War Lord

Chapter 424: Body (1)

Ling Dang jumped off the ventilation pipe first, and when he fell to the ground, he quickly checked the warehouse. www.}dyzww.}网}m} The warehouse is not big, only a hundred square meters. Stacked shelves and two wooden boxes. The outer wall of the wooden box has fallen off, revealing the shock-proof layer and several cans from the inside. Food should be stored inside. The mobile gate of the warehouse was closed, and several shelves were stacked on the ground to block the gate, as if to prevent something from coming in from the outside.

After turning around and eliminating all possible dangers, he said to Beyoncé: "Come down, I will catch you."

The ventilation duct is about five meters above the ground, not high, but not short. But Beyonce didn't let Zero catch her, she smiled and jumped off. When he landed, he rolled and unloaded, bounced, clapped his hands and laughed: "I am not a pampered eldest lady. I am fine on weekdays. I also have training my physical fitness, marksmanship and fighting skills. Don't underestimate me."

Ling smiled and said with a serious face: "This is full of unknowns, you better not behave."

"Alright, okay, I'll be wronged once and let you protect me." After speaking, Beyonce pursed her lips and smiled.

The corner of her eye glanced at several corpses on the ground again, and the light struck over. Four or five corpses had become mummified, and their clothes were even glued to the shelves or boxes under them because of the corpse fluid. These corpses had horrified expressions. Although they were scattered, their heads were facing the same direction.

Zero walked over and stood at the point where their eyes met. Looking at the blocked gate again, he said in deep thought: "It's strange. Judging from the situation of the gate, they should be trying to prevent something from entering. But until the gate was blocked, they seemed to realize that the thing to be guarded against had already come in. It was this thing that killed them, but there was no sign of the door restarting. Where did the thing leave after it killed them?"

"What could it be? A changeable beast?" Beyonce asked.

Ling shook his head: "I don't know, there are too few clues to judge. Anyway, we have to be careful."

The two went to the door again, and Beyonce pulled Zero's hand and said, "Look over there, there seems to be a floor plan."

On the wall to the left of the gate, there is a schematic plan view. The surface of the floor plan is covered with dust, and many places are not clearly visible. It was just a touch of nothing to see a general idea. The base has a strange name, "White Blood Cell 03". Judging from the distinction by numbers, there should be more than one such base.

The base is divided into seven areas: a, b, c, d, e, f, and g. Areas a to f are distributed around the base, showing irregular terrain. As for the g zone, it is located in the center of the base and is in a perfect circle shape. These areas are divided by function. The area where the two people like Zero is located is area d, which is the material reserve area. Others include evacuation areas, generator sets, energy areas, weapons development areas, and biochemical research laboratories. The g area in the middle is the central control room, which is the core area of ​​the entire base.

On the floor plan, Zero also found some elevators and emergency passages for entering and exiting the base. But these signs are marked with a red x, and I don't know if it means that the channel has been closed. After Zero recorded the plan firmly in his mind, he clicked on one of the places on the map and said, "Let's go here and take a look."

The place where the finger fell was an emergency passage not far from the warehouse. Going out from the warehouse where the two people are located is an east-west passage. Heading to the west of the passage, you will pass a guard room and two other transit warehouses. There is an exit sign at the end of the passage, but there is a red cross on it. I don't know what the red cross means, so Zero needs to confirm it personally, and this channel is the one closest to their location.

Beyonce naturally had no objection, so after Zero easily removed the shelf that blocked the door, she opened the movable door again. Behind the gate is a long passage, and the cold air is blowing in bursts, and the air smells of dust. I don't know how long this base has been closed.

Zero's right eye was automatically adjusted to night vision mode. With the lights on the shoulders of Beyoncé's tactical suit, Zero was like daylight in the dark, so he saw a messy world. The aisle directly opposite the warehouse gate, the outer layer of the wall has fallen off in large pieces, and there are still some strange marks and scattered bullet holes on it. The blood spots that had solidified into black were splashed on the outer walls on both sides of the passage in irregular shapes. It didn't need much imagination to know that the base was undergoing a massacre at that time.

The long passage is scattered with cables protruding from the wall, fire bottles lying on the ground, shelves used as a cover, and dead bodies!

