War Lord

Chapter 404: Abyss Fury

This is a very peculiar chariot. It uses the bones of some kind of giant beast as a support, and sutures the fur to form the wall. The metal is shaped into a round shape, and the edges are wrapped with a plant fiber polymer with excellent elasticity, so that the tank can run in most environments. It's just that the tank does not use any energy to drive it. There are complicated gears and chains on the base part, which constitute the original power system of the tank.

In the carriage on the base, a dozen dwarfs desperately stepped on an undulating device. Each undulation would drive the chain to turn gears, which in turn would drive the giant wheels of the chariot forward. As for the direction of the chariot, it is determined by a thing in front of it like a rudder.

On the chariot, a ferocious beast head stood. The skull of the beast opened its huge mouth in the blood basin, and it was seen that there was a barrel-like round tube extending from the bone. The other end of the round tube is connected to the rear of the tank. There are more than a dozen hoses of unknown purpose connected to the barrels of the tank from both sides of the tank. From time to time, the sound of liquid twitching sounds in the hose. It makes the chariot look like a giant beast with blood flowing endlessly in its veins.

Fury of the Abyss!

This is the name of the chariot. It was developed by Mosen in the War of Enlightenment. It uses the pure fire energy decomposed from the blood of the earth veins to cover the fixed ignition power. It can be described as a sharp weapon. Originally, Methrit did not intend to bring the only five Abyssal Fury, after all, in the eyes of the chief priest, Pavaric was not enough to use the secret weapon of the city of Bedis.

But just after the four missiles on the human side, Mawson rushed to the human side with five Fury of the Abyss and imposed firepower suppression on the human side.

"It seems that I'm not too late." Mo Sen said with a crystal rod lighted on the ground.

Mesri turned his face in particular and whispered: "I underestimate human beings, they should have such strength and weapons. If it weren't for the long tune of the revelation, the fury of the abyss, I am afraid..."

"Don't mind, my friend." The old dwarf said with his crystal rod: "We are not omniscient gods, and it is normal to make mistakes occasionally. It's a pity that my ability is not to fight, so I only I can leave it to you and Huo Xian."

The sacrificial chief shook his swords and said: "Then please stay here, and the war ahead will be on my body."

"Take care." The old dwarf said solemnly.

Methrit arranged another twenty soldiers to defend the car formation, and he turned and rushed to the front position where the battle was most intense. After watching it leave, Mawson said loudly: "Boys, move faster and tear down the human wall for me!"

In the chariot, the dwarves agreed in unison. They dump the stored oil into the separator. After physical decomposition and catalysis, it becomes pure energy for the muzzle, and then turns into masses of energy and flare out, falling towards Pavaric.

In the front position, the roar of the machine gun and the flame of the explosion intertwined, forming a picture of blood and fire. In contrast, the rear of the battle formation where Mawson was located was much quieter. Twenty or so alien warriors scattered in a circle, protecting the five Abyssal Fury, while Mo Sen stood in front of the chariot, looking thoughtfully at the sky that was gradually dyed red by the fire.

It's not quite right.

The old dwarf thought. He thought about what happened this time from beginning to end. Suddenly found that from the beginning of the plague to the pre-dawn siege, various events seemed to happen too fast, and one after another. Especially when humans suddenly deceived the sick people to Pavaric and killed them, it looks like humans knew what happened to the city of Beatis.

To know that when Huo Xian went to Pavarich to rescue, in order to prevent human beings from knowing the plague that was happening in the city of Bedis, Methrit strongly urged Huo not to mention the plague. But human beings deceived them all with a doctor, which can only show that human beings knew what happened in the city of Beatis. Furthermore, this inexplicable plague is afraid of being inseparable from human beings.

In combination with the unexpected force and firepower of the humans in Pavaric Town, this is basically a conspiracy, a conspiracy against the city of Bedis!

Just when Mawson got this conclusion, the crystal rod in the old dwarf's hand suddenly flashed. In the next moment, several fighters from the city of Beatis suddenly fell, and there were bone-deep wounds on their necks. Under the pressure of blood, a blood arrow was ejected high from the wound, and then fell on the white snow.

Enemy attack,!

Mawson's pupils widened, and in such a fierce battle ahead, humans could even split their forces and attack. So, how big their forces suddenly became!

