War Lord

Chapter 384: 前夜 1

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The foot of the mountain was very lively, and the soldiers lit a blazing bonfire to disperse the darkness and illuminate the camp. [m] Net--Except for the guards who left behind, the rest were celebrating the victory on the flat ground in front of the camp. After several fat and fat six-legged deer were slaughtered, they were cut into pieces and roasted on the fire. Skilled soldiers were responsible for cooking this rare game. As the fat-rich meat strips are roasted through the fire, the venison will gradually show a golden color, and the meaty aroma that makes one's index finger move in the air with the evening breeze. Accompanied by the soldiers' self-entertainment singing, the atmosphere of the celebration party so naturally pushed to a climax. The latest novel Baidu search ""

When Ling came over to Havilla, six or seven soldiers were draped over their shoulders and sang some songs that Ling hadn't heard before. Their singing is wild, like a blazing flame, with the masculine taste of male blood. Even the zero as ice state of mind, after hearing it, feels surging, let alone other people. Even Haiwei's face flushed at the sound, and her little mouth hummed, obviously very excited.

Discovering the arrival of Zero, Brown hurriedly pushed him into the crowd and said: "Boys, see who is here."

Seeing that it was zero, the soldiers gradually calmed down, and even the soldiers who sang loudly stopped their singing in embarrassment. Zero became the devil coach in two months of training, and the soldier was in awe of Zero. This coach not only completed all the training he set, but also did more than ordinary soldiers. So in the soldier's eyes, that seemingly slender body, as if hiding the power of the devil. The latest novel Baidu search ""

The soldiers of the Zero Dynasty nodded their heads, and Brown was obviously in the mood, and immediately said to Zero: "Head, don't you tell us a few words?"

Zero nodded, looking at Brown, then at the soldier. His eyes became fierce, and if there were any real gazes on anyone, even Brown had the feeling of turning a face and daring to look at him.

"Celebration party?" Zero's voice was a little bit chill, which lowered the originally high atmosphere. He said indifferently: "I have to say that your battle this time, from strategy to action is remarkable. But this is not entirely flawless, not to mention other loopholes, just the night attack on the Els base, you Obviously it was careless. The attack was launched without finding out what is inside and outside the base, which resulted in a fall. Although you won the battle today, don’t forget that you are carrying a new age rifle against the barbarians with a machete and sledgehammer. If the other party’s technology is comparable to yours, then you won’t win so easily. Remember me, never let victory stun your heads. You have a long way to go."

After all, Zero turned around to leave. But he stood still, and finally there was a smile on his face, as if the ice and snow had unblocked, and he smiled and said: "However, in general, you did a good job! Keep working hard!"

I don't know who suddenly roared: "Yes, head!"

Follow everyone to join, roar loudly, and the atmosphere is warm.

The camp regained its vitality, changed to a quiet place on the edge and sat down, looking at the slightly reddish clouds in the distance, I didn't know what to think. There was a sound of footsteps in my ears, followed by Brown's loud voice: "Head, the meat is roasted, let's eat some."

The big man sat next to Zero, carrying a dagger in his hand. There were two meat strips on the dagger. The meat strips still exuded a faint smoke, and the rich smell of meat suddenly penetrated into Zero's nose. Zero is also welcome, stretched out his hand to take one of the meat strips to his mouth, and ate it cleanly in a few seconds.

After eating the venison himself, Brown patted his stomach and said, "Head, you were right just now. We are indeed a bit confused by the victory."

"Don't take it to heart, I said those are trying to frustrate their spirits, so as not to overjoy. It's not good to go to the battlefield with this mentality," Ling said casually.

"No, you're right." Brown touched his big head and said awkwardly: "I was a little bit complacent before, but now I think about it, there are still many details in some of the details. If we find out early, our casualties can still be sustained. Reduce it a bit more."

Speaking of casualties, zero thinks of a number: 27.

This is the number of soldiers killed on the side of zero in this crusade. On the whole, this number is still within the acceptable range of zero, but it is not ideal. In terms of technological content, the zero army undoubtedly has an overwhelming advantage, but the most ordinary fighter of the Ay clan also possesses the strength and defense equivalent to the two-tier enhanced strength of the capable person. This virtually shortened the technological distance between each other, but the cause of the soldiers' casualties was not caused by the Ayr fighters. According to post-war statistics, the soldiers who died were mainly killed by the Ayr patriarch and another by Haiwei. In the hands of the elite fighters killed.

Needless to say, the patriarch of the El clan, in the end it launched that tactic like the weather, and directly killed a dozen soldiers. According to Hai Wei's report, the elite warrior killed by her also possessed at least Tier 3 to Tier 4 strength and defense.

After all, capable people are always the natural enemies of ordinary people. Even if a cat is armed to the teeth, it will not be a lion's opponent.

If you think about it further, the Ayrs belong to the newly-civilized low-level intelligent race in Asgart's evaluation system. If there is a low-level, there will be a middle, high, or even unknown race. Among these races, God knows how many lives with powers as powerful as those of capable ones.

