War Lord

Chapter 382: Dusk (1)

w Slowly climbed up from the ground, the one-eyed face on its face became extremely calm, but under this calm, there was emotion comparable to the angry sea. (Meng is an excellent warrior, he knows his body well. In the two mad wrestlings just now, Meng already knew that his bones were cracked by the girl. This is a combination of huge power and special throwing skills. For the damage caused by the latter, he knew that the most ideal way now was to run away, so he could recover from the injuries that lasted for ten days and a half with the strong physical stamina of the Els.

But behind it is the only entrance to the base. As soon as he left, the clansmen in the base were bound to be unpredictable. Moreover, Menacing is a soldier, and the dignity of the soldier does not allow him to escape this battle. The latest novel Baidu search ""

From the time the young patriarch suddenly killed the human garrison, Mao knew that the Els and humans could no longer coexist. Menacing is the only one who knows why Coss killed the garrison, but he doubts the existence of the "mother" in Coss's mouth. Kos believed in this, and pointed out that "everything is born from it." With Coase's low talent in language and able to speak such simple and profound words, Menacing couldn't help but believe in the existence of his mother.

But even so, it is still unwise to break with humans. Now, it is time to suffer the consequences. It’s just the Els who never know what regret is. The latest novel Baidu search ""

Coase is so, so is menacing.

Menacing hands swung two single-edged axes flexibly, letting them pull out a faint light tail in the air. When there are more and more light tails like this, Hai Wei repeats tightening and relaxation all over her body. This is her breathing rhythm when she is in battle, which can help her maximize her physical stamina.

Hai Wei knew that a fierce attack was coming.

She can't let go of any action, the consequence of negligence is death!

Suddenly, he waved his hands repeatedly, and the single-edged axe turned like a wheel. Two groups of light wheels seemed to be released from the menacing hands, they brought strange screams, and cut across to Haiwei. At the same time, Mao didn't stop, and ran towards Hai Wei with all his strength. Its hands are wide open, and sharp bones and claws pop out from the flesh [slit] between the five fingers. This is the last and strongest weapon of every Ayr!

The light wheel staggered, Hai Wei bounced and rolled in the air, letting the two single-edged axes pass through her body.

Upon landing, Hai Wei adjusted her breathing.

Feng had already caught Hai Wei's sight with a single claw!

Hai Wei slid forward, but leaned back to the extreme, letting Mang's claw rub her nose. Hai Wei embraced her hands, encircled her menacing arms, and then swung up with her waist. Like a smart monkey, Haiwei instantly jumped over her menacing arm. The girl flexed her body to the limit, and the moment she let go of her hands, her long legs exerted strength and stepped heavily on her elbows!

Kicking skills, military stab!

This is a technique that uses the elasticity and stretchability of the leg muscles to instantly exert force to destroy the joints of the hand. The army stab hit the menacing elbow, and Haiwei's fourth-order force formed a penetrating torrent of destruction, crushing the menacing elbow bones. With a scream, the other hand turned to catch Hai Wei in the air.

Haiweiren was in midair, limited by the rules of physics and could not change his posture. Had to cross his hands, the fourth-order defense was full, and the attack was tough.

There was a dull explosion in the air, and the air explosion visible to the naked eye was slowly unfolding, but Hai Wei's body had already flew straight back like a cannonball, hitting the thick rock wall outside the Ayr base, and then bounced to the ground. As soon as she touched the ground, Hai Wei immediately rolled away and bounced from the ground, only to see five bloodstains clearly visible on her slender arms.

Every bloodstain was deeply visible in the bone, making Hai Wei's hands drip with blood. This is still the result of her blessing of Tier 4 defense, otherwise if she suffered this way, her hands would have been snapped off. Hai Wei stretched out her small tongue and gently [licked] on the wound. Apart from the rusty smell of blood, Hai Wei also felt her tongue tingle. This is a sign of poisoning, but before coming, all the soldiers, including Haiwei, had already used anti-poisoning agents.

