War Lord

Chapter 361: Origin

w (The first day of the big seal is over, the results are not very satisfactory, and I have to continue to work hard. () Guiqiu subscribe! We will add 50 more, three changes a day! Now there are only 170, please do it!)

Berion looked at the brother who was somewhat related to him quietly. He looked carefully, almost inch by inch, slowly staring at Arendt from top to bottom. When he came straight to Arendt's stalls, Berion asked slowly: "Where is Anna?"

Arendt originally wanted to say "Why do I want to tell you", but when it came to his lips, it became: "She was sent away by her father."

"Where to send it?"

"Wilder!" Arendt exhausted all his strength and burst out this sentence: "She will stay at home and will only tarnish our family. Now, she may have stepped down to beg for mercy by a man with mutated tissues all over her body. Bar."

Arendt became nervous under the calm but great pressure of Belion. He smiled, but tears flowed down involuntarily. He was too scared.

I've never seen Berion like this.

In this home, Berion has always been arrogant and arrogant. Not to mention the brother Arendt, even their father was not seen by Berion. At home, Berion would only show a gentle side in front of his sister Anna. As for the others, don't expect Berion to smile at them.

But now Berion is different, and this bedroom is full of Berion's breath. He is like a calm sea, but the sea is rough. What's terrible is that Arendt is not on the sea, but under the sea!

Countless undercurrents of aura constantly impacted Arendt, and he hadn't gone crazy yet, even Arendt admired his will.

"very good."

As Belion uttered these two words, the huge pressure in the entire room disappeared completely, but Arendt felt a huge gap.

This gap needs something to fill, otherwise Arendt will be terribly uncomfortable as it is now.

Berion stretched out **** and said, "Arendt, you got two things wrong."

"The first thing, you shouldn't move Anna. She is my sister, and the only person in the world I care about. More importantly, Anna is my shackles. The fierce beast trapped in my heart The shackles!"

Berion said flatly, but Arendt seemed to see another pair of eyes in his eyes.

The eyes of a fierce beast.

Berion approached Arendt: "The second thing, you always thought I didn't dare to kill you, right? Actually you got it wrong. I didn't dare to kill you, I just didn't want to waste my energy. But now you Do a stupid thing, you know why your father sent Anna away. Defile the family? Don't be kidding, father is just for you, for you, an idiot who has formal inheritance rights."

As he spoke, Berion stretched out his hand and grabbed Arendt's stall.

Berion gave a cruel smile: "Go to **** and remember to accompany Anna!"

The next moment, an electric current of more than one million volts broke into Arendt's body, and Arendt's sharp scream suddenly sounded in the room. In the dark house, all the windows suddenly lit up. Followed by the messy footsteps, they disrupted the peace of the night.

The night is long and short. Time is fair and not shifted by human will. In the dark, happy people hope that the day will come later; while painful people hope that the night will end early. There is only time, only time. It insists on its own pace, taking the second as the unit, and taking the next step justly, until the night becomes the day, announcing the arrival of another day.

It was still early in the morning, and Asgart was quiet. After the hustle and bustle of last night, no matter how prosperous the city is, people will feel inexplicably empty. When the holographic electronic board of the sky dome calculated the image of the rising sun, the first rays of sunlight cast so quietly on this cemetery in the eastern suburbs.

The Heroes’ Cemetery is a cemetery planned by Asgart to commemorate the heroes who have made great contributions to the city, enabling them to have a quiet and sacred place to sleep.

In this cemetery, there are rows of metal tombstones. The tombstone is engraved with Gothic English swashes with great names. These names may have been just lower-level soldiers during his lifetime, or mighty generals. No matter what their identities are, without exception, they have given everything for the city of Asgart, including their lives!

Still early in the morning, a faint figure appeared on the smooth path of the cemetery. He was holding a bunch of wild flowers in his hand, and his eyes swept across the tombstone. Until the end, he stopped, and then divided the wildflowers into three bunches and placed them in front of the three tombstones.

Three tombstones, three names, from left to right are Johnny, Agatha, and Ma Pei.

He sat down, looked at the tombstone and said, "Are you still used to your new home? Friends."

The sun shines on Ling handsome face, with a faintly smoky smile, he said: "I'm so sorry, I almost had to go with you. But I'm still back, please forgive my selfishness, just compare When I die, I think I can do more by living. So please let me live a little longer and let me do more meaningful things. When that day is here, I will meet you again."