From the Jurian Mountains to the west, there is a vast land. Even if Asgart sent the golden battle axe to the west, judging from the overall area of ​​the land, the range of the golden battle axe is extremely limited. What's more, the army is currently only marching vertically, so the information they have unearthed is extremely limited.

In this vast land, I am afraid that there are more and more completely evolved alien existences.

Thinking of this, Ling couldn't wait to pounce on the western land to explore. But he knew that he couldn't do this with his current resources and strength.

There is only patience and development. After the wings are plump, he is qualified to explore the mysterious land in the west.

Brown didn't know that Ling had thought so much, he only felt that Ling suddenly became silent, and his eyes became profound and blank. It seems that there is a world hidden in those strange eyes, even the universe.

It wasn't until the sound of a dispute floated into the ears of the two that Zero's eyes regained focus. Looking at the source of the sound with Brown, it turned out that Hai Wei and Ye Liu were walking together. Said it was a dispute, but it was Hai Wei who kept talking from beginning to end. On the other hand, Ye Liu still had that plain appearance. After activating the natural dull mode, Ye Liu completely ignored Hai Wei's fierce verbal attack, but occasionally insisted on what he said, so Hai Wei opened his teeth and claws like a kitten stepped on its tail.

"What's the matter, you two?" Brown asked with a smile when he saw these two girls.

Hai Wei saw that there were two of them, and immediately dragged Ye Liu over. Ye Liu's arm was severely injured during the battle with Kos, and he has already taken care of it now. It's just that Ye Liu's ability does not have the advantage of recovery, so in the next period of time, this girl's combat power may be discounted. It's just that Ye Liu didn't seem to care. She was dragged by Hai Wei like a delicate doll, but occasionally frowned to tell her that she was a little helpless towards Hai Wei's behavior. This expression made the girl look a little cute. If you don't know Ye Liu, I'm afraid there is no way to connect her in front of her with the cold killing during the confrontation with Kos.

"Head, and Uncle Brown. Didn't you say that we have cleaned up the Els? Xiaoye insisted that there might be fish that slipped through the net!" Hai Wei said angrily.

Ye Liu said quietly, "Don't call me Xiaoye, I'm older than you."

Naturally dumb girls obviously have their own support. Looking at these two girls with very different temperaments, Ling smiled and asked, "Ye Liu, why do you think so? Honestly, I have personally confirmed the two battlefields, except for those two. Apart from the captives, there are no other Els."

Ye Liu ignored the sullen Haiwei next to her. She looked at Zero and said one by one: "Because the bear said the words mother, revenge when he died. So I think that the Els Maybe there are side branches."


It's not clear whether the Els have any side branches, but the "mother" in Ye Liu's mouth makes Ling very concerned. He remembered where he heard the word, so Zero quickly searched his memory and quickly found the familiar reason.

That was when he became a shining knight, when he captured Lilith's dark crown. Part of Lilith's memory was shared briefly on a spiritual level through the pitch black crown and zero. It was Agladis who was in control of the body at that time, so the whole process was short and fuzzy. But in that one word is very clear.

That is the mother.

Obviously this word has a very profound meaning to Lilith. Judging from the creation of Lilith by Prosius, Lilith's so-called "mother" should undoubtedly refer to Prosius.

So is the same with the mother in the mouth of the El Patriarch?

This is not impossible. The evolution of the metamorphic creature was also facilitated by Prosius, in order to evolve a life form that can help it tear the "prison". It's just that the evolution of the metamorphic creature can't reach the speed and result that Prosius wanted, so it was regarded as a failure and gave up, and instead, the true king appeared. But it is these failed products, after decades of evolution, life with wisdom also appeared.

Alien is a new life form similar to and different from the true king. It is difficult to guarantee that Prosius had taken a fancy to the peculiarities of the alien races, so he could reconnect with these living entities through some mysterious channels.

If this conjecture is confirmed, then Prosius may have cast a large cryptic net on the entire planet.

Ling felt that it was necessary to inform Ben about this matter. After all, with his current ability, he couldn't make any response to this matter.

Three days later, Zero returned to Asgart.

He first went to the headquarters and handed over the task. When the items in the mission system about the crusade mission were marked as completed, there was an extra million in the zero account. This operation can be said to be quite rewarding, the mission income is only the income on the book, but more income comes from the two Ay fighters. After they were brought back to Asgart, they were secretly handed over to this biochemical base.

These two living specimens were purchased by Asgart at a price of 3 million each, and the living Els have great research value. In addition to body composition and genetic code, more importantly, they allow Asgart to make a significant contribution to the study of the evolutionary history of alien races.

Of course, Asgart has obtained many alien specimens, and there are also some living specimens. It's just that the body structure of each alien species is different, and the genetic code is also very different. They are like a huge biological database, and only the more collected can Asgart figure out the full picture of this database. Therefore, for new specimens, especially live specimens, Asgart is always willing to come.

In addition, Zero also sold two Elder corpses that remained intact. Of course, the value of dead specimens is not as valuable as that of living specimens. As for the alien race, it is obvious that the Black Rose family has no interest in research, so the two specimens were sold on the black market by Brown, and the total income was about one million yuan.

