War Lord

Chapter 449: Before the expedition (3)

[Thank you for the support of the monthly pass of "Bo o2009", the weather has been hot recently, please remember to add more water while reading~~~]

Abedang paced back and forth in the room, checking the cheap electronic watch in his hand from time to time. The watch has been [grinded] in many places, and many functions have been declared obsolete. It can be done by looking at the time. Right now, the number of ten zero three is displayed on the electronic screen. Usually this hour, his son Langdon has already gone home. After dinner, he should play around with his parts in the house, hoping to one day be able to assemble a power mech. 【】Fiction chapters are updated fastest

But tonight, Langdon has not yet returned home.

This makes Abedan very upset, he knows his son very well. Langdon has been very naughty since he was a child, but he is also very sensible and never does things that worry his parents. And not returning at night is something that has never happened. Abedang sighed heavily as he looked at the photos of their family of three hanging on the wall.

In this ordinary family, Abedan and his wife Aijiesha are ordinary workers. They work in a food processing factory in the suburbs, working 12 hours a day, and the meager salary they receive is only enough to sustain their lives. For this family, Langdon's birth undoubtedly brought happiness and hope to the family. When Langdon was born, he actually detected a precursor to his ability. ""Fiction chapters are updated fastest

Abedang still clearly remembered how excited he was when he heard the news from the doctor. But over time, this excitement slowly turned into a heavy burden. For an ordinary family, it is simply not possible to support the cost of learning knowledge for a capable person. This is why there are many capable persons among civilians, but their average rank is not high.

In addition to limited potential, more importantly, they have no conditions to accept systematic learning and training. Although some civilian abilities go to the wilderness and grow up on the battlefield relying on the identity of mercenaries, those who can fortunately upgrade to Tier 5 or above are very rare. After all, many lives are lost in the early stages when the ability is not yet strong.

And there are very few who can get through this stage.

Abbeydang did not let his son become a mercenary in the wilderness, he just concealed the fact of his physical ability from his son, and raised Langdon as an ordinary child. When Langdon was very young, he had been playing with his parents in the workshop of the factory. For him at that time, the factory was more like his home and his playground. As for Abedang himself, he silently saves all the expenses that can be saved, and accumulates them little by little.

Abedang is not reconciled to his son, walking an ordinary road like him. He believed that his son should have a broader world, so as a father, he did his best to create conditions for Langdon. Until this year, the conditions are finally ripe. When Abedun sent Langdon to Monglia College, he would always remember the expression of surprise and excitement on Langdon's face.

At that moment, Abedang felt that his hard work for so many years had been rewarded.

Since then, Langdon's work and rest have been normal. Leave home at seven in the morning and come back at six in the evening. Sometimes it brought back bruises, but Langdon always had a smile on his face. Abedang knew that he didn't want to worry about himself, and also knew that it was not easy for a commoner to study in an academy where more than 90% of the students were nobles. Since Langdon didn't say it, he didn't ask. Abetang believed his son could handle it.

But tonight is a bit special. It's already past ten o'clock, and Langdon is still home at the end. The darkness outside the house was like a heavy anxiety enveloping Abbe's heart.

At 10:23, the door was knocked "boom". Abeidang looked at his wife, and both of them saw the worry in each other's eyes. Abedang took a deep breath and strode forward to open the door. Standing outside the door was a famous city defense officer, a man in his thirties. Slightly blessed, but at the end of his middle age, he had already faded. The man asked Abedan, "Mr. Abedan? Are you Langdon's father?"

Abedan nodded quickly: "I am, is there something wrong with Langdon?"

"I regret to tell you, sir. Your son had a traffic accident in the city. It was a serious accident. Please don't be overly sad." The city defense army patted Abedan on the shoulder and said to the back: " Bring the kid over."

Several city defense officers came over carrying a stretcher, and there was a person lying on the stretcher. I didn't move, and my heart sank straight down when I saw it. There were ambiguous syllables in his throat, and at this time his wife Aijiesha had snatched from the house, followed by a earth-shattering cry, and she threw herself on the stretcher and burst into tears.

Next, the city defense forces did not know what else they said to Abedan. But Abedang could not hear anything, only some hollow sounds fell in his ears. He walked to the stretcher in despair, and Langdon was lying on it. Langdon opened his eyes wide and stared straight into the sky. He was covered in blood, and even some parts of his body were deformed. It was an injury caused by a blunt force.

Abbeydang can imagine that a fast-speeding car suddenly crashed into his son. The shock at that moment caused Langdon's body to fracture in many places, and he would throw him to a corner of the street like a rag doll, and then the driver and passers-by would surround him. But by then, he was already dead!


"No!" Abedang let out a roar, tears running through the old man.

He grabbed his son by the shoulders and tried to shake him up, just as Langdon sometimes lays in bed, and he shakes his son awake from his sleep with violent shaking. But this time, Langdon won't wake up again. It was only with Abbedan's movements that Langdon's hand on his body fell weakly to the ground, revealing a **** abdomen. Abedan seemed to have discovered something, he settled, and then saw a few narrow gaps in Langdon's abdomen.

Looks like someone stabbed with a knife.

This thought made Abedan agitated, and he stood up abruptly. At this time the city defense officers were about to leave, and Abedang quickly stopped them: "Sir, sir!"

The city defense officer who knocked on the door made a gesture to his companion, then turned and walked back: "What's the matter? Sir?"

Abedan stretched out his trembling fingers and pointed to his son's abdomen: "Look here, this is not caused by a traffic accident. Sir, Langdon was killed and stabbed to death with a knife."

