War Lord

Chapter 402: The soldiers approach the city   2

On the evening of the second day after Dr. Hilo left, residents of the city of Bedis were sent to Pavaric in batches. [www.]m[.dyzww网][m] Regardless of what Dr. Hilo did, Beyonce asked him to do it, and he lived up to it.

Among the underground people who were sent, the majority were fighters, and the dwarf drudges accounted for only a very small number. It's not that the warriors in the city of Beatis are weaker than the dwarves, but Methrit, the chief of the priest, out of love for the warriors, prioritizes the opportunity for treatment to the infected male femme and scorpion. Beyonce, Charlotte, and Austin stood on the watchtower of the watchtower, watching the foreign race that was still being transported outside the city, and the eyes of Charlotte and Austin were brilliant.

Especially when looking at the **** snake-woman warriors, the two old men made no secret of the fire of desire that came from the most primitive in their hearts. Charlotte rubbed her hands and said: "Miss Beyonce is really young and promising, just a little bit of tricks, let these idiots come to the door by herself. I don't know how Miss Beyonce intends to deal with these hostages? If you don't mind. , Austin and I would like to go back and study their body structure."

The eyes of the two old foxes shot evil light, and Beyonce did not know what they were thinking. She smiled faintly: "It's a pity, two gentlemen. Most of these hostages will be executed immediately."

"Why?" Austin asked silently.

Beyonce said sternly: "For the needs of the plan, but also to ensure the safety of everyone in the town. Although we are only using ordinary coronaviruses, God knows whether these viruses will mutate in non-human life forms. So you see, I am thinking about the health of both of you."

Hearing what she said, the two of Charlotte had to give up the idea of ​​trying something new. After all, compared with sexual interest, both of them put their lives more important.

Therefore, under Beyoncé's instruction, all the underground people who were sent to Pavaric were gathered, and when it was about 8 o'clock in the evening, no new patients were sent there. At nine o'clock, the former Hunter’s Guild Hall, which served as a temporary sanctuary, rang out intensive gunshots and the screams of many underground people. The two voices mixed together to form a melody called "fear", which floated in Pa. Varic's night sky.

That night, everyone in the town nestled themselves tightly in the bed and couldn't sleep through the night.

On the third day, more residents of the city of Bedis were sent over. Ivan is one of them, Ivan is a young dwarf drudge, he is less than three years old now. This age is still an infant stage for humans, but for the underground people who have a very short life cycle, the three-year-old Ivan is already a young man.

Ivan was infected with the plague the day before yesterday, and his skin has begun to appear mildly ulcerated. Originally, the lowest class like dwarf drudgery had a poor chance of getting treatment. But because Ivan has not been infected with the plague for a long time and has the best chance of being cured, he has a precious opportunity.

It is full of hope to come to Pavarich, a human town with the sick people, but after entering the town, Ivan feels the atmosphere of the town is a little strange. The town could not be seen by half an ordinary resident, instead it was filled with a large number of soldiers and some big iron blocks that Ivan had never seen before. In this strange atmosphere, Ivan was sent to the nursing home along with other tribesmen, but as soon as he entered the nursing home, Ivan could smell the faint smell of blood wafting in the hall.

And, dense small holes appeared on the walls on both sides.

The anxiety became more intense, and Ivan wanted to remind the guards accompanying him. However, these soldiers who had never contracted the disease were very jealous of them, and even reluctant to talk too much. After the patients were settled, these guards hurriedly left. In this way, as soon as the guard left, the hall door closed with a bang.

Ivan ignored the pain and jumped out of the bed. It wanted to see what was happening when it suddenly saw black metal objects protruding from the windows around the hall.

Naturally, the dwarves don't know that these things are weapons invented by humans, automatic rifles.

"It's ready, Miss Beyonce, please give instructions." A commander-like person reported via radio.

Soon, Beyonce's voice sounded: "Let's do it. No, wait. Remember to leave one or two alive and find a way to send them out of the city. Remember, do it as natural as possible. Let them I thought I was lucky, not that we were deliberately neglecting the past."

