War Lord

Chapter 452: Run away! Girl (3)

"Only you? This lady can take care of you by herself. шШщm {no*pop*window*small*said*net}//Baidu search: reading novels//" There was a big talk on her mouth, but Hai Wei was behind her Sweeping gestures, let everyone leave from the back passage, don't conflict with Feng head-on.

After all, Feng is a Tier 8 great swordsman, and a dozen or so people on his side are really not enough in his eyes. Hai Wei only hoped that she could entangle him for a while, when she missed Ye Liu. If Naturally stayed here, it might be difficult for the two to work together to defeat Feng, but it would be completely possible to repel him. But now Ye Liu has another task, Hai Wei can only cheer up and prepare to deal with Feng this "big enemy" alone.

But at this time, Leah conveyed a message to Hai Wei through the chain of mind: "There is a public toilet 200 meters ahead, and there is an exhaust duct in the bathroom. Use it to get rid of Feng."

Immediately, Hai Wei has made a decision. Her eyes lit up, and she inhaled deeply, then exhaled slowly. An aura was released by Hai Wei at the same time, which was different from Su who was known for his single attack power. Hai Wei's momentum is not necessarily so violent, but majestic, dignified and thick, like steel that cannot be broken on the same side. While releasing the momentum, Hai Wei's temperament also became condensed, and the girl's eyes were filled with determination and confidence.

Looking at Hai Wei who was getting serious, Feng also woke up. He hasn't forgotten that since the battle with the Els a few months ago, Hai Wei had the nickname of the Iron Girl in the army. This is not only an affirmation of Haiwei's strength, but also an admiration for Haiwei's belief that will never be defeated.

When Hai Wei put on a serious expression, it meant that Hai Wei, who was like a tomboy, had disappeared. Now standing in front of Feng Feng is a steel girl with incomparably strong faith!

Haiwei let out a clear howl and launched a charge towards Feng. On her pair of pink fists, Feng saw two groups of energy brilliance enveloping them respectively. This is one of the master's abilities, the "energy fist", covering both hands with an indestructible energy field, making the master's boxing more powerful. It is no exaggeration that, with the blessing of the energy fist, if Hai Wei is given the opportunity to fight in close quarters, she can even punch through the armor plate of the main tank.

Feng asked himself that his physical defenses were inferior to the main chariot, so his eyes gradually became fierce as he looked at Hai Wei who was constantly drawing closer.

One hit determines the winner!

"In Hai Wei's eyes, Feng understood her meaning. He slowly raised the gum sword and began to release his energy and momentum. Feng did not release the energy in one breath, but gradually increased. When Hai Wei came to him, it would be the moment when his energy and momentum reached the peak. At that time, Hai Wei will withstand the thunderous blow he has accumulated with all his strength!

However, when the two were about to meet, Feng saw a smile in Hai Wei's eyes.

What energy fist and majestic aura suddenly disappeared completely.

Feng immediately lost his position.

You must know that from just now, the energy and aura he released were all aimed at Hai Wei's own aura as a reference and confrontation. And Hai Wei's momentum suddenly disappeared, like Feng's full blow but hit the air, the feeling of nowhere to focus makes him terribly uncomfortable.

As his breath became turbulent, Hai Wei was short and slid past Feng's straddle with a shovel. He bounced again and ran, after running a distance of two hundred meters in an instant, Hai Wei directly turned and crashed into the public bathroom. Only then did Feng react, and immediately rushed into the bathroom, but saw an exhaust pipe filter spinning on the ground, and suddenly Feng knew that Haiwei had gotten into the exhaust pipe.

Hai Wei's body is slender, and the speed at which she moves in the exhaust pipe is unmatched by Feng. Feng had to give up the idea of ​​chasing, and he bitterly shouted at the exhaust pipe: "Smelly girl, you dare to play with me. Don't let me catch you, or you will look good!"

In response to him, Hai Wei's cheerful laughter made Feng's face even harder to look.

When the chase in the building was happily fought, a room on the top floor of the building was quiet. This room used to be a meeting room, but now it is naturally abandoned. The ground was covered with dust and debris from the wall, the tables and chairs were also overturned on the ground, and only half of an unknown oil painting was still hanging on the wall. In addition, there is only one podium that is still intact.

There was a suitcase on the podium, and the things in the suitcase were the items for Hai Wei and his party's mission this time. In the hall, there are five or six soldiers protecting the suitcase. These soldiers are armed to their teeth, and they even own a bazooka. Of course, there is no live ammunition in the rocket launcher, just like the equipment on both sides, all ammunition is empty. Otherwise, this is not a mock war, but a real war.

