War Lord

Chapter 419: Disaster (2)

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Just as the others were enjoying the hot food, Alice put down the high-powered telescope on a small hill two kilometers away from the ruins of the village. She turned to look at another companion, Jin with a solemn expression, and her hands kept gesturing in the void. Every gesture has such a strange taste, as if Jin is directing something.

In fact, Kim was indeed in command. He is directing the earth element to brew a weather ability according to a certain rule.

Weather ability is a skill that can only be used by high-level abilities. Through the distribution of specific elements and the law of motion, it can simulate the special climate of the natural world. In most cases, weather ability has limited destructive power and is difficult to control after forming. Therefore, it is not a special need, and no person with high-level ability is willing to use weather ability. At this moment, the gold is busy mobilizing the earth element to infiltrate the surface and make it act on the mantle.

What he has to do is to prepare for an earthquake tomorrow morning. According to Alice's request, the earthquake needs to create a huge crack that is three kilometers long and half a kilometer wide. Therefore, gold needs to be brewed from now on.

It's just that he is very puzzled, why Alice made herself bother to create this "natural disaster". You must know that after the event, at least for an hour, he can't fight. But his goal is under his nose.

Jin looked at Alice, and the leather girl simply sat on the bare rock, with her chin resting on her bent legs, her knees resting thoughtfully. She seemed to notice Jin's gaze, and Alice said without looking back: "I know what you want to say? The target is right under the nose, why don't you just rush up? Instead, you have to spend a lot of time preparing weather power here?"

Jin snorted and said nothing.

"That's why I said you are a kid." Alice closed her hair that was blown away by the night wind and said, "Think about it, there are now two high-levels in the village, three advanced ones, plus about 500 people. Soldiers. Do you think that this kind of strength is what our two high-ranking ranks can contend with? Those soldiers are fine, and three advancement is not a problem. If you can be entangled by the destroyer of Zero sum, these auxiliary combat powers It will become the key to the outcome of the battle."

"If we attack from the front, we won't even have a 20% chance of winning, so we can't take the risk." Alice said calmly: "I ask you, what is your purpose in dealing with zero?"

Jin blurted out and said: "Of course it is to kill this bastard!"

"Then I will ask you again, how deep can the earthquake you create?"

Jin closed his eyes and thought for a while and said, "The mantle structure here is relatively loose, and I feel that there is still a hollow part in the stratum below. According to what you said, a crack about three kilometers long will be created. Then, according to the ratio, The depth will probably reach about a kilometer."

"Last question, what will happen to you when a sealed space suddenly falls to a depth of one thousand meters?"

Jin was stunned, and said, "Probably, he will die."

Those with abilities also die, even though the place with the highest mortality rate is usually the battlefield. But occasionally terrible natural disasters will also bury the capable. After all, before reaching the end of evolution, capable people cannot ignore the harsh physical environment.

Hugging herself with her hands, Alice said softly, "That's it. As long as you let Zero fall into the abyss you created under certain circumstances, his chances of surviving will be infinitely close to you. That's the same as dying in your hands. The difference. So now, obediently prepare the abilities for my sister to use tomorrow morning."

Jin frowned, although the result was the same. But he always felt that he didn't feel any joyful feelings about zero such a way of death.

The time is five o'clock in the morning.

The sky was shining slightly, but the camp was still dim, but a golden light was beating.

That is zero eyes.

He sat in front of Beyonce's tent and slept through the night.

The abnormal celestial phenomenon last night made him vaguely disturbed, and he stayed in front of Beyonce's tent at the end of the night to prevent any accidents.

This reminded him of Leah.

The same ordinary human beings are also above the dangerous wilderness. The difference is that Zero is no longer what he used to be. He now has the ability to protect his own woman.

Although there hasn't been any relationship with Beyonce, naturally, Zero already regards Beyonce as her own woman. Unlike Eva's scenes, in Beyonce's body, he was indeed attracted by something about this beautiful patron. Her wisdom, competence, and gentleness that can only be shown in front of him formed a powerful attraction to Zero.

