War Lord

Chapter 367: Bail

w "Hey, buddy. ()/Listen to me, I definitely didn't steal Raun's fat pig's wallet, please believe that I am innocent?"

In the office building of the city defense team, a thin man was twisted in by two tall soldiers. The thin man kept calling out grievances for himself, but no one paid any attention to him. The city defense team is composed of the servants belonging to the Dawn Shield. Although they are not official members of this legion, even the servants are not like the thief in front of them that can be parried. So even though he twisted hard, the two soldiers' big hands showed no signs of loosening.

Jane looked at the brought thief with a headache, and flashed his information in her mind.

Yade, white, now thirty. I don’t have a fixed job. I have been a craftsman, a driver, a shop assistant, and so on. Among these jobs, the one who has done the longest is actually a thief. This guy is a habitual thief.

It was less than twenty-eight days since he was released last time, and Jane saw him again. Jane could only leave her desk and walked over with Zhinao.

When she saw Jane, Yade gave a handsome smile and said, "Hey, it's nice to meet you, your beautiful prosecutor."

Jane frowned and said, "I don't want to see you at all. Say, what happened again this time."

The two soldiers who had caught Yad replied for him: "This guy stole his neighbor Raun's wallet while wandering in the street. It was dirty! Madam."

"Really? It seems that you have to remember for a while again, Yad." Jane shook her head and said, "Perhaps you should have a long memory. It's not a good thing for you to pay for me, is it?"

"I will work hard, beauty." Yad put the prosecutor behind his eyes and said, "I haven't seen you for a while, and your figure is full again. It's awesome."

"You care, take him to room 28." Jane said angrily.

A soldier hesitated: "Your Excellency Prosecutor, there is a Doomhammer warrior detained in Room 28. Look..."

"Damn, I remember this. But sir, we don’t remember enough. Or you want to throw this guy into the concentration room of those gangsters. I bet it won’t take a quarter of an hour for this guy to vomit blood for repairs, so we He has to be given free treatment." Jian emphasized: "Budget, our budget is not that much, let alone waste medical expenses on a habitual thief, understand? Sir!"

The soldier said in sweat, "Yes, I understand."

Having said that, he and his companion caught Kia De and walked away. Jane looked at them and kept shaking her head. There was a handsome but silent face in mind, and it seemed that the man named Berion had been thrown in for many days. I don't know what the above thought was. I neither punished nor released him, as if I had forgotten him.

Jane thought to herself, maybe she had to call her head. The city defense team originally did not have that much budget to provide free medical care to thieves like Yad, and also did not provide free accommodation for the fighters of Doomhammer. You must know that what that guy supplies every day, but regular high-quality food, everything is done according to the standards of Doomhammer.

But we are just a city defense team, Jane emphasized in her heart.

The beautiful prosecutor frowned in distress, and she decided to focus on the job at hand. But after a while, the sound of knocking on the table disturbed people's attention. She raised her head in irritation and unexpectedly saw a handsome face.

The man in front of him was of Asian descent, with strange eyes under his soft black hair. These left black and right golden eyes suddenly reminded Jane of a recent legendary man.

Also a fighter from Doomhammer, the man named Zero had just been promoted to the Holy Spirit not long ago. For Jane, that is already a big man, even if her immediate boss is a rank below zero.

Jane stood up quickly and said in a panic: "What can I do for you? Sir!"

Zero didn't think that this woman would react so much, and said hurriedly: "It's nothing, but I want to ask, is there a person named Berion in you guys?"

Jane replied immediately: "Berion? That soldier, he's in room 28."

In room 28 of the temporary custody room, Yad was pushed directly in by two soldiers. He was so small that he almost rushed to the ground and ate a dog chewing mud. /When Yad stood up, the door was closed, and Yad's zìyóu was also closed at the same time.

"What are you arrogant? When Lao Tzu goes out to see how I teach you, we will wait and see." After a few harsh words, Yade felt bored, patted his **** and walked back into the room.

He is also very familiar with the prison of the city defense team. On average, he spends several months in it a year. It can be said that every custodial room has been in, and that is familiar. Yad is also happy to stay here, eating and sleeping every day, and eating after sleeping. This is the treatment that noble lords have, even though Yad has always criticized the food of the city defense team.

He turned around and saw that there was another person in this room. The man who was locked up with him was sitting on the edge of his bed, looking quite attractive. Even his eyes were dull, and his chin had more scumbags, and he looked lifeless, like a living dead.

Yad sat down on the other bed. After a while, he felt bored and said to the man: "Hi, buddy. My name is Yad. How did you get in."

There was a dead silence on the other side, and the person didn't even say an answer, and he didn't even lift his head a little. Yad touched his nose, but didn't believe in this evil. He looked up and down, and finally said: "You look good, and the clothes you wear are ordinary but well-made. If I guess right, you should be somewhat Identity, either a nobleman or a fighter."

