War Lord

Chapter 369: Great Sword Master

w1 minutes later, Eva arrived. [..] Driving the off-road vehicle that Zero gave to Victor, carrying the epee black dragon, he jumped out of the vehicle arrogantly.

Dragging the black epee backwards, Eva walked to Zero's side and said: "What's the situation? Can I start work? I asked for leave to help you."

"I'm really grateful." He said that, and there was no taste of gratitude in Zero's eyes. He shrugged: "But it has to wait two hours. The ground water below the second floor of the base is unexpectedly much. ."

"It will take two hours?" Eva made an exaggerated expression and said, "How about we make a room and discuss how to make a good next generation?"

"Thanks to Bumin, I still want to keep my physical strength to work, so I can't accompany me. You walk around at will, the movement of my machine pump." Zero left Eva and left alone, but the leaving figure took so little away. And the smell of escape.

Eva suddenly yelled to Zero: "Just take out the courage to molest me yesterday, Zero"

In the command post, Feng was sipping coffee while dispatching personnel. When he heard this sentence suddenly, a sip of coffee was sprayed on the screen of the temporary command station. The staff next to him looked at him awkwardly, and Feng had ran out of the command post like wind. Just stepping out of the door, I suddenly felt a bit of awe-inspiring murder on his forehead, and immediately made Feng stop.

Seeing Zero walk away, Feng patted his chest. Not everyone can stand the aim of being angered by the petty will like this, even Feng felt a kind of frightened. Looking at Eva again, the instigator was already laughing so much that tears came out.

When the gossip failed, he almost frightened Zero. Feng had to walk back in shock and molested three or more female employees in a row before calming down the frightened cautious liver.

Two hours passed quickly, and time came to noon. At present, the groundwater from the third floor to the fifth floor of the underground base is basically empty, and only the groundwater below the sixth floor exists. Of course, the groundwater can't be pumped clean all at once, for fear of not awakening the sleeping abyss lord. At that time, it was not an assassination, but a force attack.

After eating and drinking, the people responsible for the entire assassination were gathered at the entrance of the third floor base. In addition to zero, Feng, Su, Berion and Eva participated in this operation. Today, Eva plays the leading role, and other people assist and eliminate any danger that may threaten Eva.

Looking at this team, Lao Lao is very relieved. After working hard by myself, I finally got together a battle team that was not too weak. Of course, this is far from enough, but these people will become Zero's core combat power.

Each person still has a set of night **** tactical uniforms, but the equipment is much simpler than entering the Cossacks last time. Especially zero, almost empty-handed. But for Zero, as long as he has energy, he is equal to a mobile arsenal. Naturally, the level of the weapon is limited by the level of his ability, like the particle cannon zero made by Mannus in the battle against Lilith, it can't be taken out now.

Mannus is the origin of the planet, the first creation after Agrandis has the will. After it appeared, Agrandis used energy to transform it into the material world, which is now the earth. Mannus is a product between matter and energy, so it can change with the user's mind, but no matter what kind of weapon it changes into, Mannus has the ability to directly attack the target regardless of any skills and defensive means.

This is the power of the rules that Agradis gave to Mannus. In different periods of history, Agradis gave it to those who can use it, so that mankind can overcome many difficulties in different eras and continue to this day.

As the ultimate weapon, although Mannus has granted zero-use permission, it's just that Zero can't fully own it yet. For Ling, as long as he moved his mind now, he could see the gun of Shi God in the world of consciousness, which was quietly placed in the void. But in the vicinity of Mannus, it was surrounded by several regular force fields. Before Zero reached the twelfth level, it was impossible to unlock these force fields one by one to use this weapon.

This is also a restriction set by Agradis, otherwise the zero power is not enough, and if you barely use the Mannus, a bad one will drain all the energy and make it crippling or even fatal.

After all, this weapon can kill even gods, not to mention that Zero is just a person.

The strangest thing about Zero without a weapon is Berion. At Jotunheim that day, both he and Zero were in a coma, and they had no idea that Zero had previously turned into a shining knight. Feng Hesu was silent about this, so Berion didn't know that Zero had the ability to master the rule field.

