War Lord

Chapter 387: The justice of the winner

There is still one day before the expedition. ^Net

After getting up early, I went back to the company base to make some arrangements. In this expedition, in addition to 600 soldiers, the capable people are Su, Berion, Brown, and a Yeliu. Feng and Haiwei were left behind by him. The former sits in the base camp, while the latter needs to continue training to be of great use. Feng had no objection to this decision, but Hai Wei couldn't sit still, and took her away softly and hard.

But a simple sentence, let the girl stay. The latest novel Baidu search ""

Zero said: "You are our secret weapon. You can't be discovered so quickly."

Suddenly, the girl's vanity was overwhelming, she laughed to express her understanding, and rushed straight to the training ground with a passionate expression on her face. Facts have proved once again that Hai Wei, a girl with a straight bowel, can be quite cheating sometimes.

Zero made this arrangement, in addition to not wanting to expose all of his strength, he did have plans for Hai Wei to continue training in order to further his strength. Hai Wei and Ye Liu undoubtedly emerged in the battle of the Els. But compared to Ye Liu, Hai Wei, who was still in the midst of modding and advancing, was still uncomfortable in terms of strength. Zero Hope Maple can give Hai Wei a few more practical lessons when he is free, although the real experience will always come from the battle of life and death. But if conditions permit, Zero doesn't want a potential fighter like Haiwei to fight in the morning. He can fully arouse Haiwei's potential in a step-by-step manner. The latest novel Baidu search ""

When Haiwei reaches a certain level of strength, he will be able to reap experience and a little more life-saving capital. And through training Haiwei, Zero can pass this successful case and use this model to recruit potential abilities, and then conduct targeted training to make him an elite in an army.

Of course, these are things to follow. Now Zero only has this concept, as for implementation, it needs to be done step by step.

The road ahead is long.

Make arrangements to drive back to Asgart. Looking at the wilderness that is barely marginal, Ling thought so.

After returning to Asgart, Zero went to Victor's laboratory. Leah's rebirth plan has entered the later stage of work, and has now entered the link of memory import. The progress bar is increasing at a constant rate of 2% per day, and has now reached the level of 12%. In another forty days, complete memory writing can be completed, and Leah can wake up by then.

Originally, the memory import speed could be faster. But for the sake of genetic stability, Victor still took a relatively safe schedule. Zero is satisfied, which shows that the doctor is very attentive to Lisheng's rebirth.

The rebirth plan has entered the later stage, and the excess resources of Dr. Victor have been used in pharmaceutical development projects, but are limited by resources and manpower. The current pharmaceutical research can only be limited to ordinary genetic drugs. For this reason, after the end of this slave capture program, Zero Plan will add a private research room to Victor in the base of Zero Point Technology, and introduce talents and equipment to enable Dr. Victor to move into the field of ability medicine.

If Horizon Technology has the qualifications to produce potions, even if it can only produce targeted potions with ordinary capabilities, then the output profits will be about 10 to 20% higher than the current arsenal. What's more, in order to consider the blueprint for a zero future, an army composed of people with basic capabilities is even more necessary and necessary.

In addition, Eva's exploration of the dark crown has also gained little. She tried a variety of methods, and finally found that when the energy was gathered into the dark crown, the black crystal would feed back some vague data to Eva. Eva is sure that these things are only the surface data of the dark crown, and they may also be some protective passwords.

If you want to thoroughly develop the data in the crown and use the real king's biochemical technology, Eva also needs a laboratory. Including the necessary super brain and related equipment. This is also a huge and necessary investment, but in terms of zero financial resources, supporting the arsenal and the pharmaceutical research and development room is already the limit, and there is no way to provide Eva with a research room.

Therefore, research on the Dark Crown is suspended. Eva will be responsible for assisting Victor in developing the ability potion, and will not re-study the Dark Crown until Horizon Technology expands again. By this time, Ling deeply realized the importance of money.

Standing in front of the cultivation tank, Ling looked at the girl floating in the green base fluid. Leah seemed to be asleep, her expression peaceful. Occasionally, the eyebrows twitched slightly, but they reacted to the memory import. Several pocket-sized laser generators floated around Leah's head, and the memory information was introduced into Leah's brain through the laser, and they were deeply imprinted in Leah's mind.

When she woke up, she would only think she had a sleep, even though it seemed a long time to sleep.

The application of genetic biochemical technology in the new era has enabled human beings to achieve immortality to a certain extent. As long as you have a genetic archive, plus the corresponding operating funds and materials, humans can be immortal. Naturally, this kind of immortality is not something that everyone can enjoy.

"It's time to fight again tomorrow? I heard that you are going to catch slaves this time?"

Eva's voice came from behind, and Ling didn't look back, and asked, "Why, are you interested?"

"No, I can't even support myself. How can I afford a slave." Eva stretched out and laughed at herself.

