War Lord

Chapter 376: Wrong estimate (2)

w Every minute, Podong suffers from endless attacks from all directions. [br/>

Su's sword is like a series of fierce waves, each sword contains the power of the eighth order, which causes tremendous pressure on Bo Dong. But Feng's Tang Sword was like an undercurrent under the sea of ​​anger, and this great sword master appeared in the darkness with extremely fast body skills. Although Dao Jin is not fierce than ever, it is trickling and endless. Although the undercurrent could not dissipate the reef, it secretly pushed the direction of the water, so Tang Dao Hanshuang was carved like this. Dao Jin’s energy flows from time to time, such as sticking, dragging, pushing, squeezing, and pulling, made Bodong’s response no easier than a plain epee. The latest novel Baidu search ""

The two are completely different in fighting skills, but they have a deep understanding of their skills and strength. They knew every sword they issued, every energy attached to the sword. Compared with many people with high-level abilities, who knew their own power but didn't know why, Su and Feng could use the same ability, but they could exert 12% of the power.

With the combination of the two, Podon has more defenses than offenses. And even if it is a defense, it cannot be fully defense. Podong can only pick up important body parts, or the threat of the opponent's attack, to judge whether he is necessary for defense. And those who were not necessary, or those who attacked the unimportant part of him, Podong discarded one by one. The latest novel Baidu search ""

But even so, Podon’s instinct told him that if this continues, he has no chance of winning at all.

The key is zero.

This wanderer on the edge of the battlefield is a more threatening figure than Su and Feng.

It should be almost done.

However, Podon has no plans to give up.

Suddenly, dark energy erupted from him again.

It's another dark line cutting.

In the face of this space-dependent energy cutting technique, all Su and Feng can do is to stop all attacks and switch to a defensive mode. While the two blocked the dark line cutting, Podong turned and ran.

How could the two of them allow him to flee.

So the speed was full, and Bo Dong rushed out of the base and headed towards the wilderness.

The dark tyrant is not good at speed, so Podon's speed is not fast. At least, he couldn't get rid of the entanglement of chasing soldiers behind. But Podong didn't want to run, he just wanted to lead his opponent to the battlefield he prepared.

Podong is not a fool.

After eating zero loss, he has a long memory. On the side of Zero, besides this person, Bo Dong also knew a Destroyer Su, a Great Sword Master Feng. As well as a person with the ability of the element domain, Bo Dong dared to kill him alone, so he was naturally prepared to be one enemy four.

He has been on the battlefield, so how could he not be fully prepared.

The battlefield set up while waiting for the guests to leave is the tomb prepared by Podon for the Zero and others. But the cooperation of a few people still gave Po Dong an accident, and the other accident was that the hand of Thunder seemed to leave first.

This gives Podon a great deal of confidence.

In a blink of an eye, the battlefield is in sight.

At this moment, there was a strange vibration in the air.

Bo Dong looked back, and Feng was stepping towards him.

This span, across a hundred meters!

Pieces of afterimages dragged out behind Feng, with a sonic boom. Tang Dao Hanshuang handed it straight toward Bo Dong's thick back. At a speed close to the sound barrier, this knife would easily break Bo Dong's body.

Podong yelled and rushed forward regardless of his image. Almost at the same time, Feng Lianren passed him with a sword. Just a little bit, Podong could be hit hard. But when he missed a hit, Feng had already grabbed the man in front of him, blocking his way.

When Bo Dong climbed up from the ground, Su Ye arrived, and Feng surrounded Bo Dong one after another.

Although Zero showed up at the end, Podong knew that he must be nearby too, so all the goals were gathered. A smile finally appeared on Podong's face.

"You can still laugh, if I were you, I guess I can't even cry now." Feng sneered, looking at Bo Dong, looking for a chance to shoot.

Podong bared his steel teeth and said with a smile: "I laughed because you entered my home court but didn't even feel it. Or make a bet with me, it's you, not me, who want to cry for a while."