Zero doesn't want an accident with Beyonce, Leah regrets, one time is enough.

There was a faint and faint sound from the tent, and the voice was heard in the ears, but the people didn't move. Following him, she felt Beyonce sit back-to-back, with a scent of fragrance in her hair between her nose.

"You didn't sleep?"

Beyonce's soft voice sounded behind her, and she lowered her voice for fear of awakening other sleeping people.

Zero "um" sounded.

Beyonce said again: "It's about two days before we can return to Asgart. I heard that you have a little wife?"

"She's Leah. I met when I was a mercenary in the wilderness. She died once because of my negligence. But I met a good doctor who used the blood she had preserved during her lifetime. Currently we are using genes The cloning technology intends to resurrect her." Ling replied honestly.

"You can see that you love her very much. The cost of gene cloning is not cheap. It's hard for you to have this idea as a mercenary in the wilderness." Beyonce said softly: "Then stay in front of my account to avoid another An oversight?"

Zero did not answer, but Beyonce knew the answer. She said softly: "Zero, I won't marry you. Just as you are not mine alone, I also don't belong to you all. I also shoulder the whole family, so I can't treat you like a wife. . But my bed, you are always welcome, do you understand?"

"I know."

Beyonce lowered her head and said with emotion: "According to the age group of the old age, I am now in the golden age of my life. But at the same time as the peak, it means going to the trough. I will gradually get old, so I hope to stay For you, I am still pretty. I don't want you to watch me age slowly and become an old woman again."

Zero shook his head and said, "With your status and power, it should be okay to get a genetic anti-aging agent, right?"

"Naturally, it's okay. I can still get goods with no side effects." Beyonce said indifferently: "It's just that my mother once told me that everyone has their own war. I didn't understand it before. After taking over the whole family in Li, I learned that racing against time is my war. Only when I get up every day and look at myself in the mirror a bit older than yesterday can I remind myself that time is limited and I must have limited time to go. Do my best to revitalize the family. This is my mission and a war that I cannot escape."

Zero was silent, he knew that Beyonce was not having an easy life. But until this early morning, he didn't know what kind of burden Beyonce was carrying on her body.

"What about you? What do you plan to do when you return to Asgart?"

"Leah's rebirth is almost complete. I plan to let doctors study medicines in the genetic field. The most ideal place is to produce targeted ability medicines. And the arsenal. I think after I go back this time, I should have funds to introduce other new medicines. The research and development resources of the weapons of the era. If two or three new weapons can be developed, then the sales should be no problem. Then there is the research of biological weapons. For this reason, I must set up another experimental organization, but as far as the future is concerned, I am still very I'm optimistic." Ling paused, then said: "In the end, it's war."


"Well, war! Starting from the company alone, through regular operations, the cycle of production, sales, and expansion is repeated. I don’t know how long it will take to reach the scale I expected. But I don’t have so much time, so there is only war. Now. Loot all available resources so I can grow up quickly. Beyonce..."

"Call me Bess, this is my nickname, only my mother has called it."

Zero nodded, and said: "Well, Bess. As you said, everyone has their own war, and I have it. And my enemy is more powerful than anyone can imagine. You race against time, The same is true for me. I must at least have the power to counter it before losing any conditions to check it. Otherwise, I will lose a lot of things."

"Do you include me?"

"Including you!" Zero heavy said, and at the same time he stood up, facing the darkness of the camp, as if facing the dark beast. Zero Shen said: "In order to be able to defeat it, I must have all the resources in my hands. I must have my own country and army. I must...become the king of the world!"

Beyonce looked at the standing man in disbelief. She knew she had zero ambition and ambition. But she never expected that Zero's goal was so remote and huge. What kind of enemy is it for Zero to control the entire world and fight for one?

A faint smile appeared on Beyonce's face.

