War Lord

Chapter 451: Run away! Girl (2)

The sewers are unexpectedly dry. Perhaps because the factory has been abandoned for many years, there is no more water here, and even the ground is covered with a thick layer of ash. www_dyzw8_m/No+Bounce+Window+Small+Speaking+Net///Visit to download the txt novel//Hai Wei turned on the tactical lights on both sides of the helmet, quickly scanned the surrounding environment, and ran away from her feet. The past fat mouse kicked out. When the mouse fell to the ground, it had been bleeding from seven holes and Haiwei's violent energy instantly shredded all its organs. How could this little thing survive?

"Leah, scan the environment." Hai Wei ordered when Leah came down.

Leah nodded and drove her mental power to swept in all directions, and she soon got the answer: "There is no biological reaction within 500 meters. The branch roads of the underground waterways are complicated, and some places have collapsed and blocked. It's like a maze. It's a pity. My mental scan distance is too short to see the distant environment."

"It's okay, Will, sonar grenade."

The soldier who was named immediately took out a special grenade from the carrying gear, pulled off the insurance, and threw it out. The grenade landed, but there was no movement. Sonar grenades are not used to kill the enemy, but use high-frequency sound waves to quickly spread in the air. When they hit an obstacle, the sound waves collide back, and the sensors built into the grenade will be displayed on the receiving terminal in the form of a map.

This is a reconnaissance tool.

The terminal receiver in Weir's hand soon showed a topographic map. The advantage of sonar grenade is that it spreads quickly, but the disadvantage is that it cannot be used in open areas. It is more suitable for complex environments like the current one.

On the map, everyone saw a pipeline world extending in all directions. This world covers the factory area on the surface, and Haiwei quickly redesigned the route of advancement from the map. Through this route they will reach the parking lot of the office building, and it is also a good choice to break into the building from there. As a result, the team quickly advanced. In the process of advancing, the two snipers, Jig and Kane, left the team. They were ordered to lurk at the commanding heights on both sides of the retreat route to ensure the safety of the team when it evacuated.

Soon, the team came to the target location. It was only three hundred meters away from the exit, but at this moment, Leah said anxiously: "Stop, there are people up there!"


"" Leah's eyes became blank. That was a sign that the mental scan was activated. She said like a dream: "There are hundreds of life reactions in the parking lot above, not good. They have found us and are facing the exit. Coming in!"

When Hai Wei heard this, she said bitterly: "It's Uncle Brown's trick again!"

Brown sneezed.

He is now in a room on the top floor of an office building. The walls of the room are in vain, the floor sofas are dumped, and the garbage is piled up. I don't know how many years no one has been here. A corner of the room was cleared, and various equipments were placed to facilitate Brown's control of the overall situation.

The big guy found a sofa by himself and sat down, and looked at the world outside the broken French window leisurely.

Several soldiers working as communication equipment kept reporting the latest situation to him, and besides Brown, there was another person in the room.


"Sir, we have reached the parking lot in Zone B."

The soldier's call sounded on the shortwave communicator, and Brown said lazily, "Very well, then go and welcome our guests, boys."

"Yes, sir!"

Feng walked to the other side of the sofa and sat down and said, "You really have you, Brown. With just a little trick, let Hai Wei drill into your trap by herself."

Brown corrected it: "It's art, not tricks. Besides, Haiwei's tomboy has a rib in his head. It's too easy to guess what she will do. Think about it, I deliberately made the entire factory area different from density. If Haiwei There is no perception field ability like Leah in the team, so this crazy girl will definitely attack from the front. Now through Leah we can know the general defensive posture of our side, she will definitely pick places with few people to infiltrate."

"So you specially arranged several teams to conduct interspersed inspections every half an hour, so that Hai Wei and the others can be forced into the sewer." Feng said with a smile.

Brown laughed and said, "Yes, I deliberately let someone blow up a few branches in the sewer in advance. Then they want to get here, so there is only one left..." Welcoming them at the door is called waiting for work with ease."

"I didn't see it, you can be quite insidious sometimes." Feng tut said.

Brown said angrily: "This is known as knowing the enemy. Besides, war only talks about the result. How can it be insidious!"