"Stop nonsense! Home or something, even if you take it out. No matter what it is, I will cut it to pieces!"

Sudor lifted the giant sword, leaned forward, and immediately launched a charge towards Bo Dong. Obviously she was only a slender woman, but she ran out of the aura of the main battle tank when she charged into the battle. Every single foot fall will leave a clear footprint on the wilderness. As the footprints get deeper and deeper, Su's power is gathering. According to the ratio of power increase, the moment when she attacks, it will be the time when her power gathers to its peak.

That must be a thunder blow!

Unfortunately, Su was unable to issue this terrible attack.

Podong smiled and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, Su only felt that the space became sticky. The air seemed to have turned into mud and cement, making the body weigh more than a thousand catties, but it couldn't run anyway.

Kansu appeared abnormal, and Feng frowned, and immediately wanted to launch an attack. However, when the mind moved, the body still stopped where it was. Although he was not immobile, his movements became extremely slow.

"You can't move it." Potong laughed, "In my home court, you are the pigs and sheep to be slaughtered."

Podong stretched out his hand, black lines swirling between his fingers. He collected five fingers and flicked, when several dark lines flicked on Su and Feng.

Blood lines fly!

Don't talk about evasion this time, the two can't even defend. It can be seen that bone wounds appeared on the two of them, and the damage caused by the dark wire cutting was not only as simple as destruction. Dark energy will remain near the wound, and the body will not be able to recover until it is completely eliminated, otherwise neither the ability nor the medicine will be able to force healing. This brings a serious problem. On the battlefield, how can your opponents give you time to dissipate dark energy?

In this case, the wounded will inevitably neutralize Podon's power while fighting. This comes and goes, and the opponent is naturally at a disadvantage under the dual purpose of heart separation. And if you don’t pay attention to the wound, the blood flow will not stop, and you will eventually die from excessive bleeding.

It can be said that the dark line cutting is a special ability that integrates destruction and negative state effects. From the beginning of the war to the present, both Su and Feng have suffered three waves of attacks of this ability. Fortunately for the first two waves, the two of them were completely in an undefensible posture and were hit hard.

Po Dong showed a cruel smile and said loudly to the wilderness: "See? Zero, within the influence of my dark power, these two people don't even have the slightest defensive ability. So, within three seconds you won't Get out. Next time, I will cut off the stinky heads of these two people with a dark line!"

The power of darkness is the home of Podong's ability at the moment. It is a regional ability similar to a realm. The dark power itself does not have any means of attack, but it can strengthen the dark elemental energy in the area of ​​effect. It repels other energies, restrains opponents, and imposes negative attacks on the spiritual level. If Podon is willing, he can also convert dark energy into highly toxic substances.

These toxins are usually biochemical toxins, which are ten times stronger than potassium hydride. One gram of content is enough to bring down a raging giant bear, and if a person with high-level abilities like Feng is exposed to biological poison, it usually can't last for half an hour. After half an hour, the toxin will penetrate deep into the bone marrow, causing irreversible damage.

At present, Podon has yet to launch a toxin attack at home. The reason is naturally that he wants to wipe out the zero.

When Podon only counted to "one", zero had quietly appeared on the edge of "dark power". When Feng and Su were under control, he noticed the abnormal dark energy reaction in this area. Although Zero is not a person with elemental domain ability, his main ability is energy materialization, and his sensitivity to energy is far greater than that of all abilities. After all, he is a person who has come into contact with the origin of the universe. If you compare the sensitivity to energy and stand firmly in the position of the first person, he is only inferior to the will of a planet like Agradis.

After making a few laps at a very fast speed, Zero has roughly figured out the range of Podon’s home court. This is a circular potential field with a diameter of about 300 meters. There are several energy nodes at the edge of the potential field. The function of the energy node is to outline the scope of the potential field and continuously provide energy for maintaining the existence of the potential field. The nodes should be provided by substances such as energy spars. At the moment, Zero Zheng intentionally or unintentionally stands near one of the nodes. If necessary, he can destroy the dark power by destroying the nodes.

