War Lord

Chapter 406: Sunrise 2

Two lightning beams came through the air, and each of them smashed into Abyss Fury at the turning point. www.{dyzww.{网{m{【: text start/text start Shuhe Novel Network // The chariot disintegrated immediately, and the energy storm formed by flames and electric light violently destroyed the target, and none of the dwarves in the chariot were spared , All were blown into powder.

Two male scorpion fighters tried to intercept with their streamer cannons, but just raised their arms, they found that they were all broken. Following the breeze, a few dark stitches gently rounded their necks. With a shrink and a pull, the two big heads flew high, and blood immediately poured out on the headless neck.

Ye Liu appeared in the darkness, the slender girl stepped on the dance steps of death, the faint thread entwined between her fingers turned into death's sickle, reaping the enemy's life in the dark night.

When the last guard became Ye Liu's headless corpse, the girl rushed toward the last Abyss Fury. After a while, the chariot became a part of the ground, but the dwarves behind the wall remained unscathed.

Looking at these alien races, Ye Liu said indifferently: "Let's go, this war is no longer your business."

Regardless of whether the dwarves could understand human language, Ye Liu turned and left.

In the distance, Berion thoughtfully put away the lightning that jumped in his palm. Originally, this power-generating arrow was meant to be rewarded to that chariot, but Ye Liu took the lead and let go of the dwarf in the car. Berion can only see nothing, turning his head to look at the war puppet, who is happily with the ruinous posture. Berion sneered, bluffed his hands, and walked towards another battlefield while jumping.

When he came to Brown, Berion said: "You kill them from behind and outflank those guys. Let us take care of this."

Brown also knew that ordinary soldiers were of no use to war puppets, and even the threat of the revolver gun in his hand was very limited. Just as Berion said, ordinary people on the battlefield of the capable people cannot get in. Instead of simply wasting the lives of soldiers, it is better to move the battlefield to a field they are familiar with.

So Brown ordered the entire army to be transferred, bypassing the two battlefields of war puppets and zero, and went to the rear of the army of the city of Bedis to cover up and kill.

This scene fell in the eyes of the old dwarf, and Mawson was anxious and angry.

The five Abyssal Fury brought this time have been completely destroyed, and even more than twenty guards have been killed. Today, only his own self-discipline weapon Titan is still able to fight, but the enemy has the ability to compete with it. No matter how you look at it, the odds of victory in this battle are too low.

Maybe it will die? Just as Mawson came up with this idea, there was a sudden pain in his body. Mawson opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of blood. Irregular in the blood

Grain, this is a fragment of internal organs!

what happened?

The old dwarf looked at his body, and it felt a fire in his body now, as if there was a blaze burning in his body. At the same time, the surface of the body has been ulcerated to varying degrees, just like those compatriots who have been infected with the plague. It's just that Mawson's disease comes faster and more urgently. Some unknown virus is destroying its immune system and starting to cause genetic collapse.

Death has never been so close.

"It turns out..." Mawson coughed up another mouthful of blood, glaring at Zero and said, "The plague of our race is really caused by you."

Nodded, generously admitted and said: "We have come prepared. From the very beginning, this war is doomed to end in your failure."

"Why!" Mawson asked loudly.

"It is oil, that is, the blood of your earth veins. For this barren era, your earth vein blood is a precious energy source and a great wealth. All this, there are already enough reasons to attract people like us . Greed? I think so. In this era, everything is competing and plundering, and the fittest survive. And you are now destined to be eliminated by this era."

Mawson suddenly laughed: "Who decides? God? Or you?"

"I know you don't want to believe it, but it's a pity that it is the case. This land is very wide and narrow at the same time, and it cannot accommodate too many intelligent lives. There is not much so-called righteousness to kill other intelligent lives. Everything, only In order to find more living space for myself." Ling said in a somewhat sullen voice: "Perhaps in the end, we will be able to find a way of coexistence. But at least, we can't do it now."

The body festered faster and faster, and Mawson knew that at least half of his internal organs had turned into liquid, and it was his own energy that still supported it. But the collapse of genes also caused the original strong energy to quickly dissipate. The old dwarf's vision has begun to blur, that's why the eye mask has gradually liquefied. Soon, it will see nothing.

