War Lord

Chapter 445: Awakening (2)

She seemed to have a dream.

A long dream.

The picture of the dream is not very clear, like an old-fashioned projector with poor signal reception, and the flickering picture from time to time makes her see not very real.

In the dream, she looks like a bystander, watching the protagonist in the dream grow up.

It was a little girl with beautiful blond hair. She smiled brightly, like winter sunshine. There are faint freckles on his face, with innocence and greenness. She remained relatively calm most of the time, without anger, sadness, joy, etc., just like a machine.

Or, in the dream, everyone would be like this. she thinks.

But when she looked at the little girl in her dream, she always smiled knowingly from time to time. She always feels that this little girl has a great relationship with herself. Until one day, there was a mirror hanging in the girl's room. In the mirror, she finally saw herself.

This is the first time she has seen herself in a dream.

The same brilliant long blond hair, the same faint freckles on her face, the difference is that she saw a little girl after she grew up. So she knew that this little girl was herself, and this dream was a fragment of some of her memories.

But for some reason, the memory seemed a little strange, she seemed to be watching another person's life.

The little girl grew up in a base, which is an underground base, where both work and life are located.

z7 base.

This name suddenly appeared in her mind. She was convinced that this was the code name of the base, where the girl's grandfather was the supervisor. In this fringe base, old Jack is the master. Under the protection of grandfather, the little girl lives much better than other peers. She is smart and beautiful, like a delicate doll, and everyone in the base loves her.

In this way, the girl gradually emerged as a young girl.

She grew taller and became more beautiful. What is rare is that she found "chapters" in some old books collected by her grandfather to find some medical books and learned some superficial knowledge. So Grandpa gave her the medical office of the base to take care of, and she lived up to her expectations and became the youngest and most beautiful doctor on the base.

Originally, she thought that the days would pass day by day, and the girl would eventually become a woman, and then marry her husband and have children. But with his arrival, her life has turned upside down. But the memory of her is so clear. The picture no longer flickers and blurs. Just like a player with stable functions, it uses extremely high pixels to present a clear picture before her eyes.

He returned from the mine with his grandfather. It was in the work area where the girl met him for the first time. On the man's face, she saw eyes with two different pupil colors, one black and one gold.


A name naturally appeared in her mind, and all kinds of inexplicable emotions came with this name. She laughed and cried, wanted to touch the man in the dream, wanted to put him in his arms. She knew that only in his arms is the warmest harbor in the world.

But she couldn't do it, no matter how hard she tried, her fingertips were always a little bit worse than the man in the dream. Although it is a short distance away, it has become a world away.

In the next dream, she began to look at it seriously, and she didn't wander around like she did before. Because he always appears next to the girl, he has walked into the depths of her memory. He stayed in the base for two years. These two years have been the happiest period for the girl because he is there.

Unfortunately, it still came.

A monster broke into the base and killed many people, including the girl's grandfather. The girl was infected with the blood of the monster, and the survivors of the base unanimously asked her to leave. At that moment, she was hesitating and at a loss what to do. The world is big, but there is no place for her to settle down.

At this moment, he grabbed her hand. This catch is forever.

The next memory is the wilderness and ruins.

In order to heal the girl who was contaminated by the devil's blood, he took her on his way. They wandered through the uninhabited wilderness, wandering the ruins of living corpses, and at the same time they made some friends. They have helped people, and they have been helped. Although this period was hard, the girl had a very fulfilling life and gradually walked out of the haze of the base.

In a base called Remut, the girl dedicated her body to him. That was her first time, the first time unforgettable!

The girl became a woman overnight, and she became stronger. She believes that her man will heal herself. This trust may be unfounded, but to believe is to believe, and she never doubts it. She even dreamed of giving him two children, and finally one male and one male. The man is like him, handsome and brave. Women are just like themselves, beautiful and lively.

But fate is like a prank.

When he was on a mission, she was forcibly taken away by a man named Sauron. She resisted, but how could she beat those soldiers who looked like tigers, let alone Sauron who had the ability of Tier 3 fire system.

She thought she would never see him again, but unexpectedly, he came.

She is very happy, but at the same time very scared. Happy because of his arrival, he never gave up on himself. Fear is that he is alone, not Sauron's opponent at all. In a night of gunshots and roaring monsters, she could not sleep. But to her surprise, the proud man named Sauron seemed to have suffered a lot from his hands, and she was proud of him.

But in the morning of the next day, a nightmare happened.

Sauron used her as bait and asked him to show up. She knew what that meant. He was only one person, and if he showed up on the initiative, he would sift the firepower placed around him. So she called desperately to let him go, she didn't want him to have an accident, even if she would die!

But he still appeared, and at that moment, happiness and pain came together. She was put on her neck by a man with a knife, she could only watch him with tears in his body, blood spattering.

She tried to remember that this was the blood she shed for herself.

At this moment, Sauron asked him to join. He actually agreed. The woman knew that he didn't want to be someone else's running dog, but for her, the man chose to bow down.

Just when Sauron was moving her muzzle to leave a second mark on him, she made no pitfalls and wiped her neck on the sharp "Warlord Chapter 445 Awakening (2 blade.

He could sacrifice so much for her, and she could also sacrifice her life for him. Just for his safety and freedom!

"Do not!"

His screaming cry sounded from the ruins, like a lone wolf roaring up to the sky. But she didn't regret it. At this moment, she completely and absolutely jumped into the abyss of death indefinitely.

As long as you can live in the sun, that's enough.

"Zero, stay alive!"

Reading these words in detail, she who had been acting as a bystander came back to her senses, facing the ground that was constantly drawing closer. She and herself in the dream finally overlapped at this moment. She felt the happiness, sadness, and helplessness in her chest.

