War Lord

Chapter 448: Before the expedition (2)

[Thanks to "Little Pig" for the big monthly ticket support! Keep asking for subscription~~]

"Thank you, professor."

Looking at the pretty girl in front of her, Grando smiled and said, "You're welcome, child. Now there are not many kids who are as studious and smart as you. I'm happy to answer your questions."

Putting away the intellectual brain used for lectures, the professor patted Leah on the shoulder and made a "come on" gesture before leaving with his hand. So the classroom became quiet, Leah checked that it was not too early, and gathered up her things and prepared to leave. When I didn't want to take a step forward, the door was closed. 【】Fiction chapters are updated fastest

A young man with flax-colored hair smiled and stood by the door, beside him were several boys of the same age. Leah knew that his name was Boss, he was a nobleman, and other boys also had the title of nobleman. So she politely said: "Dear Mr. Bosch, would you please open the door? You see it is not early, I think I should go home."

Boss waved his hands shyly and said, "Don’t, don’t call me Mr. me, let alone use honorifics. Leah, don’t you mind if I call you that. Actually I want to ask, a beautiful girl like you , There must be a lot of suitors, right?"" "Fiction chapters are updated fastest

Leah smiled and said: "You have passed the award. Actually, I am very ordinary, so there are so many suitors."

Bosch's eyes lit up, and he suddenly gestured towards the back. A boy knew the opportunity to put the prepared flowers into Bosger's hands, so Bosger took out a handful of flowers from behind like a magic trick and said: "Then, if I tell you. I admire you very much, Leah , Would you agree to associate with me?"

Leah looked at Boss in surprise, and then said, "The flowers are beautiful, but I can't collect them."


"Because my husband will be unhappy." Leah smiled sweetly.

Boss's expression stiffened, and then he smiled reluctantly: "Look, Leah. Although my family is not a high-class noble, but my family and Andrew's family have a good relationship, and Andrew's family is one of the three giants, the Planning family. If you are willing to agree to my request, I promise to give you happiness. As for your sweetheart, I think that a large sum of compensation should allow him to accept this fact. So, you don’t have to worry about anything. "

Bosch thinks that his words are appropriate and considerate. No matter how hard a woman is, she would impress herself, especially after she showed off her family, Leah, who was only a commoner, didn't immediately embrace her. But what he didn't expect was that Leah, who was still smiling because of her politeness, turned cold after hearing this.

She said coldly: "Mr. Bosch, please respect yourself. You don't understand that true love cannot be measured by money!"

As soon as Leah's voice fell, a freckled boy behind Boss "pushed" and laughed: "Miss, you watched too many Shakespeare plays."

He stabbed Bosge and said, "Why do you have to whisper to such a commoner, Boss, if you like her, just ask for her here. We will give you the wind and let us taste it afterwards. ."

Bosch's face changed, and he solemnly said to Leah: "I am definitely not this kind of person!"

Leah took a deep look at him, and her pupils had a wonderful look. Boss was stared in her eyes, as if Leah could see through any secret, she lowered her head subconsciously. Leah sighed and shook her head, "but your heart told me that you are such a person. Just now, I heard the cry of desire [wang]. Mr. Bosch, please trouble you. Get out of the way, while you can still control the beast in your heart, don't let things get out of hand, okay?"

Bosco only felt that his heart was sore, painful and uncomfortable. Leah’s whispered words fell into his ears, but they penetrated into his heart like an awl, and kept twisting and twisting it. Things are messed up.

He laughed, and Bosque reached out and unbuttoned his coat. When he raised his head and looked at Leah again, the expression of the elegant young man became distorted and hideous: "What kind of love? My pooh, you untouchables are worthy of any love. I see you, that's your honor. Since it's given to you. Shameless, I will strip off your clothes and see how much your love is worth!"

Leah sighed slightly, and dropped her hand into the bag, which contained a pocket pistol that Zero gave her. The pistol has been loaded with two special bullets, the stun bullet and the electric bullet, which are used for Leah's self-defense.