"I see, dear madam." The commander turned off the radio and glanced into the hall. He saw Ivan the little dwarf who was looking around at a glance. The tall man touched his clean chin and smiled, "It's you. Good luck, little guy."

The next moment, gunfire sounded in the nursing home. The automatic rifle sprayed out long tongues of flame, and the dense barrage would lay 2bsp on the bed; gunshots and screams were chaotic. They rushed into Ivan's ears violently, and the dwarf held his ears tightly, but to no avail. It wasn't until a moment later that all the voices disappeared and Ivan let go.


A large amount of blood was flowing on the ground. Looking from the bottom of the bed, Ivan saw the corpse of a tribe. It finally knew what was going on, it was a slaughter! Humans deceived them, and the patients who were sent to Pavarich were not rescued at all. What they got was death!

Just then, Ivan heard when the door was opened. The dwarf was at a loss. When he saw a corpse next to him, he had a clever idea and immediately painted himself with the blood of his tribe, and fell to the ground to install the corpse.

It turns out that Ivan's luck was really good, and the human soldiers began to clean the corpses in the hall. Ivan was sent to the outside of the hall along with the corpses of the same kind, and thrown into a large truck. The truck drove the corpses of the underground people out of Pavaric and looked in the direction of the Silver Frost Forest. Ivan pushed the corpse of a snake girl away and glanced out of the car. Then he gritted his teeth and jumped out of the car.

The thick snow caught Ivan's body, but the white snow pile quickly stained the blood on Ivan's body. The truck continued to go away, it seems that humans did not find a dead body in the carriage at the end. Ivan turned and glanced bitterly in Pavaric's direction, and then discerning the direction, his small body walked hard in the snow. Ivan vowed to return to the city of Beatis and told the great priest of the evil deeds of human beings.

Beyonce watched the truck full of corpses leave the city with her own eyes, and after a while, she saw the figure heading towards the city of Beatis through the binoculars. Behind her, the commander of the Black Rose Family was waiting for the Patriarch's order.

Putting down the binoculars, Beyonce said indifferently: "Notify the troops and prepare for battle. By tomorrow morning at the latest, I will see Pavaric becoming a hard bone that is hard to swallow. After all, these good neighbors have teeth. It's sharp."

It was another sleepless night.

That night, the whole Pavaric was brightly lit. The courageous residents quietly pulled up the curtains and saw cars driving into the town and stopping on the town’s highway. The soldiers, like wolves and tigers, jumped out of the car one after another and gathered in accordance with certain instructions. After several off-road vehicles drove into the town, the high-speed guns on the vehicles were quickly disassembled and installed on the guard tower facing the city of Betis.

The engineers left the city overnight, carrying mines and explosives and other materials, and began to lay various traps on the only way to Pavaric.

Boxes of weapon boxes filled with guns and ammunition were transported to the assembly square. After the commander shouted loudly, they were distributed according to the planned plan to confirm that these weapons can be distributed to each soldier. When the weapon distribution was completed, some soldiers were drawn out, they took the tools, and began to dig out the city. The remaining soldiers, under the leadership of their captains, used simple tools and materials to build temporary fortifications.

Pavaric’s original guard tower was reinforced and added, and the high-voltage power grid began to cover the wall, which would cause any creatures trying to climb the wall to suffer. Logs were chopped down from the edge of the silver frost dense forest overnight and cut into thick spurs. The soldiers plunged them deep into the snow outside Pavaric and fixed them at an incline so that they could withstand the impact from the front. And more arrangements are ongoing.

It is conceivable that by the dawn of the next day, Pavaric will transform from a barely fortified town into a fortress that is difficult to conquer.

The city of bedis.

Between prayers, Huo Xian's angry roar sounded.

The guardian chief who looked like an iron tower angrily walked towards the gate, but he drank the chief priest: "Huo Xian, my friend, where are you going?"

