War Lord

Chapter 450: Run away! Girl (1)

This is a barren factory ruin. шШщm|No *pop*windows*small*speaking*net|..

Looking at it, the factory buildings of different shapes are piled up like building blocks, forming a wonderful outline. With tall chimneys poking into the sky, it is not difficult to imagine that when the factory is operating at full capacity, they will emit spectacular smoke dragons. The barbed wire fence surrounding the factory was constantly shaking in the wind, making a "hisshhhh" sound. On the barbed wire fence that is no longer energized, you can still see a sign hanging diagonally on it that reads "Industrial heavy land, no idlers are allowed to enter".

The once prosperous factory area now has only contiguous fragments left. The continuous factory buildings are like giant beasts with hollowed out internal organs, lying weakly on the ground, and the wind enters and exits through the gaps in the factory area, making low noises.

The two off-road vehicles moved from far to near, and finally stopped in the wilderness outside the factory. The off-road vehicle on the left is full of soldiers, and the other is alone with a driver, creating a strong contrast.

There were small but well-proportioned women who jumped out of the car. She is wearing a tight-fitting black tactical uniform, with silver-white armor wrapped around her chest and calves, an automatic pistol hung on both sides of her waist, and a small carrying device on her back filled with ammunition. And a few grenades. A simple full-cover helmet includes functions such as communication, air purification, and multiple vision modes.

It can be said that this is a standard battlefield configuration, and the soldier dressed up is Leah.

One month passed in an instant. In this month, Leah participated in a special training for soldiers of Horizon Company. It was Brown who served as the instructor. With zero notification, Brown asked Leah to join the training, and at the same time trained her fully as required. Not only did it not have the slightest bit of water, it was even more severe, and it was completely the pattern of a devil instructor.

And the whole training process, zero also witnessed. It can be said that Leah worked very hard, and Zero had forgotten that there was a training ground, how many times this girl fell and got up again. Sometimes, Brown couldn't stand it, but Zero didn't allow him to stop. Zero or nearly ruthlessly cruel, but he knew that now that it's cruel, Leah has a better chance of surviving on the battlefield.

What's more, if Leah can't stand the intensity of training and quit by herself, it may not be a bad thing either.

What surprised everyone was that this seemingly weak girl persisted to the end with perseverance and tenacity, and got the admission ticket for the expedition. Of course, whether you can truly obtain this qualification depends on today's final assessment. And assessments like this have been held many times, with the purpose of selecting qualified candidates from among the soldiers, and those who have been brushed off stay at the company base.

In today's assessment, Zero personally acted as the examiner.

This is a real-world combat simulation. Leah, Haiwei, Ye Liu and the commando of ten soldiers are the protagonists of today. Their task is to sneak into the target factory area, get the task items and then safely evacuate. Among them, it is necessary to test the team's teamwork ability, the commanding ability of the captain, and the special talents of other members.

In this team, Hai Wei acted as the captain and assumed the responsibility of commanding the entire team. Ye Liu is a master of reconnaissance and lurking, while Leah uses her abilities to act as a communication and reconnaissance. As for the other soldiers, some were snipers, some were fire fighters, and some were blasting experts.

After Leah jumped out of the car, the other team members also got out of the car. They all turned around and saluted the examiner on the vehicle on the right. Under Hai Wei's order, the team quickly approached the factory area and stopped behind a huge boulder acting as a cover. Haiwei took out a tablet brain and adjusted the brain to the projection function, and a three-dimensional topographic map of the factory area was suspended on the screen and turned around.

Haiwei put on the sensor gloves and adjusted the three-dimensional picture in the air. Finally, a building of more than ten stories appeared in the eyes of everyone: "This is our target building today, the factory office building. Our mission items In a certain room on the top floor, it is not difficult to imagine that the office building must be heavily armed, and the other party will certainly not let us easily. Another issue that needs to be considered is that we have to find an entry point. This factory area is not small It’s impossible for the other party to deploy heavy troops everywhere. We must find the weak points of their defenses, which can be used for us to cut in and retreat."

