War Lord

Chapter 381: Iron Maiden

w Dawn came as scheduled. [br/>

When there was a glimmer of light on the eastern horizon, the Ay soldiers were neatly dressed and strode out of the base and gathered in the small square outside the base.

Although the equipment of the Ayr's fighters is simple, they are also unified in standard. His body was covered with a composite combat leather armor sewn from leather and bone, and his hand was a machete. The shape of the machete is simple, and the blade is not sharp enough. The only advantage is that it is heavy and heavy enough to meet the nowhere to vent the strength of the Ayr warriors. Only a few fighters will carry a long-handled warhammer, which is similar in style to Kos’s patriarch's warhammer. The only difference is that there is no coat of arms on it. The latest novel Baidu search ""

Not all fighters can master the art of warhammer combat. Only the elite fighters in the clan can freely use this powerful weapon. The soldier holding a machete is still carrying a vine shield behind his back. The shield is made up of the old vines of the carnivorous tree soaked in rainwater, and then twisted into five strands. The wisps of old vines are arranged using ancient techniques, and they have become vine shields that are taller than others.

Such a shield is light and tough, not to mention cold weapons, even human firearms and guns are difficult to penetrate.

Vine shield and machete are standard equipment for ordinary Ayr fighters. The latest novel Baidu search ""

"Blood Twilight" Koss also wore a set of composite combat armor made of steel armor and leather spliced ​​together. This is something left over by the patriarch of the previous generation. This one-piece combat armor uses a few round steel plates. Protect the important position of the tall body of the Els, while other places are still protected by leather armor.

It is worth mentioning that the round steel pieces are processed by repeatedly hammering at high temperature to remove most of the impurities in the steel, representing the highest level of forging skills of the Ayers at present. Although it is only two centimeters thick, shooting with a rifle at 500 meters can only leave a faint white mark on the steel sheet. Therefore, this set of combat armor is second to none among the Els in terms of defensive power.

Kos carried a long-handled warhammer, his single eye gleamed with eye-catching brilliance, and he inspected the fighters of his own clan. A team of 167 people lined up neatly in five rows, facing the cold wind in the square, and the yellow-brown hair spread in the wind, like a burning flame, just like the anger in the chest of the Ayers at this moment. Koss roared at the soldiers, to the effect that humans killed 20 or 30 of them. This shame must be repaid with human blood.

The patriarch's words naturally received the response from the soldiers. The Ayers' character is far from being gentle, and they are always irritable. What's more, now inexplicably killed more than 30 soldiers for humans, this breath can't be swallowed anyway.

Looking at Kos, who was like a raging fire, he seemed to see himself when he was young. Brave, but impulsive. The passing of time has dimmed the heat of Menacing Mouth a lot, but restrained and sensible. Menacing is also unwilling to die in vain to his own people, but it will not go to the battlefield without knowing anything. In fact, before Kos assembled his fighters, Mao had sent two fighters to find out the reality of mankind, including their number and location.

Counting the time, the soldier is coming back soon. Just thinking about it, Yu saw two Ayr fighters rushing into the square. They first looked at Menacing, and then set their gazes on Kos, so the two soldiers rushed to Kos and briefly reported in their own language. The soldier's voice is not small, and the rude Els don't know what low-key is, so even the man who stands farther can hear the content of the report clearly.

To put it simply, two soldiers found human soldiers assembled in a valley in the southwest. It was a team of about fifty people, well-equipped, and there was also a commander who was not inferior to the Ayers. . Judging from the appearance of the commander, he should be a capable person among human beings.

One capable person, plus an armed army of about fifty people. Such strength is not weak, but it is not too strong either. At least, Coase didn't take them seriously. So at the order of Kos, the Ayr fighters drove out of the square. Menacingly mentioned his pair of tomahawks. When he was young, he used a heavy long-handled one-handed axe. But now, Mao can only wield these short-handled single-edged axes.

Its power has degraded, and it can no longer move the heavy giants. But this single-edged axe is not only more energy-saving, but the time and energy spent on it is not less than that of the previous giants. Power aside, in terms of technique, this single-edged axe is even better than before.