But when Boss grinned forward, the door of the classroom was kicked open by the man. Backlit by the light outside the door, a tall and thin figure appeared. Leah thought it was zero, but it was another boy who walked in from outside.

The slender boy, who was biting on a piece of grass roots and had his hair shaved, looked at Bosge and the others in the classroom and whistled: "I said, how do I close the door? It turns out that Master Bosge is having a party in the classroom. Yes. No, it’s just me, what are you playing?"

He said happily, and Bosque frowned. The boy with freckles before sneered: "Langdon, there is nothing to do with you here. Get out of here, we can assume that nothing happened."

"Wow, it's scary." The boy named Langdon made an exaggerated expression, and then coldly said: "Don't think I don't know what you want to do? Boss, I advise you to have your friends the best Don't fight Leah's idea. This is not for Leah, but for your good, if you don't want to die."

Boss turned around and smiled, "This is the most invaluable threat I have ever heard. Does it depend on you, Langdon, a commoner boy who wants our life?"

He laughed loudly, and the others followed. Langdon looked at them coldly and said, "Of course I can't kill you. Kelia's man is okay, you don't know yet, who is Leah's sweetheart?"

"Who is it?" a boy asked curiously.

"Have you heard of it? A month ago in the Doomhammer training hall, do you remember the man who fought with Captain Sol and ended in a tie?" Langdon said unhurriedly: "Yes, he is Leah's sweetheart. If you dare to touch Leah with a vellus hair. Why don't you dare to provoke such a man with your family? provoke the man who can get a tie with Captain Sol ?"

The whole classroom was silent.

After a while, Boss snorted and slammed out the door with an ugly expression. All of his friends followed, but Bosger walked out of the classroom and said to Langdon: "That man, I really don't dare to provoke him. But Langdon, you will be more careful in the future. Your words , I still dare to provoke."

"I'll be with you at all times, respectable Master Boss." Langdon said, bending over and pressing his hands on his chest.

Leah looked at this weird boy and couldn't help laughing, and said, "Thank you. But, you are not afraid to provoke Bosge to them? Anyway, they are considered aristocrats."

"I know. But unless they call in the family warriors, it's just their words, and I don't take it seriously." Langdon touched his nose and said, "Nothing else, I'm very good at fighting. "

"You are so funny. Anyway, thank you for today."

"You're welcome." Langdon waved his hand and licked his lips again. "However, it would be great if Leah was willing to do me a favor."

"What's up?" Leah asked.

Langdon scratched his head and said, "It's like this, you know, civilians like me. Even if I have the ability, I don't know how long and how long will be the first day. So I thought, Leah, can you help me? ZERO, this name is correct. Because this name is very weird and special, so I should not remember it wrong. Please help me to tell ZERO, can I join his army?"

"Do you want to join the army?" Leah looked surprised: "If you want to join the army, which of the five legions of Asgart is not better than the zero team?"

Langdon smiled bitterly: "My eldest lady, how can the five major legions be able to enter. Especially civilians like me, and they don't have particularly strong abilities. The annual recruiting of new recruits is an opportunity, but this year I have already I missed it. More importantly, Doomhammer is about to enter the battle of the Western Tundra. If I can join the zero team now, then I will have the opportunity to participate in this battle."

"If I can perform on the battlefield to the west, I think I can get what I want!" Langdon clenched his fists.

"You men, there is war in your head." Leah shook her head helplessly and said, "Well, I'll talk to Zero. But it's up to him to join."

"That's enough. Go, Leah, I'll send you out, lest the Boss **** do any tricks." Langdon said excitedly, pulling up his sleeves, waving his fists.

What an energetic guy. Leah thought.

Outside the gate of Monglia College, waiting aside early in the morning. He looked at the small electronic clock on the locomotive instrument and frowned slightly. Leah should have finished class at this time, but no one has come out yet. After thinking about it, I decided to find Leah in the academy. As soon as I took the car key, I saw Leah and a boy come out. When she saw Zero, Leah waved her hand and said goodbye to the boy next to her before trotting towards Zero.