The clansmen who died suddenly attracted the attention of other guards, who yelled, but could not see the enemy. It was as if there was an invisible devil hidden under the night, approaching with the dance of death, and in the silent killing, one guard after another fell.

Old Mawson yelled: "Stop it!"

He thrust the crystal rod into the ground forcefully, and the crystal rod suddenly glowed all over the body. A ring of shock waves swiftly swept around like a tide around the dwarf, and there were two muffled hums in the air. The appearance of two human beings in the dark, a man and a woman, was the same as Zero and Ye Liu.

When they walked around the back of the Bedis city army and saw the five strange chariots, they knew that they had found the right target. It's just that there are guards near the chariot, so Zero and Ye Liu decided to use the cover of night to assassinate these guards, and then destroy the chariot in one fell swoop. Unexpectedly, nearly half of the guards were killed, but the seemingly old underground people sent out a shock field, which interfered with their movements and showed signs.

As soon as Linghe Yeliu appeared, the others could no longer hide their traces. Su Heng holding the alloy epee, she ran out of the dense forest first, and she charged in the direction of the car formation. With every step of the landing, snowflakes splashed everywhere, and the ground shook slightly, almost like an artillery tank approaching oncoming. The Destroyer's momentum immediately attracted the attention of the guards, and there were not many guards left who had to allocate half of their staff to meet Su.

But before he could stop Su’s charge, a thunderbolt suddenly sounded in the dense forest. The blue electric light thick as an arm left a haunting light mark in the air. Even Mawson fell on one of the abyss when he couldn’t react. Angry. Suddenly, the chariot that had gathered the brainchild of the city of Beatis exploded to pieces. The oil used to separate pure energy was ignited by electric fire, and it exploded in an instant, and the flames soaring engulfed all the dwarves in the chariot.


As if using this lightning bolt as a signal, the roar of soldiers rang out in the dense forest, and followed the figure of Chuuchuo from the forest like a tide. While running, the machine gun burst into flames, pouring bullets in the direction of the car array.

Only then did Mawson react. It made an unexpected action for everyone, and it actually threw the crystal rod in its hand in the direction of the human army. Seeing that crystal rod descend with the twinkling energy brilliance to the square, a feeling of extreme anxiety flashed in Zero's heart, and suddenly shouted: "Disperse!"

The army that rushed out of the woods was about a thousand men, some of them were soldiers of zero own. As soon as the leader of the soldiers heard a cry of zero, he immediately directed the soldiers to disperse Yiyan. But some of the soldiers belonged to Charlotte's army. The commander of this army initially dismissed cooperating with a third-rate nobleman like Zero. When he saw a crutch thrown at him, he heard Zero yelling.

But the commander disagreed, thinking about what to hide with a cane. He sneered and raised his hand with three shots. The crystal rod hit the bullet, and fell away for the bullet's kinetic energy, and fell into the left corner of the team. Unexpectedly, a crutch that seemed insignificant fell to the ground, but it was like a meteorite from the sky. With a loud bang, the crystal rod exploded, and the snow waves on the ground emptied, and immediately hundreds of soldiers were shocked into blood powder by the shock wave.

The commander also set off this shock wave, but he himself had Tier 4 defense and strength, and he was not in the center of the impact point, so he would not be directly shocked to death. But the internal organs had been injured by the shock wave, and two blood lines spurted from his nose immediately. The commander ignored him, got up embarrassedly from the snow, and pointed in the direction of the old dwarf: "Kill, kill that old thing for me!"

But at this moment, the commander heard the soldiers' screams. He turned his head and saw a huge shadow suddenly cover. Before the commander could react, he smashed a fist with a purple light pattern into two pie. The Tier 4 defense that the commander is proud of has no effect under this fist.

"Fuck! What the **** is this?" Brown dumbly looked at the big man who had killed Commander Charlotte. There was no doubt that this was a rock puppet.

Elemental puppets are the product of combining elements and substances. Puppets only possess low-end intelligence and are usually used to protect those with abilities. Their indexes are not high, and their size is not known for being tall. After all, the size of the body is directly proportional to the filling and the required energy. The role of the puppet is to interfere and guard, and the capable person will not waste too much power for this kind of puppet.