"You are a special human being." Mawson said suddenly: "At least as far as the humans I know, they don't say the word coexistence, even if it's just a hypothesis."

"So people like me are not likable, especially those at the top." Ling said lightly: "After all this, you should be almost ready for another ability, right?"

Mawson sign, it exhausted its remaining eyesight and tried to engrave the man in its own mind. As Zero said, when the body began to fester, Mawson secretly prepared an ability to deal with Zero. It said so much on purpose, just to delay time. But I didn't expect it to be clear at this time.

In terms of timing, it was just before Mawson's ability was about to complete.

Regardless of the imperfect preparation, Mawson yelled and stretched out his hand in the direction of zero and pressed it down. The energy gushed out, and Mawson's vision became dark. After outputting its own small amount of energy, it could no longer delay the speed of gene collapse. At the moment when his ability was formed, the old dwarf exhausted his vitality and died at the same time.

The earth shook, and at the location of Zero, a hole was cracked in the snow. A gray flame spewed out and formed a turbulent storm. In the storm, all kinds of magnetic energy burst or cut, forming hundreds of different kinds of damage, tearing everything within the scope of the storm to pieces.

Magnetic storm, a regional destruction skill. An ability to disturb the magnetic energy of a specific area through the earth element to cause a storm to cause serious damage to the target. Unfortunately, to release this kind of regional destruction skills, it usually takes a certain amount of energy to accumulate. With zero sensitivity to energy, how could the energy changes of the ground under his feet be hidden from his perception.

So when the storm of magnetic energy was released, Zero was already far away.

When the storm subsided, Ling glanced at a pool of liquid on the snow, and walked silently in the direction of Pavaric.

As soon as Mawson died, the self-disciplined weapon Titan lost the support of energy, and the crystal patterns all over his body quickly dimmed. At the same time, the giant also lost the ability to move.

The epee encased in the energy edge cut off the Titan's big head without any hindrance this time, but the Suo that could fall back to the ground did not have the pleasure of defeating the opponent. On the contrary, she felt depressed and uncomfortable in her chest, and she always felt irritable.

Berion looked at the Titan who fell apart, shook his head, put away the electric light in his hand and came to Su's side and said, "Feeling uncomfortable?"

"I didn't kill it." Su let out a sigh of relief in the energy armor, but there was no way to relieve the depression in his chest.

"Then go and kill the other guys." Belien looked at Zero, who was walking alone in the direction of Pavaric, and Ye Liu, who appeared quietly next to Zero, said: "The road he has to walk is still long. Follow him, are you afraid of not having an opponent?"

Su thought for a while, and suddenly smiled: "I start to like you a little bit."

Berion opened his hand and said, "I don't have any invitation to date. If you want to ask me, I can think about it."

Su put away his ruinous posture, slanted the giant sword behind him and walked in the direction of zero, and said without looking back: "If you beat me, don't talk about a date, go on.

Yes, I like strong men. "

Berion blew a whistle and followed her and said: "I also like direct girls, time is precious, and talking about love is a waste of time."

Listening to the bold conversation between the two behind, a red cloud flew up suddenly on Ye Liu's naturally dull face. When Ling seemed to feel conscious, Ye Liu suddenly remembered the scene of Ling riding on her body and pressing her chest that afternoon. As a result, the temperature on the girl's face became even hotter, and she snorted, disappeared into the air, and hurried towards the battlefield ahead.

Zero couldn't figure it out, and didn't know how the girl suddenly left alone. Fearing that she might lose, Zero also let go and plunged into the battlefield outside Pavaric.

The battle is almost over.

The warriors of the city of Bedis were born underground, and they were more used to attacking the enemy under the cover of buildings in complex terrain. Therefore, weapons and combat skills are all developed based on this prerequisite.

Regardless of the energy spear in the hands of the snake woman warrior, the streamer cannon in the hands of the scorpion man is mostly based on the characteristics of single shot. All in all, they lack the means of regional killing. And in the flat geographical environment of the snowfield, there are no complicated terrain and shelters for the fighters of the city of Beatis to give full play to their strengths, so the snowfield becomes their slaughter field.