When Linger Bellin was brought in and joined them, Kaede and Su also felt strange, but didn't ask much. Because they believe in zero, and as for the secret of zero, he should naturally tell him, and they didn't explain anything to Berion. Only from the fact that there is no concealment from Zero, Feng wanted to estimate that Zero wanted to tell Berion some secrets about him in an indirect way through this operation.

This should be Zero Wants to test Belion. If Belion reveals his secret, then this man is naturally not qualified to become Zero's true partner. If the opposite is the case, then in a long period of time in the future, Berion should be a reliable comrade-in-arms. After all, in this team, there is a lack of long-range firepower like Berion, and this must be the intention of Zero to let him join.

Zero not only perfects himself, but also perfects the team, and everything is to build his ideal blueprint from bit by bit.

The blueprint of zero is also the blueprint in the hearts of these people. Therefore, no one will retreat even if they move toward the abyss and darkness like this moment.

Below the three-story base, it can be said that it has been completely destroyed. Most of the facilities were damaged during the war between Angie Gullit and Cario and Valkyrie. The most serious damage was the straight line damage from the bottom to the third base, which almost stabbed a gap between the bases. Standing at the edge of the damage at the moment, you can feel the ground wind gently sending upwards with moist moisture.

Angie Gullit is still asleep, and will sleep for a long time. But no one knows whether it will wake up suddenly, besides, this neighbor is not friendly. Once Anji Gullit wreaks havoc, then the painstaking effort to build on the second-floor base may be destroyed. Therefore, cleaning up the latent risk factors has become the reason why Zero Immediately must do so.

The partial renovation of the second-story base has begun, and the company’s headquarters and factories have been set up in the living area of ​​the original base. It is adjacent to the medical area, so the existing medical center that was occupied by Eva that day is also undergoing restoration. It will be put into use shortly afterwards, creating medical conditions for zero employees.

Of course, the remaining living corpses on the second-floor base have been cleared before this, and the environment can be said to be very safe. Of course, this refers to the removal of the Abyss Lord.

As for other vacant places, there is no arrangement at the moment, so let them be idle. After the company expands, these places will naturally be used. But now, the removal of Angie Gullit is the first task.

Take out a few sets of safety ropes from Feng's carrying equipment, divide them to everyone, and then perform rappelling operations. .suda8. In a quiet and dark environment, only a few people's red signal lights on their tactical helmets light up from time to time. They did not dare to activate the external light source for fear that the sudden light would wake Angie Gullit, so they used the same infrared vision mode as last time.

In this way, I went straight down the channel that was blasted by the torrent of energy during the previous war through the safety cable, allowing the darkness to drown myself, and I felt like going to hell. In the tactical helmet, in the reddish picture, if you don't see the nearby companions, I am afraid that the strongest person will go crazy. Feng laughed at himself and wondered if he had been with people like Zero for too long, and he almost forgot the feeling of loneliness when he woke up from the laboratory.

At that time, Feng liked the darkness instead, because in the darkness, he didn't have to think about certain things.

For example, your own history.

At this moment, a zero voice suddenly sounded in the communication channel: "Attention, everyone, there is an unidentified life approaching."

Feng was taken aback, and the other people's movements suddenly stopped. Basically, apart from Anji Gulite, there should be no other life forms in the underground base, so now there are zero warnings, and everyone is in a state of battle.

At the next moment, something broke through the air and made a "hissing" sound in the air.

No matter what it is, its target is Feng. Feng coldly snorted, he was leaning on a broken wall at this moment, and his toes had already swung away with strength. The thing was drawn on the alloy wall, and several sections of cables that had lost their function were drawn away. And because of the close distance, through infrared vision, Feng could see clearly that it was something similar to a soft whip. This thing was covered with fleshy thorns, and it was stained with a liquid similar to strong acid. After leaving the wall, the wall it touched showed a black mark left by the corroded metal.

"What's that?" Suddenly whispered in the channel, and she raised her heavy sword to point at a certain direction in the dark.

