War Lord

Chapter 444: Awakening (1)

The theory of mutual restraint of ability is a theory that has already existed. 【..】This kind of theory believes that the world of ability, in fact, has the principle of mutual coexistence and restraint with the natural world. The mutual generation and mutual restraint is an ancient science, and related theories have existed since ancient times in China. Modern physics and chemistry have also proved the establishment of this theory. Similarly, there is a principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint in the world of ability.

The most obvious thing is that there are two types of fire and water in the elemental domain, and the abilities of both are almost the existence of mutual restraint. As for the abilities in other fields, the abilities between different fields more or less exist in the phenomenon of mutual growth and mutual restraint. As it is now, the zero set of exoskeleton armor specifically restrained most of Sol's abilities due to the material.

This phenomenon, also known as complete restraint, is actually perfect restraint.

Perfect restraint is a rare phenomenon. After all, even if it is a relationship of restraint, there is a relative relationship between quantity and quality. For example, a bottle of water cannot extinguish a fire, but perfect restraint is a fundamental phenomenon of mutual restraint, but it ignores the relative relationship between quality. It is like Sol using the powerful lightning ability. Except for the shock wave generated by the current hedging annihilation, which can cause zero damage, the other additional lightning effects cannot affect him at this moment.

Because that has nothing to do with the strength of power, but zero is an insulator in its fundamental nature. No matter how high a current is, it cannot have any effect on an insulator.

After being hit by Thor's current pulse, zero courtesy exchanges. The alienated Golden Rose pointed at Thor, and suddenly there was a flash of gray light in the black and large-caliber muzzle, and a bone-like sniper projectile that looked like a cannonball pierced through the air. The ossified sniper projectile quickly rotated through the edges, leaving a faint gray track in the air, and instantly hit Sol's chest.

The terrible bullet kinetic energy broke out at this time. For the first time since the war began, Sol was hit by zero bullets and flew upside down. As soon as the man was pushed into the air, the sniper bomb exploded, and a group of blood-red clouds burst and bloom unscrupulously. It constantly swallows and burns air, and eventually forms a partial vacuum into a continuous fire cloud covering tens of meters square.

The training ground was filled with the absolutely loud noise produced by the explosion of the fire cloud, and the shock wave of the explosion slammed into the nearby magnetic energy shield. The magnetic energy shield illuminates the last light it had before. That is the phenomenon of the maximum power output of energy. People can't help but worry that the shield will not withstand the impact of the fire cloud.

Fortunately, the impact force of the death crit is still within the equivalent that the magnetic energy shield can withstand.

Looking at the scene again, the fire cloud was gradually dissipating, and a figure appeared in the flames.

It was Saul, who walked out of the fire cloud that was still dying out of the latest chapter. The lightning barrier on his body has disappeared, and the clothes and decorations have been burnt on a large area. Even the flowing blond hair was burned a bit, and Saul looked very embarrassed, but his eyes were still very sharp. Especially in his right hand, he also held an energy warhammer condensed by thunder and lightning, knowing that his fighting intent rose instead of falling.

The weapon in Thor's hand, named Thor's Hammer, is his signature ability. It is a weapon made of pure energy, and it will release lightning and explosion to inflict heavy damage on the opponent while attacking. In addition, every time a warhammer filled with violent electrical energy hits an opponent, it will cause a variety of negative effects on the opponent caused by high-voltage current. And Thor has a part of his ability, which is based on this Quake.

It can be said that Thor, who showed the energy warhammer, is the real Thor.

But just as Saul was about to launch an attack, an old voice rang from the audience: "Let's stop here."

Ben stood up and looked at the two people in the field and said: "Enough is enough, if I continue to fight, I am afraid I will have to transfer the shield of dawn to defend. In my opinion, although Thor has other abilities, he has never used it. , But the zero independent genome also has other functions. At the same energy level, Sol may be slightly better in experience and skill, but the zero genome restrains most of Sol’s ability effects. So, this battle , Just as a tie."