She finally remembered her name.


The picture becomes dark.

But before long, there were two faint lights in the darkness. She tried to see clearly, so she opened her eyelids desperately. The light is getting stronger and stronger, and finally illuminates the whole world. After a while, Leah adjusted to the light, and what caught her eye was a gray-white ceiling. On the ceiling, the sound of alternating current from incandescent lamps reverberates gently in this quiet room, as if in a leisure afternoon.

After the brain was blank for a few seconds, she slowly dropped her gaze and saw a man sitting next to her bed, his upper body lying on the bed, his head resting on his arms as if he was asleep. Fragmented black hair fell quietly on his forehead, his closed eyes and eyelids throbbed from time to time, and I didn't know what kind of dreams he was dreaming. The strong bridge of the nose is tightly pressed lips, and the sharp chin is covered with blue scum, with a haggard feeling.

Leah's eyes became blurred in this way, because of the hot tears welling out of her eye sockets.

It's him, it's zero!

How could she forget this face, the figure fighting for her blood, still hovering in her mind so clearly. Leah was happy and scared, and was happy to see Zero again, indicating that there was nothing wrong with him. Those who are scared are worried that this "war lord" is just a dream.

So she tried to prop up her body, but her body was like a rusty machine, which made her every movement seem so strenuous. As if feeling her movement, Ling opened her eyes suddenly, so the figure Leah wanted to sit up burst into his eyes like this.

There was no extra language, Zero stood up and hugged Leah in her arms hard.

Leah stiffened slightly, then responded vigorously, and at the same time weeped and said, "Tell me, this is not a dream. Zero, is it really you?"

"It's me." Zero's eyes were red. He closed his eyes and kissed Leah's forehead and said: "This is not a dream. Leah, thank goodness, you finally woke up. It's okay, everything is over."

"You said I woke up, did I sleep for a long time?"

After the initial excitement passed, the two gradually calmed down. Zero Zheng helped Leah out of bed and helped her do a few simple physical movements to speed up the blood circulation so that Leah could recover more quickly. When Leah asked this sentence, Tian Hao's door opened, and a man walked in and smiled and said, "I slept for a long time, to be precise, one year and nine months."

"Doctor Victor?" Leah remembered the man, he was the last doctor Zero had found for herself. When Victor said this, Leah covered her mouth and said, "I slept for so long?"

"It's because you slept for a long time. After all, you have suffered a serious injury. However, you are already healed, haven't you?" Zero smiled.

Leah touched her neck subconsciously and said, "I remember"

"Neck was injured, yes." Victor took the words and said, "That kind of serious injury, changing to an ordinary person long ago died. Zero in order to save you, he did a lot. In short, you are fine, and Even the infected virus is also cleared. Congratulations, Leah, you have got a new life."

Leah didn't know that Victor's words were puns, but she heard that Zero did a lot for herself, although Victor didn't explain. But no matter how stupid Lia is, she knows that to save a dying person, there is nothing more than nothing to pay. She wanted to cry, but Kelia tried her best to make herself laugh. She told herself that for zero, she would leave him with a smile instead of crying.

"" "I know you have a lot to say, but I'm sorry to disturb you. Now that Leah is awake, let me give her a routine checkup first."

Naturally, the two would not refuse the doctor's request. Routine inspections are also very simple and fast, mainly for Victor to record various basic data of Leah to confirm that she will not have genetic defects after rebirth.

After the examination, Leah had to stay for another two days so that Victor could observe whether her vital signs were stable. So Zero stayed, and in two days, Zero told her what happened in the past two years. So Leah knew that she was now in a wonderful city called Asgart, and she knew that Zero already had a certain position in this city, and she even had her own company and base.

Many times, Leah just listened quietly. She wants to write down all this so hard to make up for the two years. At the same time, I also know how much effort has been made in the past two years to achieve these achievements.

And in this, zero of course hides some truth. For example, the real Leah died a long time ago in the ruins, and now she is reborn, using the genetic technology of the new era to be reborn. In the process of telling, Zero watched Leah and found that the memory Victor had implanted in her mind had completely become a part of her life, and she was truly relieved.

Memory implantation is the most critical part of the entire rebirth plan. After all, if she can't have the memory that belongs to Leah, then even if she looks exactly like Leah, she will always be another person. When the memory was implanted, Victor worried that it would repel Leah's own will, which would cause neurological disorders and even collapse. So he insisted on slowing down the progress of the entire memory transplantation so that Leah could accept this memory.

Facts proved that Victor was right, and even Zero couldn't tell how Leah was different from the previous ones. Through the inheritance of memory, the dead Leah was reborn in a new body!

Two days passed quickly, and Leah was finally "discharged". When Ling took her out of the laboratory on the outskirts of Asgart, Leah was surprised to find the blue sky above the city. She covered her mouth with her hands and looked at Zero with an expression of excitement in her eyes. Although Zero had told her that the sky above Asgart was covered with countless holographic projection panels, the central computer would automatically evolve various natural weather.

It was the first time that Kelia had seen it with her own eyes. She was deeply shocked by looking at the sky that was only mentioned in books, and the scenery that only existed in the old age.

Zero didn't say anything, leaving Leah to stand like this for a while. He believed that everyone who grew up in the wilderness would be like Leah the first time they entered Asgart. Speaking of it, when Valkyrie would be extradited to this majestic city, why not he.

After the shock passed, Leah sat in the off-road vehicle. Zero drove the car on the Asgart highway, Leah sat in the car, looking around curiously, and let out an exclamation. Ling listened to her ears, showing a knowing smile.

He was very happy. He broke the chain of fate after two years and finally renewed it today!