All the people in the zero class looked together and saw a monster clinging to the wall. This thing looks like a big fish with limbs, yes, they have a fish-like body. However, on the side of the body, fleshy limbs similar to reptiles grow, and there should be something like a sucker on the palm of the flesh, so that it can be adsorbed vertically on the wall. And on the back of this fish monster, there are more than a dozen whips-like things. Judging from the striking power of one of the meat whips, the power of these things is not trivial, at least equivalent to the strength enhancement of the third-order combat domain.

Looking at this monster, Zero unconsciously used it and Angie Gullit who attacked him with his flesh beard that day. Thinking of this, Zero couldn't help but lose his voice: "Is this thing the youngest son of the Abyss Lord, but from the looks of it, it seems to have mutated."

Mutation is a phenomenon not lacking in the new era. The magnitude of the mutation can be large or small, ranging from body mutation to small cell mutation. This is a powerful ability produced by the creatures of the new era in order to adapt to the environment, although in Agradis, zero knows that the mutation of wild animals originated from Prosius. But Prosius can only be the opportunity for their evolution, as to what form the animals and plants will evolve, but they are not controlled by Prosius.

These unsuccessful samples for Prosius, after two to three generations of evolution, Prosius has lost interest in observation. Only then did the true kings appear, they were made by Prosius himself.

And the large number of failed products in the wilderness did not waste the opportunity given by Prosius. They survived tenaciously and changed their genes according to the needs of the environment.

Now this half-fish, half-worm monster is probably one of the surviving cubs of Anji Gullit that day, and has undergone genetic and even physical mutations for certain needs.

The strange fish made a sound of swallowing saliva. From its point of view, these sudden visitors represented a good meal. Food means enough protein, and protein is the most basic thing needed for evolution. The flesh beard on its back was waving lightly, and the two rows of compound eyes on its big head were flashing with the cold light of cold-blooded animals.

Zero retracted his gaze and quickly said in the communication channel: "This guy will leave it to Feng to deal with, Feng, are you okay?"

Feng said lazily: "Of course there is no problem. Trash fish like this kind of stuff is not solved in twos or twos."

"Don't be careless." Ling said, even though he knew that with Feng's current ability, dealing with Angie Gullit's cubs really wouldn't be a problem. It's just that this strange fish has undergone an abnormal change, and God knows whether it will have special abilities.

But at the same time, Zero also knows that since he regards the other party as a companion, he must first learn to trust. So he made a gesture, and the others continued to slide down with safety ropes. But Maple swayed wildly back and forth, and finally the rope swung out almost 180 degrees. When Maple was thrown into the darkness of the fourth floor base, the rope appeared on the outside of the passage again, and Maple was gone.

Maple fell on the ground, rolled to relieve his strength, and when he bounced, he glanced at the environment he was in. This is the base of the fourth underground level. It used to be the battlefield between the human face moth and the nemesis. Now that the battlefield has returned to peace, let the darkness fill it, but in Feng's sight, it is not difficult to see that some objects still have liquid that has not yet dried up.

He lightly touched it and found that the skin between his fingers produced a subtle chemical reaction when it came into contact with the liquid. The liquid contains acidic substances, but it is not very strong. It should be because the liquid has remained for a long time, and most of the acidic substances have volatilized. Therefore, it only gave Feng a slightly itchy sensation, but he couldn't even burn his skin.

However, it can be seen that this base may be the nest of those abnormal fish. Or, there is more than one such monster.

While thinking about it, there was already a strange fish hissing behind him. Feng looked back, and the strange fish crawled in in twos or twos from outside the broken vertical passage, and flew towards Feng's four claws. Feng immediately ran deep, avoiding the movement caused by the fight with the strange fish to wake up Angie Gullit who was sleeping underneath.

To Feng's surprise, the speed of the strange fish is very fast, and the way of movement is changeable and elusive. It sometimes flies on the zenith, sometimes falls to the ground and runs wildly, and sometimes even slides against the ground with its belly. Judging from the little sparks caused by the friction between the body and the ground, this strange fish should still have scales on its abdomen.

But in a blink of an eye, the strange fish made a turning action and already grabbed Feng in front of Feng with a "z"-shaped movement, blocking his path.

Feng stopped and moved his hand, Tang Dao Hanshuang was already in his hand. He smiled and said, "Well, the four-legged thing runs fast. Then let us solve it here, let go, man."