Douglas is a pivotal person in Asgartri in terms of ability and status. Naturally, no one dared to object to what he said. Sol was also simply, the solemnity on his face disintegrated, and the lazy smile reappeared and said: "Father is right. If you continue to fight, I am afraid that it will turn into a life-and-death battle. That kind of battle becomes completely meaningless. Well, even if we draw a tie. What do you think, zero?"

Zero directly disarmed the Naga Genome, and put on the tactical uniform that was played back in between, and he replaced the speech with action.

So Thor also put away Thor's Hammer, and because of the end of the battle, the surrounding magnetic shields also disappeared. At this time, many members of Doomhammer's organization stepped onto the training ground. They surrounded the zero one after another. In this age of respect for power, the performance of the zero has won the respect of colleagues. After watching the battle between him and Sauron, no one dared to underestimate it.

Seeing Zero surrounded by soldiers, Beyonce stood up with a smile on her face. To be honest, she didn't want to see both of Zero and Sol who were injured, and now this result is the best for Beyonce. Moreover, after this battle, he also established his prestige in Doomhammer, which will be of great benefit to his future military career, and Beyonce is naturally happy for him.

After all, no woman does not want her man to be admired.

When the venue was noisy, Beyonce quietly left and walked towards the gate. Before leaving the training ground, she saw a flower, but it was Saul who emerged from the crowd. Saul smiled at her and said: "Congratulations, after my test, Zero is fully qualified to protect you. To be honest, his performance today was beyond my expectation. Originally, I thought I didn't need to take out my big hammer. of."

"He's that kind of person." Beyonce said with a face full of spring breeze: "Those who dared to underestimate him suffered a big loss in the end."

"This is the first time I have seen you defend a man like this. Honestly, I'm jealous." Saul smiled bitterly.

Beyonce put her smile away and sighed softly: "Sol, you don't really like me. For you, you just don't want to chase me. You know this better than me."

Having said that, Beyonce crossed Thor and walked towards the gate under the **** of a group of bodyguards.

Thor suddenly shouted from behind: "If I were not the leader of Doomhammer, would you consider dating me back then?"

Beyonce stopped, smiling categorically, "No, because you can't give me a sense of security. For women, the most lacking is a sense of security."

After leaving this sentence, Beyonce's figure finally disappeared at the gate of the training ground. Saul looked a little lonely, and after a while he whispered: "If you told me this way back then, I would immediately sever all relations with other women. Beyonce, as long as you have you, one woman is enough. NS."

He looked towards zero again, and smiled bitterly: "What a kid with bad luck, **** it, there is no such ability as luck in this world, right?"

With that, Saul walked towards Zero. When the group leader came, the others quickly dispersed. Sol lightly punched Zero in the chest and said: "Boy, you are qualified. Treat her well, she is a woman I can't even kiss her hands. I didn't expect Beyonce to fall in love with you. You are so Good luck with that shit."

Zero nodded and said: "I will protect her."

"Don't speak big words too fast. Although your performance today is good, but your understanding of the world of ability is too superficial. You haven't even formed your own domain, and at the same time you shouldn't know what micro-control is?" Said grinningly.

The field is okay, at least I have seen some similar abilities, knowing that it is a range of home field. But he hasn’t heard of Microcontrol. It’s just like Sol talking about the so-called qualitative evolution to him today. Zero does not know how broad the world of abilities is, and how many secrets are still hidden waiting for him to go. Excavate.

"To be honest, with your current authority, you can't touch this part of the information. I think it's for Beyoncé. In the afternoon, I will have someone fax you the expedition order, and by the way, I will also give you these two aspects of information. Right. You read it a few times, it will be helpful to your ability to grow in the future." Sol solemnly said: "I think you have heard about the proposal of the Western Expeditionary Army, although there is no official document yet. , But it can be predicted that we will go to the battlefield of the western land in two months at the latest. Listen, there is a nest of foreign races, they are not better to get along with the foreign races near the Silver Frost Forest. So before that, you will be the best It's good to be able to improve the ability to the ninth level, if the domain is formed, it would be great."

"Anyway, you have to come back alive no matter what. Dare to make Beyonce sad, I will be the first to let you go!"