The boy who sent Leah out showed a bright smile when he looked towards Zero, and waved his hand vigorously. Zero was a little confused, even polite, he waved his hand at the boy.

Watching the boys leave, Ling Cai asked Leah, "That's your student too?"

Leah nodded, took the helmet from her zero hand and put it on: "Yeah. His name is Langdon, he's a funny boy."

Zero "Oh" sounded, and didn't take it to heart. Restarting the engine of the locomotive, he drove Leah slowly towards the road. Leah sat behind her, her hands tightly hugging Zero's waist, and her whole body was almost touching his back.

In the evening, the holographic panel showed a thin projection of the West Mountain. A few white clouds floated in the red sky reflected by the setting sun. The sunlight fell on the ground, casting the shadow long and long. Leah looked at the ground, and the shadow of her and Zero stretched to the end of the road behind, as if they could reach the end of the world.

I really hope this can go on forever.

Leah thought, but she knew it was impossible.

"It's about to go out."

Leah said softly in the helmet. Her voice is not high, but she can hear her ears clearly through the communication channel in the helmet.

After a while, Ling gave a faint nasal "um", which was regarded as an answer.

"I want to go to the battlefield with you, okay?"

Leah asked softly again.

Obviously, this problem has a great impact on zero. The locomotive swayed slightly before stabilizing. After a while, Ling asked, "Why? Leah, the battlefield is different from the wilderness. It's more dangerous there. The threat of death is everywhere. Even me, I can't guarantee that I will come back."

"So, I'm going even more!" Leah's hands pressed harder: "I don't want to be separated from you anymore. The experience of wandering in darkness and dreams alone is enough. If I die, I want to die too. In your arms instead of waiting alone. Besides, I am different from before, am I?"

"The ability I have should be able to help you on the battlefield. More importantly, Zero, I don't want to be your burden. I think I can do something for you too!"

Zero was silent.

Victor once asked him if he wanted Leah to go to the battlefield. At that time, his answer was negative, but now, Leah took the initiative to make this request. He understood Leah's feelings, this girl wanted to prove her worth, and she didn't want to be a vase for zero appreciation. She wants to try to change, and everyone has the freedom to pursue ideals, right?

"It's not impossible." Zero Shen said: "However, you have to accept the test."

"If you want to join me on the battlefield, then starting tomorrow, you have to participate in military training at the base. The entire training program is hosted by Brown, and I will ask him to treat him equally. If you can't support it, you have to stay with me obediently. Asgartri. But even if it holds up, there will be an actual combat assessment before the actual departure. Similarly, if you fail to pass, I won't allow you to enter the battlefield."

Leah laughed happily: "Okay, I promise you. If it can't be done, I will dispel this idea."

Perhaps Leah's thoughts are impulsive, even beyond her own control. But people will always appear impulsive at certain times, and will do things that seem to be overwhelming in the eyes of outsiders. But if it is not so, where is the miracle in this world.

A miracle is to create a possibility out of the impossible!

Sunset~lightnovelpub.net~ The evening is beautiful. The locomotive is not fast. It silently carries the two embracing people, and the shadow drags a long track behind the car, as if chasing light and dreams. In this turbulent age, it is not easy to live, and it is even more difficult to have a dream. After all, the cruelty of this era has already polished most people's courage to embrace their dreams.

But there will always be some people who still retain this courage. Maybe they will pay a great price in pursuing their dreams, but they are still moving forward. Like Zero, like Leah, and him.

Langdon walked home with his hands in his pockets. He was born a commoner and his parents were both workers. Fortunately, his family has the status of a free citizen. Even if they are only one class higher than slaves, they already have relative freedom. Langdon's parents used all their savings for him to enter the college to study, in order to change Langdon's life.

Today, Langdon finally saw an opportunity. Through Leah, he had the opportunity to join Zero's army, and Langdon even began to fantasize about his heroic return on the battlefield, and finally returned triumphantly.

But at this time, several figures appeared in front of him.

Boss said coldly, "Looks like a good mood, Mr. Langdon."