War Lord

Chapter 418: Disaster 1

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The blood-red sky light illuminates the radiation cloud to the west, and when seen from a distance, it is as if the entire sky is burning. Underneath is a thousand miles of wilderness, without any city outlines, only a few scrapped high-voltage electric towers stand slantingly on the horizon, just like this era that is about to cross.

The scorching wind was blowing from a distance, and it messed up a fragment of black hair. He was standing on the roof of a four-story abandoned building, under his feet, the thick soles made of resin polymer stepped on the cracked ground. Zero changed into a new tactical uniform, but still wore a brown hooded cloak to block the wind and sand that came with the whistling wind. The fine gravel carries amazing heat, as if flying from a boiling volcano.

In Zero's eyes, the depths of his pupils reflected the floating clouds in the sky. The radiation cloud was slowly stirring, and the fiery red sky light constantly surging between the clouds, like rolling magma. This is an extremely rare celestial phenomenon. In zero memory, the radiation clouds in the wilderness sky are almost constant. The appearance of this abnormal celestial phenomenon now makes Zero feel a little worried.

The sky light casts shadows on the building, as if to indicate that zero danger is everywhere. The danger does exist, even if it is not in front of you, zero belief is not far away. When he killed Naga, the words that Prosius printed directly in his mind through some kind of wonderful spiritual connection are still lingering in his ears.

It can be seen that Agradis’s prison is becoming unreliable. Prosius not only created a true king like Lilith, but now the alien races with wisdom are beginning to connect with it. These are not good signs for humans, especially who is the knight in Prosius's mouth? Or, what is it?

To be sure, Agradis chose Zero to fight for the elimination of Prosius. And Prosius also selected or created a knight aimed at Zero, and Zero vaguely felt that Prosius's knight would be a formidable enemy.

Ling looked at the thick clouds in the distance, but there was a smile on his face. Are his enemies still few? Since Prosius is the final imaginary enemy, everything in front, including the knights it selects, just needs to kill them all!

Clenching his fist, he turned and looked downstairs. Soldiers were patrolling in a small clearing area, and several small buildings nearby were temporarily arranged as resting camps. More outside, it relies on several trucks and a command vehicle. This is the army of the Black Rose and Zero. They began to evacuate Pavaric this morning. Some soldiers have already returned to Asgart with the captured slaves first, and now there are only 500 soldiers accompanying them.

Seeing night come, no one wants to continue on the road in the dark if it is not necessary. Therefore, the convoy found a village ruin as a temporary camp to survive the long night.

When Ling came downstairs, he smelled a scent of meat. The body of this small building is fairly sturdy. After cleaning up the first floor, a few people and Beyonce will rest tonight. Suhe Yeliu is cooking food in a marching stove. After heating, the synthetic fiber food also exudes an aroma that is no less than the raw material, which makes people hungry.

Several high-powered lights illuminate the space on the first floor. Beyonce is sitting on the soft marching cushion, gesturing with a tablet brain in her hand. Seeing Ling walking downstairs, the beautiful Patriarch raised his head and said, "I have found all the information you want, but what do you want these things for?"

Zero and Brown greeted him and asked about defense and control of the commanding heights. After confirming that Brown had made arrangements, Ling Cai went to sit down beside Beyonce and took the tablet brain from her.

The pages on the Zhinao screen are full of information on light weapons and explosive grenade. Beyonce looked at these things curiously and asked: "Do you want to produce these weapons? If necessary, I can provide you with the corresponding production materials and technical support after I return."

Since the intimate action in the ward that day, the relationship between Zero and Beyonce has become so ambiguous. For Beyonce, Zero is the first man in her life to break into the depths of her heart. Although because of their different identities, there is no clear male-female relationship between the two. But in Beyonce's heart, she already regarded Zero as her own man.

So for the cause of supporting Zero, if it was considered for the common interests of the partners before, then Beyonce now almost unconditionally supports Zero within her own authority. And Zero did not refuse Beyonce's kindness, which is another happy thing for Beyonce. Although the age of zero is not very old, but the mind is very mature, and it is not like some paranoid men who refuse to get help from women because of the so-called dignity of men.

