War Lord

Chapter 403: Crimson Dawn

The darkness couldn't stop its eyes, so the outline of Pavaric Town a kilometer away was reflected in its eyes. \\m\\Net--It is the long sacrificial ancestor of Methrit, the city of Bedis. Behind it was an army of two thousand three hundred people, and the city of Beatis came out of the nest. At the end of the day, I arrived at Pavaric all night long.

Methrit wanted to give Pavaric a surprise, a huge surprise. These dirty human beings have abandoned the morality and covenant of both sides. Not only did he fail to help during the great disaster in the city of Beatis, but he also fell into trouble. This is unforgivable, and Methrit is angry, but the anger has not veiled its sanity.

Human beings are living creatures day and night, Methrit knows this very well. It also knows that the darkness before dawn is the most peaceful period of time for humans, but they will never know what else is lurking in the darkness. Now, Methrit intends to teach the people in this small town a lesson they will never forget. It's just that the price of this lesson must be repaid with their blood.

A pair of war knives crossed behind Methrit, this was its weapon. In addition to the identity of the chief priest, it is also one of the most elite fighters in the clan. It removes the double knives, and the blades of the two war knives have strange lines on their blades. Now, the double knives gradually light up in Methrit's hands, and the energy brilliance pours out from the priest's hands, filling the lines on the double knives.

When the two knives were enveloped in a hazy energy brilliance, Methrit swiped in the direction of Pavaric. With a round of flames, the long knife pointed straight at the town, which was a signal of offense.

Two thousand snakes, females, and scorpion men rushed silently on the snow like a tide, and they were like an undercurrent, constantly rushing towards the target. Upon arriving in the small town, it will turn into a monstrous flood, completely submerging this sinful place.

However, Methrit didn't know that in the land where the undercurrent passed, there were already hidden reefs!

While advancing, a male scorpion fighter suddenly seemed to have stepped on something, and there was a soft "Da" under his feet. It looked underneath itself in a puzzled way, but saw that under the thin layer of snow, after a red dot of light revolved quickly, the snow layer swelled and exploded suddenly.

In the sound of the explosion, thousands of metal fragments spattered in all directions with slush in between. The power of the fragments is strong. At close range, even if the warriors of the city of Bidis are physically strong, they cannot withstand such an attack. Within ten meters of the explosion of the fragmented landmine, several soldiers immediately pierced the body through the fragments. Within 30 meters, more than 20 soldiers suffered severe trauma to varying degrees. At sixty meters, it was the edge area of ​​the fragmented landmine's power, and the warriors of the city of Bidis had thick skin, and they only suffered minor scratches.

However, such landmines are not one, but one. The engineers had already set up minefields in this area, and successive mines exploded, causing serious damage to the vanguard forces in the city of Bidis. At this moment, in the two snowfields 100 meters in front of the minefield, black barrels of guns protruded from the snow. The next moment, the roar of machine guns resounded across the night sky, and in the tongue of fire, the torrent of metal poured into the alien race. At the rear of the army, they were caught off guard.

"It's an ambush!" Methrit yelled, leaping high.

In the dark, at least a hundred machine guns aimed and fired in its direction.

The two knives crossed out, each dragging a bright blade on the blade. The X-shaped knife beam expanded in the night sky, cutting the hit metal bullet into pieces, while the scattered bullets that fell on Methrit's body couldn't break through its body after three times of transformation.

The knife mang immediately sank into the side of the snow, and immediately exploded and rowed the snow waves. In the snow wave, more than a dozen soldiers were bounced by the impact air wave, but in fact, they had already shattered the internal organs by the energy shock wave when the knife light landed. Only corpses were bounced by the air wave.

After the snow wave, Methrit clearly saw that there was a deep trench under the snow layer! It is conceivable that human soldiers lie in ambush in the snowdrift long ago, and through the cover of the surface snow layer, they attacked when the army touched the landmine.

At this time, the army of the city of Bedis had already reacted. The snake women warriors use their energy spears to plunge into the snow, and then set off energy shocks to detonate the mines in front; while the scorpion men use their gun-like weapons to emit a stream of light toward the human ambush. The dot did not explode like Methrit, only eroded quietly. Often after a stream of energy fell, the snow layer and the soldiers hiding inside quietly turned into nothingness.