"No, you have a lifeless look and no fighting spirit. You should not be a soldier. You are a nobleman?" Yad was very confident in his reasoning. You have to squat in the prison of this city defense team. You..."

Yade's expression changed suddenly, and he said, "Are you going to kill someone?"

"You have a lot of words." The man finally got a response. He raised his head and looked at Yad. There was a cold light in his eyes that made Yad's scalp numb: "But you guessed it, I did kill someone. .Do you want to know who I killed?"

Yad shook his head sharply.

The man ignored him and said, "I killed my brother. Do you know how he died? I roasted him to char, like this."

He raised his hand, and there was a large amount of electric arc beating in his hand, reflecting the light and dark in the room. At the same time, Yade's face changed drastically. In the changing light, the man's smile looked so crazy.

Yad suddenly felt that he seemed to provoke a terrible person.

At this moment, the door to the room opened, and someone outside said in a deep voice, "Enough, Berion, do you think you have not enough charges?"

Yad turned his head and looked, only to see the female prosecutor walking in with a young officer in stride. This officer has black hair, and the face of Asian descent has a pair of strange eyes with black left and right gold. When he looked towards Yad, Yad's hairs stood up all over his body. He couldn't help shrinking into the depths of the bed, instinctively wanting to stay away from the officer.

Yad's instinct told him that this man was a real warrior, and his hands were stained with blood!

"Nothing else, then I'll go first."

"Well, trouble you, your prosecutor."

After a brief answer, Jane left. She was still heartbroken until she left detention room No. 28. Jane even regretted that she walked too fast on the way here, otherwise, she could at least talk to this handsome young officer for a while. You can even set up a date or two, which might be a beautiful encounter.

"Her heart beats faster, the blood flow rate is more than double that of normal, the hormones on the kidneys rise, and the pores all over her body expand. You can see that she is emotional for you. Zero, are you not going to put her in bed? That's a waste "Berion said indifferently: "A huge waste."

Zero looked at the thin man on the bed opposite Berion, and said politely, "Can I sit down?"

The previous pressure disappeared, but Yad's tongue was not yet flexible, and he only stammered: "Please, please sit down."

Zero sat down, looked at Berion and said, "You still have the heart to say such things. It seems that you are in a good mood."

Berion shrank into the bed and hid in the shadow in the corner, saying: "You guessed wrong, now I am in a bad mood. It's so bad that I want to kill, if I don't want to get hurt, you will get out of here at the end."

"Is that so? It's been a long time since I said it." Zero looked at Yard again: "The door is unlocked, if you don't mind, can you stay outside for a while."

Yad looked at the two of Zero and Berion, and trot out of the detention room without saying a word. When he closed the door, there was a muffled noise in the house, followed by a series of noises coming from inside, making Yard frightened.

Without using any abilities, relying solely on **** and physical stamina, the two of Zero and Belion were fighting together in the room like children.

Zero One punched Berion's jaw hard, almost dislocating his jaw. Belion spit out a mouthful of blood, stretched out his feet, and kicked Ling directly onto Yard's bed. The two got up, feeling the sore spot, and at the same time rushed together, following their fists like rain. They didn't pay much attention to defensive or offensive skills. They just hit brutally.

After only half an hour, Ling breathlessly touched Berion with his fist symbolically, then turned to the ground and looked at the ceiling in a big font. The gasp sounded quickly in the room, and neither of them had the strength to move.

For a long time, Ling touched her face with swollen nose and swollen mouth and got up, gasping and asked: "How is it? I feel much better."

Berion made a sullen face, but after a moment, he smiled bitterly: "Will you come here to beat me up?"

Zero seriously nodded and said: "You are right, I am here to beat you. I know what you did, so I will kill my brother. That guy named Arendt, I know what he did to you . To be honest, if it were me, I would kill him. But I wouldn’t be like you, throwing myself in a cell and sulking. Berion, don’t you think you’re too self-willed?"

"Hmph, you don't need to care about my business." Berion said coldly.

"Of course I don't want to care about your business, but I think it's too wasteful of your stay in the cell." Ling Chao reached out his hand and said, "Come and help me, Berion. Think about it, there are still many things waiting outside. Do it. Do you want to waste your abilities in the cell? Also, I heard that your father intends to bail you, but you don’t want to. You see, your father still loves you, doesn’t it? Even though you kill your brother NS."

Berion sneered: "What do you know! The old man just didn't want his blood to be ruined, so he planned to bail me out. The more he thought about it, the more I didn't want to go out."

Looking at him, he sighed, "What are you? A soldier? No, I saw just a self-willed kid playing with his temper."

Zero retracted his hand and stood up and said, "Whatever you want, I won't stop you if you continue to stay here at will. However, Berion, you should know it yourself. Now that you are like this, does Anna know that you will be happy?"

Berion was suddenly speechless.

"Do you think you are the only one involved? We all have them, but in this age of shit, we have cut these bonds mercilessly. Whether we like it or not, so if we don’t want a tragedy like your sister’s Staged. What we can do is try to change the world. For the world to hear our voices, we must be strong. But now we are far from enough. If you want to stay here, then bye, Berion."

