War Lord

Chapter 390: Reaper (3)

Barn hid behind the wall, shaking all over. He is 35 years old this year, in the prime of his life. Although he is not capable, he is also a strong soldier. Barn has a wealth of experience. He has participated in various hunting activities at the age of 15. He left the town at the age of 20 and worked as a mercenary for many years. He was lucky, and almost died several times and survived. When he was thirty years old, he had saved some savings and returned to Pavaric to marry a wife and give birth to three children.

The mercenary's rì son has made Barn unable to live like ordinary people, and even has a rifle hidden under the bed when he sleeps. After changing several ordinary jobs in the town one after another, Barn came to the mayor's office to apply for a guard.

Because he used the sniper rifle well and was experienced, Barn worked in the government for two years before he was promoted to the team leader. This job finally stabilized Barn. Barn once imagined that he would retire when he was forty years old. Then, he will teach the two boys in his family the hunting skills and train them to be excellent hunters.

By the age of fifty, he had reached the age of waiting for death. At that time, he should carry a wine bottle every day and wait quietly for death to come, right?

But Barn had never thought that death came so quickly.

Just a few minutes ago, a strange man suddenly appeared on the road facing the lord's mansion. The man walked towards the government house. At that time, Ba En was smoking a cigarette, and was in the jǐng guard room talking gren jokes with a few young soldiers to pass the time. Barn didn't notice such a person until a soldier reminded him.

This person doesn't seem to have a strong sense of existence, and he is almost melted into the night with black clothes, black trousers and black hair. But Barn’s years of mercenary experience tells him that the more inexistent, the more dangerous it is. It's like when you accidentally see a fat rabbit in the wilderness, thinking it is so friendly and harmless. But when you want to catch it, the rabbit may open its abnormal mouth and bite the arm you stretched toward it.

In turbulent times, in order to survive, some creatures will evolve fierce appearances, while others will hide their horror under cover-ups.

When he saw this man, Barn felt instinctively dangerous, and he directly gave Jǐng Wei the order to shoot him after he was invalidated once. In the place of Pavaric, the mayor Mensa is a well-deserved big figure, and Barn’s orders such as this are already very kind.

However, at the end of the soldiers' notice, the man on the road suddenly raised his arms towards the sky above the government mansion. Then there were glass bursts and screams, and then Barn could see clearly that there was no more pistol in the man's hand. However, in the whole process, the pistol without noise reduction equipment did not even make a sound. It was so quiet that it felt weird.

New age guns!

Barn remembered this term that people heard during occasional small talks. It was a technology in the hands of a large organization. It was driven by high-capacity batteries instead of gunpowder. The bullets fired faster, more powerful, and very quiet at the same time. Barn did not expect that he would see weapons of the new era in a small place like Pavaric tonight.

But time did not allow him to sigh, and without waiting for his order, the jǐng guards on the periphery had already fired.


But now, Barn wished for a Gatling revolver rapid-fire cannon. After all, whoever watches the four jǐng guards greet each other with their rifles, and as the target being fired, they can't retreat, and only make all kinds of actions to make all the bullets shot to the body miss, they hope that there will be a powerful one. The weapon is so good that it can completely shred the nightmare-like figure.

However, the real nightmare has just begun.

After a few actions evaded the jǐngwei's shooting, the man raised his hand and shot. Every shot was stable and accurate, and every bullet was embedded in the center of the jǐng guard’s eyebrows, shooting four jǐng guards in twos or twos. The men continued to walk slowly, but they caused a huge impact on the guards in the government. pressure.

After a moment of shock, Barn exhausted his life's greatest strength to send an order to the communicator, that is, to do his best to intercept and kill the target. The next moment, the gunshots of the lord's mansion rang out, completely shattering the calm night. In the rain of bullets, the man continued advancing like a ghost, as if he had no entity, and the bullet could not hit him at all.

But Barn could see that the man kept making subtle movements. Or simply turning around, or stepping back, or leaning back, or leaning forward, always letting all the bullets dumping on him go to no avail. And taking advantage of the gap of the attack from the other side, the pistol in the man's hand continued to bloom with dazzling sparks.

Every spark that flashes represents the fall of a guard.

When the man stepped over the guard's body and entered the garden of the government, a total of 18 guards had died in their posts.

This is no longer a battle, but a slaughter! An overwhelming slaughter!

Now, the man who looked like a **** of death was standing outside the jǐng bathroom. Barn was sticking to the wall, and he was holding a sniper rifle that had accompanied him for many years, but now, this gun could not give him any sense of security.

Barn was trembling, and his head was desperately calculating the direction and trajectory of the shot. But dozens of schemes flashed through his mind, but Barn found that facing the terrible man, the success rate of almost every scheme was only a poor 1%.

"A true gunman, when unable to make a correct judgment, should first trust his intuition."

The indifferent voice sounded in the outdoor space, through the window, and floated into Barn's ears. Barn was shocked. He remembered that his enlightenment teacher had said similar things when he first learned shooting skills. And to this day, he heard the same words from another person's mouth. Immediately, he calmed down and decided to act on his instinct.

