War Lord

Chapter 365: Planetary Will


In the huge biochemical research base under Asgart, in the room belonging to Dr. Raphael, the obese doctor is wearing a helmet full of sensors, and his eyes are not getting better when he is connected to the central brain. Staring at the countless data on the screen. br/>

Dr. Raphael’s brain has been developed to the extent of 35%. If it is placed in the old age, Dr. Raphael is no different from a genius.

And the doctor himself, because of the needs of his work, injected himself with the genetic medicine of the perception domain, which was able to improve his brain's computing power and storage space. And only in this way can he be qualified for the role of director of the entire biological weapon development plan.

At this moment, the door of the room opened, and Ben walked in with a little fatigue.

Dr. Raphael didn't look back, but said, "Dear friend, it seems that your complexion is not very good."

Ben shrugged and said, "I'm old. If I was young, it wouldn't be a big deal to stay up all night."

"Oh, what can keep you awake all night?" Dr. Raphael expressed interest in this.

Ben shook his head and said, "It's nothing, it's just that some ignorant children are messing around. By the way, you called me, did Zero Gene Lock make new progress?"

Dr. Raphael laughed and said: "It's unclear, he has already been promoted to a high-level ability person. Although it is only an eighth level and the pseudo domain has not yet been developed, isn't his potential huge? And the improvement of his ability, so The direct impact is the unlocking of the gene lock. Don't be surprised, the wisdom brain recorded the record of unlocking all the gene locks in one breath."

"All? The remaining six gene locks are all opened?" The exhaustion was swept away, replaced by unspeakable excitement.

"It's only a short period of time." Rafael put down the sensor helmet and pinched his eyebrows and said: "It shouldn't be more than 10 minutes before and after. According to the records of the brain, the remaining six gene locks do show signs of opening.

Because we recorded something, how can I say it, it is a huge chain of information, which is related to time, atom and other aspects of information. With our current level of intellectual brain, it is not enough to decrypt this information, only a general idea can be known. "

Ben nodded and said, "If the civilization of Atlantis can be so easily interpreted, then we don't have to be so troubled. I can only say that we are lucky to find the inheritor of the ancient civilization of Zero in the wilderness."

Rafael sighed: "Yes, he alone is more important than all the holy relics we have discovered combined. Ben, no matter what, he must be kept. If there are no accidents, zero will be the path to the new century. A key to the door."

Ben smiled and said, "Does this still need to be reminded by you? I didn't sleep last night because of our key. It was in Asgartri, but someone wanted to steal or destroy our key. Woolen cloth."

Raphael's face changed and said, "Who is it?"

"I won't be here now if I find out who it is." Ben's eyes were getting cold, and he smiled: "I can only say that this kid is very cautious, and even Cario can't find any clues. You know that old kid, nickname Although it's a tiger or a lion, if you ask me, he is an old hound."

"That's it, a hound in a tiger's coat." Rafael laughed, but his smile gradually became a little stiff, and then worried: "If even the old guy Cario can't find it out, you can only say this. People are hidden very deep, will it be from Ogg's side?"

"It's hard to tell. Anyway, I will find out this matter as soon as possible. You should concentrate on doing the work at hand." Ben said again: "How is the plan of the Biological Corps going?"

"It's going well. Inspired by the weapon of the living corpse, I re-adjusted several sets of genetic combinations. I am now preparing some new weapons with a smaller size but a higher energy level. Perhaps it will be our secret weapon." Phil pretended to be mysterious.

"Then please. (~Yu Ben nodded in satisfaction.

"One more thing." Rafael scratched his head, but the fat man's loose hair didn't have much room for him to play. He said: "I'm not sure, do you think that the matter of Zero suddenly opening all genetic locks is related to the planet's will?"

I heard this, with a solemn expression.

The term planetary will is not circulated in the wilderness. It belongs to one of the higher secrets. Even in Asgartri, only Ben and Rafael know such a thing. But it was a theory put forward by Dr. Shawner, one of the comrades who founded the parliament together.

At the beginning, Dr. Shawner was only keen on the emergence of research ability, but after years of research, he has come to a miraculous conclusion. Dr. Shawner naturally couldn't attribute the conclusion to such a theory without logical data to support it, but this gave him a touch.

