War Lord

Chapter 468: Flying Project (2)

In the same command room, James and Staley had already left. шШщ网}Zero has a tablet brain on the table, and the screen is showing a plan of the big city in the west. The only difference is that this time the map fills a part of the blank. This includes the location of the opponent's energy furnace and some biochemical plants. These data were all dictated by zero and then let Ye Liu add them. The natural girl seemed to be quite good at the cao work of the brain, and the modification of the previous topographic map was handy, which was very unexpected. ..

Ling looked at the people in the command room and asked calmly: "Say, what do you think?"

His gaze swept across everyone's faces slowly, Leah turned her face away, Hai Wei lowered her head, Feng's face hesitated and stopped, and the expressions of the others were also wonderful. In the end, Brown couldn't hold back, stood up and said: "Head, it's the last sentence. It's too dangerous, and you said that it was discovered by the other party during the last evacuation. This time it is not as good to sneak in smoothly. It’s so easy this time, not to mention that you have to blow up their factories this time. Needless to say, you also know how low the success rate is."

"That's why we need to mobilize the power of all people." Ling looked at everyone present and said solemnly: "Blowing up the factory is the only way we can change from passive to active in this situation. If we let the opponent's Black Legion continue to produce If we go down, we will probably suffer even more losses. Instead of this, it is better to take advantage of the fact that the opposing army has not yet formed, and we have a little initiative to see if we can change the overall situation!"..

"But head, have you ever thought that maybe we won't encounter this flood in two days. And two days later, our mission is completed. At that time, even if the opposing army comes to attack, there will be a hammer of destruction and a golden battle axe? To deal with it, we don't have to take this risk at all?" Feng also stood up and said.

Zero knows that they are not timid, but start from the safety of the entire team. Zero is not a dúcái, so he doesn't mind the people below questioning it. So he said: "You make a lot of sense, but on the other hand, who can be sure that the other party will not attack within two days? Even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance? If this is the case, will we? Only to regret it, when we could do something, but we chose to give up?"

A series of questions left people including Feng speechless, and Zhi straightened his body and said: "I know this action is dangerous, but instead of passively defending, I would rather take this risk. I don't want to regret it later. , Don’t even have a chance to regret, understand?"

When the zero voice fell, Hai Wei suddenly yelled, stood up, patted the table with both hands, and said, "You are so right. My brother told me before that we must seize every possible opportunity to survive. Go on. So I decided to stick to you!"

"You're a little slippery." Brown said irritably from behind, and he looked at Zero and smiled again: "Well, I don't want to leave any regrets in my life. Regret once is enough, so let's talk about it. , How do we cooperate?"

After Haiwei and Brown agreed, other people also expressed their opinions one after another, and all passed the zero decision.

Next is the discussion of the details of the action.

Zero put forward the outline of the whole plan, and he divided this operation into three parts. First of all, Brown and others plus all the soldiers formed a guerrilla force with the purpose of harassing the enemy city and striving to attract the other's attention. Secondly, Yeliu blew up some factories, once again distracting the sight of aliens in the city. In the end is the most important link that Zero is responsible for, he wants to blow up the opponent's energy furnace.

In the big city of the west, there are not 100 or 80 foreign biochemical factories. It is impossible for the two of Zero and Ye Liu to destroy all the factories in a short time. Compared with the factory, there is only one energy furnace, which is an obvious goal. As long as the energy furnace is blown up, it is equivalent to cutting off the energy output of all factories. By then, all factories will not be able to operate, and there is not much difference between destroying them.

And compared to blowing up all factories, the goal of energy furnace is simple and efficient, and it is a feasible method. In order to ensure the smooth achievement of this ultimate goal, Zero needs the large troops outside the city and Ye Liu inside the city to distract the aliens to the greatest extent, in order to achieve a single blow.

Zero proposed this idea, and the details were filled in by the commander Brown. But the zero method is good, but Brown posed a difficult problem, that is, the problem of infiltration.