In addition, Haiwei's defense enhancement itself has the effect of enhancing anti-toxicity, so the neurotoxin that the Els can make the large mutant beasts directly lie down has a relatively weaker impact on Haiwei.

It's just that the impact is not non-existent. As the amount of exercise increases, the blood accelerates, and the impact of toxins will become greater and greater. So Hai Wei must fight quickly, and the longer it is, the more disadvantaged it will be for her.

Hai Wei's eyes flashed sharp lights, and her body tilted forward slightly, already rushing toward her like a cheetah. Not to be outdone, Menacing greeted Haiwei with one arm. Although they are of different races, at this moment, both Haiwei and Menacing saw desperate enlightenment in the eyes of the other party.

The outcome will be decided in the next second!

Roared fiercely, swept across his arms, trying to catch Hai Wei's head. Unexpectedly, the girl reached out with lightning with both hands, crossed the fence and dragged it on its arm, and Yu immediately involuntarily stumbled to the left. Hai Wei had already seized the opportunity to cross with him, and flashed behind it. The girl turned around and transferred the force to her right leg by the swing of her waist.

The long legs swept like a whip, bringing up a strange buzzing sound, Hai Wei's long legs swept a faint smoke dragon in the air, and swept his heels on the fierce head. Menacing head suddenly swayed wildly to the right unnaturally, and the huge force completely opposite to the body made Menacing head assume an unnatural posture. As Haiwei's strong legs took her body off the ground, as Haiwei's long legs swept to the ground, Menacing followed her head and feet to make intimate contact with the ground.

The ground quaked violently, and the shock wave soared into the sky, bringing up countless sand, stone and smoke debris, like a smoke dragon rising on the flat ground. The Yanlong soared for a hundred meters before stopping the castration, and was slowly blown away by the wind.

Looking at the ground again, his tall body did not fall to the ground. Its head almost stuck to the shoulder, and the broken neck bone even stuck out of the neck. The fierce one-eyed eye was heavily hyperemic, which was caused by a burst of blood vessels in the brain.

The warrior leader of the El tribe finally drank bitterness under Hai Wei's "kick fist". Hai Wei, who had only killed an enemy for the first time, turned her small face pale when she looked at her obviously mutated cervical spine. He turned around, but couldn't help but vomit. She only felt that her stomach was turned upside down, and she vomited up everything she ate in the morning, and she was unable to sit on the ground.

Seeing Hai Wei's appearance as a rookie, the veterans smiled. One of the soldiers comforted: "It's okay, the first time you kill, er, it's barely half a person, it's all like this."

Another soldier smiled beside him: "Yes, Haiwei, you have done a good job. Unlike someone who wets his pants when he kills for the first time."

"Damn who are you talking about!"

When they rushed to Feng Haiwei in a more alternative way, the other two soldiers had already got into the base of the Els. Moments later, gunshots and weird calls from Ayers resounded from the base. Five minutes later, the soldiers ran out again, and said to them anxiously: "Retreat!"

So the two soldiers near Haiwei lifted up the girl, and the remaining five members of the raid team quickly evacuated from the base of the Els. After they ran a few hundred meters, there was an explosion in the sky behind them. Hai Wei looked back at her busy schedule and saw an orange fireball slowly rising in the direction of the base. The fireball swallowed all combustible matter, and it turned into a small black mushroom cloud until even the air was burned out by it.

Haiwei was in a daze, as if returning to the morning when she was about to set off, she heard that her team was assigned a mission to attack the Els' base and blow up the base. Hai Wei always felt that there was no need to overdo it. Although this operation was followed up randomly, he gave all the command to Brown. When Brown gave this order, Zero was also there, but he chose to remain silent, only Hai Wei raised the objection.

But Brown said to this: "Hatred will spread. We only kill all the fighters of the El family and leave them alone. It seems that we are undoubtedly kind. But in fact, we are stupid. Because as long as the Ayrs are not dead, the hatred will continue to exist. Perhaps another group of young Ayr fighters will appear in front of us in five or ten years. By then, it will be too late to regret."