However, the man he likes must have his own courage. Isn't it?

So Beyonce stood up and hugged Zero tightly from behind. She rested her head on Zero's shoulders and whispered in his ear: "If one day, when you need it, I will use all my strength to support you."

"my king!"

A ray of sky cast into the camp between the buildings from the window, and sprinkled on the bodies of Zero and Beyonce, heralding the arrival of a new day.

"Hey, it's dawn, don't go to bed!"

She shrank into a ball of Jin sleeping soundly in the tent, and suddenly felt her body sink, followed by a pair of cold hands slapping her face back and forth. Jin yawned, opened his bloodshot eyes, and saw that Alice was sitting on her waist wearing only her underwear. The wonderful body [body] showed up, and Jin immediately reacted. The fierce thing brazenly propped up and pushed [into] Alice's sensitive part.

Alice's body trembled slightly, but then she smiled happily: "Boy, now is not the time to be happy. Get up for my sister, we have to work."

After finishing speaking, he also deliberately twisted the snake's waist, and the intimate friction of the private [place] made Jin's eyes almost burst into flames. The hateful thing is that Alice stood up with a smile, and put on the clothes in front of Jin's eyes. When the leather jacket covered the enchanting body, the flames in Jin's lower abdomen gradually faded. He snorted, annoyed that Alice always teased him intentionally or unintentionally.

But he couldn't touch Alice's hair, after all, Alice was that person's woman. Excluding Alice is like betraying that adult. Alice also spotted this, always teasing Jinwan.

Jin hardly slept last night, and the mobilization and infiltration of the earth element was not completed until after four o'clock in the morning. Jin was so tired as a dog, he blinked sinkingly without knowing when to climb into the tent. He looked at the clock on his watch. It was seven o'clock in the morning. Poor, he had to leave his warm dreamland after only less than three hours of sleep. Yawning, with a mess of hair, when Kim got out of the tent, Alice was already standing on the top of the hill and looking at the distant village with a telescope.

In the telescope, the soldiers are gathering, and the car is starting to move. Alice kept moving the binoculars again, and finally pointed her finger to a place: "Seeing that there is no exit from the village, after I give a command, you will activate the ability to open the crack in that direction."

Jin drew his ears and said reluctantly, "I know, I know."

At this time, Zero and Beyonce also walked out of the small building and got into the command car. The other trucks have already started and left in an orderly formation. The command vehicle where the two men are located is behind the convoy. Behind the command vehicle is a truck carrying dozens of soldiers acting as an escort. At this time when the sky was getting brighter, the queue of cars slowly drove towards the exit of the village.

The convoy will traverse the wilderness and find a suitable camp to rest in the evening. If nothing happens, they will arrive in Asgart in two days.

But just as the convoy ahead had left the exit~lightnovelpub.net~ the command car and the **** were approaching, but the accident happened.

In the telescope, when the target vehicle was about to reach her preset location, Alice put down the telescope and shouted: "It's now, Kim!"

Jin stretched his hands forward, and yelled to the left and right, "Accept my gift, zero!"

The zero of the person in the command vehicle suddenly ends up with his hair, and an incomparable sense of crisis emerges in his heart. Before he could discover where the danger came from, the vehicle suddenly shook violently. Beyonce is also calm, she still doesn't scream and panic even if she happens suddenly. However, Zero had already hugged her for the first time, but when she was about to kick the car door, the violent vibration caused the command car to tilt and roll over, and Zero and Beyonce fell to the wall of the car.

Terrible loud noises and screams kept ringing outside the car, and I looked at the LCD screen that was observing the situation outside the car, but only saw the constantly trembling sky. The next moment, the LCD screen was shattered, and a cloud of gray smoke exploded, announcing it was scrapped.

Zero did not know that a crack as thick as a tree trunk appeared on the ground where the command vehicle was and continued to extend forward. The command vehicle suddenly sank down, but what was even more frightening was that this crack was expanding to both sides at a rapid speed!