"The trail of the captain who sneaked into the last time has been found, so it is impossible to enter the city from the previous route. As long as the opponent's commander is not a fool, the sewers and even the station platforms outside may be impassable. In fact, the method is very simple. They don’t even need to be afraid of guarding behind the sentries. As long as they blow up the sewers, we can only stare.” Brown frowned and said: “So how to sneak into the city is not a small problem. It is not easy to be found, but also as close as possible to the target. The location is troublesome."

This is indeed a difficult problem, after all, it is directly related to the bombing operations of the two of Zero and Ye Liu. Zero constantly adjusts the map, but it is difficult to find a convenient route like last time. Although there are one or two other entrances and exits marked on this map, they are remote. Even if the two people can enter smoothly, they will have to cross layers of obstacles to get to the target location.

At that time, I am afraid that I will encounter the interception of foreign fighters before reaching the predetermined location, and go deep into the enemy's position. Once the battle is engaged, I am afraid that it will not be dragged to death by the opponent's quantitative advantage.

Everyone frowned, all staring at the map, but they couldn't find a suitable entry point, and they didn't even notice. Suddenly, Hai Wei thought of something. She slapped her palm on the table and said: "When I was in the base, my brother sometimes brought me some old-time books as a pastime in his leisure time. I saw something called a glider, which can Let people fly in the sky like birds. If we can make something similar to a glider and fly directly into the city, what do you think of this idea?"

"This is too ridiculous, where are we going to find the glider?" Feng Chao Haiwei said with a grimace.

Zero agrees with Hai Wei's idea: "This is a good way. In today's world, due to radiation interference, aerial flying tools are unusable. Nowadays, only alien beasts and some alien races can still fly in the sky. So they are very good. It’s hard to imagine that humans would fly over cities from the sky if we had tools like gliders."

"It is estimated that the glider can't be found." Brown said with a smile: "However, in a previous mission, because of the need to cut in from the air, we made a gliding suit using canvas. It can allow people weighing less than 15kg to get from Glide from high altitude to low-lying places, and now we don’t have canvas on hand, but your Captain’s Night God tactical suit is a more suitable material."

"It is made of resin polymer fiber, which is lighter in weight, more resilient, and can withstand greater air pressure, so it is also safer. It's just" Brown looked at Zero embarrassedly. After all, the Night God tactical suit is not a uniform configuration, except for destruction. Except for the members of the establishment of the Hammer, it is basically not sold to the outside world.

So now the only people who have this kind of tactical uniform are Zero, Su, and Feng.

"Use mine." Su stood up and said, "Now this tactical uniform is dispensable to me, and almost has a symbolic meaning left. I will use my tactical uniform as a material for Zero and Ye Liu. Let's transform the gliding suit for the action."

Feng also said, "I'm afraid that only your materials are not enough, plus mine. To be honest, this tights I have long felt awkward."

The tactical suits of You Su and Feng basically guarantee the materials needed for the transformation of the gliding suit. But even if the hang gliding suit is solved, they still have another problem to deal with. That is the take-off location. If you want to fly into the city from a high altitude, you need to take off at a height of at least two kilometers to ensure the smooth progress of the entire flying operation.

If it were in the old days, it would naturally be possible to transport the zero people to the vicinity by plane, and then they would fly and land from a height. But now, they naturally don't have a tool like an airplane on their hands, so the choice of take-off point has become a key point.

This time even Haiwei had no idea, but Leah's eyes lit up, and she continued: "I know there is a place, don't know if it is appropriate?"

In the telescope, there is a cliff like an eagle's beak. It was a mountain located in the northwest of the city. The top of the mountain was hit by strong winds for many years, and there was serious desertification, so it had the outline of an eagle's beak. The eagle beak is pointed diagonally down to the city, as if the wind direction is right, there is no better place as a take-off point.