However, when he was about to set off with the army, Coase stopped it.

The young patriarch shook his head and simply said in El language: "Stay, defend."

Menacing one-eyed gleamed, but then quickly dimmed. It nodded, took off the double axe and sat down in a corner of the square, with a bleak figure.

It's getting old, and he knows that Coase thinks so. No matter how brave the warrior is, it is no match for time, and it is no longer qualified to go to the battlefield when it is old. The title of the warrior leader still hangs today, and it is nothing more than a honor given by Coase out of respect.

But fierce, it is not reconciled!

Coss is running.

This mountain is its home ground, and Kos was a frequent visitor to this land when he was very young. It was still small at that time, but it had lit up the whole land like a small flame. It likes to run, which makes it feel the existence of life. When running, the brain will issue instructions to allow the heart to provide more blood. The blood will run wildly in the blood vessels, like the raging Yangtze River, rushing endlessly.

And now, Coss has changed from a flame into a cloud of fire.

A cloud of fire enough to burn the enemy out!

Even if he carried a warhammer weighing more than two hundred kilograms, Kos was still the fastest runner, and he was also the Ayr in the forefront. The patriarch of the El clan is not only the strongest fighter, but also the pioneer. No matter what kind of battle, Kos will not back down. It inherits the excellent qualities of ancestors such as bravery, tenacity, and fearlessness. Without these, there would be no "Blood Twilight"!

A team of about 170 members of the Ay tribe rolled over in the mountains like a torrent, and felt their awe-inspiring killing intent. No matter how powerful the mutant beast was, it obediently hid in the lair, even with a probe. The earth roared like a drum of war.

Soon, under the leadership of the two sentries sent by Men, the Ayers passed through the narrow and long mountain road and came to a relatively flat valley. It’s not too far from the Ayr base, but the mountain roads are rugged and twisty. If you are unintentional, it is difficult to find a human army hidden deep in the valley. Kos secretly praised that humans would really find a place, but then again, this race has always been cunning. If not, he and his tribe will almost be "influenced" by them.

The word probation has only recently been learned by Coase. That's what the "mother" told it that the despicable humans intend to make the Els their slaves by probating them, like pigs and dogs. This is the reason why Kos suddenly killed several garrisons and broke with Asgart.

Coase put away the messy thoughts in his mind, it has already smelled the smell of human beings. Scarlet Twilight raised the warhammers, they were only a hundred meters away from the valley, a mere hundred meters, and they could not be reached in an instant under the charge of the Ayr warriors. So when Kos's warhammer was swung down, the Ayr warriors let out an earth-shattering roar, flowing like water from both sides of Kos.

Kos also let out a loud roar towards the sky, and ran towards the valley with the warhammer. A hundred meters passed in a blink of an eye, but it was a clearing in Coase's eyes.

There are traces of camping on the open space. The dozens of stone-built stoves show that not only have humans eaten here, but the number of people who have eaten is not only 50 people. Seeing this, Coase knew he was fooled no matter how stupid he was. The **** twilight sprayed two hot torrents in the nostrils. At the moment, several strange chapters were roared in El language, which naturally asked the people to evacuate here immediately.

At this moment, there were several rumblings from the mountain road when the valley came. As the smell of gunpowder was blowing in the wind, the entire mountain area was shaking. That was the shock caused by the falling of the rocks. Coase understood at once that the humans blew up the mountain road and wanted to block them in this valley!

It's a pity that the patriarch realized it was too late. As the black barrels of hundreds of New Age rifles around the valley appeared in Kos's eyes, the young patriarch seemed to have heard the wailing of the tribe.

From the distant mountain area, there was finally a dull gunshot "all the way", and when he heard the gunshots, he suddenly jumped from the ground. Menacing felt a burst of irritability. From the sound, the gunshot was far less loud and rough than the guns used by the human garrison before. According to Menacing's understanding, the louder the voice represents the greater the power. However, he didn't know that the new era guns were driven by abandoned gunpowder, and the rifles that used high-capacity batteries for firing needle shooting were quieter, but they were more powerful than firearms.