In Feng's sight, the compound eyes of the strange fish narrowed first, and the body did not advance and retreated. When it arched its body in an instant, the flesh beard on its back waved black lines towards Feng.

Feng sneered, and the Tang Knife disappeared in his hand, but the air between him and the strange fish kept bursting with screams, but Feng kept using the Tang Knife to block the attack of the strange fish's flesh and whiskers. It's just that there are as many meats as the strange fish, but Feng's Tang knife only has one, but the two are about the same, you know how fast Feng's knife is.

The strange fish's compound eyes were wide open, and it did not expect that Feng could keep up with the speed of his flesh whiskers. There was a silent roar, and the flesh beard was recovered, but the whole body slammed into Feng like a cannonball. This strange fish is as big as a bull. If you hit him, it won't be much easier than being hit by a train.

Feng is not the kind of person who is good at strength. He smiled "hehe", and instead of retreating, he moved forward. Kneeling toward the ground as he dashed forward, his body leaned back to the limit, his head touched the ground, but the strange fish swept over the tip of his nose. While Feng was avoiding, his hands were not idle, Tang Dao was raised diagonally, and with the force of the strange fish's impact, it was pulled across its abdomen fiercely.

A series of sour sounds appeared in the dark accompanied by a series of sparks.

In an instant, one fish and one person separated, but no one could hurt anyone.

Of course, the strange fish couldn't hit Feng. But Feng's Tang knife only lifted off a few scales of the strange fish, but it couldn't hurt its vitals.

"This is not so good, man, don't think I can do nothing with you with a tortoise shell." Feng winked at the strange fish, but he was wearing a tactical helmet, and the strange fish couldn't see him.

But seeing Feng lightly wiped the Tang Dao, a layer of red energy radiance appeared on the Tang Dao immediately. This is a phenomenon of maple biological energy being released, and the red biological energy represents power above the eighth level.

The strange fish also clearly felt the pressure of the invisible power on Feng's body, and its four claws began to plan in an uneasy manner. But it was fierce by nature, but didn't intend to retreat, but rushed towards Feng with a scream.

Feng moved, and he made a slashing movement. Following the body straightened up, Tang Dao in his hand pulled out a burst of light. However, what is peculiar is that there are still images in the air in Feng's first action. Follow Maple to make continuous slashes, a series of dazzling slashing actions such as horizontal cut, diagonal cut, backhand knife, etc., left afterimages in the air like miracles.

When the last action was completed, the strange fish was still in the air.

Feng stood up straight, and Tang Dao returned to its sheath. When the handle hit the scabbard with a "pawn" sound, the countless maples gathered together, and the air suddenly sounded a sharp sound of knives. A stream of blood surged from the strange fish, followed by the second, third, and fourth...

The blood was all over the sky, the body of the strange fish burst into pieces in the air, and blood, meat, internal organs and bones were spilled on the ground. The viscous blood slowly flowed to Feng's feet, and the compound eyes of this fashionable fish with half of its head were still blinking, but it died immediately, and its vitality was so horrifying~lightnovelpub.net~Look at just now. In the midair where the strange fish was killed, there were still patches of blushing scattered. That was the trace left by Feng's "Wind Pressure Random Slash" just now.

After being promoted to the Great Swordsman, Feng mastered several new abilities. Wind Pressure Random Slash is one of them. It uses extremely fast slashing to oscillate the air to form a paper-thin air cutting wave. And Feng just slashed and released the chaotic cutting of the upper road, which is precisely the terrifying killer move that continues the fencer's fast attack characteristics.

After solving the strange fish, Feng hummed a small tune and walked straight to the vertical passage. However, at this time, strange noises appeared in the darkness, followed by three or four identical strange fishes appearing around Maple.

Feng sighed, and said: "It seems that there were a lot of missing fish last time, which really makes people question the ability of the official legion. Forget it, I will treat it as free labor. Let's go together and finish the fight. After that, maybe we can catch up with the next big show."

Facing Feng's provocation, although the strange fish could not understand the human language, he could feel the disdain in Feng's tone. Out of biological instinct, they roared around, vowing to tear the maple into pieces