"But I was a little surprised. I thought someone like you would talk about justice and morality all day long, but I didn't expect you to catch slaves." She stood side by side with Zero and said again.

Ling shook his head and smiled and said: "This is an era without any rules. All I can do is stick to my own ideas, even if I am on this path. What's more, since ancient times, there is no so-called just war, only victory. Justice!"

"Is the winner's justice?"

When Eva was munching on the deep meaning of the zero words, the latter had already turned and left and said, "I will trouble you to take care of it these days when I am away."

"I know, you just remember to come back alive." Eva replied angrily.

She looked back at the girl in the training trough again, and whispered: "You little boyfriend, sister, I am more and more interested."

The voice fell, and I don't know if it was a coincidence, Leah's closed eyelids twitched lightly, seeming to react to Eva's words.

When Zero walked out of the laboratory and came to his car, he suddenly felt something. His eyes instantly turned cold, and he looked around vigilantly, squatting down naturally, using the off-road vehicle as a cover. Just now, he felt a sense of being peeped.

While squatting down, he borrowed the shadow on the side of the off-road vehicle for short jumps. However, within a few seconds, Zero's figure kept flashing near the laboratory, high and low, wandering around. After such a week, he returned to the off-road vehicle.

The feeling of being peeped had disappeared, and Ling had just used that kind of fluctuating movement, only to find that there were no suspicious people around.

Is it my own illusion?

Zero doesn't think so, it can only show that the other party has a means or ability that is difficult to see through. It's just a question as to which aspect of the pryer belongs to. Now Asgartri's undercurrent is surging, and the relationship is complicated. Before there is any evidence, Zero cannot know who is interested in him.

But it doesn't matter, the one that should come will come. As long as it is an enemy, Zero Gun has never hesitated.

He jumped on the off-road vehicle, started the engine and lifted up.

And the scene of Zero leaving the laboratory in the car, and was frozen on a large screen. The hands in front of the screen were beating quickly, and as the commands continued to be typed, the screen immediately divided dozens of windows, each of which reflected a corner of Asgart, and Zero's figure passed one by one in these windows.

There is a dim environment all around, only the screen is shining brightly. Until a light appeared in the darkness, the light stretched away from both sides into a rectangular smooth surface, and someone walked in from the smooth surface, and then closed. The next moment, the lights came on, illuminating the space full of cables and hosts.

The main cables of various colors are scattered on the floor of the room, leaving only a little space on the ground for the visitors to have to lift their toes and gently drop them. More than a dozen mainframes are stacked together randomly like boxes, providing operators with computing speed no less than super brains.

Holding a decomposable food bag in his hand, gold biting a piece of luncheon meat in his mouth, walking like dancing in this cable-covered room, but finally came to a corner of the room and put the bag of food in his hand again. On the only vacant table in the room.

Lots of food packaging debris were piled on the table. Judging from the amount piled up like a hill, the owner of the room has been working here for a long time.

Jin sighed, shook his head and looked at the unabashed woman in lavender underwear, letting her towering chest, flat abdomen and slender legs exposed to the air.

"Alice, you should put on a coat anyway." Jin complained, and the wonderful body presented by his companion challenged his self-control.

The light blue hair was tightened with a ballpoint pen, and Alice casually said, "I'm very busy."

She has always intended to be brief and terrifying, and the implication is that she is too busy to even wear clothes because of too much work.

Ghosts believe!

Jin Zai said in his mind, but his eyes kept moving with the towering and bouncing flesh [tuan]. Alice turned and walked to the other side door and said: "Don't look, if you think about it, my sister will sleep with you tonight. Now, help me carry out the new host inside. Invade Asgart's holographic board to monitor the target. It’s not something that can be done with such a machine. I need higher internal capacity and computing speed."

The blue enchantress, the ice element ability person in the organization, is also a good hand in computer use. Regardless of body shape or combat ability, Alice is the best choice. The only drawback is that she has a character that is as cold as polar ice. The words that are not emotionally ups and downs from her mouth, I am afraid that no matter how attractive the body is, it will not be interesting at all.

For example, Jin, listening to Alice’s "generous" words, he smashed his mouth and said: "Forget it, I don't want to be able to lift it up in the future. God knows if you will give me an extremely cold country halfway through. Then I don’t want to touch women anymore."

Even though she said that, Jin walked into the side room and helped her lift out the hosts she needed one by one. While instructing Jin to connect these hosts in series, Alice said: "I don't care about you, a dreadful kid."

As Jin worked, he sneered, "Then who are you rare? Adult?"

Suddenly, Jin Zhijue set off an icy storm behind him. He was startled, but fortunately the storm disappeared quickly, and then Alice's cold voice sounded: "This joke is not funny at all."

The next work was completed in silence. When the 27th host was connected, all the windows on the screen suddenly collapsed, and a new window opened. This window occupies all the pictures, and in the window, a bust of a man appears in it.