Except for some special occasions or needs, they will create war puppets that are as tall as a hill.

But now, such a war puppet appeared on the battlefield. It is ten meters high, and its huge body is composed of pieces of rocks shining with purple crystal patterns. The puppet's face is shining with two substantive purple rays, which sweep across the battlefield like two beams of light.

The appearance of war puppets came so suddenly, there was almost no energy and material filling process, and they appeared on the battlefield so suddenly. Judging from the fact that the flashing lines on its body are the same as the crutch before, it is afraid that this war puppet came from that crutch. These magical methods made Brown stunned for a while.

He reacted after a while and directed the soldiers to fire on the war puppets. Because of the commander's death, the army of Charlotte, out of the nature of the soldiers, immediately recognized Brown as the new commander, so they cooperated with the zero soldiers and desperately greeted the war puppets with weapons in their hands.

It's a pity that even a rifle of the new era, when a bullet hits this war puppet, it can only shake off a nail-sized piece of stone, and it will not have any effect at all. Only grenades and bazookas can cause damage to it to a certain extent, but war puppets have great power with one punch and one palm. The fist is accompanied by a force of about six or seven orders. The punches are all dozens of tons of force. The human army complained endlessly.

"Su, go help them!" Zero yelled, and after materializing a grenade and throwing it into a chariot next to him, he rushed in the direction of Mo Sen without looking.

The grenade exploded. Although it was not as powerful as Berrien's electric light, the chariot was never broken, but the dwarf in the carriage killed the grenade. The Fury of the Abyss stopped its action immediately, and from the result, the zero attack was more efficient than Berion.

Su waved a sword and cut the barrel and body in a scorpion man's hand into two pieces. Hearing Zero's command, he immediately turned around and rushed towards the war puppet, regardless of the chariot in front of him. The creation that only combined the power of the elements is no longer the ordinary soldiers can deal with, especially when they go into battle lightly, in addition to the bazooka in their hands, and they don't carry other powerful weapons, there is no such thing as war puppets.

It can be seen that the threat to ordinary people is huge. And in a war, high-level capable people even have the power to influence the situation of the battle.

In the same way, only the capable can deal with the capable. So Ling let Su stop the war puppet, and he pounces on the old dwarf. War puppets are born from it. As long as you kill it and lose the source of energy, no matter how terrible a war puppet is, it will only turn into a pile of rotten stones.

The old dwarf saw Zero rushing towards him, but he didn't panic. Lingben wanted to implement weapons such as guns, but suddenly thought of the special bullets Beyonce had given him, and immediately changed his attention.

His hand popped out, and a dagger manifested by energy drew a bright light towards Mawson's chest. This was a tentative attack. At the same time, Ling stopped abruptly when he reached three meters in front of Mo Sen, moved to the left and flickered, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Mo Sen. At this time, the dagger can be shot, UU reading www. uukanshu.com can see how fast is zero!

The two daggers bounced in Zero's hands at the same time, and the dagger flashed in the air with two turning cold lights, and flanked with a dagger in front of Mawson at the same time!

With Mawson as the center, a circle of snow waves suddenly sprayed, covering the old dwarf's figure while also blocking Zero's attack. Dangdang Dangdang three clear sounds, Zero's attack was bounced. No one hit, he immediately backed away, and suddenly a few mudslides like boots were swept out of the continuous snow waves. There is a certain force field fluctuation from the edge of the mud whip. They cut horizontally and vertically towards zero, but the attack speed of the mud whip is not fast. After zero makes several evasive actions in a row, they fall out of the attack range of the mud whip. .

While retreating, the snow curtain fell back, revealing the figure of Mawson. With zero hands, a dozen daggers shot out in a row, falling down to the old dwarf like a shower. Unexpectedly, a torrent of slush suddenly rose into the sky, swallowing or bounced the zero daggers one by one. And from beginning to end, Mawson never even moved a finger.

When Xuemu fell back, Mo Sen turned around and faced Zero calmly: "The devil in the night, your attack can't break through the self-disciplined defense of my land kingdom."

"It's a state-type ability again, it's really troublesome." Ling exhaled, and while waving his hands, the two daggers slipped out of his hands and clenched tightly. The zero figure flickered and disappeared again.