So, if you add up all of them, Zero earned about 8 million in this mission, and after deducting the equipment consumption and the pensions of the soldiers who died in battle, there are still about six million left.

The income after deducting the cost is the profit. It was just a battle with a foreign race, and Zero saw huge profits. It is no wonder that those powerful families or companies will try their best to promote the exploration of the end of the world. Unknown represents risk, and while taking huge risks, it is often high profits.

Soon, the money was divided into several parts. One is to inject into the capital chain of Horizon Technology to provide stamina for subsequent development and research and development; the other is to be transferred to the account of Victor Laboratories to provide financial guarantee for the rebirth plan and future pharmaceutical development; the third It is the salary, dividends and other expenses of the own staff; the last one is zero own.

When seeing the wealth of a few figures that belonged to him, Zero shook his head. Sometimes, the boss is not so good.

The next few days were a blank period. There was no mission worthy of dispatching troops in the headquarters for the time being, but the soldiers did not get a leisurely vacation because of this. Zero was not in the base, but gave Brown the responsibility of training troops, so the title of Devil Coach was quickly changed from Zero to Brown. It's just that Brown seems to enjoy this title very much, and he continues to pressurize on the premise that the soldiers can withstand their physical strength, which makes the soldiers complain every day.

The veterans were training, and the recruits began to recruit. It's just that this time the recruits' requirements are far less demanding than the last time, because zero knows that quantity and quality are always relative. He already has a group of good-quality veterans as the base team, and naturally he needs some recruits to act as cannon fodder.

That's right, it's cannon fodder. Zero always cannot let the elites surge in every war. In economics, this is an extremely shameful waste. It is impossible to fight without sacrifice, so instead of sacrificing those elites created by a lot of hard work, it is better to use these cheap ordinary soldiers who do not need to invest much training funds as cannon fodder.

Cruelty, it is inevitable. After all, this is not an era of benevolence.

And even if they are not elite, if these cannon fodder are killed in battle, Zero will pay their family members a pension that is about 20% higher than that of their peers. In this respect, Zero is far more merciful than others.

Therefore, when Horizon Technology once again announced the recruitment of soldiers, a large number of retired soldiers or mercenaries flocked to the ground building of the base.

This time, Zero recruited 500 new recruits, but it was to prepare for the next slave arrest operation.

During the busy time at the company, Ling took the time to meet with Ben and told him the term "mother" mentioned by the Elder patriarch before he died. It's just that Zero concealed the existence of Prosius. After all, this is about his secret, and it is impossible for Zero and Ben to tell them all. And just the word "mother" is enough for the imagination, so that the goal of zero warning has been achieved.

After that, he went to visit Theon again. The founder of Remut is now living a drunken life in Asgartri. When Zero visited him, Theon was all drunk. And in his house, Ling saw two beautiful women, and didn't know which noble lady or wife it was.

When Ling left Theon's residence, he could only sigh secretly. This man with outstanding talents still allows himself to sink into pain, which means a lot of self-exile. And because Theon was too smart, it was difficult for outsiders to get him out of the trough. Everything depends on Theon's own wishes.

Maybe it will take some time. Zero thought, he did not give up his plan to persuade Theon to join his team, and became more determined.

In such busy days, Zero finally received Beyonce's invitation. On the face of it, this was a private family banquet held by the Black Rose's family, but in fact, it was a meeting to discuss a plan to arrest slaves.

When he took this gilded invitation card with black background from the servant of the Black Rose House, he knew that the day of the expedition would come again.

It was night, over Asgart, the holographic electronic board evolved a magnificent star sea and Milky Way. The Tianhe, which is made up of countless stars, traverses the night sky, and a huge silver moon wheel hangs from a corner of Tianhe, presenting a beautiful and dreamlike picture scroll, setting off the city in the belly of the mountain like the kingdom of God. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Zero alone drove an off-road vehicle on the highway in Asgart. Although he had only been to the Black Rose family manor once, his extraordinary memory recorded the route map without fail. Now it's just a review of the route I took that day, but it's not overwhelming.

The wind blew across his cheeks, bringing up a fragment of black hair fluttering like inflammation. Driving in this great city, watching the endless stream of vehicles, you can feel the great vitality of this city. In this situation, how can there be any kind of end-time scene? If you live in Asgart for a long time, I am afraid that Zero will forget the coldness and cruelty of the wilderness outside the city.

When thinking this way, Zero shook his head mockingly. People like him who work hard for their livelihoods, how can there be such a leisurely stay in Asgart. In the final analysis, the life of a drunken gold fan is probably only those noble lords are qualified to have it.

The car turned a corner and got off the highway. Along a private road opened by the Black Rose's family, he drove to the outskirts of the city without a car. The Black Rose’s manor is located in this suburb. After the car drove past several towering electrical towers, Zero could already faintly see the ancient Gothic building, dotted with gorgeous lights under the sky full of stars.

It seems that the dinner party has already begun.

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