War Lord

Chapter 443: Nemesis

Sol's words gave Ling a thoughtful expression.

When he himself was promoted to the Shadow Wanderer, he could also feel the difference between the eighth and below. It can be said that if the abilities in the wilderness accumulate enough evolution points, even if they do not advance to the ranks and only strengthen their normal abilities, then the gap between them and those with the advanced abilities is not very huge when they are below the eighth rank. But when a person with advanced abilities goes up to another level and becomes a person with higher abilities, the difference comes out.

The problem is that the abilities generated by high-level abilities, even if it is only at the initial stage, its application and power are definitely not high-level ordinary abilities that can compete. This point zero is now already experiencing the power of a person with high-level abilities firsthand, so there are other problems.

Above those with high-level abilities, it is rumored that the ultimate profession and its abilities after being promoted to the thirteenth level are quite abnormal. And when the capable person is promoted to the advanced stage, the most significant difference is the promotion of each level. The evolution point of the demand is increased by the geometric level, which makes it necessary to spend countless blood, sweat and time for each level after reaching the eighth level. .

Not to mention the ultimate profession, the strongmen of Tier 12 in the whole world are rare, and Tier 11 is only a handful of people, and the highest level currently known to Zero in Asgart is only Tier 10.

Even if it is the commander of the five major legions, except for the Tier of the God of War, who has reached the height of the tenth rank, the remaining four are all of the ninth rank. Although they still have pseudo domains that not all abilities can form, they are only one step away, but they give Zero the illusion that "the commander of the legion is nothing more than this".

Until now, Sol's flat sentence suddenly made Zero feel that Sol's words have something to say.

"Could it be that the abilities above level eight are not as simple as the world below the watershed?" Ling frowned and asked.

Saul applauded: "As expected of Beyoncé's fancy person, Zero, your head is much better than many idiots."

Pointing to his head, Sol lazily said: "Let me guess, you must have been thinking. This guy is just one level higher than me. If he doesn't use pseudo-domains, the gap between us shouldn't be very great. Big. So, what about letting him use Tier 9's "fastest chapter update" power? I can completely eliminate the gap between the two through tactics and other factors. Right?"

"Isn't it possible? It's just a difference of one order, and the gap is so big that it can't be erased by technology or other factors?" Zero asked, he must admit that Saul had completely aroused his curiosity.

Curious about higher powers.

"Of course it can, but the cost is very high." Sol gave an example: "For example, you can use the human sea tactics. Or control a 100,000-thousand-level servant army. If you use this method to deal with me, I promise to immediately slap **** and flash people. That's because when the number reaches a certain level, it is no longer what I can resist. , Unless I upgrade to a higher level. For example, level ten, level eleven"

"Yes, it's quality!" Saul said loudly: "Zero, above the eighth level, every increase of one level brings about a qualitative change. That and below the eighth level, the level of improvement ability only increases such as strength and speed. The basic data is different. Above the eighth level, the improvement is a qualitative evolution!"

As if thunder rumbling in the sky, striking in the zero world. His mind was greatly shocked, and Thor's words seemed like a flash of lightning, flashing another world for him.

The world of power!

Thor stretched out his right hand, and a thunder ball the size of a ping-pong ball floated in his palm. There are countless blue electric snakes on the surface of the light cluster, and Zero can feel that it is not an ordinary electric current, but a light track generated in the air when the energy is fissioned. This inconspicuous thunder light group is actually undergoing energy fission all the time. What is even more frightening is that Thor has compressed this huge explosive energy into such a tiny volume.

"This is one of my ninth-tier abilities, Thunder Fury." Saul smiled: "Don't look at its small size, but the energy generated by the positive and negative electrodes continuously annihilates the hedge, but it can produce the terrible power of destroying the city. This is just the thunderous fury under the eighth rank. Then let's take a look at the ninth rank, what's the difference."

As soon as the voice fell, a new change appeared in the thunder light in Thor's hand. From the end of the light cluster, another light spot the size of a mung bean is generated, like a star ring, ""The newly generated light spot continuously rotates around the light cluster.

"This is?"

