War Lord

Chapter 363: Rules (2)


"It is a life form that exists in the form of energy. Although our will can penetrate into outer space, it is unable to attack it. This is also the reason why Prosius was able to ramp up the universe. ~ You). Until an accident happens... "Agradis closed his eyes and said: "On this planet, there have been many civilizations. In the fourth generation of civilization, the super-technological civilization represented by Atlantis has made this planet glow. Unparalleled vitality. Technology, life, culture, and art have reached unprecedented heights."

"Zero, you can't imagine that Atlantis will discover the mystery of energy faster than you."

In front of Zero's eyes, a blue ocean appeared. The golden sun rises slowly above the sea level, and against the blue sky and white clouds, a floating island on the sea level looks so spectacular. The picture is zoomed in, and Zero is like standing in the clouds, and there are mountains suspended in the air on the floating island, waterfalls flowing down from the mountains, and the surging water vapor in the mid-air phantom makes its way to the colorful rainbow bridge.

On the main island, there are countless magnificent cities. The largest city is located in the middle of the island. There are towering palaces in the city, and various ancient buildings are distributed for the second time in a circle. In the middle of the city, a tall statue of a samurai stands. The statue holds a perfect hexagonal crystal high, and the spar is shining with energy, and it is continuously transported to all parts of the city.

From the air, it can be seen that there are distinct energy networks all over the city, but there is no building similar to a power station in the entire city. All energy on this floating island is taken from nature.

"This is?" Ling asked, but he had already guessed the answer in his heart.

"The main city of Atlantis, the city of the sun." Agradis stretched out his hand, the screen zoomed in, and an apron-like field appeared.

On this vast ground, parked the six-wing spacecraft that Zero had seen in the big rift.

Agradis said: "The human beings in this civilization are undoubtedly lucky. Since discovering the mystery of energy, the Atlanteans have separated energy from the light source and applied it to various fields. They It also evolved to a critical point, a critical point only one step away from a perfect creature. This makes Atlantis already possess the ability and conditions to explore the mysteries of the universe. However, in the process of exploration, one of the spaceships attracted Here comes Prosius’s attention. Over hundreds of millions of light-years away, Prosius came to our Milky Way galaxy, and came towards the earth precisely."

The picture changed again, and countless six-wing ships were taking off. And there are so many small airships, and the Atlantis people have all their talents and are welcoming the sky. Above the sky dome, the blue sky disappeared. Instead, the marginal darkness is almost invisible. Cloud pillars that spin endlessly like a drill bit are piercing from outer space toward the ground. Each cloud pillar is surrounded by exploding light spots like stars. It is Yate. The soldiers of Landis are facing a huge threat from outer space!

This is a fierce war, with a disparity of hundreds of millions to one, but the party with a large number does not have an overwhelming advantage. Prosius differentiated from his body an energy worm the size of a floating ship, and they swarmed toward the warriors of Atlantis. Every minute and every second, a fireball bursts in the sky, and what follows is either a destroyed floating ship or an energy bug that is constantly disappearing.

However, the airship is limited, and the energy bug is infinite for Prosius. So with the passage of time, the balance of victory gradually tilted to the side of Prosius, who was like a demon outside the territory.

The picture disappeared suddenly, and there was no gasping for breath. The indescribable battle made him feel a deep shock from his soul to his body. Zero looked at Agladis and asked, "What was the result?"

"You are still standing here, isn't the result obvious?" Although Agradis was smiling, his smile was full of sorrow: "At the end of the war, although we won, we paid a terrible price.

In this war, Prosius made two mistakes. One is that it underestimates the technology and determination of the Atlantis people. I have to say that they are the best special kind I have ever seen. Smart, brave, strong and not afraid of sacrifice. In order for the living creatures to continue, they sacrificed the entire civilization at the expense of Prosius to despair. In desperation, Prosius descended on the planet, intending to use the absolute superiority of the ontology to destroy the Atlanteans in one fell swoop, and this was his second mistake. "

Agradis proudly said: "It’s coming, giving me the opportunity to join the war. Even if Prosius has swept the universe for hundreds of millions of years, he will have to stay in the prison I made specially for it from the last civilization. now."