Zero pushed open the door, shocking Yad behind the door. Yade never thought of taking the opportunity to drive away, and suddenly arrived, seeming to disturb his mood. When Zero was about to leave, Yad stopped him.

"Sir, no. Sir. Look, the one in the room doesn't want to be released on bail, but I do, Sir." Yard patted his chest and said, "As long as you can let me leave this ghost place, sir. I am willing. Do anything for you."

Zero looked at Yad up and down, feeling a very weak aura of a capable person in him. But looking from side to side, Yad doesn’t look like a strong person, so he shook his head and said, “My job is dangerous and it’s not for you.”

"No, no." Yard pointed to himself and said, "Although I am not good at fighting, I have a good hand in spying on intelligence."

"You?" Ling looked at the man, honestly, he had no confidence.

"Listen to the sir, big people like you will definitely have servants. Although I can't get close to big people like you, even if I can get close, the big people's mouth is so tight that they can't dig out anything at all." Yade believes. "But their servants are different. They will be willing to tell you what color his master’s underwear is. Of course, they won’t know much about it. However, as long as there are some clues, plus With proper imagination, you can get a lot of useful information, right?"

After listening to Yard, Zero looked at the man seriously and asked, "What's your name?"

"My name is Yad, sir."

"Okay, Yad." Zero reported his name, and then said: "After you leave here, you can come to me if you are not afraid of death. Of course, all the labor I have reported to you will be deserved. , Even more than that."

Yad was full of joy at first, but then said bitterly: "But sir, why don't you get me out now?"

"You will be here, and there must be your own reasons. I don't like a person who owes a lot of money to do things for me, so before that, you will pay off your debts here." Zero smiled.

"Well, I'll listen to you, sir." Yad said helplessly, but he was still very excited. From Jane's expression when she came, we can see that the female prosecutor was tempted by her. In addition to her handsome appearance, she should have other advantages.

He had also heard some words about him and Berion in the room before. In fact, the soundproofing effect of the detention room is far from good. From the conversation, what Zero this person wants to do is definitely a big thing, even if it is not to conquer a country, but at least it can be called a lofty goal. Following such a person, there are naturally risks, but risks have always been with benefits, and Yad understands this very well.

Just as he was about to walk back to the custody room, the back collar was suddenly caught. He looked back, but Zero reached out and caught him. Yad just wondered if Zero had changed his mind, and he was going to get him out now. But before he was too happy, he yanked Ling away abruptly.

In the next moment, the door of the detention room flew up, and along with the screws and other debris that jumped into the air, they slammed heavily on the wall of the opposite door.

Yad's mouth opened wide, and his back was sweaty. If it weren't for pulling him just now, I'm afraid he would have smashed the door directly. Looking inside the door, the man who was fighting with Zero walked out with a sullen expression.

At this time, the three guards ran over, and Berion looked at them and said: "Your door should be changed. This kind of old-fashioned thing cannot be locked."

The guards looked at Berion, hesitating to step forward and subdue him. But Berion had been here for many days, and the guards roughly knew who he was. An official member of Doomhammer means at least Tier 6 or above. Characters like this are not the guys who generally only rank two or three soldiers can deal with.

Fortunately, Zero pointed at Berion and said to the guards: "I want to bail him. As for what he damaged, send me the bill."

Afterwards, he said to Berrien: "I will help you with the money first, and then it will be deducted from your salary."

Berion snorted from his nostrils, "What is my monthly salary?"

Zero pushed Tiyad, then turned and walked, but still raised a finger.

"One thousand? Zero, it's a bit low. Although for the sake of ideals, I don't mind lowering my value. But anyway, I am also a member of Doomhammer. I think two thousand is more appropriate." Berion followed him. Said.

Zero stopped ~lightnovelpub.net~ and corrected: "Before the company is on track, you can only reduce all unnecessary expenses. Now that you say ideals, you must have the consciousness to dedicate yourself to ideals. So. You just misunderstood what I meant, Berion. It’s not a thousand, it’s a hundred, and I can only pay so much at the moment."

Belion's entire face rose to crimson, and after a while he roared: "One hundred? What do you think of me, zero? Handyman? I am a soldier, a seventh-order capable person! I am the hand of thunder. , Zero! Will you send me a hundred?"

Zero put his hand in his pocket, and said lightly: "Come on. The bail procedure is stinky and long. I have other things to do."

Seeing that Zero ignored his anger at all, Berion clenched his fists. It wasn't until Zero had already turned the corridor that he let go of his hand and let out a final roar: "One hundred is one hundred, and the rest are my labor and investment. Zero, I want to pay dividends! Dividends!"

Hearing Berrian's angry voice, he smiled slightly.

The first principle of capitalism is to exploit your employees as much as possible.

In my mind, I don’t think of Ben’s old face smiling like a fox.