"Quality evolution." Thor took his five fingers, and the thunder group immediately dispersed. He clapped his palms and said: "The ninth-tier Thunder Fury generates tracking and locking functions. The additional light spot I call Zi Lei, when I attack with Thunder Fury, Zi Lei will track and lock My opponent, and the main mine mine, will catch up and attack wherever the opponent escapes. Unless the opponent can break the invisible connection between the mine mine and the son and mother mine is strong enough, I think someone with the ability of rank twelve or higher Do such a thing."

"See it, zero. Above the eighth level, the improvement of ability is no longer an improvement of strength and power, but more importantly, a qualitative change. So now, do you still want to make me go all out? In that case, you It’s already amazing to be able to hold on for 3 minutes."

Ling smiled and said: "If this is the case, then please allow me to take back my previous arrogance. Then please only use the power of the eighth order."

Saul happily said: "That's right. If I use Tier 9 power, it would be too unfair to you. Moreover, if the battle ends too soon, it won't be very boring, don't you think."

"Okay, let's get started, don't let the audience wait too long." Zero said heartily: "But anyway, I am grateful for you to tell me this."

Saul nodded and said: "This is the end of the polite remarks, then, this is my eighth rank power."

Sol gently inhales, then slowly exhales. Immediately, a circle of electromagnetic waves emerged from his feet, then turned into countless electric lights entangled and enveloped Saul's body. As the electric snake winds around, Thor's hair also floats upward because of the adsorption of electric ions. Under the electric light, Thor really looks like Thor.

This is the "Thunder and Lightning Barrier" of the advancement ability, which is an integrated offensive and defensive ability. It lasts for a long time, and generates electric shock waves around every 3 seconds, which will paralyze and slow down nearby creatures. The barrier itself has a certain decomposition and resistance to physical or energy-level blows, and is a permanent state that is often used by thunder system abilities in combat.

But the lightning barrier also has many shortcomings. One of its "Warlord Chapter 443 Nemesis" is that it does not defend against insulators. For example, if a weapon such as a rubber stick is used to attack Sol, the lightning barrier basically does not have any effect.

That being said, there are no rubber sticks in the zero hand. He touched his waist, and the black rose and the golden rose ejected the gun case and fell into Zero's hand. With zero violence retreat, he intends to use conventional tactics to conduct exploratory attacks, so the first move is naturally to distance himself from Sol.

But as Ren was retreating rapidly, Zero suddenly realized that Saul disappeared from his sight.

what happened?

"I think you probably made a mistake."

Thor's voice rang behind him, and Zero's reaction was also extremely fast. The Black Rose immediately went through the right armpit and pointed towards the back, but Thor, who was behind Zero, reached out and grabbed the pistol and held its safety to prevent Black Rose from attacking. At the same time, Sol fisted towards the back of the zero head, and the moment the zero pistol was clenched, the man turned around and kicked straight up.

Kicked Sol's hand holding Black Rose, and at the same time shook his punch, followed by another forceful slash. Sol crossed his arms, and Zero took the opportunity to take advantage of his strength to fly back. As soon as they moved a little apart, Black Rose and Golden Rose shot wildly. As the light flickered, bullets poured out towards Saul.

All the lines of fire broke through the air, but Saul smiled slightly. The figure was blurred for a while, only a few faint electric snakes were left in the air, but the person was no longer visible.

What a fast speed!

Zero's right eye floated to represent the symbol of "Prophet." Under the deduction of the Prophet, Zero knew that Thor did not disappear, but jumped into the air and made a roll, and then fell behind him.

His body turned wildly like a windmill, his arms were raised horizontally, and the black and gold two-color pistols were constantly shooting, and the bullets in the air suddenly formed a deadly cutting line. In the calculation of zero, when he completed a turnaround, he happened to face Thor who had fallen to the ground. The cutting line formed by the torrent of bullets will also cross Thor's waist, but when Zero completes this action, he finds that Thor has moved away from his trajectory for several consecutive turning movements.

Ling Weiwei was surprised that this was the first time the "Prophet" could not accurately calculate the opponent's movements. Zero knew that this was because of the equal-tier "war lord" gap between the two. Although Thor used the eighth-tier power to fight, his true strength lay there. The Prophet was unable to accurately predict his actions and made a mistake, and the probability of this error will increase as the gap widens.

