War Lord

Chapter 383: Dusk 2

Bang bang bang ——

The sound of tiny footsteps is like soft raindrops, falling continuously around Kos. [m网--] The young patriarch wished that his head could rotate 360 ​​degrees like some alien beasts, but even so, he probably couldn't keep up with the girl's speed.

If you can't keep up, don't find it!

Kos made a decision in an instant, and the warhammer was raised high, and then fell heavily to the ground.

There was a loud bang, and the ground smashed and cracked with Kos as the center. The shock wave of the heavy blow vented upward from the ground, bringing up a gray smoke screen. Concealment does not mean that there is no trace. Ye Liu just used the extremely fast speed and the blind spot to disappear from Kos's line of sight, but her body is not air, and no matter how fast she is, she can't really disappear.

So a faint outline appeared in the smoke screen.

Caught it!

Coss thought excitedly, and the warhammer swung horizontally in an instant. The gale brought by the warhammer blew away the smoke screen, but the hammer's body was still empty.

"It's a good idea to use smoke to show me, but unfortunately you still can't keep up with my movements in terms of speed."

The voice came from behind again, this time Coase found a pair of slender legs encircling his shoulders separately, temporarily suppressing his actions. With a slight tingling pain coming from the top of his eyes, Coase tilted his head back without even thinking about it, and opened his mouth to bite at the same time.

When there was a sound, the pitch-black dagger in the girl's hand gave Coss a bite.

However, the shocking force attached to the dagger caused Kos's sharp teeth to break, but the girl did not expect that this big guy would use such weird tricks to block her attack. For a while, she naturally went into a daze, and sat on Kos's shoulder in a daze without moving. .

Until Brown's voice sounded on the cliff: "Idiot, don't be in a daze on the battlefield!"

Ye Liu reacted to this loud shout. As if the short-circuited machine was working again, the girl stretched out her hand and pressed Kos's thick back, and the person immediately moved away. She left, and the warhammer whizzed across the top of Kos's head. If she reacted more slowly, it would now be a meatloaf.

Brown breathed a sigh of relief when the girl leaped a few times and entered a high-speed hiding state again. He smiled bitterly and shook his head. Ye Liu was good at everything, it was this natural habit of staying that happened no matter what the occasion. That's it for other places. What's the difference between being in a daze on the battlefield and looking for death?

It's just that when discussing this matter with her, Brown retracted his gaze and continued to control the terrorist weapon in his hand to harvest the lives of the Ayr warriors.

Just so close, Coase felt the fruit of victory. It is a pity that because of the reminder from the man who is as strong as a bear, Kos and Victory pass by. Coase glanced bitterly at Brown, and the next moment, he suddenly felt a needle-like slight pain all over his body. Feeling this with his heart, Coase heard a faint tremor.

At the end of the reaction, Ye Liu staggered past it with an afterimage. The afterimages disappeared in a flash, and when Coase only caught a contour, his knee hurt, and a fountain of blood jumped out. In the blood spring, a few bone chips were vaguely visible, but they were picked out by Ye Liu with a single blow.

Kos suffers from pain, and his warhammer slams on the ground to support his body. However, he found that Ye Liu's figure kept flickering, and every time it flashed, it would bring out the flesh and bones of Kos's body, and so on. Although the injuries are not serious each time, when the number reaches a certain level, it is also a terrible trauma for Coase.

But in a blink of an eye, the patriarch was already covered in blood, but until now, Kos had never even touched the corner of Ye Liu's clothes.

Eviscerate, one of the special skills of the night messenger. Use weapons to defensively destroy the target by moving quickly. If the opponent is subjected to a certain number of attacks, it is likely that the whole body's bones will be destroyed. After all, this is the attack launched by the night messenger against the biological bones.

Coase's nerves were burned by the flames, and when his anger had accumulated to a certain extent, it was the time to explode. No matter when, Scarlet Twilight is not just a good gentleman who is only beaten and never fights back, but Ye Liu's speed is too fast to capture, Kos will take the defensive until now. (.) However, under the skill of Eviscerate, passive defense is destined to miss success.