"Since the hatred is destined to be planted, we might as well do it more thoroughly, and never cause trouble!"

When Brown said that, Hai Wei could hardly associate the man in front of him with the hearty uncle on weekdays. But Hai Wei's reason told her that Brown's decision was correct. The turbulent age does not require mercy, but conquer!

What's more, Hai Wei can't think about the complicated question of right and wrong.

The explosion of the base rang thousands of miles, and even the gunfire and roar in the fierce battle could not cover up the explosion. So Coss heard it very clearly. He looked in the direction of the explosion, and instantly caught the hideous black cloud. In an instant, Kos knew what had happened, and suddenly let out a grief from his mouth.

The howling is desolate, with endless helplessness, and endless resentment!

In this valley, the Ayr warriors were in an ambush. Blocked their way to death, they can only fight back. The hateful thing is that humans occupy the commanding heights and fire frequently with powerful new-age rifles. Although Kos asked the tribe to erect a vine shield and shrink the line of defense, his back was attached to the mountain wall to reduce the attack surface. But even so, under the great power and high-frequency shooting of human weapons in the new era, tribe members die every minute.

And after Koss made this grief, the angry patriarch suddenly saw a sturdy human man on the high cliff coming out with a heavy machine gun, with the courage of the **** dusk, he couldn't help but feel cold.

The high-speed heavy artillery that can only be used on a tank is easily carried in Brown's hand. Brown's body is draped with a yellow ammunition chain, and an ammunition box is stepped on his feet, obviously well prepared. Brown smoked a cigarette, pointed his muzzle at the Ayre soldier on the opposite mountain wall, and the big man pressed the trigger while smoking.

There was no need to aim, the high-speed heavy artillery roared, and the bullets poured out like a torrential rain in the tongue of Misch's fire from the muzzle of the gun. Countless bullet shells fell to Brown's feet, but the bullets shot out were like death's sickles. As Brown's trajectory moved, it cut a blood line across the Ayr warrior camp!

Kos's one-eyed eye turned red in an instant, and the vine shield could barely withstand the attack of the new era rifle, but it couldn't help it with the bombardment of the .25mm large-caliber bullet. Even the strength of the Ayers, hitting such a bullet immediately caused a wound the size of a bowl, and such a wound was deadly enough.

So Brown swept across the cliff, and the Ayr warriors immediately turned their backs on their horses. Coss roared and lifted the warhammer to pounce on the cliff where Brown was. As he approached the cliff, Coase raised his warhammer and hit it with a heavy blow.

The mountain was violently quake, and the cracks as thick as a child's arm started from the hit point, and continued to spread like a snake until it reached the cliff at Brown's foot. With another bang, a large area of ​​the mountain fell off, Brown's face was pale, and he quickly jumped back with the ammunition box. The soldiers who couldn't escape together slid down the valley together with the fallen mountain. Immediately, the soldiers either stoned them to death, or slashed them into mud with knives at a surge of Ay soldiers.

"Oh shit!"

Seeing that Kos stepped back, he planned to hammer the cliff again. Brown yelled, adjusted his trajectory instantly, and pressed the trigger lightly.

Under the cliff, Kos was immediately alert, his warhammer shook his head, and his whole body shook violently.

There was a loud sound, and a loud impact sounded. I saw a large-caliber bullet embedded in Kos’s warhammer. While Brown continued to lightly press the trigger, the rapid-fire heavy artillery connected several bursts of fire, pressing Koss back continuously. And no matter how strong the meticulously forged warhammer was, it couldn't stand the continuous attack of rapid-fire heavy artillery.

I saw that the side of the warhammer facing Brown had sunk, and the bullet points fired by a few points were almost the same!

Only Brown can use the rapid-fire heavy artillery as a sniper rifle. After all, their profession has two powerful tools for environmental calculation and ballistic correction. They can allow the artillery master to manipulate heavy firepower, but achieve precise strikes like a sniper rifle. .

