while, mainly on some specific cooperation details. Before the end of the conversation, Beyonce handed Zero a pocket-sized intellectual brain. In this brain, there are some scientific and technological achievements of the Black Rose family, such as weapon design drawings, production flow diagrams, food recipes, etc. Of course, what Beyonce gave to zero will never be the latest achievement of the family, but some popular products.

But even ordinary products are high-end products for people in the wilderness. Ling took a fancy to weapons design and processing materials. As long as these things are produced as finished products, and then sold through the wilderness agent of Master, they will be able to obtain initial profits. It's just that the construction of factories, the recruitment of workers, and the rationing of middle and senior managers still need some time to prepare.

Another important function of the brain is to be able to contact Beyonce or Cassirio at any time to facilitate the efficiency of cooperation between the two. When Ling left the room with this intellectual brain, the celebration party was over. Most of the people have left the auditorium, only a small number of young men and women stayed, taking advantage of this elegant environment to talk about love affairs.

At the other end of the city, a black car drove into a manor. The manor was quiet, the car was parked by the fountain in the vestibule, and one person got out of the car, but it was Berion in the Doomhammer uniform.

Berion looked up at the house in front of him. The windows on the house were all black, and it was obvious that the people in the house had already rested. At this moment, it is almost one o'clock in the morning, even if the servants are resting early, after all, they will have to meet a busy day at six tomorrow.

Only the lights in the corridor downstairs are still on, illuminating the way home for those who return late.

Berion walked toward the path leading to the house. The front was his home, but he had already left for menstrual periods, but he didn't feel at all going home. Had it not been for a person he cared about in the family, perhaps Berion would never step into this house again.

Pushing open the door, stepped into the dark hall. Berion walked through the hall in a familiar way, and walked around to his room behind the hall.

He is considered one of the owners of this house, but Berion's room is next to the servants, and it seems that his status is not necessarily so noble. Pushing open the door, a strong smell of alcohol pounced on his face. Berion frowned, and before he could turn on the light, something hit him in the dark.

Berion stretched out his hand and caught it cold, and a few drops of liquid splashed on his hand. He turned on the light in the room blankly, and then shouted into the room without looking, "Arendt, get out of me before I do anything!"

The room is not big, only about 30 square meters. For a person like Berion, such a room is not worthy of his identity. The decoration of the room is also very simple. The ground is a wooden floor that has been polished "Flower", and a punching bag for boxing is hung in the middle. There is a table in the corner with a few photos on the table. A single bed rested by the window, with only a thin layer of bedding.

Generally speaking, such a room is okay, but it is shabby for Berion's position in this family.

Berrien's father was somewhat of a middle-class nobleman in Asgartri, and owned a manor of his own. Improved grapes are planted in the manor for the purpose of making red wine. The Berrien family mainly deals in red wine, and the income is not bad, and it is more or less able to maintain the ostentation that a nobleman deserves. It's just that Berion's status in this family is not very good. His mother was originally a maid from a humble background. Only because of his beauty, his father officially became his wife after getting drunk and having **** with him one day.

It is not unusual for an aristocratic man to have several wives, but Berion’s mother was not well-born, so he didn’t get the respect he deserved. But she is very clever. With her help in managing the business of the winery, the family's income increases every year, gradually gaining the favor of her father. But after giving birth to Belion and daughter Anna, Belion's mother died of illness.

Although his father still took care of Berion and Anna, because they were the sons of the servants, they received many eyes. The biggest reason that Berion stayed in this home was his sister.

And now, the young man who was lying on his bed full of alcohol was named Arendt, who counted as Belion's younger brother. It's just that this Arendt is doting with his father, always oppressing Belion and Anna overtly and secretly. If it hadn't been for Anna, with Berion's temper, this so-called younger brother would have been secretly killed by him, how would he keep him until now.

At this moment, Arendt ignored Berion’s murderous gaze and lazily said on the bed: “Brother Berion, my good brother. You’re so majestic, I’m invited to a celebration in the auditorium as soon as I come back. I heard that That's a place where only real nobles can visit. Soon, eldest brother, you will soon become a big noble, and then move out to live? Speaking of which, you two are really cheeky. You have lived in my house for many years. "

"Your house?" Berion sneered: "I don't want to argue with you. You'd better get out of here while I'm not angry!"

"What do you look like?"

Berion's disdainful expression angered Arendt. The young man jumped out of the bed and walked over to Berrien with a sullen face and said, "You are just children of a mean life. Do you really want to be my brother and sister?"

Berion said with a cold face~lightnovelpub.net~ said nothing.

Arendt felt boring, and after a snort from his nostrils, he walked drunk towards the door. But he stopped in front of the gate, snapped his fingers and said, "Oh, forget it. Although it's a bitch's child, sister Anna makes me so comfortable. I can't believe it, it turns out that she was in bed like this Active and safe with her usual Fu Wenjing appearance. I think your mother is also that kind of person, so my father would like her."

Berion had planned to ignore the brother, but when he heard these words, his whole body suddenly tightened, and then slowly relaxed. He raised his hand and made a vain move, and the door in front of Arendt suddenly went silent. The loud shutting sound shocked Arendt, and then he found that the lights in the room were flashing non-stop, and waves of blue electric snakes jumped from Berion's body.

Arendt suddenly remembered that although Belion was the son of a bitch, he was also a seventh-order capable person.

Berion slowly turned around and said every word: "Now I change my mind, you can't go even if you want to get out."

On his calm face, there was raging anger in his eyes! ^^Read without popup^_^m