In the dark world, light suddenly appeared. Zero saw the jumping ground fires, they were burning magma. The magma is flowing, in a place unknown to thousands of miles in the center of the earth, flowing with a special structure, as if it is a kind of energy loop. In the middle of the energy circuit, a black beast was imprisoned. It breathed dark all over, and six black wings lay weakly. It seemed to perceive the existence of Zero, so it raised its head to look towards Zero, and let out a silent roar.

"Prosius, this is its true form. I imprisoned it in the center of the earth, and formed a prison with special energy patterns, making it sleepy for thousands of years." Agradis said lightly, in that tone. Although plain, it was enough to let Ling understand that in order to trap this star beast that dominates the universe, the earth paid a heavy price for the end of civilization.

Agradis said helplessly: "I thought I could trap Prosius for more time, so maybe through communication with other wills, I will find a way to completely eliminate it. At the same time, it will also allow you to have more. Time to grow. Zero, now you who thrive on the earth, are creatures I created based on the remaining cells of the Atlanteans. I only used the most basic cell fragments, but took away Atlantis. Inheritance. Even the technology of Atlantis cannot deal with Prosius. My original intention is to let you develop freely and see if you can develop different civilizations. But in the end, you are walking at Atlantis. The old way of Sri Lanka, and the level of technology is several levels higher than that of them."

"I can only describe your use of energy crudely, but even so, I don't want to intervene. I still hold hope, but the meteor shower that changed the entire planet also changed my decision." Yagra Diss’s tone revealed a certain regret. He said: “The arrival of the cataclysm and the impact of meteor showers have changed the physical environment of this planet. Although Prosius is still in prison, but now the prison is lacking. At a corner, this allowed it to spread its own cell fragments through the gap to cause crazy changes in animals and plants. By the time I discovered it, it was too late."

Ling's eyes widened, and he lost his voice: "You mean that the mutant beasts are all affected by Prosius?"

"Yes, otherwise, why would the most docile animals become violent creatures after they mutated. That is the memory imprint that inherited Prosius. In the life course of Prosius, destruction is the only theme. In addition, Nothing else!"

Agradis continued: "The purpose of Prosius is very simple. It wants to create other intelligent life forms other than human beings to counter the you I created, and then build the power that can save it from prison. Can you see the king of living corpses outside? That is one of Prosius' finished products. They are called the true kings, and there are six monsters like this in addition to Lilith."

"In order to stop Prosius, I had to intervene. Why did those who know the ability appear?" Agradis pointed to himself: "That was I who had unlocked your evolutionary shackles, otherwise, you would not be able to fight Prosius. Army of monsters."

Zero is moved, and the emergence of capable people has always been an insoluble mystery in academia. They seem to appear suddenly overnight, even though the original abilities only have access to basic abilities, it is precisely because of their appearance that there are many high-level powerhouses now. However, no one knows how the ability came about. Although scholars have obtained the genetic samples of the first generation capable persons, they found that the gene fragments belonging to the ability have no inheritance at all, as if they appeared suddenly, like a gift from heaven. .

And now, from Agradis's mouth, Zero finally knows the truth.

In the final analysis, between the capable person and the alien beast, or the alien race with wisdom, is the arms race between Agladis and Prosius. As for who is the final winner~lightnovelpub.net~, there is still It's the last known number.

"By the way, even though Atlantis was destroyed, they still left a very rich heritage of civilization. One of them is the existence that you humans call gods." Agradis said: " In the later stages of the war, in order to deal with Prosius, the scholars of Atlantis decided to invent a perfect weapon of war, that is, God. After leaving countless failed products, the God who was infinitely close to the finished product did not have time to start the war. It is over. The destruction of civilization, the fall of the floating islands and the city of the sun, let the gods be buried in the abyss from now on. Until you find out, this generation of you is not as good as Atlantis in the field of science and technology, but you Good at exploring and discovering. Although you can't allow the gods to fully activate, you have found a way to divide them and plant them on humans so that they can pass on some of their abilities. That is the origin of your plan for the thirteen man-made gods."

"Zero, your God’s right eye is one of the most precious things in this legacy. Atlantis’s most pinnacle creation of technology possesses the ability that even I am amazed by. It’s just that you can’t open the abilities yet. Shackles, now, I will open all your shackles, and let you know what kind of power will be produced when the right eye of God and my power are combined." Agradiston paused, and said: "But before that, You have to remember the third thing for me. The origin of the universe is energy, and the highest level of energy... is the rule!"^-^Read without pop-ups^_^m