This ability may not be very useful in fighting among the strong, but when used on the battlefield, it is a terrible means for a thousand armies to win enemy generals.

When Brown wanted to continue shooting, there was a flurry of dance at the foot of the cliff, but it was the elite fighters of the Els who used warhammers as weapons to bombard the cliffs. Although their power can't be compared with Coase, the seven or eight warhammers slammed in such turns, and the mountains were shaking constantly, and the broken rocks were overturned. Seeing that the fragmented area of ​​the mountain continues to expand, Brown can no longer stay in the original shooting position. Reluctantly backed down again and again, only to see Coase took the opportunity to pounce and entered Brown's shooting blind spot.

The cliffs quaked endlessly, and Brown couldn't even take a closer look. At this time, there was a flat voice from behind: "Leave it to me, that guy."

But Ye Liu came over and looked at the girl. Brown frowned and looked at the sky and said, "It's not night now."

"The dark night is the home of the dark night messenger, but it's not everything." Ye Liu turned around and said blankly: "As for concealment, it is either concealment or concealment. As long as the opponent can't see me, it is also another form of concealment."

Speaking of what Brown seemed to understand, Ye Liu leaned back, so he fell to the valley below his head and feet against the sloping cliff wall.

Coss was about to climb the cliff to kill the **** humans, when suddenly he found a human girl swooping over his head. Coase didn't pay attention to this delicate creature at all, and the warhammer was about to smash the bug. The girl suddenly disappeared as soon as she squeezed the warhammer tightly.

The patriarch was taken aback for a moment, but he heard fine footsteps in his ears. Coase looked around, but he didn't see any of them. But it knew that the girl was nearby, and the feeling of knowing that the opponent was around but not being able to catch a figure made Coss feel terribly uncomfortable. It spewed a hot breath from its nose, and suddenly the warhammer swept across and blasted into the void!

In the air, the girl's stunned expression appeared. The warhammer was hitting her chest, and Cos smiled triumphantly, but a dumb voice rang behind him: "You guessed it wrong."

It turned out to be behind!

The figure exploded from the warhammer into millions of butterflies, and Coase jumped out of a wave of blood with a pain in his shoulder. The girl used a sharp tool to not only break open its skin and flesh, but also to open a few nerves in her shoulders, and even the composite combat armor was gently untied, without even the slightest suffocation. Coase endured the severe pain, and the warhammer quickly moved to the other hand and then swung out. The air rang fiercely, and of course, the hammer also fell in the empty space.

It's just that the patriarch's intention was to force his opponent away. The moment Coase quickly turned around, the corner of his eyes caught the girl holding a dark dagger back into the void.

Coase could hardly believe that a small dagger could cause such a great harm to himself? Scarlet Twilight didn't know ~lightnovelpub.net~ Ye Liu used the technique of concussion attack. This technique is suitable for petite girls like Ye Liu. It can cause terrible damage with less power. More importantly, when attacking with this technique, the wind caused by the blade breaking through the air will be minimized.

However, it is not easy to learn this technique, usually only those warriors who are determined to master this terrible assassination technique.

Fragmentary footsteps sounded again, and Kos grasped the warhammer tightly, his one-eyed movement kept moving. Although the patriarch is talented in combat, he has used his eyesight to the limit, but he can only catch a faint figure in the corner of his eye. This terrible girl is moving around it at an unimaginable high speed, but the directions she takes are all blind spots in Kos's sight, so Kos can't grasp her position.

The killing sound in his ears shook the sky, and after being demolished by the elite soldiers with a warhammer, the human side began to counterattack. Although ordinary warriors took advantage of the fact that the human soldiers were on the verge of an enemy, the human soldiers also started to counterattack with rifles. Especially the extraordinarily sturdy man, carrying the black heavy artillery in his hand, easily harvesting the lives of his tribe. Coss can't wait to help his people, but now he is entangled by this dangerous girl, and if he gets distracted, he might be killed.

Scarlet Twilight suddenly realized that this time she might no longer be the twilight of the enemy. m