The city defense officer calmly looked at the father who had lost his beloved son before him, and sighed deeply: "Listen, sir. If you treat it as a traffic accident, trust me. It's good for you and me. The perpetrator will send a large amount of compensation tomorrow morning. Sir, I know you are sad, but there are some things you should not go into. After all, even if you know the truth, your child will not come back, will it?"

He patted Abedan **** the shoulder, and the city official sighed and turned to leave. Abedang stood dumbfounded on the spot, and for him, the world had collapsed. But for this world, there is just one dispensable person missing.

The world continues to operate according to its own laws, and will not change because of the absence of a person.

If destiny is given a will, then it must be the **** of mischief. In the script written by it, not everyone is darling. Some people are favored by it, and some people are ruthlessly abandoned by it. Light and darkness are constantly intertwined, there is luck, there is misfortune, there is happiness, and there must be pain.

It has always been.

The next morning still arrived, and Leah appeared at the gate of Monglia College as usual when Abbey's family was in great pain. She looked at Zero, smiled and walked into the door. Zero did not leave today, he was waiting outside the school. Leah has decided to participate in the pre-war special training held by the Horizon Company at the base, so she will not continue to go to school today, but will come to the school to submit an application for a temporary suspension of school.

The e-mail of the application was sent to the school earlier than yesterday. In addition to Leah's name, there was zero inscription on the applicant column. Nowadays, almost no one in Asgartri doesn't know Zero, who can tie Sol, so filling in Zero’s name will save Leah’s application from a lot of unnecessary links.

The fact is also true, Leah quickly got the letter of application approval in the hands of the lecturer and professor Grando. The letter stated that the school would reserve her degree for Leah, and she is welcome to return to school to study again at any time. But when the old professor handed the letter to Leah, he couldn't help asking: "My child, why don't you continue the class? Is it because I didn't speak well enough?"

Leah quickly replied: "No, it's not about teaching you. It's my own reason, because I have more important things to do now."

"Well, then, you are welcome to come back to listen to my old man's class at any time." Professor Grando said wittily.

Leah looked at the classroom and found two empty tables, one of which belonged to Langdon. She asked casually, "Did Langdon not come to class today?"

The old professor looked sad and sighed softly: "You don't know yet, that kid had a traffic accident last night, so he should be in the arms of Heavenly Father now."

"What?" Leah whispered.

She couldn't believe that the young man who was full of confidence in the future left this world forever in just one night. This change was so fast that Leah didn't even have time to make his request to Zero.

As he left, Leah's eyes fell on the other seat.

That's Bosge's seat, and he didn't come today either.

Accident, is it just an accident? Looking at that seat, Leah thought to herself.

The other end of the city.

"Join the army?" Boss blushed, and exclaimed excitedly to his father who looked like him: "Why do you want me to join the army? No, father, I'm not ready to go to the battlefield yet. You see. My studies have not been completed, and my abilities are not perfect. I know that meritorious service is very important to the family, but I beg you, give me more time."

"Otherwise, going to the battlefield means death to me!"

Clough looked at his excited son coldly, his slender and well-maintained fingers drew a cigar gracefully from the table, and then sent it to his mouth to light it. He took a deep breath and exhaled a smoke ring: "Look at you, Boss. You are scared, right?"

When he was said by his father, Boss became stiff, then lowered his head and admitted: "You are right, father. I am afraid, after all, the battlefield is a place where the dead will go. Please, don't Will you send me to join the army?"

"If that's the case, then why did you do the stupid thing you did last night?" Clough roared, changing his former gentle image.

He stood up, like an irritated lion, around his son angrily said: "Are you good at it? Learn to kill? What is this? Since you have the ability to kill, then go to the battlefield to kill me? Do you know? Seeing you rushing back to ask me for help last night, how disappointed I am that I have a cowardly son like you. Our family, what do you rely on to inherit?"

"I sent you to join the army for your own good. After all, you killed someone."

"But father, that's just a commoner."

"Yes, you also know that he is a civilian." Clough sneered: "If you kill a slave, don't say one, a hundred is no problem. But civilians can't, they are free people. Even though they are more humble. The slaves are not much better. But damn, they have personal safety rights. In other words, in Asgartri you can beat and scold them, but you can't kill them."

"Although I suppressed this matter, killing a civilian is not a big deal after all. But the city defense army will record this incident and seal your name in a certain file. Use you Think about it, Boss. What do you do if someone makes a fuss about this after you inherit the family in the future?" Clough gradually calmed down: "I will let you join the army and let you go. The battlefield is to help you wash off this stain."

"Then which army do you want me to join~lightnovelpub.net~Doomhammer?" Boss asked puzzledly.

"Doomhammer?" Clough sneered: "That's a bunch of lunatics and butchers. If you are allowed to join them, you are really going to die. Besides, you are not qualified. I asked you to join gold. Tomahawk reserve army, the so-called reserve army is also the new barracks. Generally, you will only be responsible for patrolling the camp and transporting war materials, and will not go directly to the front line to participate in the battle. In this way, your chance of death is infinitely close to zero."

"Besides, I have borrowed three Tier 5 guards from Andrew's house to pretend to be recruits to accompany you. They will ensure your safety. As long as you survive this war, wait for you to come back. Your part Experience and some artistic modifications of mine will become a glorious history. And the dazzling light is enough to cover up any stains." Clough looked at his son and said seriously: "You don't often ask me what politics is. Look, This is politics!"

Seeing the seemingly understanding Boss, Clough sighed in his heart. He knew that his son was still too young, but who did not come here when he was young, including him. He only hopes that through this military career, while shaping a glorious experience for his son, he will also become mature as soon as possible.

The army of the Western Expedition has just started, and in Asgartri, countless undercurrents are surging. The big and the small, the bright and the dark, they all point to the unknown land to the west!