So the patriarch let out a decisive roar, ignoring Ye Liu's continuous, seemingly endless attacks. [wm]m[w网[wm] It concentrates on holding the warhammer so that it is parallel to the ground, and then rotates it with its legs. The warhammer plus the weight of Kos himself has reached a level of horror of nearly 500 kilograms! The weight of the two revolving together immediately brought up the air and lifted the dust on the ground.

When the first smoky dragon entangled Kos, the patriarch was spinning faster and faster. In the end, Kos's figure was replaced by a huge smoky dragon, forming a terrible tornado extending hundreds of meters from the ground to the sky. . This is Coase's proud technique, using the weight of his body and warhammer to make the terrifying centrifugal force generated when it rotates to form irresistible damage.

Cos, who was transformed into a tornado, instantly bounced Ye Liu who had accidentally rushed into the smoke dragon.

In Ye Liu's muffled snort, her petite body bounced on the ground several times, and then stopped after rolling nearly a hundred meters. Just as she braced herself, her pretty face suddenly became flushed. With a small mouth, he coughed up a red blood mist. There was even a slight amount of meat in the blood, which was caused by internal organ damage. The more serious injury is that the right forearm is almost deformed, which is only a trace of being gently rubbed by the tornado.

Even though the girl was so badly injured, she still looked natural. She shook her head and jumped up from the ground, but the tornado swirling towards her made Ye Liu feel suffocated, because the air was constantly being sucked away by the tornado. And more rotating air currents are added, resulting in larger and larger tornadoes.

Brown also saw this terrible tornado, this man-made destructive airflow has produced a terrible attraction, and the thinner soldiers were even sucked in by the tornado. As soon as the flesh and blood entered it, the flesh and bones were instantly twisted into blood mist. Brown didn't care about shooting the ordinary soldiers, he turned his gun and wanted to shoot.

Unexpectedly, Ye Liu's plain voice penetrated through the tornado and the sound of the tornado sounded in Brown's ears: "It's mine!"

Brown was taken aback when he heard the words, and then shook his head: "Stubborn kid, I'll give you three minutes."

"Three minutes? No, it only takes ten seconds to solve it." Ye Liu shook her head in denial, she said very seriously, without any jokes at all.

Regardless of what Brown looked at, he didn't think that Ye Liu, who had only one arm available, could solve the patriarch of the El clan in ten seconds.

Ye Liu's face was as calm as water, and he couldn't see the slightest wave of emotions. The tornado was already close to 100 meters away from her body, and began to take her in the direction of the tornado. Ye Liu didn't care and raised his left hand. At this time, under the reflection of the sky, Brown saw an object that looked like a thread appearing between Ye Liu's fingers. These threads appeared intermittently under the sky, and extended into the tornado.

"It wasn't for nothing just now, if it wasn't for this..." Ye Liu gently shook his five fingers, with a slight trembling of the silk thread between his fingers. She tipped her toes, picked up the dagger that fell on the ground, and held it with her mouth.

Ye Liu's five fingers stretched out in front of her eyes, and she swept across the silk thread while biting the dagger in her mouth. The silk thread immediately vibrated and made an ethereal sound like a plucked string. It's just that these sounds represent the notes of rushing.

The rotating tornado suddenly seemed to be cut by invisible giant shears, the tornado burst into pieces, and the sudden out-of-control wind flow formed a turbulent impact, violently knocking over everything blocking the forward track. Stones weighing nearly a ton could not bear the impact of the rush current, and burst into stone dust, while the smaller stones were directly blown into fines.

When the shock wave passed, only the yellow dust bands were left on the scene, spreading around in a circular posture.

In the center of these dust belts, Coase's body froze in place. The ribbon pulled out by Ye Liu's five fingers finally showed its true colors. It was a line composed purely of energy. Right now, these energy threads were gently passing through Kos's body.

When the last silk thread penetrated Kos's body, the patriarch's body suddenly fell apart, breaking into pieces of flesh and blood.