There are many corpses, one to three corpses appear almost every four or five meters. Judging from the clothing of the corpses, many of them are ordinary staff, and they also have the role of guards. But without exception, they have now become corpses. Zero inspected several of the corpses, and found a very strange place, that is, there were almost no wounds on the surface of the corpses, only a circle of dense, needle-like wounds appeared on the neck.

On the way to the west of the passage, the two saw a guard room. The door of the guard room was locked, and kicked on the door, and immediately shook the weak door together with the bolt. The door was also in chaos, the table was overturned on the ground, and deep scratches appeared on the surface, like the claws of a wild beast. Behind the table are the bodies of two guards. Their heads leaned unnaturally on their shoulders. It seemed that their cervical spine had been violently broken. Similarly, there is still a ring of dense pinholes on the neck.

It can be judged by zero that this circle of pinholes should be the mouthparts of some kind of creature. Could it be that the thing that attacked the base was a vampire? Zero thought, it's a pity that the people in the base have been dead for a long time, otherwise he can dissect one or two of the corpses to see if the blood in the corpses has been sucked up.

While he was examining the body, Beyonce took down an automatic rifle from the weapon rack in the guard room and harvested several magazines from the rack. The magazine was full of bullets, and Beyonce put them away honestly and unceremoniously. Then I checked the rifle. Although it was covered with dust, the gun was still usable. She shook the weapon in her hand triumphantly towards Zero, and nodded, whether Beyonce had a weapon in her hand, at least she had the capital for self-defense.

"Listen, once a living thing other than me appears in the perspective, no matter what it is, shoot immediately. Can it be done?" Ling said.

Beyoncé said solemnly: "Yes, sir!"

Seeing the peerless Patriarch, who was vigorous and resolute in daily life, now behaved like an obedient soldier, shook his head and laughed. After leaving the guard room with Beyonce with him, he continued to walk forward. The closer he got to the emergency exit, he found more and more dead bodies on the ground.

When you reach the passageway about a hundred meters near the exit, it can almost be described as corpses everywhere. At least one or two hundred dry corpses appeared on the ground and corners of the passage, either lying or sitting, or lying or leaning on the ground. There were even a few corpses glued to the gate of the passage, fixing their image in life for a certain period of time before death.

Among these corpses, it was obvious that the guard's mummy was in the front of the road. These police officers must set up a line of fire at this position in an effort to prevent the attack from that thing. There are dense bullet holes on both sides of the four to five hundred meters in front of the passage and on the ceiling. Unfortunately, these attacks were futile, and the corpses left by them are the best proof.

Zero and Beyonce moved forward among the corpses, and Beyonce acted very calmly. Unlike ordinary women who show fear or panic when seeing so many corpses, her breathing rate has been maintained at a normal level, only the fingers holding the gun are tighter than usual.

When he came to the door, Ling pulled down a few mummy corpses stuck to the door. They were tightly glued to the door because of the corpse fluid, and when they were torn off, they almost pulled out the skin and flesh of the glued part of the corpse. Reluctant to be disgusting, he quickly cleaned up what had become fleshy on the door, and soon discovered that the escape door leading to the outside world had been welded to death!

"Is it an emergency defense mechanism?" Beyonce looked at the weld on the door and said: "This shows that irreversible damage has occurred inside the base, or under the premise that a certain situation has gone out of control. At the expense of the personnel in the base, Abandon the base too. In this way, there is probably no exit to the surface."

"Not necessarily." Shaking his head, Zero said: "It is certain that the emergency aisle marked with an x ​​on the floor plan has been closed. But please don't forget that there are several other aisles without such signs. From the warehouse just now From the perspective of the situation, the few inside should have checked most of the escape routes before their lives, but they did not confirm the biochemical laboratory on the f area, or the conditions at the time did not allow them to confirm. We can follow Walk along the main road along the central axis, pass the central control room to the biochemical experiment area to try your luck."

Ling looked at Beyonce and said seriously: "No matter what, I will take you away!"

Although Beyonce felt that since the base had activated the emergency defense mechanism, it was almost impossible to leave the exit that had not yet been closed. But seeing Zero insisted so much, she was very moved and nodded now.

