War Lord

Chapter 397: Fishing (1)

[Xiaochen is a soil bun, just as an expert raised a point, he opened his own Weibo on Sina. \\There are children's shoes playing Sina Weibo on the Internet, asking for fans,]

The circular ice flakes whirled between her slender fingers, and Alice continuously bounced between the sky bridge and the building, and whirled and cut the ice flakes away, chasing the small figure looming in the space.

However, no matter how hard Alice tried, she couldn't catch up with Ye Liu. There is no way for this, after all, Alice is not good at speed, and whether it is the night messenger or the zero shadow wanderer, they are all good at movement and speed. Those with the abilities of these limited professions, if they deliberately avoid fighting, it is difficult to force them to fight to the death unless they use the environment or other factors to erase their advantage in action. The latest novel Baidu search ""

Alice was facing this kind of embarrassing situation. Ye Liu was much lower than her in rank, but she concentrated on avoiding battle, and the unpredictable way of movement made Alice a headache.

The ice flakes failed again, and this thin but sharp sharp object only hit the afterimage of Ye Liu, and the real Ye Liu had already escaped a hundred meters.

Ye Liu's hands were entwined with energy threads formed by dark elements, which were of the same nature as the dark thread cutting used by Bo Dong. The difference is that Bodong’s dark thread cutting is a one-time product. After condensing the dark elements into a thread, it explodes out in one breath, cutting the target with a disorderly attack, with great power. The energy thread in Ye Liu’s hands is not as powerful as the dark thread cutting, but it is very long-lasting, and when needed, it can be softened to rigid according to Ye Liu’s heart, becoming a weapon for killing enemies, or turning into a death sonata. The required string. The latest novel Baidu search ""

Just now, she used the energy thread in her hand to constantly neutralize the energy of the elemental barriers in the space to achieve the effect of destruction. Just at this speed, it is not easy to completely break through the barriers under Alice's cloth.

The ice flakes whirled, and when Alice closed her arms, she wanted to wave the ice flakes. Suddenly, she felt something in her heart, frowning and looking below the city of Beatis.

In Alice's perception, the elemental barrier of gold has collapsed. At the same time, there are a number of energy reactions of varying intensities approaching the battlefield of Jin. I think it should be a resident of the city of Beatis.

The borneol stopped spinning and disappeared. Alice dropped to the ground and said lightly: "My sister won't play hide and seek with you, little rabbit, don't let my sister catch you next time. Otherwise, my sister will have to strip your clothes and take good care of you."

Ye Liu appeared on a sky bridge and corrected: "I am not a little rabbit, my name is Ye Liu."

"Stubborn kid." Alice shook her head, showing a headache. With a little tiptoe, it has quickly hidden into the shadow of the building, the wind screams, and it disappears in a flash.

Alice catapulted between the overpass and the building. Not long after, there was a person beside her suddenly, but it was Jin who arrived.

"Faulted?" Alice asked.

Jin's face was gloomy and said, "Don't ask me! I'm in a bad mood now."

After that, Suer accelerated and passed Alice's position. Alice chuckled and said, "The kid now has a very bad temper."

While flying by, Alice caught up with Jin and glanced at his chest and said, "What's that?"

Jin lowered his head and found that his camouflage uniform had been cut open. He hummed, "It's nothing, but the clothes are torn apart."

"No, I mean, there seems to be something in your clothes."

"What?" Jin stopped suddenly and tore open the crack in his shirt, only to see a small piece of nail-big object attached to his chest at some point. As Jin pulled apart his clothes, the little thing suddenly gave out a breath of energy and continued to grow. Finally, there was a blaze of light blooming from it.

On the square of the Well of the Abyss, the chief priest and dozens of defenders have arrived. Seeing all the 16 elite fighters survived, the beautiful face of the priest was covered with haze. At this moment, a dull explosion sounded over the city of Beatis. The priest raised his head and just saw a small flame blooming in the sky.

"Chasing! Stop the invaders for me!" Using the unique language of the underground people, the priest said anxiously.

As a result, each of the city of Beatis sounded a long horn, which was the alarm of the dungeon. Hearing this sirens, the guards scattered around the city all rushed in the direction where the flames appeared, vowing to catch the bold invaders.

But when the horn sounded, Ling found Ye Liu and greeted her to return to the caravan's resting place. As soon as he entered the lounge, Ling could hear the anger from the outside, and there were all sorts of blasting sounds, thinking that it should be the guard of the city of Beatis and Jin handing over.

