War Lord

Chapter 386: 前夜  (3)

The three-dimensional topographic map on the table was slowly rotating, and the outline map of an underground city was exposed to the greedy eyes of human beings. [m] Net--Austin swallowed his saliva and sat up straight and said solemnly: "Miss Beyonce, don't you think that the value of black gold is far above the so-called slave?"

Although Charlotte did not speak, he nodded in agreement.

Beyonce looked at them, looked towards zero again, and finally said: "This is a good point. Needless to say, the two gentlemen should also understand. In this era, energy is a precious resource. So, I and Mr. Zero is willing to give up the huge value of black gold to the two. As for us, we only take all the slaves of the dungeon. What do you think of the two? "The latest novel Baidu search""

Austin fell silent, then glanced back. Sitting behind Austin was originally his second son, Habes, and his second daughter, Fendor. But now Habes sends Austin away, so only his daughter Fendor sits behind him. Fendor is only eighteen years old, tall, and she is also a beautiful woman. Her dress is similar to Beyonce's, and she is dressed like an office girl in the old days.

It's just that she seems to prefer red, and the red clothes and red trousers make her dazzling like a group of flames. However, Fendor's expression was cold and proud, which formed a sharp contrast with his clothes, but it even evoked certain impulses of men. For example, the two young men behind Charlotte have kept their eyes on Fendor from the beginning to the present, and they kept swimming in sensitive parts of her body, showing great interest. The latest novel Baidu search ""

As for Fendor herself, she seemed to turn a blind eye to these two scorching eyes. Seeing her father looking back, she seemed to know something, nodded, took out a pocket-sized intellectual brain from her jacket pocket, and started to calculate.

Fendor is a person with ability in perceptual domain, and he is good at calculation ability, and his most proud ability is multiple calculation. It can calculate a variety of different functions at the same time, and its computing power is comparable to that of a brain.

Soon, she had a number on the brain and told her father softly.

Seeing the expressions of these two fathers and daughters in the eyes, Charlotte was unmoved on the surface, but secretly turned his gaze to Beyonce. By now, Charlotte understands a little bit why Beyonce is required to invite Austin and herself to a slavery project. The underground city is undoubtedly a huge resource. Judging from the scale of the three-dimensional map, the scale of this underground city can accommodate at least three thousand lives.

Even three thousand refugees and slaves are not small fortune. What's more, foreign races have more value, and slaves are just the lowest level. In addition, black gold is another shining point.

But the Black Rose family can't swallow such a fortune in one breath, no matter how ambitious it is. Regardless of the dungeons or the black gold, their value is too great, so large that they will attract the attention of wolves as soon as they are exposed. The Black Rose family can't digest such a large piece of fat alone, so Beyonce invites him and Austin to join. The three giants joined forces, and the other forces naturally had to retreat.

But Beyonce's brilliance is to directly give up the fat meat of black gold with the greatest benefit. Compared with black gold, no matter how valuable the alien life is, how about all three thousand alien slaves ceding to Beyoncé. Moreover, they are directly static. If he and Austin are still unclear about this, they will be laughed at if they speak out.

Therefore, Austin would acquiesce to Beyonce's proposal and directly let his daughter start calculating their benefits.

But these are all the chess on the surface of Beyonce, but secretly, they threw the sharpest contradiction directly to Charlotte and Austin. His two powers were equal, and the interests of Black Gold were so great that neither Charlotte nor Austin would give up. Charlotte knew very well that no matter how the interests were divided, it would not be possible to satisfy the two families, so the seeds of contradiction were quietly planted.

And now that the seeds have been planted, there must be a day when they will bear fruit. And this is the **** under the water by Beyonce. It is hateful to know that Gui knows, but Charlotte will not give in to Austin. It can be seen from this that Beyonce really understood the temperaments of the two of them.

Seeing Austin as a profiteer, Charlotte laughed secretly, but became more afraid of Beyoncé.

Before coming to the banquet, Beyonce had already informed Ling of the general situation. So when Beyonce made this promise, Zero was not surprised. It is true that Black Gold has great benefits, but even Black Rose is unwilling to contaminate this business, and Zero is even more unqualified.

Ambitious is not a bad thing, but without the strength to match ambition, it will lead to disaster. Zero knows this very well, so she is silent, and Beyonce and Beyonce allow Austin to calculate their benefits clearly.

What followed was a fierce dispute. Austin, with the help of his daughter Fendor, got the most profitable value for his family. But for this number, Charlotte naturally did not buy it. The two companies began to care about the share of the black gold harvest, and negotiated not to give way. This allowed Zero Insight to see another level of confrontation. This kind of confrontation on the market is no less intense than any life-and-death battle he has ever participated in.

Austin and Charlotte are almost fighting every inch of their land. The intellectual brains in the hands of the two young men behind Fendor and Charlotte are constantly pressing, and all kinds of numbers are in the mouths of both parties. The accuracy has been confirmed to four digits after the decimal point!

In the dispute between the two, Beyonce and Ling were resting. The two leisurely drank coffee served by the waiter, waiting for the two big men to end the business war.

