War Lord

Chapter 362: Rules (1)

w "Captain, where do you know these things? Reading? Or the central brain brain database?" Feng asked next to him.

Ling shook his head and said: "Neither is it, it was Agradis who told me."

"Agradis? Never heard of it, celebrity?" Feng was confused.

Not only Feng, Su and Eva obviously don't know who Agradis is.

"He is not a celebrity, but almost everyone will know him." Zero organized a suitable way of expression in his heart, and said after a moment of meditation: "Let's put it this way, he can be strictly counted and can be a person, but a projection of his will. ."

Petty toes touched the ground: "The will of this planet, yes, we prefer to call him the earth. Agradis is just his real name."

The living room was very quiet. Not only did Feng open his mouth wide and looked dumbfounded, even the other two women also widened their eyes. He didn't dare to imagine that Zero had actually communicated with the will of the planet.

"He told me what the origin of the universe is. It's in Yodenheim." Zero's eyes gradually deepened, and his thoughts returned to a certain moment.

In Jotunheim, when Zero Frequency died, in his world of consciousness, Ria Gladys evoked his will to survive with the **** of Zero Heart. But when Zero decided to go back, Agradis said to him: "Don't worry, the time axis between the conscious world and the real world is different. You stay here for one hundred and one thousand years, In the real world, it’s just a blink of an eye. So you calm down and listen to me. Next, I’m going to tell you the secrets of the universe."

Looking at zero with a blank face, Agradis shook his head and said: "In your current state, even if you go back, you will not be the opponent of Prosius' toy. I can wake up all the potential in your body, but I don't understand. You, the origin of the universe, cannot yet control the power of glory. So you, let me give you a theory lesson first."

With a wave of Agradis's hand, a dazzling galaxy appeared in the world of consciousness, and an expansive picture of the universe appeared in Zero's eyes. The magnificent picture composed of countless planets deeply shocked Zero's mind. In the huge space of the universe, Zero can no longer see the location of the earth, and it seems that even what is happening on it has become irrelevant.

Just like humans and ants, no matter how important events happen in the kingdom of ants, humans simply dismiss it.

"I admire the philosophy of the Easterners very much. They will use such brilliant words as a drop in the sea to describe what you are thinking now." Agradis said indifferently among the galaxies of the universe, "As you can see now, How broad the universe is, it has almost no boundaries. And you humans have put forward the theory of multiverse as early as the old age, which represents an infinite world."

"But..." Agradis waved his hand, and the scene that Zero Eye saw began to regress.

The planets all over the universe kept concentrating towards one point, and finally returned to nothingness, so darkness lay in front of Zero's eyes.

Endless darkness.

"What you just saw was the post-cosmic era, and now, it is the dark period of the universe, also known as the pre-cosmic era." Following Agradis's words, a cloud of light was generated in the darkness. The light began to gradually disperse again, but it seemed to be bound by something. It could only extend to a certain range and then stopped, forming an elliptical cloud of light.

"Tell me, Zero, what are these things?" Agradis asked softly.

Petty used all his thoughts to sense, and suddenly he felt active energy. They are full of vitality, and there is a sudden change in energy that exceeds a nuclear explosion in every second. There is no doubt that this is a group of energy full of terror and explosive, but also full of vitality.

"Is it energy?" Zero blurted out.

Agradis nodded and said: "Yes, the original form of the universe is energy. Remember, zero, energy is the source of everything. And all the material forms of planets, even life, sand, trees, mountains, rivers, but It’s another form of energy."

These words resounded like waves of thunder in Zero's ears. He faintly grasped the deep meaning of Agrandis' words, but he couldn't tell what it was, only a vague feeling. Zero knew that when this level of feeling became clear, his cognition of the world would reach another level.

Pointing to the cloud of light, Agradis said again: "Zero, another thing you have to remember is that the world has no eternity, and the universe has no eternity. Everything is changing, every minute and every minute. Seconds are not the same. Just like a leaf, you look at it as if there is no change, but the molecules in the leaf are constantly changing. Don't be blinded by the appearance of things, find the law of change and master it , You will be invincible."

Zero was suddenly shocked, and her heart was ecstatic. A word from Agradis opened the door to another hall for him. In his career, an excellent sniper must grasp any changes in his opponent and count them. However, there is a higher level of meaning in Agradis's words. Changes are no longer limited to the opponent, but are related to the environment, light and even the most fundamental laws.