.." "The battle between the invaders and the defense team in the building has begun, so the soldiers in the room are all serious, but at this moment, a chubby thing is thrown in from the door. When a soldier saw it, he shouted: "Beware of enemy attacks, it's a smoke bomb!"

At the end of the speech, a large amount of thick smoke has been released from the smoke bomb, and the whole room has been filled in a blink of an eye. Fortunately, all the soldiers are wearing tactical helmets, and breathing is fairly smooth, but it is an indisputable fact that their eyes are fascinated by smoke. But they all have good military literacy, and when they see the momentum is wrong, they have already swarmed towards the gate. Unfortunately, with their eyesight, they still couldn't catch a faint figure crawling from the ceiling like a gecko.

Ye Liu had a good position, and the moment he fell, he stunned a soldier. Roll on the spot again, entangle the other two with long legs, and symbolically light everything on their necks with a hand knife. Under the cover of the smog, Ye Liu, the night messenger, effortlessly levelled all the guards. The whole process is less than 1 minute, and this is still the case of a simulated battle. In actual combat, Ye Liu would directly cut off the guards' necks with energy threads, and it would take no more than 10 seconds.

After getting rid of the guard, the girl clapped her hands and came to the suitcase. She pried open the box directly with a dagger, but found that the box was empty.

At this moment, a dry cough came from behind.

Ye Liu turned around like a whirlwind, assuming a vigilant posture. The smoke gradually dispersed in the room, and a tall figure appeared, it was Brown.

Brown is covered with plastic bombs. Except that there is no gunpowder inside, both the timer and the sensor connected to the wrist are genuine things. This uncle was holding a multi-barrel cannon and a cigarette on his mouth. He tilted his head and smiled at Ye Liu dryly: "I expected you to come like this. Fortunately, I hid things on my body early in the morning. Uncle, I Let me remind you first, these explosives on my body use sensor detonation devices. That is to say, if I'm'dead', at the moment of death, if I can't sense the heartbeat, the explosives will be."

He made an exploding gesture and said, "Shoot, there is nothing left. So Xiao Ye Liu, you have to be careful when you make your moves."

Ye Liu was expressionless, and after a moment he stretched out a finger to pull down his lower eyelid, then stuck out his tongue and said slowly: "Shameless!"

Brown was speechless, and for a long time he shook "War Lord Chapter 452 "Go Runaway! Girl (3 and said, "Hai Wei teaches you something messy."

After all, Brown is not idle. The multi-barreled machine gun was easily lifted under his strange force, followed the machine gun to rotate, and ejected a long tongue of flame. The bullet was fiery, pulling out a long bullet chain and cutting it towards Ye Liu. Even though it was an empty bullet, it would be painful to hit it, not to mention Ye Liu didn't intend to catch it all. So the girl moved at high speed, and the bullet chain could only hit the afterimage left by her.

"Pumping" in the room kept ringing, it was the muffled sound of empty bullets hitting the objects. During the battle, two unlucky soldiers hit Brown on the head. Although it was not fatal, they stunned with the impact of the bullet.

In Brown's eyes, Ye Liu was constantly drawing closer with a strange movement. At this time, the shortcomings of the multi-barreled machine gun began to be exposed. This weapon is originally the overlord of long-range attacks, but once the target is close, it becomes very clumsy. Even with the corrections made by the Brown Gunners on the use of heavy firearms, he felt that as Ye Liu approached, the firing radius of the machine gun seemed to be far behind Ye Liu's moving speed.

He simply threw the machine cannon down the ground and fumbled out two desert eagles, and suddenly the uncle's movements became flexible again. The gun master gave Brown a dynamic capture vision that is much higher than that of ordinary people, which makes him extremely sharp in every shot. To change other opponents, I was afraid that he would have been shot, but Ye Liu's agility was not below zero. The bullets repeatedly hit only the air. Under such movement, Ye Liu had already rushed to Brown's side.

But after a few laps around Brown, she quickly backed away and settled on the spot. Brown naturally wouldn't let go of this opportunity, and the pistol immediately aimed at Ye Liu. Ye Liu stretched out a finger, and on that finger, Brown saw an energy thread wrapped around it.

The other end of the energy thread was immersed in the darkness, but as Ye Liu hooked her fingers, the energy thread suddenly swayed and passed towards Brown. In an instant, Brown knew what had happened.

The next moment, the faint flame of energy on Brown's body continued to flicker. The desert eagle and the plastic explosives tied around his body suddenly turned into fragments, and even Brown's coat turned into thousands of butterflies, revealing his fine upper body.