Seeing him, Jin put away his cynical expression, Alice was already half kneeling on the ground, and the two said in unison: "Subordinates have seen the lord."

There was a noncommittal nasal sound on the screen, followed by a male voice whose tone was changed by the software: "I have received news that tomorrow there will be a hunting event in the army of the zero and three giants. You seem to have stayed here for a while. It's time to go out for activities."

When Jin heard these words, his fists fisted, and a raging flame ignited in his pupils. Jin's expression became ferocious, and he smiled: "It's great, I will let Ling enjoy this hunt."

Hearing his words, Alice glanced at the young man, the blue tide like mist in the depths of her pupils gently surged, and she returned to calm again.

"Clean my hands and feet. Now that the old man Douglas has been watching me, I don't want to be exposed so quickly. After all, I have other things to do, and it would be inconvenient to expose my identity."

"Yes, sir, we will proceed carefully." Alice and Jin said in unison.

"This is best." The man said, the communication on the screen was disconnected, and the previously closed surveillance windows popped up one after another.

Alice walked into her room with a bad word, and after a while, she walked out again in a tight leather jacket. Although the leather jacket envelops her attractive body, it also outlines her criminal curve. Just as the only male in the room at the moment, Jin's attention was no longer on this moving body, but drifted to Zero.

I want to tear you apart, zero! The nerves in Jin Zhijue's head were burning, just like the small town that had been cremated in front of his own eyes.

The next day.

A huge convoy composed of dozens of soldier transport vehicles, a dozen off-road vehicles, and three well-equipped full-cover command vehicles drove out of Asgart. The long car dragon marched all the way westward and plunged into the middle of nowhere.

This time there are more than 6,000 troops dispatched by the three giants. As far as the number of soldiers is concerned, it is not inferior to Asgart's support for Remut in the previous operation. But whether it is the number or rank of capable people, it is far from the last official action.

Except for those with the ability to dispatch from the zero side, the ability of the three giants to dispatch is mediocre and there is no bright spot. In addition, this joint operation did not dispatch war weapons such as artillery and tanks. After all, the main target of this operation was underground cities. In this environment, both tanks and main artillery vehicles have limited performance. Well-equipped soldiers come with flexibility.

The only thing to watch is the three command vehicles. The command vehicles use composite armor, which can withstand most of the physical and energy impacts. The car is equipped with a wireless communication command system, a 2mm caliber cannon, two machine guns and anti-tank missiles. This makes the car not only has excellent defensive performance, but also has a strong attack force.

The space in the car is very spacious, not at all cramped. Electronic screens are hung on both sides of the car wall, and cameras connected to the outside of the car project the external environment onto the two screens, allowing passengers in the car to have a full view.

These three command vehicles are mainly used by the rich and powerful leaders. Of course, for these big men, the command vehicle is more used to defend against attacks than to charge into battle. The slave hunting operation was more like a hunt in their eyes, at best it was a hunt on a larger scale. Although Austin and Charlotte followed the army, it does not mean that they will be in danger.

When fighting, they would only stay behind a relatively safe front in the command army. The matters of the battle are naturally left to the soldiers to deal with, they only come for the distribution of benefits after the war.

Ling was fortunate to be invited by Beyoncise to ride a car with her and command the cabin of the chariot. The layout here is simple and elegant, and it is completely invisible that this is in a chariot. Beyonce leaned on the dark red sofa, with her legs close together, with an elegant posture, she was reading the messages of her private intellectual brain.

"Look at this."

Beyonce handed Zhi Nao to Zero, and Zhi Nao's screen showed some information about Pavaric. Among them are the three most powerful people in this town. They are the mayor of Mensa Jerobes, the chairman of the Hunter Union Fred and the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Sharon. Basically, the power and wealth of the town are jointly presided over and distributed by these three people. It can be said that they are the soul of Pavaric.

"In two days ~lightnovelpub.net~ we will be able to reach Pavaric, what are your plans?" Bijianlisi asked.

The petty finger flicked on the screen of the brain, and after scanning the information of the three people back and forth, he said: "The mayor Mensa must die, because he is the owner of the highest authority. Only if he dies, Pavaric has the power. The pattern can be reshuffled. So"

The information on the screen was fixed on the portrait of Fred, the chairman of the Hunter Union, and Zero said: "The Hunter Union has a certain amount of armed force. This man named Fred can be said to have real power. I will take him to this person. Control it, but don't kill him for the time being."

In the end, relevant information about the chairman of the chamber of commerce appeared on the screen. Pointing his petty finger at this fat Jia, who is somewhat similar to Charlotte, said: "Businessmen are always the most fickle. I think Sharon will be smart enough to accept that we put him on the table and take over Pavaric for the time being. . If he doesn’t follow or has different intentions, then at least we have one Fred to use."

"Kill one, keep one, use one?" Beyonce smiled: "It looks like you are doing pretty well in politics."

A smile appeared on Ling's face and said, "Because I have a very good mentor."

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