After two hours of arguing, the result finally came out. Regarding the income of black gold, the Plannings of Charlotte shared 67% of the total income, and the rest belonged to the Helburns of Austin. But Charlotte must provide the Helburn family with an additional batch of munitions, including some design drawings of the weapons of the new era. If not, Austin would not make such concessions.

In this way, a dungeon far away in the dense forest of silver frost was so divided by the three giants.

Seeing that the two of Austin finally reached an agreement, Beyonce stood up and continued, "Well, gentlemen, in fact, we still have one problem to pay attention to. Although this time the target is the underground people, we are in the small town of Pavaric. But we can’t ignore it. Don’t forget that they have trade relations with the underground people and their interests are trending. It’s hard to guarantee that they won’t confide in us when we act.”

"It's easy, we can just erase the town from the map." Austin laughed and made a wiping motion.

He is indeed qualified to say so, although from the information, Pavaric has an armed force of his own. But for the three giants in the sky, this power is nothing at all. However, Charlotte has different opinions on Austin's statement.

The fat man smiled and said, "Master Austin, how can you erase this town quietly. Once the war starts, the underground people who are only a hundred kilometers apart will not know? By then, I am afraid that your army will be on the doorstep of others. At this time, all you get is an empty city. Of course, Black Gold can't run away, but how do you explain to Miss Beyonce?"

Austin was speechless immediately, and Beyonce took over and said: "Mr. Charlotte is right. For Pavaric, we can't let it go, but we can't attack it. What we need to do is to assassinate their leader. Layer, and quietly take over this town. And we can use Pavaric to cover up our army so as not to disturb the underground people."

"Assassination?" Austin rubbed his horoscope and said nonsense: "We don't have talents in this area. We can assassinate their leadership in a small town under the protection of an armed force."

Charlotte knew that Beyonce had said so, she must have arranged it. In fact, since Beyonce's benefit of black gold, this woman has already controlled the initiative and rhythm of the entire meeting. The fat man knew that he couldn't ask for anything cheap tonight, so he just pretended to be silly and waited for Beyonce to come out with her card.

Sure enough, Beyonce continued Austin’s words: “It is precisely because of the assassination that I invited Mr. Zero, my new partner, to participate in this mission. It’s fair to say that Mr. Zero himself is a shadow wanderer of Tier 8. He could not be more appropriate to perform such a task."

This is an important arrangement made by Beyoncé specifically for Zero, if only with the wishes of the Black Rose family, zero will join this action. Of course the two of Austin wouldn't say anything, but they wouldn't admit to such a hairy kid like Zero. In order to make Zero stand out in front of the highest-level figures in Asgart, and to increase the bargaining chip for the Black Rose family, Beyonce took great pains. After a variety of clever arrangements, finally let zero play at the key point.

Of course, Zero will not waste the results Beyonce has painstakingly created. When Beyonce called his name, he stood up and bowed to the two of Austin to show his respect for the two giants.

"As Miss Beyonce said, with my abilities, as long as there are no Tier 10 capable persons in Pavaric, I cannot stop me from assassinating their leadership. Besides, besides me, there are still people in my team. There is a dark night messenger, this should be a dual guarantee." Ling said lightly.

Not to mention Austin and Charlotte, even Beyonce was moved.

Even though the Dark Night Messenger is only a promotion class, this kind of cross-domain ability has a boundless future. I didn't expect Zero to get such an ability. In this way, if they are regarded as opponents by Zero, then they might have trouble sleeping and eating. After all, the rogue and the night messenger are both terrifying killer-type abilities. Whoever is their enemy will exhaust their energy just to prevent their assassination.

What surprised Beyonce was that even she didn't know that there was a Dark Night Messenger in Zero's team. Thinking about it this way, Zero's full strength should be more than just superficial.

While talking zero, Fendor whispered with his father again. After listening, Austin nodded and laughed: "Then, on behalf of the Helburn family, I welcome Mr. Zero to join."

"Since Mr. Austin has no objection, I welcome it even more." Charlotte laughed, like a charitable elder said: "Pavarich will be handled by Mr. Zero, I think there should be no problem."

Zero smiled and said, "Thank you for the trust of the two gentlemen, but I have a problem."

"Oh? What is it?" Beyonce said in a tone of zero, not giving Austin and Charlotte a chance to refuse.

Although the two old men were laughing, the chill in their eyes was a little bit more.

Zero said frankly: "According to several estimates, the underground people should have a population of about 3,000. I make a discount, and the number of slaves that can be captured is 2,000. I only need 200 slaves, but I hope to get Pavarichi. Future management rights."

As soon as these words came out, Austin and Charlotte's smiles froze slightly. If it is placed elsewhere, what if ten pavarics are thrown to zero? But this small town is near the underground tribe, which means that although the Austin family will obtain the benefits of black gold by then, the mining and trading of black gold will definitely be inseparable from Pavarich as a transit point. Besides, Pavaric's dependent dungeon can be said to be the first line of defense against the black gold mine.