Changes in energy!

Following the words of Agladis, the elliptical light cloud in the universe began to change. In the uniform light cloud, a little strong light exploded. Pointing to the strong light, Agradis said: "See, that is the change of the universe. In the pre-universe era, all energy was bound together invisibly. However, energy is always in change. If a singularity changes explosively like it is now, then the balance will be broken, just like this."

In Zero's eyes, the big bang he saw in the star pattern was repeated. It was only at this moment that Agladis explained it, so that Zero could understand the true meaning of it.

"When the explosion occurred, the energy expanded infinitely and looked for a more stable form in the void. As a result, matter was produced, which is the planet." Agradis waved his hand and appeared in front of Zero's eyes. Nebula map of the Milky Way. One of the sky-blue stars is particularly eye-catching because it is the earth.

The picture suddenly came in, and Zero was in a deep ocean. A great biological evolution is taking place in the ocean. From the emergence of single-celled organisms to the emergence of the first generation of marine organisms, the evolution has not stopped, which means that the energy has not stopped for a moment.

"What is the ultimate of matter? Zero, as you can see, is life!" Agradis said solemnly: "Life is a miracle of the entire universe, another sublimation of the transformation of energy into matter. And possessing a ratio. The more advanced intelligence of animals and the independent consciousness of you. Human beings are the sublimation of matter on this planet."

"Zero, you are unique. Even if there are other intelligent creatures in the broad universe, you are the only one who can be called human in the entire multiverse. You are fragile and sometimes filthy. It cannot be denied that you are good at creating miracles. Race, in your race group, there are many people who exude light and heat like brilliance. It is with the existence of such people that human beings can continue to this day without being eliminated by time like other species." Si sternly said: "You can be called the best creation, and the pace of evolution has never stopped. Even if civilization changes, you still strive to survive. You represent the highest level of material form."

"However, any species has natural enemies. Zero, have you ever thought about whether the planet also has natural enemies?"

"Natural enemy?" Zero felt at a loss, what would the planet's natural enemy be?

Suddenly, he remembered the beast he saw in the star pattern.

Like a huge darkness, a star beast that feeds on the energy of the planet!

"Yes, that's it. Prosius, the mortal enemy of the planet and the entire universe."

Agradis spoke lightly, a deep sadness in his tone. Behind him, the picture was once again zoomed out, returning to the endless cosmic void. A cloud-like darkness appeared in the depths of the void, from far to near, so that Zero could see its full picture.

It is like a group of constantly changing thunderclouds, and there are red snakes crossing the clouds with shock and electricity. Countless squirming black cloud pillars differentiated from the edge of the cloud, like the tentacles of this star beast. In the middle of the cloud group, there are six diamond-shaped red lights fanned out, like the eyes of a star beast. The eyes of these six stars were full of violent and destructive aura, making Zero shudder.

It was pure brutality, no hatred, no anger, UU read www.uukanshu. Com doesn't have all emotions in it. It simply destroys all the planets it sees and passes by.

The painting changes again, and there are countless pictures interlaced in front of Zero's eyes. In each picture, there is a scene of Prosius raging on a certain planet, and various strange life that has never been seen before, using different ways to fight against this day of foreign visitors. The planets visited by Prosius all became dust in the universe.

"Prosius, we only know that it came from a very distant nebula. But how it was formed, what will it possessed, we have no way of knowing. When it was discovered, several galaxies had already been destroyed by it." Gladys' eyes are full of helplessness: "We are made of energy and matter, but Prosius is the completely opposite existence. We can only say that it has made mistakes in the link of evolution and is a loophole in the universe. It is itself based on A life that exists in a pure form of energy, but it can reduce everything into energy, and then feed it, so as to obtain the nutrients for survival and the energy for evolution."

"If it is not prevented, in theory, when Prosius continues to grow indefinitely. It will eventually destroy the entire universe, and then break through the dimension and march towards the entire multiverse. At that time, Prosius will become the supreme top. Life is like the dusk of the gods in Nordic mythology." Agradis said: "Prosius will become the terminator of the multiverse, it will end life and the future. End, everything!" m