She looked at Leah and said, "Can you use your mental scan to determine the distribution of the opponent's soldiers?"

"To scan such a large area, I can only use fuzzy scanning, which can roughly sense the existence and orientation of life bodies, but cannot know the specific number and coordinates." Leah said truthfully.

"No problem, let's get started."

Leah nodded and closed her eyes. Using her as the origin, a wave of mental power surged towards the abandoned factory area like a tide. As the mental power wave passed by, Leah also sensed some vague life reactions, and she quickly reported the approximate directions of life reactions one by one. Following Leah's dictation, Haiwei quickly added a special mark to the three-dimensional picture through the sensor glove. When the blur scan was over, Leah opened her eyes and found that there were some red dots on the three-dimensional image.

The red light spots represent the life response that Leah scanned, but they only indicate a rough location, as for the specific number and coordinates, it is impossible to confirm. If Leah's rank is further improved, when wide-area scanning can be used, accurate data can be obtained. As for now, Leah can only do this. But even so, it was enough for Hai Wei to judge the approximate distribution of the opposing soldiers.

This is the convenience of a team with perceptual domain ability. Mental scanning is difficult to be detected by instruments or even capable persons. Only those with perceptual field ability can counter mental scanning through certain masking abilities.

"Then, it's basically like this." Haiwei used the sensor glove to show a dashing route on the three-dimensional map. Hai Wei then casually pointed at several commanding heights on this route: "Here, and here, there must be snipers to be responsible for restraining us when we retreat."

Her slender fingers connected points among the team members: "You, and you, these two places are left to you. Note that when we retreat, I need you to form an effective cross-fire line to achieve maximum containment! "

"Yes, sir." The two soldiers nodded.

"Okay, let's go then." Hai Wei took off the sensing gloves and was about to put away the brain.

Another soldier questioned: "This is over, sir? You haven't said what to do when you arrive at the factory office building?"

"When the time comes, they will naturally act accordingly. The opponents are not stakes, sir. They won't stay in the same place and let you make targeted plans, so my plan is to react accordingly." Hai Wei confidently said.

The soldier who asked the question was the latest group of members to join the army, so he didn't know the style of the girl in front of him. For Hai Wei, choosing a route to advance and retreat is really rare, this is to take care of these soldiers and Leah. If only she and Ye Liu were to perform this task, probably her plan would only be "positive breakthrough".

But having said that, Hai Wei, who has already been promoted to become a "fighting master", once gave her the opportunity to short-hand, even Zero would have a headache to deal with. After all, the path Hai Wei took was a fighting route based on various throwing skills. To put it simply, she is very clingy, and if she is clinging on, the consequences will be disastrous.

------split line------

Bart is smoking a cigarette boringly. He is a recruit. He participated in this period of pre-war training and was lucky not to be eliminated. This makes the black warrior feel gratified, as long as he can go to the battlefield, Bart is willing to do his best. Of course, no one wants to go to the battlefield to die in vain. Undoubtedly, fighting is the quickest job for money, and Bart needs to feed his family.

Even if he died on the battlefield, the company would pay his family a pension. The pension may not be much, but it is enough for his child to grow up. For a mercenary, this is enough.

And there are not a few people who have the same idea as Bart, this is almost the common idea of ​​most mercenaries.

Fight wars, make money, raise a family or make a woman, and then repeat until you die in a certain battle.

Bart did not want to die worthless, and in his spare time, he took out a pocket watch. The pocket watch was bought by his woman in the flea market. The watch itself has stopped working, but there is a picture behind it. In the photo is a family portrait with Bart standing in the middle, his wife on the left and his five-year-old son on the right. In the photo, all three of them laughed happily.

Looking at the photo, Bart also smiled. To be honest, today's work is very easy. Bart and most of the soldiers acted as villains. They were responsible for guarding this abandoned factory area in this simulation battle, just to prevent a 13-man team from invading. This is very ridiculous to Bart. You have to know that there are a total of five hundred people on their side, as well as a gun master and a sword master.