The two were arguing when there was a loud noise from the communicator. Brown asked quickly: "What's the matter?"

"It's blasting. The sound from the sewer, sir."

Brown's expression changed and he said, "Why are you still in a daze? Go down and see what happened."

Looking at the anxious look of this big guy, Feng said with a smile: "Look, Hai Wei is not stupid. And with Leah, they probably already know your welcome team at the door."

In the sewer, Haiwei was ready to rush out when she heard Leah report the ground condition. But Leah then scanned that there was another branch on the left side of the sewer where their team was, but it was blocked by the wall. Immediately, Hai Wei directly blasted the wall across with a strong kick, which was the blasting sound heard by the soldiers on Brown's side on the ground.

Taking the lead through the gap in the wall, Hai Wei couldn't help but sigh. Compared to the team leader, he is really better at destroying.

"Hai Wei."

Through the connection of the chain of mind, Leah called the violent girl in her mind: "Don’t you think it’s weird? Uncle Brown seems to know what we will do, so I was thinking that the loopholes in the defense situation might be Uncle Brown deliberately let us knew."

"It's very possible, don't look at his usual look, he is actually a very scheming uncle!" Hai Wei responded in her mind.

Leah agreed, and said: "So I think, since he knows that we will invade from the sewer, then he must have a topographical map about this area. In this case, we are still passive."

"In other words, our actions were seen through?"

"It should be so, use conventional means" Chapter 451 of the war lord   go violently! Girl (2) ", we probably can't get rid of the passive situation."

"In that case, let me give the uncle something unexpected!"

In the room serving as the command room, Brown holds a brain. The topographical map of the underground water channel was displayed on the screen. After determining the route of Haiwei’s team, he hurriedly grabbed the communicator and said: "Go to area c, the branch road they broke open leads to the parking lot in area c. Let the soldiers near the C area also rush over, this time they have no way to escape!"

After getting a response, Brown shook his head and smiled: "A little accident."

Feng whistled: "I bet that accidents will continue to happen, as long as Haiwei's little madman leads the team. That kid never plays cards according to common sense."

Hearing this, the smile on Brown's face couldn't hold back. After a while, the soldier's report sounded in the communication area: "Sir, we have reached the parking lot in Area C."

"Get down to me immediately, and you must catch them this time!" Brown yelled at the communicator.

But after a while, the soldier responded: "Sir, there is no one in the sewer."

"Nobody? This is impossible. There are no other branches on that road. Can they still fly? Search it for me!" Brown finished speaking and looked at Feng with a wry smile: "I really said it to you, now I I don’t know where they will invade the building from."

"This is how the game is fun." Feng jumped up, picked up a rubber sword for training, and said, "Then sir, I'm going to patrol."

Brown nodded and agreed.

split line

Turn around and kick!

Using the force and inertia of the rotation, with the waist to exert force, Hai Wei's long legs are accompanied by a layer of energy field, which directly bombards the wall in front of her. The wall shook sharply, and a large amount of sand and stone vented behind the wall along with heavy smoke, and finally returned to the darkness.

There was a dark world behind the wall, Hai Wei poked her head out, and the tactical lights on both sides of the helmet scanned left and right, so a deserted elevator shaft appeared in the eyes of the girl.

When the "Warlord" was running along the sewer before, after receiving Leah's reminder, Hai Wei directly broke one side of the wall and entered a space similar to an underground warehouse. The girl who decided not to play cards according to common sense was like an industrious gopher, leading the team through the edge in the underground world. Hai Wei demolished the wall every time, and there was no way to open the way, rushing to lead the team to this position.

Following her all the way, the soldiers couldn't laugh or cry. Hai Wei's behavior has exceeded their recognition of the role of the captain, but at the same time she has to admit that after being led by the girl, there is no chase behind her.

"The above is an empty area, it should be a place like the reception hall at the entrance. There are soldiers patrolling, but the number of people is small, and there is only one secret post from the corner." After quickly scanning the environment, Leah said again: " So what do we do next, Captain?"