Feng felt that it was necessary to notify the old and young women in the base to gather in the warehouse, which was used by the Els to store supplies and had a steel pulley door. There are iron bolts with thick thighs inside the steel door. If necessary, the steel door can be locked from the inside to safely hide for a period of time. This was originally an arrangement used by the Els to prevent attacks from powerful mutant beasts, but this arrangement has never been activated.

After all, with the strength of the Els, there are basically no abnormal beasts within a thousand miles that are strong enough to threaten them.

But today, Men felt it necessary to use this arrangement. But when it was about to return to the base, the menacing instinct made it to rush forward with all its strength. Almost at the same time, Mao felt a scorching air stream passing over his head, and a dull gunshot sounded behind him.

It's human!

Menacing one-eyed flashed a fierce light, and rolled away, already holding the two single-edged battle axes on the ground in his hands. When he jumped in again, he crossed his hands to cover his head and chest. The moment he made this defensive posture, his arms shook violently, and blood popped out.

Two more gunshots.

Although the bullet hit Menacing, it was stuck in Menacing's arm bones and could not cause more damage. The kinetic energy that can break the bones of ordinary people only makes Menacing feel pain, nothing more.

The fierceness of the Els is evident from this.

Through the gap between his arms, he saw several humans pressing towards the square in a trapezoidal movement. It roared and made a throwing motion with both hands, but the two single-edged battle axes had already hit a human.

The single-edged battle axe sank deep into the chests of these two human soldiers, and its strength was so powerful that it almost came out. Before turning into corpses, the two soldiers opened their eyes wide, as if they could not believe that they had died like this.

While hitting the soldier, he strode forward and ran towards the remaining soldiers. The remaining five or six soldiers had already squatted down and fired, slamming their heads and chests directly against the barrage, and beside the two corpses before, they rolled with a single-edged battle axe, like a gray whirlwind on the firing soldier. The two soldiers at the forefront had yet to react, and found that the whole world was turning over.

When they turned their sights by nearly 180 degrees, they saw their headless corpse puffing blood!

After killing two soldiers in an instant, he rushed towards the remaining soldiers with a grinning smile.

The single-edged axe flexibly turned in Menacing's hand, bringing the brilliance like a wheel, and then swept towards the remaining soldiers. As soon as the **** of death approached, suddenly a slender figure protruded from behind the soldier. This figure flew its legs, kicked the menacing wrist with incomparable accuracy, and shook the wrist with the menacing force, and the spinning light wheel finally stopped.

The shadow of the man's legs flew, kicking in the menacing chest one after another. High-frequency intensive blows coupled with not weak power, kicked back again and again. After letting Mano retreat for ten meters, the shadow of her legs disappeared, and in Mano's one eye, a slender girl appeared.

The girl with short and flamboyant hair cuts an ok stretch on her left cheek. The corners of his mouth are slightly upturned, which is a confident smile. The girl wearing tank tops, shorts, gloves, and military boots said to the soldier behind: "Retreat. Give this guy to me."

"Be careful, Haiwei." An veteran called out the girl's name worriedly, but he also knew that the terrifying Ayr soldier in front of him was not something ordinary soldiers like them could deal with with a rifle.

Hai Wei nodded, her feet were slightly apart, her right fist was folded to shoulder level, and her left fist was stretched slightly forward, in a standard fighting posture. The girl hooked her fingers and said, "Come on, big guy!"

Mao could understand Hai Wei's meaning, and knew that the cunning human soldiers were divided into two ways. One way attracts the attention of family chiefs and fighters, and the other way bypasses the mountains with the intention of attacking the base. If Coss hadn't left it, he couldn't imagine the fate of the people in the base.

When I think so, I feel angry. The warrior leader roared and sprayed two streams of heat from his nostrils. He flexibly turned the single-edged axe with his hands and sprinted with his fit, like a human-shaped tank!

Hai Wei finally suppressed her smile, and faced with the astonishing power that was constantly rolling in, the girl remained unmoved. Hai Wei rushed forward when he rushed halfway through. But with her body moving, Hai Wei focused her whole body on her hand, and used a sliding shovel to step down and cross her body.