Just as the soldiers of the city of Beatis cleared the obstacles and continued to advance, a strange howling sound came from Pavaric's direction, and the air vibrated violently, followed by a flash of fire. It flicked a parabola in the sky, and then fell into the group of alien warriors.

The fire is soaring into the sky!

This is the most powerful attack that the city of Beatis has encountered since the beginning of the battle. Orange fireballs bloomed on the snowy field, illuminating the area within a few kilometers. At the center of the fireball explosion, hundreds of alien fighters were blown to pieces. The devastating shock wave swept away in a ring shape, and the soldiers within the 500-meter area shook their heads and suffered serious injuries.

This is still the warrior of the city of Beatis. If it were a human soldier, a single anti-tank missile would be enough to kill nearly a thousand people!

Methrit finally changed his tone: "Why? When did Pavaric have such a powerful weapon!"

At the end of the speech, there were three more flames blazing into the sky under the night. Methritt swung both knives in a row, pulling out pieces of arc-shaped knife lights to greet one of them like a wave, and immediately detonated a missile in the air. But the other two had already fallen, and at this moment, a loud roar sounded in the battlefield.

The roar shook the sky, and saw a tall figure leaping up, it was Huo Xian, the long guardian. Huo Xian raised his warhammer and threw it at one of the missiles. The warhammer spun through the air, hit the missile, and immediately detonated it. As the second fireball rose, under the volley of violent shock waves and hot metal fragments, Huo Xian staggered his hands to block, first shook the shock wave back to the ground, and then wiped the missile fragments across his body, leaving many wounds.

Three missiles were fired, two were stopped, and only one of the missiles successfully landed on the ground, causing another big explosion.

The earth quaked.

Huo Xian got up from the ground and looked at the people who were killed and injured, his face twisted with anger. It took back the warhammer that was knocked down at one end of the battlefield. Even if it faced the explosive power of the missile, the warhammer was never destroyed, but the metal surface showed varying degrees of melting. But in general, it can still be used. It can be seen that the metal used in this warhammer is very special and has a very high melting point. Otherwise, how can it remain intact in the explosion of the missile.

Holding the fiery warhammer, Huo Xian's palm sizzled with the heat. It didn't care about it, and the warhammer swung in Pavaric's direction and shouted: "We can't be dragged to death by humans here. Charge! Charge!"

After that, Huo Xian took the lead and rushed in the direction of Pavaric. Behind it, there are soldiers with less than two thousand left. Looking at these figures facing the artillery fire, a sorrow passed through Methrit's heart. Having won this battle, I don't know how many people will be able to return to the city of Beatis alive.

In a small town, in a room in Sharon's villa.

When the first missile exploded, Zero said to everyone in the room: "We should set off."

In addition to zero, there are four people in the room: Berion, Su, Ye Liu and Brown. Zero said to Brown: "You take the soldiers around from the side of the battlefield, and the troops that cooperate with the Black Rose to fight the enemy from behind. The soldiers are under your command, Brown."

Brown nodded and grinned: "Wrap it on me, but this time it's not us who play the leading role. Head, do we keep a low profile."

"Well, for soldiers, this is a test and a trial. You can keep a low profile, but you can't let the water go."


Zero said to the three of Berion: "As for us, we are responsible for dealing with some of their elite fighters."

He gestured on his body and said zero: "I have seen some special warriors in the city of Beatis. They have large tattoos on their bodies, which are very good. These guys have more energy than ordinary warriors. It should be the elite of the alien race. Our goal is these fighters. The fewer they are, the faster the battle will end."

"That's all there is to say. Then, let's go."

Zero took the lead and opened the door, only to see Beyonce standing at the door. Others filed out, and Brown cast an ambiguous look at Zero and Beyonce. Ling glanced at him fiercely, and the uncle touched his stubborn chin and left with a dry smile.

Beyonce handed a small box to Zero.

"What is this?" Zero opened and found three ordinary bullets in the box. But the bullet is engraved with a "c" in English.

