War Lord

Chapter 364: stronghold

w "The water flows low, the day rises from the east, and the red deer live by the water and grass. Even the national laws and house rules, all are the manifestations of the rules." Agradis said earnestly: "Prohus descended and came to this planet. But. It doesn’t know that this planet is my home ground, and everything is a manifestation of the rules. I have a chance to trap it within the rules that I have specially delineated for it. Where do the rules come from? Energy comes. Zero you have to understand that the origin of the universe is energy, but only by knowing how to make rules can you say that you truly learn to use energy."

"If energy is a stone axe, then the rule is a high-speed heavy artillery, even particle cannons and satellite cannons. They are also weapons, but they can be judged high or low in power. I can't tell you how to master the rules, because there are only Relying on your own exploration and exploration, can you truly master the power of the rules." Agradis said this, smiling: "Okay, the theory class is over. Next, I will give you another practical class. "

After all, Agradis turned around and was about to leave.

Zero stopped him: "Who are you... on earth?"

Agradis smiled and said: "I am me, I am Agradis, this is my name. Of course, you are more used to calling me the earth."

Like a thunderbolt exploded in Zero's mind, he had guessed that Agradis could not be an ordinary will, but Zero never thought that he was actually talking to the will of the planet that lived on it.

The living room of Eva's house was quiet, and only zero voice sounded.

"That's it, Agradis told me that the origin of the universe is energy, and the highest level of energy is the rules. This is also what I want to tell you, and I hope that you can avoid detours on the evolutionary road." The sentence was his concluding remark, and he followed him and looked at the other three people.

Eva was the first to break the silence: "It turns out that this is the case. Although there is no way to immediately understand what is happening, at least I know the direction of evolution. This is also the reason why strong people with pseudo domains can far outperform other strong people of the same level. , Because they have mastered the rules. Although they are imperfect rules, the rules are the rules. It is not unexplainable to fight in the home court of those who have the ability of rules."

Su nodded, she also agreed with Eva's words. As a capable person in the fighting domain, he is a swordsman who prefers close combat. The high-level occupation of the mad warrior is the destroyer, and Su has reached the critical point of advancement. But just before today, she still believed that no matter whether the warrior or the destroyer, the root of everything is power. And now she understands that strength is also a kind of energy.

Manpower is sometimes poor, but the possible quantity is endless.

Maple sat cross-legged on the sofa, but said: "You just said that Agradis is the will of the earth, and he emphasized that it is his name. In this way, Prosius is also the will of a certain planet, so in the universe Within, is there any other planet-level will? If so, we think that if we have mastered this planet, we have mastered this world. But in fact, there is another larger and broader world outside the world. Then we are now In the eyes of these planetary wills, everything that ants does to humans is just as meaningless as ants do to humans."

Zero looked at Feng unexpectedly, this guy seldom said such a saving grace. Yes, there is a world outside the world, and a universe outside the universe. The planets have their own will. It is difficult to guarantee that the universe will not have the same will. Thinking about it this way, human beings really become extremely small.

As Feng said, in the eyes of these great wills, what humans do at the moment is no different from ants.

So, what is the point of struggling?

Zero shook his head, as if to throw these thoughts out of his head. At this time, Su Zai said next to him: "How can it be meaningless. In the eyes of those great wills, we may just stage a farce. But we are human beings, not those great wills, so for us, to live It's the meaning of everything!"

Eva added: "Oriental people have a philosophy called to live in the present. To put it simply, thinking too high and far away is useless, just as the summer worm cannot speak, the frog at the bottom of the well does not know the height of the sky. But even so, the cicada sings with its own life. For a summer, try to leave a trace of yourself in the track of life, that is the meaning."

Feng touched his nose, pointed to himself and asked, "Then am I a Xia Chong or a bottom frog?"

"You are neither." Subai glanced at him and said, "For you, trying to breed animals that think in the lower body is probably the real meaning of your life."

Feng immediately jumped up to argue, while Zero and Eva looked away and snickered. In this small living room is full of sincerity among comrades-in-arms. Only in front of these people who can entrust their backs to each other can they laugh at each other so unscrupulously.

"Then next, what do you plan to do next?" After having a meaningless argument with Feng, Su Zheng asked. She was very grateful that Zero had no concealment, not just the concept of the origin of the universe and the rules that Agradis came up with. More importantly, Zero did not hide another identity from her.

The **** of man-made!

These four represent a taboo plan, and every man-made **** is a living legacy. Zero divulging one's own identity, there is no doubt that it is a performance of trust.

"We have a lot of enemies. Eva once said that a person was searching for us as an artificial **** to carry out what he called a perfect completion plan~lightnovelpub.net~ that person did not only get thirteen. He wants to become a perfect God in this world. But even so, he is still not our true enemy." Zero emphasized: "Our true enemy is Prosius, as long as we live on earth one day, It is the greatest enemy of all mankind. Of course, our current strength is simply not enough to fight against planetary will. For us, starting from the establishment of a company, it will seem more practical."

"Company? What kind of company?" Eva asked.

Zero spread his hands and said: "My idea is to set up a technology company. The initial business only involves weapon production, and the subsequent business will get on track and then slowly develop. For now, in terms of start-up capital and human resources, because there are I don’t think there will be a big problem with the partnership of the Black Rose family. The problem now is that we have to find a stronghold. Do you have any good ideas?"

Several people were talking about it, and Eva snapped his fingers and said: "Speaking of the stronghold, I think the second-story base of Cossacks is good. It is the living area of ​​the former military base, and the facilities and buildings are generally well maintained. And I still I know that a few small generator sets can operate as usual as long as they are supplemented with energy. Of course, if you want to use that place, the necessary transformation is indispensable." ()

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