Ling smiled. In the previous sandstorm, when Ling was approaching Jin, when he used a dagger to cut his clothes, he ejected a small time-lapse bomb embodied by energy. In order not to be discovered by Jin, the power of the bomb was almost negligible, but the sound and flames it caused were enough to attract the attention of the city of Bedis.

Facts proved that nothing was expected, and now Kim and Alice are chasing the guards of the city of Beatis and running in the direction of the exit.

Jin's face was black. This didn't mean his face, but his face was really blackened by the flames. The sporadic time-delay bomb has limited power, except for blackening his face, it can't hurt him a single hair. But the sound of the explosion and the flames attracted the female snake and the male scorpion, which made Ling Ling's teeth tickled. Especially Alice at the back, although her face is tied, anyone can see the smile in the corner of her eye.


Jin yelled, with a rock spear in his hand, and flew the energy spear thrown by a snake woman warrior on the left roof at him. At the same time, the rock spear was thrown out and plunged into the abdomen of the snake girl, nailing it to the roof.

Seeing the tragic death of the soldiers on the side, the scorpion men chasing behind raised up what was like a cannon barrel in their hands. After a simple aim, the front muzzle shot out a burst of energy. The energy brilliance broke through the sky, and went straight to the back of the gold.

Alice suddenly inserted between Jin and Energy Guanghua, and she drew a circle in front of her with a slender hand, which immediately formed an arc-shaped round shield. The radiant energy hit this ice shield, and it was reflected off one by one. The seemingly weak stream of light, every time it falls on Shite, it silently erodes shallow pits in the buildings and rock walls.

At this time, Jin continued to use the low-level ability of Rock Spear and Teeth to push away the nearby guards. But there are many guards in the city of Beatis, and both the snake girl and the scorpion man have the ability to move on any terrain. They either fly by on the rock wall, or hover under the intricate overpass, using the cover of various environments to attack both Jin and Alice.

Under such chase, the two of them fought and fled, and finally came to the ramp leading to the ground. After Jin suddenly fell, he said: "You go to open the door, I'll break it!"

Alice is also welcome, although both of them are high-level capable people, it would be dangerous if they were entangled with the dungeon guards. What's more, after the situation in the Well of the Abyss was exposed, Alice sensed that at the bottom of this dungeon, there were three powerful auras that she had to care about. That should be the strong man in the city of Beatis, and Alice would not believe that such a strong alien race did not have a strong man who matched it.

If the two are entangled by the guards, and then the foreign powerhouse takes action, then the chances of the two surviving will plummet. So Alice twisted her waist, accelerated her advancement, and left Jin far behind.

Jin stood still, turned around, facing the swarming enemies behind. He snorted and raised his right arm flat. The golden palm opened wide, and then he slammed it in. Suddenly, an overpass connecting the city and the ramp shook violently. With Jin yelling, the overpass broke in the middle, and the bridge deck at least ten meters long cracked and fell along with the dozen guards on it. abyss.

For a time, guards were crowded around the broken bridge. The snake girl threw her energy spear, while the scorpion man continued to bombard the opposite side in disorder, but once the bridge was broken, they could not continue to pursue it. Jin took the opportunity to retreat, letting all the guards' attacks fail.

At the exit, Alice pointed at her arm as she ran, and frost suddenly formed from the ground under her feet and spread like a snake. When he came to the exit, a thick icy edge pierced obliquely from the ground, directly piercing the bark of the ancient tree that served as the gate. After piercing the bark, the ice edge exploded suddenly, expanding the torn gap a lot.

This Frost Ice Blade was originally a two-stage attack skill that exploded after piercing the target's body. Now it is also suitable for destroying the exit. Although the bark of an ancient tree is tough, it can't stand the icy blade and pierce and explode. Hearing the footsteps from far to near, Alice did not stop, stepped on the remaining part of the ice edge and ran up diagonally, then suddenly bounced, and jumped out of the gap opened by the ice edge.

Immediately, there was a cold wind blowing.

When Alice landed, rolled, and stood up again, she saw Jin jump out of the gap. After looking at each other, they both shook their heads and smiled bitterly, then turned and left.

No matter how dark the night is, there will be a time to pass. The next morning, when Zero woke up, the old Rob and the others were already neatly dressed, ready to pick up the goods and leave on the square. It is not appropriate to say that it is awake. Zero didn't sleep, he just let his body enter a state of rest, but his thoughts were still active. Last night, the city of Bedis was not peaceful, even after the strange assassin left, there were still guards roaming the city.