With such a lineup, opponents with ten times the number of manpower may not necessarily be able to succeed. Although there are three abilities in that team, the master of fight, the dark night messenger, and a last-level perception domain ability. But what can three women do?

However, this factory area is not ordinary. When five hundred people were put into it, it was like a few drops of water jumping into the sea, without seeing any waves at all. Commander Brown divided the factory area into five areas from a to e, and Bart’s team is responsible for defending the outermost e area.

At this moment, the e-zone was as quiet as a huge grave, except for the regular reports of teammates that sounded from time to time in the shortwave communicator, there was no other sound.

Bart took a deep breath and lifted his spirits. But when he closed his pocket watch, a blurry figure appeared on the worn case.

What's terrible is that the figure is on his head.

Bart rolled on the spot, maintaining a kneeling posture when he bounced. The machine gun in his hand rose, and a series of movements were clean and neat. But in Ye Liu's eyes, it was still not enough. When Bart's gun was pointed at the top position where she was before, Ye Liu had quietly appeared behind him.

After the girl made a neck-cutting movement with a knife, she said lightly: "You are dead."

Bart could only smile bitterly, he knew Ye Liu didn't speak big words. If this is on the real battlefield, then what greets oneself is not a light hand knife, but a dagger or something that separates oneself.

He raised his hand and said, "Well, I'm dead."

Then he lay on the ground, silently watching Ye Liu leave lightly. Bart only then remembered that it seemed that the regular report every 10 minutes hadn't sounded for a long time. In this way, probably other companions were also given special care by this naturally dull girl.

Bart guessed right. With Leah's ability to use mental scanning, Bart's teammates hiding in the bunker were found out one by one by Leah, and then notified Ye Liu through the chain of mind. Ye Liu acted as a killer, clearing out the sentinels hidden in the dark one by one, so that the rear team could intrude into this abandoned factory area unconsciously.

In this environment, the convenience of a team with perceptual domain capabilities is revealed. Even if Leah is still in the final stage, even if the mental scan is only in its infancy. But within the 500 square meters of the mental scan, any secret whistle has no meaning. Leah can find them precisely, and then let the soldiers on the side clear the secret whistle.

And if Leah’s rank is improved and her abilities are further strengthened, the range of mental scans will become wider and wider, even reaching the coverage of fuzzy scans. This means that on the battlefield, those with perceptual domain capabilities will know everything. Most of the capable people in this field are auxiliary types, and may not have much effect in the high-speed and explosive battles between capable people, but on the conventional battlefield, they are a weapon for defeating the enemy.

With the cooperation of Leah and Ye Liu, Hai Wei's team can almost be described as unimpeded all the way. The targeted raid route made the intrusion easier, which allowed the accompanying soldiers to put aside their initial contempt for the three female capable people, and turned their eyes to respect.

But when she was only half the distance away from the destination~lightnovelpub.net~ Leah's face changed, and she said to Ye Liu in her mind, "Quickly come back, suddenly insert it 100 meters in front of you. A patrol team is about thirty people, and they are coming in our direction."

The last sentence was spoken to Haiwei at the same time. Haiwei hummed: "It's an interspersed defense. Uncle Brown is playing tricks again. Quickly, Leah, scan the surrounding environment. We need cover."

Leah nodded, her mental power spread out like a tide, and the next moment she said: "There is a warehouse 200 meters from the left hand, and there is a sewer entrance nearby. Maybe we can hide there."

"The sewer? I hate that kind of place." Hai Wei still ordered everyone to avoid it.

So after a while, this team disappeared on the ground. But in the original abandoned factory building, Bart, who was lying on the ground in a daze, suddenly heard the sound of footsteps. The next moment someone rushed towards him and shouted with the walkie-talkie: "It's an invasion. The enemy has invaded zone e. I'm already here. Found dead and wounded!"

Hearing what his colleagues said, Bart couldn't help whistling. Now that his body has been found, it naturally means that it's time to get off work.

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