Zero is like a sponge. When a certain bottom line allows it, he will not mind to accept the persistence from all sides. However, this time Beyonce had guessed wrong, and Ling asked her to find herself the materials of these weapons and explosives, not out of production needs.

He shook his head and smiled mysteriously: "These things are for me. I think it's time to enrich my personal equipment."

Beyonce heard confused, and said: "If necessary, I can choose the most effective combination of equipment for you. But in that case, I am afraid that your standard carrying equipment can't hold so many things. Then you will We need a weapon box for personal use. I know that the Planning family has equipment items in this area. They try to produce some foldable conventional weapons for easy carrying. I think Sherlock will be willing to provide some of these weapons."

Zero smiled meaningfully and said: "I didn't see it, you are still a woman of good housekeeping."

Beyonce blushed suddenly and said, "I haven't promised to marry you yet."

"But you promised to owe me once." Ling said softly in her ear.

Beyonce's face turned redder, but she said in Ling's ear: "You can do as many times as you want. Or else, you sleep in my tent at night."

Zero didn't think she was open, but then again. In this age when the average life expectancy is almost half shorter than that of the old age, women do not refuse to have fun with the men they like in time. After all, there is too little time for pleasure.

Zero can feel Beyonce's enthusiasm, but now is not the time. He squeezed Beyonce's thigh with his hand. This intimate movement caused Beyonce to lower her head and whispered: "I think the sky tonight is a bit weird, and I have to be vigilant at night. After I go back, I will always be vigilant. Bong."

Beyonce was long past the young girl's emotional impulse, and being in a high position for many years allowed her rationality to prevail. Hearing what Zero said, she didn't bother with Zero like an ordinary lady, and Beyonce chuckled and said: "This is what you said, but I'm afraid I can't be too busy when it comes to Asgart. It’s up to me to do it."

After zeroing, Beyonce stood up. Zero squeezed her hips and Beyonce almost screamed. She turned her head, just in time to see Ling's mischievous smile. Zero waved his hand and said, "This is interest."

Beyonce pretended to be angry at first, then smiled, but no longer paid attention to Zero, and went to study with Su Ji people instead.

From Beyonce's body, zero feel the wonder of fate. When he met Beyonce for the first time, he had never imagined that he would develop such a wonderful relationship with the Patriarch of the Black Rose.

Withdrawing her mind from Biwanliss, Zero stared at the weapon data on the tablet brain. As he said, these materials were compiled by Beyonce in order to enrich his personal equipment needs. From Angie Gullit to Podon, and to this Battle of Beatis, Zero has accumulated 153 evolution points.

Although the career profile he is currently recording is a shadow wanderer, his zero actual ability is the materialization of energy. The ability of this rule domain can make Zero competent for almost any role, but out of habit, Zero still positions the rogue as a permanent occupation. But he doesn't need to upgrade his ranks by strengthening his professional abilities like those with other abilities.

Today, he only needs to focus on the improvement of the ability of energy materialization. But with zero discovery, even if there is only one ability that needs to be improved, the evolution of this rule domain ability is astonishingly huge. Taking his current situation as an example, to upgrade materialization from the eighth level to the ninth level, up to four hundred evolution points are needed.

Therefore, even if all evolution points are invested, the progress bar leading to Tier 9 can only be advanced by about 26%. In addition to this, Zero Plan still retains evolution points, accumulating enough evolution points as needed to upgrade, or use it to evolve its own hardware.

The power of the capable, the rank has an unparalleled important position. But rank is not everything. A person with a strong ability, in addition to possessing high-rank strength, also needs to possess a body that matches the strength. In addition to strengthening and improving abilities, evolution points can also be used to generate new gene sequences. For example, those with abilities in the perceptual domain will invest the corresponding evolution points to evolve the intelligence center, thereby enhancing the acuity of the senses and the computing power of the brain. Another example is the ability of the fighting domain, the evolution point can be used to evolve biological armor to increase defense power, or evolve biological weapons to increase attack power, and so on.