Miracle, this is one of the great words created by mankind. It is a phenomenon that creates possibilities from the impossible, just like the emergence of capable people. The evolution of genes in this group of special human beings has surpassed ordinary humans by several orders of magnitude, and is gradually becoming a new species. The category is closer. In fact, people with high-level abilities can no longer be called human beings. The use of energy, their own strength, etc., make them close to ideal perfect creatures.

And when Dr. Shawner discovered from the super-intelligent brain Ogamis that was just put into use at the beginning, there is no shortage of general events such as miracles in the history of human or biological development. And every time a major miracle of biological evolution occurs on the earth, Dr. Shawner will find that before and after the miracle is a huge fault in evolution.

As far as the origin of humans is concerned, most theories support that humans evolved from monkeys, but at the end of the old era, more and more evidences in the hands of scientists show that this statement is not absolutely true. There is even a theory that humans and monkeys are not directly related, and before the emergence of humans, it was a huge biological evolutionary fault.

After the faults caused by miracles like this were listed in the brain one by one by Dr. Shawner, he made a bold hypothesis. That is, miracles do not happen naturally, but something intervenes to make them happen and urge organisms to make major breakthroughs on the path of evolution.

Just like the sudden appearance of capable people, how their genes will evolve at an explosive rate, forming and stabilizing millions of years or even longer within one or two years. What does a miracle like this represent?

Or miracles happen when something intervenes, so what is it or they?

First of all, Dr. Shawner ruled out the possibility of foreign visitors. Although he believes in the existence of other life in the universe, he does not believe that these aliens can intervene in the evolution of living things without leaving any traces. This is impossible. The evolution of different ecosystems requires research and a large amount of data to support it.

Even if civilizations outside the universe have higher technology, they cannot intervene in the evolutionary system of the entire planet in a short period of time.

Secondly, Dr. Shawner also excluded the factors of the cataclysm. Although the cataclysm has changed the earth's environment and eventually led to a series of mutations, this theory has been blindly supported by the general public. But in Dr. Shawner's view, the cataclysm brought only disasters, not any gospel. The strong radiation remaining on the surface at that early stage would only kill the living beings, and talking about genetic jokes that stimulated the living beings was just a joke in Dr. Shawner's view.

In the end, Dr. Shawner came to a conclusion that he was not even sure of.

That is the will of the planet.

If people have the will and creatures have the will, then the planet cannot guarantee that it will not have its own will. There is already evidence that certain unique lives possess collective will. Their individual is small, too small to form a will, but when the whole group gathers together, it can form a collective will. Look at the planet where humans live, how many species and living things exist on the surface of this planet.

Will these creatures also form a collective will?

Looking at the religious studies in human history, no matter the culture of a place, there will be things like gods. Of course, scholars can think of it as human worship of nature. Those so-called gods are not the perfect interpretation of the planet's will.

When Dr. Shawner put forward the concept of planetary will in a few people's circles such as Oglock, Ben, Rafael, etc. These people couldn't believe it at first, but before Dr. Shawner listed some evidence of evolutionary faults, they began to accept this concept and set out to study its existence.

It's just that such research is the same as proving the existence of gods, it's tantamount to a huge project with no end in sight. Therefore, the research on the will of the planet was forced to stop after a few years, after all, they had more pressing problems to be solved. For example, to purify the environment and solve problems such as lack of food resources.

After that, the parliament gradually became divided and eventually split. With the emergence of the Hall of Valor and the Dark Council, this project was frozen indefinitely.

If it hadn't been for Rafael to mention ~lightnovelpub.net~, I would have forgotten the concept of planetary will.

"No matter what the reason is, it is always a good thing to open all genetic locks with zero. This shows that he has the potential to completely control the things of Atlantis. You must know that we have many enemies, especially under the island of extreme ice. That evil city." Ben said with a heavy tone.

At this time, Ben's portable brain made a sound of receiving information. He took it out and clicked on this message, but it was a short message sent to him by his secretary: Dear Sir Douglas, zero request to meet with you, do you want me to reject him?

Ben quickly replied: No, let him wait for me for ten minutes.

Withdrawing his wisdom brain, Ben said, "Zero wants to see me, it seems that this kid is ready to make a big splash."

Rafael smiled and said, "It seems that you like this kid, and it's not because he is an artificial god."

Ben Dafang admitted: "Yes, seeing him is like seeing me when I was young. I have a dream, and I am willing to give everything for it!" ^-^Reading without pop-up window^_^m