Hai Wei put her hands in her waist and let out a dangerous laugh in the communication channel: "Uncle Brown wants to play hide-and-seek with us. I don't want to play with him. So this time, how about our forced breakthrough, that must be cool!"

The soldier was speechless for a while.

Before that, the soldier named Will raised his hand and said: "Captain, this is not appropriate. The number of people is dozens of times ours!"

"Idiot!" Hai Wei hit Will's helmet with a hammer: "Of course it's not stupidly rushing up and fighting people desperately. We can use Leah's mental scan to constantly control the number of combat personnel through the transfer of the environment. Simple. In other words, we want to appear to be a strong attack on the surface, but in fact it is a game. The purpose is to attract the uncle’s attention, and the task items must be handed over to you."

"Ye Liu, help us get that **** thing!" Hai Wei turned to Ye Liu and said solemnly.

The naturally dumb girl didn't speak, she just nodded her head lightly and agreed.

"Well, let's do it!" Hai Wei said excitedly, waving her fist.

Including Will, all the soldiers can't tell whether her purpose is to complete the task, or if she simply wants to fight?

Do what you say, Haiwei was the first to climb the elevator exit through the "entertainment show" shaft wall. After she pushed open the closed automatic door effortlessly, dropped a safety rope and fixed it to the door so that the people below could get up, Hai Wei sprinted toward the corner of the passage at full speed. With full burst, the distance of 100 meters took just over 1 second.

At the corner, a scholar was yawning, and suddenly saw a girl rushing out like a cheetah. Hai Wei grabbed to the ground with one hand, pinched her five fingers into the floor, and suddenly produced a terrible grip. She moved her whole person to the side in an instant, and after her toes rubbed a semicircular faint smoke trail on the ground, her toes used force again, causing Hai Wei to pounce on the soldiers like a cannonball.

Only then did the soldier react, when he wanted to pick up his rifle. It turned black in front of him, Hai Wei turned over his head, and symbolically squeezed his neck with both hands. When she fell to the ground, Hai Wei turned her head and saw the soldiers standing still on the spot, and suddenly shouted: "Hey, you are dead, you are going to be a dead body!"

The soldier replied with a wry smile and lay down on the ground as an honest "corpse". At this time, the people in the elevator shaft had already climbed up one after another, but Ye Liu climbed directly through the shaft wall and quickly sank into the darkness above the elevator shaft like a gecko and disappeared.

After more than a minute, the soldiers found the "corpse" on the ground. The next moment, Brown in the command room received the latest report: "Sir, found the intruder. They have invaded the lobby on the first floor!"

"Damn it, let the people in the parking lot go back right away, they are in the building!" Brown couldn't help but yelled at the correspondent, and issued new orders again and again.

Next, all kinds of news came like snowflakes. Brown hardly believed his ears, because all the intelligence pointed out that the team led by Hai Wei attacked from the front and had a fierce encounter with the soldiers in the building.

What Brown didn't know was that this was the illusion that Haiwei had painstakingly managed. They seem to be in a head-on conflict, but they never fight against Brown's forces. In this fierce firefight, Leah played a pivotal role.

"At three o'clock~lightnovelpub.net~ there is a sniper in the window on the opposite building, avoid it!"

"Haiwei, on the left side of the gate thirty meters in front of you, I found a secret whistle!"

"No, there are a lot of soldiers in the back corridor. It's not safe here, move your position!"

Leah tried her best to maintain the mental scan, so that all the information in the area within 500 meters was in her mind. With the support of her accurate intelligence, Hai Wei's team walked and fought. Not only attracting the attention of enemy soldiers but not fighting their main force, Haiwei acts as a violent saboteur when necessary, always opening a channel directly on the wall to avoid Brown's main force.

Under the action of this flexible tactic, Hai Wei's commando firmly contained Brown's soldiers. But the good times didn't last long. When the commando broke through the security door on the 7th floor and entered the corridor, they found that there was a person waiting for them at the end of the corridor.

"How do you know we are here?" Hai Wei called out looking at the man holding a gum sword.

Feng said indifferently: "I am also a Tier 8 capable person anyway. It's not so difficult to find your little girl's breath, right? So, your journey is over here."

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