The two retreated from the pile of corpses and turned to a side road leading to the main road. There are still traces of fighting and scattered corpses here. After walking for a while, Zero suddenly grabbed Beyonce. The latter just wanted to ask, and Zero lowered his voice and said, "Be careful, something is coming."

Since entering the underground base, Ling has been turning on the wave energy detection function of the Naga exoskeleton. At this moment, in the model of consciousness, there is a humanoid object moving in their direction. Soon, the object was already at the corner of the front branch.

The next moment, a man who looked like a researcher appeared under Beyonce's light. At first glance, this is a man in his thirties. He was wearing a white factory research uniform, but the clothes were in tatters and smudged. The man is wearing a pair of glasses, the lens has been broken, it seems that the significance of decoration is greater than use. He arched his body and opened his arms slightly, leaving a translucent liquid from the corner of his mouth, like a monster that saw food.

Suddenly, the man screamed, leaning forward and rushing towards the two of them. His speed is very fast, almost reaching a speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour. Without zero order, Beyonce has opened fire. The muzzle of the automatic rifle expelled blazing flames, and the bullets formed a line of fire toward the researcher. The researcher didn't dodge or evade, he only used his hands to cover his head, and let the bullet enter his arm.

But the bullet hit the body, but there was no blood splashing out, as if it were like the mummy on the ground, this researcher was also bloodless.

In an instant, the researcher had already sprinted for a hundred meters and jumped high. Looking at the situation, he was actually going to pounce on Beyonce.

With a grunt, his body bowed slightly and disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he had already smashed into the researcher in midair.

A violent collision sounded in the air, and it was obvious that even after the researcher had passed a run-up, his strength could not compete with the zero wearing the Naga exoskeleton. Zero easily squeezed him down, and the two fell heavily to the ground. Zero raised her arm and the stratum corneum instantly shrank, causing Zero's punch to strike the researcher's face at an undetectable high speed like a bullet out of the chamber.

Suddenly, most of the man's face collapsed. The left frontal bone was shattered into scum, and the eyes fell out, but there was no blood left. And this guy is not going to die. The long coat behind his back was suddenly pierced by two skyrocketing tentacles. The two tentacles ejected a hundred meters, tightly stuck into the ground and the wall, and then shrank vigorously, and then pulled the man out of zero. .

The researcher seemed to know that he was not Zero's opponent, and turned around to run.

Zero sneer, hands stretched forward, energy gushing out quickly. Zero's consciousness gave instructions to build Colt, but when the energy was materialized, he built a rough gun almost half his height.

This bizarre firearm covered with superimposed bone fragments is wide at the front and wide at the back. There was a row of creature-like vents on the butt. The overall style was the same as the Naga exoskeleton, which surprised Zero. Before thinking about it, zero aim and press the trigger.

From the exhaust holes on both sides of the gunstock, six thin air currents suddenly spurted out, and only a ridge-like bone bullet flashed away with a smear of light. At this moment, the researcher had just turned around, and the bullet had not entered his back. The researcher trembled and fell to the ground. After a while, there was a muffled sound in his body, and dozens of tiny gray lights popped out of the researcher's back, stuck on the nearby wall, but they were thin bone spurs. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Looking at the researcher's back again, there was already **** flesh. But his vitality is amazing, and he is still struggling to crawl away. Zero made another shot in his head, and this shot directly caused his head to bloom, and the man finally calmed down.

Zero looked at the researcher, and then at the wild sniper full of violent aesthetics in his hand. Finally, holding the gun, walked towards the researcher. After confirming that the opponent had no mobility, Ling only put aside his sniper.

By this time, he had gradually understood some of the abilities of the Naga exoskeleton. In addition to the basic information provided by the brain, this exoskeleton also possesses certain biological properties, such as the stratum corneum that can contract the wearer's strength and speed bonus, and the claws embedded in the glove's five fingers. And now, after activating the independent genome of Naga, Zero's materialization ability is also affected by it.

It is also a sniper rifle, but Colt has become a sniper. Ordinary bullets are also transformed into bone bullets. This type of bullet will eject faster, and after hitting the target, it will add the burst effect of the Naga Bone Spur, expanding the damage from the target.

Although Zero still wanted to try out what kind of mutations other material weapons would have under the influence of the Naga Gene, he was more interested in the researcher's corpse now.

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