"For the biochemical bullets dedicated to the underground people, the third-generation variant of the coronavirus melt is already built into the warhead, which can be placed in the bsp; zero box containing the bullets, and nodded: "Thank you. "

As soon as the voice fell, an explosion sounded outside the villa, and the shock wave shook the villa slightly. Ling's expression changed, and he rushed to the window, only to see a few more firelights under the night sky of the small town. The landing point was the urban area in the opposite direction of the villa. Every time the light was ignited, it caused an explosion. Although the power of the explosion was not as powerful as that of a missile, the firepower of several explosions covered it, but it also caused considerable damage.

"It seems that they have other weapons." Zero said anxiously to Beyoncé: "Quickly, hide to a safe place, I'll go out of the city to take a look."

Beyonce nodded, and before she could say "Take care", Zero had disappeared in the shadow of the corridor.

Shadow jump!

Zero flickered between the shadows of the building, and a moment later came to one of the towers of the city wall. He looked in the direction of the snowy field, and saw a few more firelights thrown from that direction. These flares were as big as spheres, but when they reached the night sky near Pavaric, they split suddenly. A fireball split into dozens of ignition lights, a total of dozens of ignition lights fell to the town like raindrops.

One of the flames fell towards the tower where Chao Zero was, and Zero raised his hand, and the energy in his hand manifested a ****. When the trigger was depressed, the flames in mid-air exploded immediately, turning into a curtain of fire about 100 meters away.

The curtain of fire gradually dissipated, and hundreds of thousands of sparks fell slowly. Nothing is lost, but other places are not so lucky. A series of explosions sounded on the city walls and the town, and the flames of the explosion burned on the building, and the resulting thick smoke continued to rise into the night sky. With zero glance, at least three guard towers were blown to pieces after this wave of attacks on the city of Beatis.

As for the buildings in the town, the number of damaged buildings can reach double digits. In this way, staying in the town may not be safe.

At this time, the fighters of the city of Beatis had rushed to the area 500 meters away from the city, and they were encountering strong firepower from humans. Human soldiers hide in the trenches and hide behind the cover. A barrage composed of thousands of machine guns harvests the lives of the enemy, making the next 500 meters an insurmountable minefield. The rapid-fire heavy artillery on the guard tower also began to show off. In the roar of the heavy artillery, the metal torrent formed by large-caliber bullets cut the army of the city of Bydis more wantonly.

It can be said that wherever the bullets of the heavy artillery fell, there must be splashes of blood, even the soldiers of the city of Beatis were completely unable to withstand the impact of the heavy artillery bullets.

The scale of victory is leaning toward the human side, and both the number of soldiers and the strength of the firepower are dominant. However, the warriors of Beatis City are far from being comparable to ordinary humans. They almost used the blood and corpses of their clansmen to pave their way forward, and after being pulled closer by them, the light cannon in the hands of the scorpion man began to show off. It seems that the range of these energy cannons is not far, but the power is beyond doubt. Within the range of 500 meters, all the positions where the streamer falls are nothingness.

The flexibility of the snake-woman warrior is higher than that of the male ~lightnovelpub.net~ They swim dexterously, attacking the infantry position with unpredictable trajectories. Once they were smashed into the cover, the energy spear pointed to a **** storm.

However, the most threatening thing is nothing more than the chariot-like things behind the army of the city of Beatis. From this distance, Zero couldn't see it really, only vaguely seeing them resembling ancient catapults, but what could be thrown was a deadly energy group.

That's right, those fire lights are pure energy collections. When they reach the sky above the target, they will suddenly split and fall in a fan-like form, giving the target multiple firepower coverage. It is a terrible siege weapon.

Zero immediately issued instructions to Su and the others through the radio communication device he was wearing in his ear: "Prioritize the elimination of the opponent's war-type weapons!"

After all, his figure flashed and disappeared above the guard tower.

The army in the city of Beatis has stepped up its offensive pace, and the human front is shrinking continuously under the bedding of the intrepid warriors with their lives. But the warriors of the alien race did not notice that some of the human soldiers passed by the edge of the dense silver frost forest on the right, like an undercurrent winding to their rear!

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