Thor showed a skill completely different from those of ordinary elemental domain ability. His speed and movement trajectory made capturing his position a difficult task. Although Zero clings to Thor, and the shooting of Black Rose and Golden Rose hasn't stopped for a moment, but the line of fire constructed by the two pistols is always so close to be able to catch up with Thor.

Occasionally, Sol will attack personally. Whether he punches or kicks, he has great power, and he doesn't even want to fight with his fists and kicks. He always avoids with his flexible body and counterattacks with two guns.

Since the start of the battle, the two have used extremely fast styles of play. Both Thor's fists and zero marksmanship are very exciting, making this battle extremely hot and dazzling. The members of the establishment who clamored for zero roll back before, are now speechless, only know how to stare at the two blurred figures in the field. With their eyesight, they couldn't catch up with the actions of Zero and Thor at all, so in their eyes, there were only countless afterimages chasing and staggering.

Ben and Cario exchanged glances, and both saw a surprised look in each other's eyes.

Although they had anticipated the strength of crossing zero before, they had never thought that Zero would be able to attack Thor, without showing any defeat. Although Saul has surrendered his strength, his skills and experience have never been compromised. Especially with this kind of rapid offense and defense, as long as both parties are negligent, they will be bitten by their opponents. What is rare is that under this kind of stormy fast break, Zero is still able to play with ease.

During the fierce battle, Zero suddenly fired his two guns, and quickly fired a few shots towards the empty space. This action is incomprehensible, and what is even more incomprehensible is that Thor, who was originally in high-speed movement, suddenly appeared in shape.

Only Saul understood that the trajectory of the few shots that appeared to be random shots blocked the space for his movement, forcing him to stop. Saul never thought that one day he would be forced to be unable to move by this method. The few shots, including the accurate grasp of Thor's speed and trajectory, and the accurate calculation of ballistic and space, can achieve miraculous "" results.

From this, it can be seen that Zero Spear Technique has actually reached the realm of master level.

This is interesting. Saul thought to himself, but the pupils of his eyes shrank and narrowed, because after stopping him, Zero had already focused and shot him wildly.

The two pistols, Black Rose and Golden Rose, tremble constantly, sending bullets made from zero material to Saul. The dense line of fire tore through the air, and it came in an instant. Saul interlaced his hands and suddenly pulled to the sides. Suddenly, a large net of interlaced currents was pulled out between Sol's palms, and zero bullets hit the net.

With a slight sign, the shooting stopped.

Thor laughed, his hands suddenly slapped his chest, and the power grid wrapped the warhead suddenly turned into a current pulse and blasted his chest toward zero.

Zero rolled on the spot, passing by the current pulse. The blue electric light flashed across the training field instantly, and blasted straight to the edge of the field~lightnovelpub.net~ But when approaching the auditorium, a magnetic energy shield suddenly appeared in the space, blocking Sol's current pulse. And shields like this are erected on the edge of the training ground to build a safe line of defense for the spectators behind.

Besides, between the field, after Zero dodges Thor's current pulse. As soon as he came back to his senses, he was shocked to find that Saul fits and rushes towards him. This time, the speed of Thor's outbreak was unprecedented, and in Zero's eyes, he only saw two pictures. The first picture shows Saul lowering his body to make a running posture, and the second picture Saul has come to his eyes, his right arm swept horizontally towards zero.

When he had time to put his hands on his chest, he only felt as if he had been hit by a main chariot, and he flew out backwards. At this moment, there was a sonic boom behind Sol. Thor's speed just now has reached the level of breaking the sound barrier!

With the speed of breaking through the sound barrier and the inertia, the huge force produced is not something that zero, a delicate body can stop. At the moment he was hit, Zero had jumped up backwards first, and activated the local Naga gene on his arms. The power of Thor's blow was first dispelled by Zero's back jump, and then blocked part of the rhombic cuticle produced by the Naga Gene, and Zero himself took the rest.

Even so, there was still an unnatural flush on Ling Jun's face. At the next moment, he was still in the air, and he sprayed a mist of blood!