Huo Xian turned his head and said with a thunderous voice: "Then I need to say, I'm going to kill all those despicable humans."

On the ground between prayers, Ivan lay dying. With surprising perseverance, it walked on the snow all night, arrived at the city of Bedis at noon today and requested to meet Methrit at the first time. Now, in front of Methrit, Huo Xian, and Mawson, Ivan tells what he saw in Pavaric.

The evil deeds of human beings made Methrit extremely angry. But it remained calm, but the guardian could not do it. Huo Xian, with a fierce temper, couldn't wait to kill Pavaric right now, and couldn't stop slaughtering every filthy human in the town.

"Naturally, we can't let go of these damned humans, but the honorable guardian, except for the five hundred warriors we died tragically in the hands of humans. Do you know how many warriors we have left that can still fight?" Mei Slitter said calmly.

"Even if there is only one person left, this battle must be fought." Huo Xian said angrily.

"There are fewer than two thousand five hundred warriors who can fight, even if we count our elite warriors." Methrit said, "But do you know how many soldiers there are on the human side, and how strong are their combat capabilities? , Your bravery is beyond doubt, but we cannot throw all our troops into this unknown battle at once."


Huo Xian yelled: "Methrit, you are still fearful at this time. Now, just over a hundred kilometers away, our 500 people have been slaughtered. But you still dare not send troops. Could it be that you want us? Will everyone make up their minds only after the plague died?"

"In the current situation, it is not you and I have the final say. I want to tell the truth to our people, whether to fight or stay, let them choose by themselves!" After all, Huo Xian left with raging anger.

Methrit gave a light sigh and looked at Mawson and said, "Am I doing something wrong?"

The old dwarf shook his head and said, "You are right, and Huo Xian is right. The fault is human beings. They have failed our trust. In this extraordinary period, they extended a greedy hand to us."

"You are right, the length of the enlightenment. Humans must die, so let's start with that **** doctor." A strong murderous intent passed across Methrit's beautiful face.

That day, Dr. Shiloh was torn to pieces by angry underground people and thrown into the well of the abyss. Hilo's expression remained calm until death. Because from the moment Beyonce buckled his wife and children, Hilo knew that this was a mission with no return. But if his death can be exchanged for the peace of his wife and children, he, as a husband, will have no regrets.

In turbulent times, human lives are as cheap as grass. In the eyes of the superiors, it is only natural to sacrifice an ordinary person in exchange for the smooth progress of the entire big plan.

Killing Shiloh was originally Methrit's hope to calm the anger of the tribe. As for the crusade against Pavaric, it is imperative, but the priest hopes to be more cautious. However, Huo Xian, the chief guardian, left the city with his bodyguard at this time, and rushed to Pavaric alone. This action made the whole city of Betis boil, and the sound of declaring war has overwhelmed Methrit's voice.

Public opinion was hard to violate, and Methrit had no choice but to agree to play. So in the evening, the passage to the ground from the city of Bedis was fully opened~lightnovelpub.net~ teams of soldiers continued to drive out of the dungeon and assemble on the ground. In this battle, Methrit also went out in person. Although it is the longest sacrifice, it is also a highly skilled warrior.

To Methrit's surprise, Huo Xian did not go straight to Pavaric, but waited for Methrit's arrival outside the Silver Frost Forest. When the army drove out of the dense forest, Methrit saw Huo Xian who was like an ancient giant on the snowfield, the chief priest smiled helplessly.

"I didn't expect that the guardian, who has always been brave and incomparable, would even play schemingly."

When the army and Huo Xian met, Methrit came to this old friend and said. Huo Xian pressed his chest with one hand and bowed his head deeply towards Methrit: "As long as the chief priest can agree to send troops, Huo Xian is willing to bear any punishment."


"It's true!"

Methrit smiled, and said awe-inspiringly: "Then I will punish you and smash the walls of mankind for me."

Huo Xian raised his head and said with a grinning smile: "Extremely happy!"

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