Several groups of guards came to the rest area of ​​the caravan, but they seemed to receive some kind of order, and they did not alarm the caravan. Zero closed his eyes, but was able to sense the guard's gaze constantly sweeping among the caravan's crowd. This should be looking for an intruder, but in the end, such work is naturally futile.

Taking advantage of the closed eyes and sleep sleep, Zero accelerates cell activity, allowing the wounds left by gold to heal quickly. In the battle with Jin, he suffered only skin injuries. For him, one night was enough for him to heal himself. Facts proved that he was right. At this moment, the wound on the skin had been completely healed and no traces could be seen.

To Zero's surprise, the caravan quickly received the black gold from the dwarf supervisor. So under the leadership of a snake woman warrior, the caravan set out and left the city of Bedis from another passage with barrels of oil. But what Beatis City didn't know was that the caravan took away not only the black gold, but also some other things.

The picture of the caravan leaving is reflected in a pair of eyes that look like black gems. This is a tall man, nearly five meters tall, much taller than an ordinary male scorpion warrior. It has muscles as solid as steel, and the texture of its muscles is several points more complicated than that of the strongest human man. If you put on the dissection table, you will find that the muscle fibers of the underground people are also more complicated than that of the humans.

A stunning mess of hair is like a raging fire, which also illustrates the temperament of the owner from a certain side. This overly tall male underground tribe, his lower body is not a scorpion-like structure, but has a lobster-like body. Three pairs of stout feet grow on the knotted body to support the majestic body of this male underground tribe.

It held a warhammer the same length as its height in its hand, and its hammer surface was covered with sharp rivets. It is conceivable that when this murder weapon hits an opponent, it will not only bring about blunt force damage. This warhammer doesn't have any energy breath, it looks more like a big iron block, but it makes people feel rough and wild.

The underground people pointed in the direction of the caravan and said, "Honorable priest, can you let these humans leave like this? Obviously, the invaders last night were also humans, and they must have been with this Pavaric. The caravan is related. Otherwise, there is no way to explain the coincidence in time!"

"Huo Xian, the brave guardian, my friend. We have no evidence that the invaders are related to Pavaric's people. If you force them to exaggerate them, it will cause Pavalic's dissatisfaction. It's just a Pava. Rich is not to be afraid, but don’t forget, those humans hold our secrets. If they shake our existence out, how many greedy humans will come upon hearing the news. Our king Naga is about to complete it. At the moment of recovery, I really don't allow any mistakes to happen, even if it's just a tiny bit."

Like a combination of a woman and a spider, the chief priest gently expressed his concerns.

At this time, another underground tribe stood up beside the chief priest. Its appearance resembles those of the lowest dwarf laborers, but this dwarf doesn't know how old it is. The beard on the chin reaches to the feet and spreads slightly toward the ground. It makes people look at it, and can't help but worry that it will step on its beard and cause a big fall. The old dwarf was holding a cane in the other.

The crutches are meters high. From the material point of view, they seem to be carved from some special stone~lightnovelpub.net~ The threaded pattern is covered with the rod body from the bottom to the top, and a fist-sized piece is hovering at the end of the rod. Spar. The spar exudes lavender energy brilliance. From time to time, there are one or two energy brilliance overflowing from the spar, passing along the spiral pattern on the stick body one by one, extending to the ground and then dissipating in a ring shape.

The old dwarf holding the crystal rod said with an old voice: "Honorable priest, there are already humans peeping into our abyss well. Perhaps, it's time for our family to migrate."

The priest sighed slightly, and said: "Mo Sen, the length of wise enlightenment. My king Naga's gene completion progress has reached 94%. If we migrate at this time, all our efforts will be abandoned."

The old dwarf darkened his eyes and said solemnly: "The greedy wolf has already smelled the delicacy of fresh meat. If we don't leave, we must be fully prepared to deal with the wolves."

The guardian Huo Xian took a deep breath, and the sound was thunderous. He raised the warhammer and violently shouted: "If humans dare to invade our homeland, I will tell them to come back and forth!"

As soon as the voice fell, there were snakes, women, and scorpion men in every corner of the city of Bedis holding up their weapons, and the shouts of "there is no return" one after another, forming a huge wave that swept the entire dungeon!

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