But before he could make any movements, Barn suddenly felt a slight vibration on the wall, and when he couldn't figure out what was happening, Barn only felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and followed his consciousness to the endless darkness. He smiled bitterly, knowing he was too late to realize. At the time when he was a major enemy, people had already discovered his position intuitively.

But Barn died and didn't understand why a pistol bullet with such a terrible penetrating power could penetrate a concrete wall as thick as 20 centimeters in one shot?

With a plop, Barn's body fell to the ground. The upper body appeared by the door, and the light from outside the bathroom just shone on his corpse. Under the light, the back of Barn’s head almost sank in an area as large as the mouth of the bowl, and blood and brain plasma were pouring out of it.

Looking at this corpse, Zero knew that the cleanup was almost done.

"There are eight more." Ling said faintly, his figure shook, and he retreated into the shadow out of the light, letting ten rounds of bullets fall in the empty space.

After failing again, a guard scolded: "Damn, is that still a human?"

"To be honest, I don't know how to answer this question."

Suddenly, a voice rang behind him. Jǐng Wei was startled. He was a secret whistle here. It was located in a small room on the fifth floor of the public mansion. The distance from the garden below was not normal. Jǐng Wei quickly turned around and used his rifle as an iron rod, which was considered well-trained.

But the gun was empty to the touch, but the gun was swept in the empty space. Following the flash of a figure in the darkness, and now a cold touch appeared on the center of his eyebrows, Jǐngwei suddenly realized that the opponent's gun had been holding his vitals like a trick.

"Those who can..."

Speaking the last words, in the silent shooting, Jǐngwei's whole body was gently bounced by the impact of the bullet, and then fell lightly. Turned into a corpse, he just leaned on the window sill, his eyes widened, as if he didn't believe that he was dead like this.

Scattered gunshots sounded in the rest of the mansion, but soon the gunshots disappeared completely. The shortest distance between each dark whistle is 100 meters, but zero is not limited by space. The advent of night makes the shadow jump and the ability to travel in this kind of space play the greatest role. Zero is like a **** of death haunting the darkness, easily taking away all the remaining jǐngwei's lives.

When the last jǐngwei fell under his feet, Ling said indifferently: "There are two more."

One is the chief of Jǐngwei, Colorado, and the other, of course, is Zero’s main target, Mayor Mensa!

Mensa was in his study, and he shuddered fiercely. Even if the giant Colorado stood by his side, there was no sense of security at all.

There was an extra revolver in the mayor's trembling hand, which was full of six bullets. This weapon, Mensapin, is mostly used for casual play, but unexpectedly one day it will be needed. But with the gun in hand, Mensa felt a little relieved. He restrained the fear in his heart and asked Colorado: "How is the situation?"

After the old butler was killed, Mensa called Colorado. Colorado is a typical muscular man, every muscle line is so clear. His square face was full of solemnity. Hearing what the mayor said, Colorado shook his head and said: "It's not good, it seems that all the guards are dead. Mayor, why don't I **** you away."

"Leave?" Mensa grinned bitterly, then roared: "Where can I go? Can I leave Pavaric? I can't do it. This must be the killer hired by Sharon's pig. He wants to take my share. , Don't think about it!"

Colorado shook his head and said, "My lord, life is far more important than wealth."

After Mensa took a few violent breaths, reason gradually gained the upper hand: "Colorado, answer me honestly. That killer, how sure are you to kill him?"

After serious consideration, Colorado replied: "If I keep the distance, I am not sure. If you fight in close hands, you have at least a 30% chance of winning."

Mensa didn't even answer, but a man's voice rang softly: "Thirty percent? You overestimate yourself, right."

Colorado turned around abruptly, only to see a man in black clothes and black trousers who did not know when he appeared by the door. But the door of the study was still moving, and Colorado's pupils shrank, and I couldn't see how the killer got in.

Of course he didn't notice, Zero was stepping in a shadow. Shuttle between the shadows, teleporting from outside the door to the door is not easy for Zero. Now, only the big guy in front of him and Mensa shrank behind the desk are left on the cleanup list. However, Zero's gaze didn't look at Mensa. An ordinary person, even the head of a town, was nothing but a corpse under Zero's eyes.

It's just a matter of time.

So Zero looked at Colorado, he was the last obstacle.

In theory, Colorado of Tier 5 is not a zero opponent at all. But Zero never despised anyone, because he came along, and those opponents who despised him died under his gun. Zero didn't want to make the same mistake, so even in the face of ordinary guards outside the government, he would fight with lions and rabbits and fight with all-out mentality.

Colorado instantly understood Zero Mind, the man was as cold as not possessing any emotional fluctuations. This means that the killer in front of him will not be impulsive, and there is nothing more terrifying than a calm killer. Colorado took a deep breath, then roared again, and the fifth-order power broke out, causing his whole body muscles to expand a little more. The next moment, the big man has already rushed towards zero like a tank.