Five fingers pressed the ground, stopped her body, Hai Wei bounced back. A little tiptoe, and then immediately jumped on the fierce body. Hai Wei wrapped her hands around her menacing neck, her body was as soft as a snake, and she used her long legs to cross her menacing waist and twist it hard.

Feng immediately felt that the sky was spinning, and when he woke up, Hai Wei had already been thrown to the ground.

Broken neck!

This is one of the basic wrestling skills Haiwei learned in the youth camp, using inertia and centrifugal force to throw his opponent on the ground with his head and neck fiercely. And under the action of Haiwei's fourth-order power, even with the strong physique of the Ayers, menacingly smashed their eyes and took gold hearts. Before waking up from the shock of the neck and fall, he suffered a few severe pains in his chest and arms.

But he let go of the fierce Haiwei, and added a few empty step swallows to it. This is the technique of high-speed stomping on the target volley. Through the superposition of power between exercises, one foot is heavier than the other.

After stepping out of six feet like lightning, Hai Wei jumped out three meters in a volley, dropped to the ground, and regained her posture. The movements are clean and tidy, and there is no sloppy movement. The girl's movements are already faintly like a master of combat.

And at this moment, Mao shook his head and got up from the ground. Just looking at the girl warrior again, there was already a dignified look in his eyes.

"Come again!"

The girl drank lightly, leaning forward and leaping forward again.

Drink fiercely and stand still. It wasn't until Haiwei rushed closer that the two single-edged axes crossed. Hai Wei didn't mean to evade at all. She crossed her hands and held her fingers wide, holding her menacing wrist, so that it couldn't cut it off with two axes. It's just that the two of them struggled with each other's strength, and the ground under their feet crackled first, then collapsed abruptly. The broken stone chips sprayed up in a ring under the shock wave of the force collision, flying up in the air, and then raining down like a stone rain.

The simple and rough collision caused the two bodies to enter a short-lived state of stiffness. But Haiwei is obviously far better than Menacing in terms of physical flexibility, so she recovers from the rigid state faster than Menacing. I saw Hai Wei retreat slightly, his palms changed from holding to grasping, and he swayed with this as a fulcrum. Hai Wei's body was as soft as boneless, and after turning 270 degrees in midair, she clamped her long legs to [tightly] her big head.

At the moment when he clamped Mano, Hai Wei let go of her hand and her body rose with inertia. Shrinking her waist again, Hai Wei rolled towards the ground. Clamping the menacing legs took advantage of the opportunity to bring this elite fighter of the El family up from the ground, turned around halfway around, and then fell heavily to the ground!

Round hammer!

The ground shook, and Hai Wei was almost smashed into the ground by Hai Wei's throwing technique. The body collided violently on a large area, causing Menacing to spout a **** mist involuntarily from his mouth and nose~lightnovelpub.net~ It looked at the radiant cloud in the sky a little dazedly, and couldn't believe that it was so slender one after another. Human girl fell to the ground.

The dignity of the Ay fighters is gone!

After falling down for the second time, Hai Wei did not make additional attacks this time, but jumped and pulled away several times in succession. From neck breaking to round hammer, Hai Wei learned the fighting skills based on her own strengths and characteristics. Hai Wei didn't intend to learn those powerful boxing and leg combat skills like Johnny. It is true that these skills are very destructive. But the demand for strength and physical fitness is also considerable. Hai Wei knows very well that as a female, there is a natural gap between them and males.

What's more, Haiwei's route is different from that of the so-called swordsman. Fighters who use their bodies as weapons consume more physical energy when fighting than swordsman-type fighters. Therefore, Hai Wei carefully selects from various fighting skills, and finally fancy a variety of close-up stalking the enemy, using the flexibility of the body and the inertia of the action to defeat the enemy.

Destroying the enemy's defense and even the body with a throwing technique, and then using a powerful kicking technique to win with a single blow, has become an important core of Haiwei's tactics. In the future, as the Iron Girl becomes known, this tactical thinking will allow female fighters to find a way to rival the male warrior! m