On the other hand, it can also become a threat to black gold mines. In this way, Pavaric has a very important strategic position. The two of Austin are almost certain that this matter must have been approved by Beyoncé, and when the need is important, he will ask for such a request again. It is difficult for the two of Austin to refuse.

After all, Zero has made a big step backwards. In reason, Austin and Charlotte have no reason to refuse.

But how can these two old foxes allow such an important town to fall into zero pockets? So Charlotte gave a dry cough, and a young man behind him knew it, stood up and smiled and said, "Mr. Zero, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tucson and I am Uncle Charlotte’s assistant. I think Mr. Zero should This is the first time to participate in this kind of family linkage plan, so it is normal to not know some rules."

Zero also smiled and said, "Dare to ask what the rules are."

Tucson looked faintly mocking and replied: "Generally speaking, for actions like this, the distribution of benefits depends on the amount of contribution. Simply put, you will gain as much as you pay. And usually we mean what we mean. The contribution depends on the number of troops dispatched. Like our Planning family, we are planning to dispatch 2,000 servants this time, as well as a number of people with the ability to advance. I think Miss Beyonce and Mr. Austin should also be similar. I don’t know how many people Mr. Zero can bring to get the management of a small town like Pavaric?"

Zero nodded, but did not answer the question: "Excuse me, Mr. Tucson, how many capable people like me can be worthy of a manned army?"

Tucson hesitated for a while, seeing Charlotte nodded slightly before saying: "Mr. Zero is indeed a high-level ability, but with all due respect, the rogue is not good at sabotage. If converted, it should be worth five hundred. Human-based army."

Zero nodded again, and continued: "So what about a destroyer."

Tucson's eyelids jumped, and he bit his scalp and said: "The Destroyer's words are enough to resist an army of thousands of people."

Zero said again: "Where is the hand of Thunder?"

Tucson clenched his hands, breathing slightly disturbed. He stretched out his hand to move the bow tie, the ornament that made him look gentle, but now he was so upset that he wanted to pull it off. Tucson licked his lips and said forcefully: "Ibid!"

Zero smiled and said: "Then in this operation, in addition to me and the night messenger, I will go out at least one Thunder Hand, one Destroyer, and about six hundred troops. If you put it together, it shouldn't It will be less than your army. If this is the case, I wonder if Mr. Tucson thinks I am qualified for the management of the town?"

Charlotte waved his hand and told Tucson to sit down. He looked at his old rival Austin, who lowered his head, apparently going to throw this problem at him. Speaking of high-level abilities, whether Pronging or the other two giants, they are not without them. Just like Cassirio, the old butler of the Black Rose family, he alone is worth at least three to four high-level abilities.

But costs and benefits are proportional, and every high-level ability is a precious combat power for them, and should be used in more critical places. Like this kind of slavery operation, going out to high-level is simply overkill. What's more, like Zero, mobilizing two or three high-level abilities for one action is basically a disproportionate benefit and cost. But people don't care, and Charlotte has nothing to do with zero.

Then there is the word "at least" in the snacks, in other words, the power of zero mastery may have more.

Charlotte suddenly felt that before he came to participate in this banquet, he should look at the list of the important partners of the Black Rose Family and the list of members of the organization. Otherwise, it's like now, giving Beyonce a curious meal.

Charlotte chuckled and said, "I didn't expect Mr. Zero's team to have so many talents, that's right. If Mr. Zero dispatches so many capable people, the contribution is no less than the three of us. It's just Mr. Zero, don't you think Your own manpower is too thin. Needless to say, the power of the capable ones, but you can't throw them at Pavaric. In this way, there is only an army of a few hundred people, and I don’t think you can control this place independently. ."

Zero smiled, this was what he was waiting for. Seeing him smile, Charlotte suddenly realized something was wrong, and the next moment he heard nothing but Zero said: "I can't manage, but I can sell the management right. I think someone will buy it."

As soon as these words came out, Charlotte couldn't even maintain a smile on the surface.

The meeting ended at ten o'clock. When he walked out of the meeting room, all the proceeds from Pavaric and the dungeon had been divided up. The management rights of zero town were eventually bought by Charlotte and Austin. A simple sentence ~lightnovelpub.net~ will give you more than ten million in future earnings. Therefore, when they walked out of the meeting room, the faces of the two of Austin looked a little ugly. After all, this is an unexpected expenditure.

After sending away the heads of the two major families, Beyonce said to Zero: "Good job."

"It's better to be informed by Miss Beyonce, otherwise, I won't get these benefits." Zero said truthfully.

Beyonce shook her head and said, "It's nothing, you deserve it."

Nodded, thanked again and left. Watching his upright figure disappear into the shadow of the manor, Cassillo whispered to his own lady: "It can be seen that this young man is not easy to control."

Beyonce smiled: "What is good about a puppet who only bows his head and obedient, and allies with opinions and strength are what we need, isn't it?"

Cassillo lowered his head and said nothing. Beyonce has always been so confident, which reminds him of her old friend.

This confidence is so similar to her mother!

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