There are many uses of evolution points, and the promotion of the ability level is only one of them. It's just that the advanced use of evolutionary points is not known to everyone. They are in the hands of large organizations. As for the capable people in the wilderness, their potential limit is only Tier 5 or Tier 6, and naturally they will not be exposed to these things.

In fact, only when the capable person's rank reaches the eighth rank or higher, there will be redundant evolution points to upgrade his own hardware. Only when the ability and body evolve at the same time can they hope to open the door to the final life form.

For the current zero, since there is no way to improve the quality of his abilities at once, it is also a good choice to have a rich variety of numbers. At present, the materialization ability is zero, and the most commonly used are the material sniper rifle Colt, micro submachine gun, saber dagger, fragmentation grenade, high-powered grenade, and the most powerful weapon invader.

Materialization also has its rules, that is, something that Zero does not know cannot be constructed, at least Zero has to know what power and effect the weapon materialized has. If Zero One is ignorant, naturally there is no way to build it.

Now, in front of Zero's eyes are pages full of weapons and equipment that can be constructed with his current capabilities. Naturally, it is impossible for Zero to record all the information and build all the equipment. Firstly, it is unnecessary, and secondly, it is too cumbersome. For Zero, what he needs is targeted equipment under different battle conditions. So after some selection and thinking, Ling set his sights on functional bullets for various purposes.

These bullet categories include incendiary bombs, cryogenic bombs, gas bombs, stun bombs, high-explosive bombs, etc. Like incendiary bombs, after firing the warhead, the built-in incendiary agent in the warhead will be excited when it hits the target, causing it to explode, burn, and splash. Another example is a frozen bomb, which can cool the target by 60 degrees, with a slowing effect and so on.

Tactical bullets such as this are almost the crystallization of the new era of technology, especially high-explosive bullets. According to the description of the data, when hitting the target object, it has an explosive effect on an area within 50 square meters. This is equivalent to a reduced version of death crit, but the energy required to materialize such a high-explosive bomb is much smaller than using a death crit.

Zero dark estimates that the energy of a death crit can materialize ten high-explosive bombs. In this way, Zero can use high-explosive bombs for point damage, or firepower coverage, which is much more flexible than death crit in application. Of course, when facing people of the same level or even high-level abilities, the destructive power and explosive power of death crit is beyond the reach of high explosive bombs.

And after adding these functional bullets to your own equipment, the tactics and means of zero-to-enemy will become more abundant.

In addition to functional bullets, Zero also fancy a portable tactical platform. This tactical platform is only the size of a palm and has a round shape. There are four small-caliber gun barrels built in the outer edge. After activation, the platform can be driven by the spindle rotation device to perform 360-degree rotary sweeping ~lightnovelpub.net~The platform has 400 rounds of ammunition built in, and the rate of fire is 50 rounds per minute, which can support tactical platform autonomy Shoot for two minutes.

Its power is not high, but its firepower covers an area of ​​about 300 square meters, which can achieve the effect of positional fragmentation. It is a battlefield weapon against ordinary soldiers and low-level abnormal beasts.

When Zero put down the tablet brain, he had recorded several functional bullets and portable tactical platform data in his mind, and designated them as his permanent armaments. Zero's ability has not been improved, but his tactical methods have been enriched a lot. And in battles of the same rank, the abundance and suppression of tactics is undoubtedly an increase in strength in disguise.

Of course, in the entire world of capable persons, probably only one person who has mastered the materialization ability can achieve strength improvement through quantitative changes.

"Zero, don't watch, come over and eat."

Beyoncé's words caused Ling to raise her head. The Patriarch of the Black Rose had already held a small piece of meat into her mouth with her fingers. Because of the fact that she is far away from the city, Beyonce, who is in the wilderness, seems more frank than usual. He got up from the marching cushion, patted his **** and walked towards Beyonce.

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