Death melody, another terrifying skill of the Dark Night Messenger. While approaching the opponent’s attack, separate the energy from the body and leave it on the target's body. When these energy threads are knotted, the night messenger can use the resonance of the energy in the body to oscillate these threads from a distance, making them cut from the inside. The body of the target. Unless you have the ability to have a keen sense of energy, you can discover the thread of death hidden on your body by the night messenger.

In order not to be noticed by the opponent, the energy of the general death thread is extremely weak, only when the night messenger uses the channel formed by the resonance between the two to enter the energy injection, so as to achieve the purpose of instant strangulation. Before that, if you find death threads on your body, you can break them by simply washing your own energy.

Unfortunately, Coase is obviously not so sensitive to energy. So until Ye Liu played, he still didn't notice it. However, Kos's vitality was astonishing, even if it was dismembered by Ye Liu, but the intact head did not allow him to die in the first time.

It looked at Ye Liu, and spit out a few human syllables from its throat:...mother...revenge. "

After the last syllable was spit out, the **** dusk ushered in the dusk of his own life in this mountainous area. The fall of the brigade commander and the loss of the base gradually made the remaining Ayr fighters lose their fighting spirit. The second half of the battle came to an end with the unsuspecting end of human victory. When the zero army began to sweep the battlefield, it was already dusk.

The bright red sky shone on Ling's body, pulling his shadow on the ground long, with a faint smell of loneliness.

Zero stood alone in front of the Ayers base turned into ruins, and didn't know what she was thinking. He was as silent as a stone statue, as if he had stood here since ancient times. It wasn't until the miniature brain on his body sounded the signal of a communication request that Zero changed from a stone statue to a human. Some of the blank eyes regained their gaze, and when the signal sounded for the third time, Ling Cai took out the pocket-sized brain like a cell phone of the old age.

The screen prompts that a video mail has been received, it opens at zero, and after a momentary delay, Ben appears in the window.

Ben smiled and said, "The crusade is going well? I heard that you are dispatching newly trained soldiers this time. You have to be careful. The Els are known for their brutality."

This is no longer Asgart. In the new era without satellite network, it is difficult to realize long-distance real-time communication. Therefore, Asgart has set up network receiving nodes in foreign villages or strongholds that maintain friendly relations. Although it is still unable to communicate in real time, it can communicate through video mail.

Zero quickly replied an email, to the effect that the crusade mission had been completed, and the soldiers were currently cleaning the battlefield. However, judging from the lack of superior intelligence of the Els, this alien group does not have much valuable things worth recycling. What can be recovered is only a few still intact corpses, as well as two slightly injured Ayers. Asgart should be interested in studying their body structure and genetic makeup.

The rewards for crusade missions are not only on the books, but more benefits come from places that are not visible. If the target of this crusade is not the Ays whose civilization is still in a primitive state, but other highly developed civilizations, the zero reward will be far greater than the reward specified in the mission. From technology to creatures, from slaves to warriors, war destroys some things, but gives others. In a sense, this is also a manifestation of balance. The difference lies in who is the winner.

Ben quickly replied and expressed interest in the Ayr fighters. As for the two intact corpses, even if the biochemical laboratory of the Black Rose's house doesn't need it, Zero has no worries about not being able to sell them. Simply put, when Ben promised to buy the two fighters, the zero reward was already much higher than the mission.

The communication is closed, and the sky has turned dark. As Ling watched the last ray of light looming under the horizon, the sky and the earth immediately became dim. From this direction, a fire was swaying not far below the mountain. That was the makeshift camp that Brown and the others set up in the afternoon. The laughter of the soldiers came from the wind, which made Ling feel a little relieved.

Only if you are alive can you be qualified to laugh.

To be honest, Brown did a pretty good job this time. First, it confuses the inspection team of the Els with a trick, and then eats the reinforcements. Today, I deliberately created a false impression, causing the Ayr sentinels to miscalculate the strength of the army. Finally, after attracting all the Ayr fighters, they were divided into two groups, destroying the Ayr’s base and cutting off its roots. On the other, the main force was deployed, using traps and machine guns to suppress the Ayr in one fell swoop.