As soon as he drew closer, Colorado threw a left uppercut to Zero's handsome face. There was nearly a ton of force attached to that fist, not to mention a single person, even a steel plate would have to be deformed by Colorado. Of course, Zero was not interested in sticking out her face to let people take her, so she moved lightly. Zero moved to the right before his fist touched, and Colorado's fist passed, and the fist blew only the broken hair in front of Zero's forehead.

Colorado snorted, and in an instant a right swing fist blasted out, chasing after Zero and hitting him. Zero chuckles, a few quick steps on the ground, which has changed the trajectory of motion, and caused Colorado to fall for the second time.

The big man had already red eyes, the bear's waist twisted wildly, spinning on the spot, and his right fist swept wildly. The power of this fist increased again, reaching several tons, and the fist that broke through the air brought a violent fist wind. Mensa had stood far enough, but he still couldn't breathe well with Colorado's fist wind.

However, Colorado was still short. Zero suddenly made a squat action, so that the big man's fist only swept his afterimage. Just before he squatted down, Zero suddenly raised his legs and immediately jumped into the air with a series of afterimages. Pointing down the pistol, Zero gently pressed the trigger.

The muzzle flickered.

Colorado opened his eyes wide, his dynamic vision was at its limit, so he saw a bullet coming out of the muzzle. The bullet was spinning, approaching fast but still within the acceptable range of Colorado.

Zero's hand is an ordinary automatic pistol. This pistol has limited power and only has a faster rate of fire than the revolver in the mayor's hand. Perhaps the petty gun can easily harvest the lives of ordinary soldiers, but Colorado will not be defeated by this level of guns. He grinned and threw his fist at the bullet.

A fist with additional power of Tier 5 is enough to smash bullets into coins.

However, when the fist touched the bullet, Colorado clearly felt that in this humble bullet, there was a storm-like energy group!

Before he understood what the technique was, Colorado's eyes burst into dazzling light. The next moment, his figure was drowned in the torrent of energy.

The mayor's palace kept shaking with a strong explosion, and a large group of fluctuating flames obliquely blasted through the building on the west side of the palace. The flame lasted for nearly five seconds before it slowly rolled back. The choking smoke billowed to the sky, and in the black smoke, building residues continued to fall, and the air immediately wafted with the smell of burning something.

Mensa sat in the corner with his head bent, and he watched in horror that nearly half of the study's space turned into flying ashes. It was as simple as being hit by a missile. There was a huge gap of tens of meters in length and width in the location where Colorado was just now. From the position of Mensa, you can also see the room downstairs in the study. What Mensa didn't know was that Zero's blow not only penetrated the floor of the study, but also directly opened an oblique downward passage in this building!

Ling carried the gun and slowly walked towards the frustrated mayor.

The rogue's death crit, even Bo Dong, who has the ability of the incarnation of the dark tyrant, did not dare to force it, let alone the fifth-order ability of Colorado. The reason why Colorado arrogantly smashed the zero bullet with his fist was because his rank was too low and he was not sensitive to energy, so he didn't realize how terrible the inconspicuous bullet was. the power of.

When he came to Mensa's side, Zero raised his gun, and the ordinary pistol transformed from energy material touched Mensa's forehead. Mensa looked at Zero and asked in a deep voice, "Did Sharon let you kill me?"

"Sharon? Do you think he made me move?" Ling asked rhetorically.

Mensa nodded, judging from the ability to easily kill Colorado at zero, it is indeed not Sharon who can afford to hire.

"Then why is it all?"

Ling said indifferently: "No, it's just that you are blocking my way forward."

"It's just that?" After a moment of silence, Mensa roared: "You devil, kill if you want, but I will curse you in hell!"

"Then, goodbye."

Zero did not hesitate and pulled the trigger. There was no earth-shattering explosion this time, just a blood hole in Mensa's forehead. Watching Mensa's body fall, Ling knew that his cleanup work was completed.

"Devil? Maybe." Leaving a faint sigh, Zero's figure disappeared in Mensa's study.

Theon once said that under the soil of the ideal country, the bones of the victims must be buried. As for Mensa, he was just the first victim.

The war never asks about the reason ~lightnovelpub.net~ only whether it is profitable. Throughout the ages, this has always been the case.

Just as Ling Xiang Mensa pulled the trigger, in a room in a hotel in the small town, Jin gritted his teeth and pressed the window sill.

Zero, you really are a demon. You killed all the people in Buford in this way, right? Bastard, I'm going to kill you! Kill you!

"Calm down."

On the bed of the room, Alice stretched out her slender sex, and the red wine swaying in her hand was as bright as human blood.

Jin lowered his head and suddenly turned around and shouted, "Why don't you let me kill that guy."

"Don't you forget what the lord said, we want to be beautiful. If you kill him so rashly, you will be sure to kill him? Don't forget, there are several partners in the town, and one of them is the destroyer. That woman is not easy. "Alice slowly drank the red wine, and said lightly: "The kid is the kid."

She glanced out the window, and the cloud of lead on the horizon was like blood, as if it had been reflected in the blood of tonight.

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