He knew that when Ye Liu approached him, he was already covered with energy threads. This is Ye Liu's masterpiece, an incomplete version of Death Sonata, which uses the shock of the energy "Warlord" to cause the energy thread on the target to make disorderly cuts. Because it was not actual combat, Ye Liu only disarmed Brown and threatened. And if it was actual combat, then under the full force of Death Sonata, Brown might have become a piece of debris.

At this moment, Ye Liu bounced his other hand, holding a test tube in his hand. That was their mission item. After Ye Liu gently bit the test tube in his mouth, he ran towards the right window with all his strength.

Bouncing up, Ye Liu kicked with long legs and walked out through the window with sky glass. The girl's figure fell straight down. Ye Liu waved his hand, and the saber behind his back came out of its sheath. The girl made a sharp backhand towards the outer wall of the building, and the saber made of composite material immediately showed its extraordinary quality. The body of the knife sank into the wall and generated violent friction to slow the girl's speed.

After Ye Liu dropped a few five floors vertically, he shook his body, pulled out his saber, and jumped into a room on the fifth floor. After landing, she immediately used the shortwave communication on her body to contact Hai Wei: "Things are already in hand."

"Really, then retreat immediately!" Hai Wei's cheerful cry came from the communicator.

On the other side of the building, Hai Wei, who joined the assault team after shaking off Feng, turned to Liya and said: "Find the fastest evacuation route, come on, Ye Liu has done it."

"Yes, sir." Leah suppressed a smile, and her mental energy spread out to the surroundings. But the next moment, Leah's face became difficult to look: "No, they have surrounded us. There is no way out unless"

"Unless what?" Hai Wei asked urgently.

They are currently located in an office, using tables and chairs as temporary fortifications. The people outside the office are fascinated, and it is Brown's soldiers who are constantly coming to them. The firearms had begun to exchange fire with the opponent, but the enemy had a large number of soldiers, and the firearms could only fire a few shots occasionally. The enemy's fierce firepower did not give them a safe output environment. If this continues, it is only a matter of time before the assault team is completely wiped out.

Leah stomped towards the ground and said: "Vertical descend, now only this way is the fastest."

Hai Wei was taken aback, then licked her tongue and said, "Sister, this idea is crazy, but I like it."

She asked Leah to get out of the way, and then slammed a hard blow to the floor. The floor fell to pieces immediately, and Hai Wei's "Entertainment Show" punched again. With the energy front in his fist, the floor suddenly cracked and a gap was broken. The sand and the steel bar fell to the next floor, Hai Wei jumped down without saying a word, and then punched and punched directly on the floor of each floor to open a channel.

The soldiers were dumbfounded. They never thought they would evacuate in this way. Leah had already taken out the safety rope and fixed it on the floor. After fixing herself with the safety buckle, she grabbed the safety rope and proceeded to sag. Other soldiers have also concocted in accordance with the law. Finally, the firearms who evacuated used steel wires to fix them on the cover and tightened the machine guns on the side to ensure that the machine guns continued to fire.

After the machine gun misfired, Brown's soldiers surrounded the office and discovered that a large hole had been broken in the ground. The soldiers immediately yelled: "Chasing, chasing!"

In the command room, Brown put his hands on the windowsill and just saw Hai Wei's commando team run out from downstairs and evacuated along the previously invaded route. Soldiers have reported to him about the battle in the building. When he heard that Haiwei opened an escape route directly on the floor, Brown could only shake his head and laugh ~ lightnovelpub.net~ This approach was bold, crazy, but realistic. Brown evaluated it in his mind.

The evacuation work did not go as smoothly as Hai Wei had imagined. In addition to chasing soldiers behind him, enemy snipers were also placed on the commanding heights on both sides of the evacuation route. This makes the distance of less than 500 meters, which has caused the commando to lose nearly half of its players. Among them, Haiwei is still protecting Leah, otherwise Leah has been shot at least several times.

Fortunately, there was Ye Liu in the team, who naturally appeared on the commanding heights everywhere like a ghost. At the commanding heights after she passed, the snipers were cleared one by one. After running for a while, Hai Wei's sniper on the evacuation route began to take effect. They clicked precisely and knocked over the soldiers chasing behind the commando. After the sniper rifle shot all the bullets, they replaced the submachine guns and shot at the chasers. It was a frantic blast, forcing the chasers to slow down and look for them. The cover exchanged fire with the sniper.

Seeing the barbed wire on the edge of the abandoned factory was already in sight, but at this moment, a figure was standing across the road. Hai Wei had to stop, and frowned, "It's you again?"

It was Feng who stood in the way, and Feng said to Hai Wei viciously with his gum sword across the road, "Smelly girl, let's see where you go this time!"

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