In this operation, Brown's military literacy, Ye Liu's assassination skills, and even Haiwei's fighting skills all shined, allowing Ling to see the huge potential of the three of them. Especially Haiwei, Ling observed the menacing corpse afterwards, and from the wounds of this Ayr warrior's corpse, Ling could roughly infer Haiwei's heroic fighting attitude at the time.

Zero is very happy, Johnny's vision is correct, Hai Wei will become an excellent fighting master. And now, she is walking on this road.

When thinking this way, Zero's heart moved. The next moment he heard Hai Wei's refreshing voice: "Head, so you are here."

Zero is smiling. After Hai Wei recently got acquainted with those soldiers, her words and deeds are no different from that of a tomboy, and even her name is the same as Brown. However, Ling quite likes this kind of wild name, Mr. Your Excellency will only make him feel restrained.

Hai Wei walked on the mountain road with a bright smile on her face. Even the dark night could not hide her brilliance. The girl's hands were covered with bandages, and the injuries she suffered during the war have been properly handled. Although the nerve poisons of the Els are powerful, they also set aside seven or eight out of ten antidote agents carried by the army. With Haiwei's own good anti-toxicity, the remaining toxins will be naturally excreted from Haiwei the day after tomorrow at the latest.

Only judging from the irregularly tied hands, the person who bandaged Hai Wei did have limited skills in nursing. This reminded Ling of Su, that woman was good at fighting, but she was a mess in nursing.

Haiwei's eyes fell on her hands, the girl's smile stiffened, and she gritted her teeth and said: "This girl was tied to me by the girl Ye Liu. She was obviously injured more severely than me, and she tied a bandage with one hand. As a result, Just make it look like this."

"Appearance is not important, what is important is your mind? It seems that you two are getting along well now." Zero asked again, "How is Ye Liu's injury."

He knew that Ye Liu suffered no less than Haiwei when he fought against the El clan chief. The biggest injury was a fractured right arm and a large-scale contusion of the muscle group. This was the result of Ye Liu's timely defensive posture, otherwise her arm would be broken on the spot.

"She said nothing, injuries like this can only be regarded as skin injuries in previous adventures." Hai Wei said grinningly.

Zero is not as careless as she is. From the simple words of Ye Liu, Zero can roughly imagine what kind of life this natural girl lived in the past. That definitely has nothing to do with the word good. If such an injury is a trivial matter, then Ye Liu almost walked over on blood and a corpse.

Behind her, there seemed to be another story hidden. And that natural appearance seems to be a protective measure for oneself.

"What's the matter, head?"

Seeing zero silence, Hai Wei couldn't help but stretched out her hand and shook it before his eyes. It’s just that Ye Liu’s bandaging technique is really limited. The indiscriminately wrapped bandage makes Hai Wei’s hand and plaster no different. It looks like Hai Wei is waving a wooden pole more than an arm~lightnovelpub.net~Haiwei He seemed to have discovered this, and quickly put his hand in and hid it behind his back.

Ling shook his head and smiled, and said, "It's nothing, if you get along well with Ye Liu, then you usually care about her. We don't live on our own, do we?"

Hai Wei held her head and thought for a moment. When she thought, she looked a little cute as a girl, but then she shook her head like a tomboy and said: "You are too philosophical, I don't understand it. In short, others treat me well and I treat him well. Just like the head, and Ye Liu. If you bully me, I will give it back a hundred times!"

Zero dumbfounded and laughed, thinking that this is Haiwei's philosophy of life.

"By the way, Uncle Brown and the others are holding a celebration party. They asked me to come and join you to join us. Let's go." Hai Wei knocked her head awkwardly with her hand, and then pulled him towards Zero with her arm. Go down the mountain road.

For Hai Wei's kiss, there was a family-like feeling. So he didn't take his hand out, letting the girl drag him towards the firelight down the mountain.

There is darkness behind and light in front!

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