There was only one guard tower on the side of the battlefield, and the rapid-fire heavy artillery mounted on the guard tower roared. This heavy artillery has burned out two ammunition compartments, but the number of Beatis soldiers who died under its muzzle was as many as three figures!

In addition, thousands of automatic rifles, hundreds of fragmentation grenades, hundreds of rocket launchers, and several anti-tank missiles are the cornerstones of the victory of this battle. Heavy weapons and fragmented firepower are the advantages of mankind, and they are also terrifying weapons in plain wars. A single bullet may not be able to kill the warrior of the city of Beatis, and he does not even have the qualifications to injure him.

But if it were ten, then the strong Beatis warrior might frown. If there are hundreds of them, they will also be injured. And when dense barrage appears, even if they have a strong physique, they will be torn to pieces. Not to mention those fragmentation grenades with sputtering effects, or powerful rocket launchers, as well as rapid-fire heavy artillery that fire large-caliber bullets, all of which are nightmarish presences of the warriors of the city of Bidis.

If these firepower appeared in the city of Beatis, their power would inevitably be dispersed due to the complicated three-dimensional structure. But now it appears in the plains, but it has the effect of mass killing. With the efforts of Beyonce and Zero et al., various factors were used to draw the underground people from their home ground to the current battlefield that is beneficial to humans, playing a role of maximizing their strengths and avoiding weaknesses.

Otherwise, even if it is superior in number of personnel and firepower, it will not be so smooth to achieve the current results.

The battle has entered the final stage. The army of the city of Beatis has been reduced to less than a thousand from the original two thousand. Among these thousand people, there are still less than five hundred people who still maintain their combat effectiveness. For the city of Beatis, it can be said that the trend is over.

Huo Xian had already red eyes, this brave guardian had many colors on his body, and his back was even blown off by a rocket. But it was still unstoppable. With the warhammer in his hand swung, the fortifications of mankind looked like paper. The outer wall poured with concrete exploded into lumps of lime, and the human soldiers hidden in the fortifications could not avoid it.

During the battle, Huo Xian yelled, and the whole warhammer shone with blood. The guardian wielded the warhammer to make continuous hammer blows toward a fortification. Every time the warhammer hits the ground, it will bring a ring of shock waves. The shock wave swept away, and the shattered obstacle set off a human soldier. Regardless of whether people or objects are shaken in mid-air, they will burst into lumps of powder and mud.

Frenzy hammering, one of Huo Xian's proud combat skills. The violent energy is released in one breath to destroy the hit point. What's more terrifying is that the power of each hammer can be superimposed, so when the last hammer hits the ground. The earth shook wildly, bursting into the sky with smoke and dragons. Amid the hula, a thick seam extended from the hammering point.

The crack extended to the outer wall of Pavaric's city gate. The concrete wall immediately cracked, and a large part of the wall shattered and fell off. Only the aftermath has spread three hundred meters!

Huo Xian didn't give up, but after hearing it, Methrit shouted: "The guardian is long, don't fight. Retreat, our manpower is running out."

Huo Xian roared: "How can you just let these dirty guys go!"

A sad expression flashed in the beautiful face of Methrit: "Did you not notice? Our fury of the abyss has stopped attacking ~lightnovelpub.net~ and the respectable starter. Our old friend Mo Sen, it is dead!"

"What?" Huo Xian opened his eyes wide, and after a while he raised his head and let out a mournful whistle.

The guardian clenched the warhammer in his hand, and his whole body trembled. Finally, a word came out from his mouth: "Withdraw!"

When the voice ended, there was a strange tremor in the air. Before Huo Xian could react, Methrit snorted and cut out the two knives crosswise, cutting down a flying bullet in the air. The line of fire suddenly went out, but the kinetic energy of the bullet still pushed Methrit's body wildly. The feet and limbs of the lower body were firmly nailed to the ground, rubbing out the fluffy star flame.

Putting down the double knives, the chief priest saw that behind his army, another group of human soldiers came to cover up and kill him. This extra force made her gasp, but her eyes fell on a human man who was walking slowly.

This person was slowly lowering the sniper rifle in his hand, and a thin golden flame was ejected from his right eye, flashing with awe-inspiring murderous intent!

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