After the battle on the training ground, Ling drove on the highway in Asgart, but the words Sol said from time to time floated in his ears. Now that Doomhammer has decided to enter the battlefield of the western tundra, all members in the organization have been recalled, and members below Tier 8 will be arranged for pre-war training in the short term. In the team to which he belongs, apart from Berion, everyone else does not need to participate in training. So after watching the battle on the training ground, Berion stayed directly.

The training lasts for one and a half months, which means that during this period of time, Berion can't be counted on with zero unilateral movements. As for Zero himself, even though Saul made a lot of sense, if he wanted to save his life on the battlefield, or even make achievements, the most ideal way was to raise his strength to the ninth rank. But it's easier said than done. If it is so easy to increase the strength above the eighth level, those with abilities like Thor will not stay at the ninth level for a long time.

Upgrading requires evolution points, and the most direct way to obtain evolution points is to fight. As for the amount of evolution points obtained, it completely depends on the strength of the opponent. After advancing from zero to the eighth level, going through big and small battles until the battle of Beatis City, it only accumulated more than one hundred and fifty points of evolution. It can be seen that it is not easy to obtain evolution points, and more importantly, it is difficult to find opponents.

Of course, there is no shortage of fighting madmen who are provoking everywhere to accumulate evolution points crazily. But such people eventually become public enemies of the capable, and they are often killed by the combined efforts of most capable ones.

In addition, the fastest way to obtain evolution points is war, and it is a large-scale war.

For example, the battlefield of the Western Expedition two months later is an ideal stage for obtaining evolution points, provided that you can survive to the end.

Zero knows that he can't be promoted to Tier 9 in two months, but that doesn't mean he can waste these two months. Since it is impossible to increase the strength of the power, then try to expand the breadth of the ability. Sol uses a low-level lightning gun, but adds the skill of the current area to let Zero be inspired. He intends to use these two months to reorganize his abilities and find out the ones that can be extended.

There is not only one road to the peak of power. The problem is whether you can find those roads that belong to you.

When I got home, it was already noon. There was an off-road vehicle parked outside the gate, and he recognized that it was the seat frame he gave to Eva. Looking at the hour, it seems that Eva shouldn't be here now, but should stay in the laboratory. Could it be that the Dark Crown has some new discoveries? With this question, Zero pushed in and heard the voices of Eva and Lily's two maids talking and laughing from a distance.

Zero walked into the hall and saw the master coming back, Lily and Betty quickly stood up. Zero made a gesture to tell them to leave first, and then asked Eva, who was arbitrarily bent on a pair of long legs and sunk herself into the sofa: "Why are you here?"

"Why, forget the old love when you have a new love?" Eva blinked.

Suddenly, Eva laughed loudly, and said after a moment: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore. This lady is not like Beyoncé, who would like a piece of wood. It was Victor who asked me to come over. Let me tell you something, Leah is about to wake up."

"What?" Zero couldn't react to something.

This news was too shocking for him, and suddenly his brain went blank. When he reacted, he found that he was holding Eva's shoulder, and Zero asked: "What are you saying is true? When?"

"Calm down." Eva opened Zero's hand and said: "I don't know the exact time, but Victor said that it will only be a matter of two days at the latest. When Leah wakes up, he will notify you. So you'd better bring your pocket brain with you these two days, so that Victor can contact you."

"No, I will go to the laboratory now~lightnovelpub.net~ I want Leah to see me as soon as she wakes up, otherwise, she won't be used to it!" Zero said flatly.

Eva stretched her hands and said: "Then just do whatever you want. If you are so nervous, I am really jealous of that little girl. When will this lady have a man so nervous about me."

Zero speechless, he said for a while: "Do you need this?"

After a brief silence in the hall, a murderous storm set off, and Eva angrily said: "Don't I look like a normal woman? This lady also needs a man's care, what do you ignorant guy know!"

So this ignorant fellow was thrown onto the sofa by Miss Eva, who slammed the door out with a full face, shaking his head and laughing. After Eva left, Ling asked Lily to help herself with a few changes of clothes, and confessed that after not coming back for these two days, she didn't even eat lunch and drove the locomotive towards the laboratory.

Finally wait until you wake up, Leah. Wait for me, I am coming! Ling looked at the front of the road and said silently in his heart.

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