In this way, Ling sat in front of the three tombstones and gently told something. He talked a lot, talking about his dreams from the night banquet last night, as if as long as he said it, Agatha and the others would be able to hear his own confession.

"Dream. Remember, Agatha, you asked me what my dream was that night in the wilderness. I replied that I wanted to destroy this world. Only by destroying this world can we re-make the rules. Think about it now, I Too extreme. So I made some changes. I want to change the world. Let my wife be at home and wait for her husband’s return, so that the children can live happily with their relatives, so that the elderly can support their children without hard work. Myself, let the men get what they need to survive without having to fight the alien beast..." Ling Ku said with a smile: "In this way, my dream is a bit big, it seems a little overwhelming. But I Willing to try, even if it fails in the end, I want to try to create such a world."

"This is not only my dream, but also the dream of most people. It's just that, the burden on your shoulders is a little heavier." Zero looked at the sky and felt relieved after saying all this to Agatha and the others. A lot.

There was a sudden movement in his heart, and a smile naturally appeared on his face.

"If the burden is heavy, just find more people to carry it together."

Feng's hearty voice rang behind Ling, and Ling did not look back. After a while, Feng was already sitting next to him. She had always come. She was wearing Doomhammer's uniform. She was not as charming as she was when she wore a dress last night, but she was a little more sassy.

Su also picked some wild flowers and placed them in front of the three tombstones of Agatha.

Feng looked at the tombstone and said, "Let the dead let them rest. As for those of us who are alive, we naturally have to find some work. If you don't mind, we are willing to share some of the burden on the captain's shoulders, but it's not free. Just work."

Su's ears trembled, and he turned around and cursed: "Cheesy."

Feng made a haha ​​and said, "You don't need money to pick up girls for dinner. This is called life. Do you understand?"

Su sneered: "You are just eating and waiting to die, but I am ashamed to say that it is life. I feel ashamed for you."

Feng also didn't care, rolled his eyes and said, "We really belong to two worlds."

He looked towards Zero again and said: "The words are back, what does the captain plan to do next?"

"Prepare funds, talents, and resources. Then start a company. We will go out independently. After the company is on track, we can develop into the no-man's land on the wilderness. In short, explore, occupy and then explore!" Zero said simply. I made my own ideas and said: "But before that, I have something to say to you. Go, I have already asked Eva to gather at her house at noon, let me tell you something by the way."

"Perhaps, these things can help you avoid detours on the evolutionary road." Zero Mystery smiled.

In the picture created by the holographic panel, a few people appeared in Eva's house on the outskirts when the sun rose high at noon. Eva's house can't be considered small, but the hall is not so spacious when four people are installed in it.

On the small tea table in the living room, there are four arms of clear water. Eva is no better than Beyonce, and can casually take out the private wine to entertain the guests. In turbulent times, fine wine is one of the most expensive luxury items, but not anyone can get it.

In the hot weather, Eva wore a tank top and hot pants, showing her beautiful figure with all expressions. She sat cross-legged on the sofa, her long and smooth legs attracted Feng's attention frequently. Eva didn't seem to notice anything, and said lazily to zero: "If you have anything to say, I can do it quickly."

Eva has been helping Victor in the laboratory during the zero expedition. This woman was very interested in the rebirth project, and she focused on genetic and biochemical research, but felt a little like-minded with Victor. Today, I was asked by zero, but I was a little absent-minded, and seemed to be a little impatient.

Ling looked at the three people in the hall and sighed. I think he has been single-handedly since his debut, and now he has started to have his own companions, a laboratory, and the "career" that is still under planning, which can be regarded as a small gain.

He took a deep breath ~lightnovelpub.net~ and looked at these three comrades who will be the core of his team, and asked: "What do you think is the origin of the world, or the universe?"

Even Eva, who was starting to lose focus, started thinking about this issue seriously. Feng scratched his head and said, "This is a bit philosophical. To be honest, this aspect is not my strong point."

Subai glanced at him and asked, "Do you have any strengths?"

Feng immediately jumped up, tried to straighten up his waist and proudly said: "Any beauty who has slept with me will know where my strength lies!"

The feelings of comrades-in-arms in Ling Xin suddenly disappeared. He shook his head with a headache and said, "I think we should be more serious."

At this time, Eva sternly said: "Essence, does it mean energy?"

In a word, Feng and Su who were gritted his teeth were quiet, and both of them showed thoughtful expressions.

He nodded and said, "Yes, the origin of the universe is energy. The wind and grass, the sun and the moon and the water are rising and tidal, all are manifestations of energy activity." m