"Very well, zero. I thought you would run away with your tail clipped like a dog." Podong gave a smug smile, and he finally forced this difficult opponent out of the darkness.

Without darkness as a cover, and at such a close distance, the rogue is no longer worth scaring Podon.

A dark line floated in his hand, and Podon popped the dark line toward zero in a sneer.

Zero snorted, the dark line cut the tendon of his left heel, letting Zero foot softly fall to the ground on one knee.

"Zero!" Feng called nervously, and he looked at Su again.

The latter burst into flames of energy possible with the naked eye, using the surging energy of the Destroyer to fight against the influence of the power of darkness. But Su shook his head. It was obvious that the special nature of Bo Dong's potential field prevented Su from being completely immune to its influence.

Despite the ability to resist abnormal conditions, the Destroyer is the leader of all professions.

Zero said indifferently, "It won't get in the way."

"It doesn't matter?" Bo Dong clenched his steel teeth, and the more indifferent Zero was, the more angry he looked at that handsome face.

When the hand flicked again, another dark line came out, silently cutting the tendon on the other side of Zero. Zero hum, the whole person knelt to the ground.

"Rogue? Hey, let me see how you run this time." Potong laughed.

Zero raised his head and said in a voice without any emotional ups and downs: "You are just a dog raised under Charles. I really don't know what you have to bark so happily?"

Podong smiled stiffly, and then slowly walked towards zero. When he stepped on his thigh, he stepped on Zero's shoulder and pressed him to the ground. Bo Dong said in a deep voice: "What did you just say?"

Zero on the ground laughed and said, "Not only are you stupid, but you are still deaf. I really don't understand what Charles does with a stupid and deaf dog?"

"Damn!" Po Dong yelled violently, pressing his feet, and directly stepped on Zero to sink into the ground.

The vertical solid ground burst with a violent crack, and Bo Dong's big feet continued to use force, slamming Zero's body into the ground abruptly.

Podon smiled cruelly: "I was going to break your neck, but I changed my mind. I won't let you die so happy, you have to pay for what you just said. Zero, I want to break you Use genetic medicine to keep your vigorous limbs, and then throw you at the hungry corpse wolf. I want you to be sober and watch yourself being eaten by the corpse wolf a little bit, then you will cry and beg me to kill quickly about you!"

On the ground, Ling raised his head with difficulty and said, "You have a lot of nonsense, one kind will kill me now."

He stepped on it again, and slammed Ling's head into the ground again. Podong was still at a loss, and he stepped on the ground several times, his big feet croaking on the ground.

Feng and Su looked at each other. People who have known Zero for a long time can naturally see that Zero is deliberately angering Bo Dong. This is not his usual style at all, but the two of them don't know what exactly Zero is going to do.

After stepping on the ground and beginning to show blood stains, Podong stopped breathing heavily. He sneered, reached out his hand to grab Zero's neck, and lifted him from the ground. Zero's body left the ground, bringing up a whole body of stone debris. His handsome face is already covered with blood, but Zero's right eye is still golden, like a flame that will never go out!

Podon decided to dig out this golden eye, but just as he was about to do it, his stomach hurt.

He was stunned and looked down, but zero hands were inserted into his stomach at some point. The Demon Crystal Armor on Bo Dong's stomach was in vain, unable to defend against the close blow of Zero. What surprised Po Dong even more was that Zero was able to issue such an attack in his potential field.

But such a blow was not enough to be fatal, and more, but it made Podon feel ashamed.

With a violent drink, he slapped Zero's abdomen with the other hand that was empty, and shook Zero's body like a shrimp, and at the same time, the shaking arm moved away from his stomach.

Ling flew out with a tent, and fell to the ground without a sound.