Zero put down the telescope and handed it to others for observation. At the moment they were on the bell tower of the small town, the mountain was also seen by Leah accidentally. At the time, she only found it interesting. It was only when she was thinking about the take-off point that she suddenly thought of such a place.

"Well, there is enough run-up distance, and the mountain is not far from the city. Apart from it, I can't think of other more suitable take-off points." Putting down the telescope, Brown agreed.

"Then him, Brown, how long will it take to complete the transformation of the gliding suit?" Zero asked again.

"It's not difficult to rebuild, mainly because of the debugging time, and you also need to do some work and practice. The fastest, it will take tomorrow evening to implement the whole plan."

"Well, that's it. Tomorrow night, let's go and give some surprises to the alien!" Ling said lightly.

Following another busy day, Brown began to play around with two sets of tactical uniforms contributed by Feng Hesu. To be honest, to deconstruct two well-made tactical suits with multiple functions inside, Brown feels distressed. But there is no other way. The materials of ordinary tactical suits are simply not up to the needs of gliding suits, and Brown does not have the right materials on hand.

Even if it feels distressed, I have to deconstruct the two sets of tactical uniforms with all my heart.

The principle of the gliding suit is to use special textile materials to connect the arms of the human body and the gap between the two, thereby increasing the area of ​​the person in the air, reducing the speed of descent, and through the control of the wind direction and itself, the person can be in mid-air. The role of gliding. Because the principle of gliding suit is borrowed from an animal called "flying squirrel" in nature, it is also called flying squirrel suit.

When a person is doing free fall at high altitude, the maximum speed can reach about 19 kilometers per hour, and the gliding suit can reduce the speed to up to 5 kilometers. This greatly increases the time for people to stay in the air, so that they can effectively control their descent toward the preset location in combination with the wind direction.

Brown carefully intercepted the larger part of the Night God's tactical suit, and connected them to the bat-wing-like structure on the tactical suits of the two people. But even so, because of the limited materials, the gliding suit made by the two people is really cutting corners. This will allow them to fall in the air much faster than regular gliding suits, but both of them are very skilled and should be able to overcome these shortcomings.

The gun master is not only a master of heavy firearms, but also an expert in fine processing. He is also familiar with various physical laws and belongs to a relatively comprehensive talent. Although Brown is a big five and three rough, but he is very careful in his life. His hands are stable and flexible, and he uses various tools to cooperate. It took an afternoon to complete the two sets of gliding suits.

Next is the time for testing and adjustment.

Looking at the entire town, the tallest buildings are the Patriarch and the Bell Tower, but the height of these two places is only 20 or 30 meters, and it is impossible to test them. So after having dinner in the evening, everyone drove off-road vehicles to the wilderness, and found a higher hillside as a test site~lightnovelpub.net~The height of the hillside was nearly 100 meters, and it was still a bit low for testing, but it was nearby. If you can't find a higher mountain, everyone will have to do it. Zero and Yeliu are the main users of the hang gliding suit, and of course the test has to be carried out by two people. After all, the two of them used this thing for the first time when they first jumped. Although Brown had heard of how to use it, they were still in a hurry when they actually practiced it.

However, both of them are capable people, and they are good at using agility. The coordination of one's own body can be said to be one of the best among everyone. Soon, not only Ye Liu, a small girl who was able to adjust, even Zero was able to glide down twenty or thirty meters on a 100-meter hillside.

During the period, Feng looked interesting, and had tried the gliding suit once or twice with Ling. After falling a dog and chewing on the mud, he was no longer a tester.

During the test, Brown collected various data to facilitate further adjustments. Since the entire plan will be implemented tomorrow night and time is very tight, Brown has been debugging two sets of gliding suits almost all night long to ensure that the zero people can successfully complete the task.

In the morning of the next day, Brown took zero for the second and third tests, and made subtle adjustments based on the data. It was not until the evening of that day that Brown breathed a sigh of relief, and the two sets of gliding suits were ready for use.

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