Bo Dong didn't even look at his wounds. Under the action of energy, his muscles quickly formed a layer of flesh, and the zero-shattered magic crystal armor quickly regenerated. But in a blink of an eye, the damage that Zero had done to him was gone.

Podong walked over to Zero, and he planned to twist all of Zero's hands, so that Zero could only let him play with it.

At this time, Zero moved. He propped up his body with his hands, and then sat up on the ground.

Podong was surprised again that the influence of dark power on Zero seemed to be far weaker than the others.

Sitting up from the ground, Zero stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from his face, and then laughed.

"why are you laughing?"

"I laugh that you don't even know that you are dying, and you think you are in control. What is it if you are not an idiot?" asked Ling Leng Lengfei.

Po Dong felt hot on his face, and Ling's words were exactly the same as what he said in answer to Feng's question just now. He was very angry and smiled: "Then let us see who is more stupid. Zero, irritating me will not do you any good."

"Really?" Zero suddenly stretched out his hand, but there was something more in his hand.

Something similar to a remote control device appeared in Zero's hand, but Podong recalled the scene just now. Just before then, Zero's hand was empty. This thing is like he had changed out of thin air.

Suddenly, Podong had some doubts, is Zero's profession really a shadow wanderer?

Zero shook the remote control device in his hand, and said: "The punch that was inserted into your stomach just now was as simple as attacking you? Stupid, don't you find that you have something else in your stomach?"

In an instant, Po Dong's expression changed.

"I'll tell you." Ling said lightly: "That's a bomb, a remote-controlled bomb!"

"What?" Podong lowered his head, and the magic crystal armor on his abdomen immediately moved away. New muscle fibers were not yet growing on the fleshy membrane of the abdomen. In order to confirm, Podon had to reach out and touch the fleshy membrane by himself.

Immediately, blood overflowed.

But Podong did not hesitate to put his hand into the fleshy membrane, and his finger instantly touched the slippery thing, that was his large intestine. But in the abdominal cavity, there is no remotely controlled bomb that Zero said. He just wanted to laugh at zero, but suddenly, there was another thing in his palm.

Cold and hard to the touch. It's like the shell of a bomb!

It appeared out of thin air again, just like that remote control device.

"Zero, how did you do it"

At the end of the speech, an orange flame appeared in Podon's abdominal cavity. The flame was surging, supporting Yuan Bodong's stomach and the magic crystal armor on the surface of his body. In the next moment, the flame exploded, and the terrifying kinetic energy catalyzed all the metals, turning into a raging flame not only to explode Bo Dong's body, but also to completely envelop Bo Dong from the inside.

A fireball just bloomed in the wilderness, and at the same time the fireball appeared, a high-frequency shock wave with a destructive aura swept around, destroying all the energy nodes hidden on the ground.

This battle ~lightnovelpub.net~Potong lost thoroughly. He not only lost his life, but also his body was blown to countless pieces.

"How to do it?" Ling looked at the fire ball that was gradually dimming, and said softly: "That's because the wanderer is not my real power."

In fact, Zero has been calculating Podon since the beginning. He deliberately chose to appear near an energy node and used words to provoke Bo Dong to take action, using Bo Dong's own power to damage that energy node. In this way, although the influence of the dark power is still there, at least around zero, the effect of the potential field is weaker than that of other places.

So when Podong was too close to zero, Zero broke out into trouble, punched through the magic crystal armor and broke into Podong's body, and then left part of his energy in it. Afterwards, through the resonance between the energies, Zero let that group of energy materialize a remote-controlled bomb in Bodong's abdominal cavity, and use the remote control to detonate it, destroying the dark tyrant from inside Bodong's body in one fell swoop.

As Ling said, Podong's ability is undoubtedly not weak, and with the right words, it is possible that the three of them will be killed by him in turn. Therefore, Podong did not lose to the power of zero, but miscalculated the power of zero.

Mistakes are not allowed on the battlefield, and if an error ends, you must use your own life to pay the bill! m