War Lord

Chapter 469: Flying Project (3)

The night breeze howled, blowing and dancing endlessly. шШщ网}

The wind speed tonight is moderate, just in time for gliding operations. The wind speed also has a certain influence on the gliding operation. Too much wind speed will make it difficult for the operator to adapt to the changes in the airflow; while the wind speed is too small, it will reduce the operator's freezing time in the air, which may result in the inability to reach the target location correctly. Therefore, a moderate wind speed is the best, and slight errors in the glide can also be adjusted by targeted operations.

The two of Zero and Yeliu are on the cliff of Eagle's Mouth used as a take-off point. Haiwei, who drove the two to this place in an off-road vehicle, has returned the same way and is preparing to participate in the guerrilla campaign commanded by Brown." "The most updated chapter of the novel" quick. The cliff is quiet, and Linghe Yeliu sits on the edge of the mountain, waiting for the signal of action to appear.

The wind also moved Ye Liu's hair, but in order to make it easier to move, Ye Liu tightened her long hair, so the naughty night wind can only pull up a few strands of the fringe in front of Ye Liu's forehead. Ye Liu, wrapped in a tactical suit, showed her exquisite figure. Unlike Su's kind of charm that mature women exude, Ye Liu belongs to a small girl. But she was very predictable on her chest, and she used a bandage to tie her chest on weekdays, so it was difficult to detect it. But the tactical uniform that I wore tonight, the upright jade rabbit, combined with Ye Liu's natural look, was enough to arouse male violent tendencies.

Ye Liu always looked so peaceful and quiet, even when confronting the enemy, she was silent. Just like now, her eyes staring at Yuan Tian didn't seem to have any focus, but far-reaching. To be honest, Ling is very interested in her life experience. It stands to reason that the family that can cultivate Ye Liu's ability is by no means an ordinary generation, but as far as Zero knows, no aristocratic family with a deep background and Ye Liu are involved in guānxì.

This girl is like jumping out of a rock, and there are endless mysteries hidden in her body.

At this moment, Ye Liu tūrán recovered from the dazed state. She turned her head to look to the southwest, and said lightly: "It's started."

As soon as her voice fell, a strange humming sound followed the sound of the wind into Ling's ears. Zero looked in the same direction, and saw a silver streamer flying diagonally from the wilderness to the southwest, passing a parabola, and then landing on an efficient airport runway in that city not far away. First, dozens of flashes appeared, followed by continuous electric fire.

The electric fire expanded rapidly, and only after the heat was discharged, the thick black mushroom cloud drifted away, and quickly lifted into the air with the loud noise of the explosion and the residual firelight, becoming a signal to guide the zero people to start action!

The destruction caused by the plasma missile quickly attracted the attention of the alien coalition forces, and the attack location chosen by Brown was not chosen at random. Rather, it was discovered through reconnaissance that the alien coalition had a thousand-man-level troops stationed on the airport, and a plasma missile caused this force to be reduced by 80% in an instant, and the huge damage caused even if the alien wanted to deliberately ignore it.

As a result, various energy streams quickly glided out of the city, and they fell to the missile launching position, but Brown had already shifted the front line. The foreign race's reaction was also very rapid. In less than a minute, troops had already left the city one after another. From a distance, it looks like a few small streams, they are pouring in the direction of Brown. If they are brought together, it will form a turbulent torrent!

But Brown naturally could not allow the enemy to join forces, so gunfire and fire began to appear in the wilderness. Under the premise of Leah's mental scan, Brown used flexible guerrilla tactics to the extreme, just like this, dealing with the enemy in the wilderness.

Now that Brown and the others have begun to act, it is impossible for the Zero Two to be idle. After making a "action" gesture with Ye Liu, the two of them retreated a hundred meters away, and then ran towards the cliff. In just 100 meters, the two tōngguò approached the speed to the limit. As he approached the cliff, Linghe Yeliu was almost on the ground at the same time, and the two plunged into the night sky.

After scouring a distance of tens of meters in the air, the castration was exhausted, and the two began to fall downward. At this time, there was wind rushing from the rear, and Zero spread his hands and feet as he did before to ensure that the wings of the gliding suit could be extended to the largest area, thus supporting his body. The wind immediately blew on the bat wings of the gliding suit, and then the whole person floated upward.

People are in mid-air, and zero feels very enjoyable. He fǎngfó flying bird, like a goshawk, freed from the shackles of the earth, soaring freely between the sky and the earth. Human beings have longed for freedom since ancient times, and nothing is closer to the definition of freedom than flying in the air. Ling opened his hands, and fǎngfó glide towards the destination like a bird supported by the air current.

Not only did he feel refreshed, but even the naturally dull girl, who had always had no expression on her face, also had a moving smile at the corner of her mouth.

It was late at night, despite the lights in the city. But looking up, the sky is dim. Even if a foreign race with outstanding eyesight sees the two figures of Sky Zero and Ye Liu, they will mistake them for animals such as birds instead of suspecting humans. After all, as far as they know, human society has not yet developed a flying tool that can move freely in a radiation environment.

Therefore, while the battle outside the city was fierce, Linghe Yeliu had quietly flew over the city. Ling Yuan saw the energy furnace towering in the center of the city. After making a gesture towards Ye Liu, he circled in the direction of the wind and slid towards the energy furnace. Ye Liu had another task. The girl flew down the wind to a planned factory. When she was about to approach her destination, she folded her hands and feet. People suddenly swooped down toward the zenith of the factory, like an arrow from the string.

As a result, Ye Liu's speed greatly increased. In her eyes, the zenith of the factory is constantly expanding. When she reached a preset distance, Ye Liu suddenly stretched her hands and feet, and the air currents of the air made her rise higher, thereby buffering the girl who had fallen. When she closed her hands and feet again, she fell silently. On the roof of the factory.

As soon as he landed, Ye Liu took advantage of the situation. When he bounced again, there was already a bunch of plastic bombs in his hand. The explosion time was set on the bomb. After Ye Liu placed it in a hidden corner, he flew out of the factory. She sneaked through the shadows, and as she approached the second factory, there was a loud explosion behind her. Ye Liu didn't look back, and knew that the fire waves were soaring into the sky. The plastic bomb was made by Brown himself. It was not only accurate in timing, but also sufficient in quantity. Not to mention blowing up a factory, even razing a hill will be no problem.

As Ye Liu continued to patronize the second and third factories, explosions sounded one after another in the city. With the flames raging, chaos gradually began to appear in the city. Looking down from a high altitude, Zero could see the alien soldiers scattered around the city rushing towards the exploded factory, but these aliens could not catch up with Ye Liu's speed. What's more, the goal of their plan this time was not to fight, but to destroy the enemy's factory. Ye Liu basically didn't stay in one place for more than 3 seconds, leaving no chance for foreign fighters to besiege.

This is also Zero's goal. Ye Liu's main task is to create chaos. The greater the movement she makes, the more beneficial it is to Zero's plan.

Controlling the gliding suit, following the direction of the wind and air current, Ling circled in the direction of the energy furnace like a falcon. Now the alien warriors on the ground were attracted by the explosions one after another. Although there were heavy soldiers guarding the energy furnace, no one noticed that a dark shadow was approaching in the sky. The carelessness of the alien warrior made Zero smoothly land on the huge hexahedral spar on the energy furnace.

As soon as Fang fell to the ground, Zero felt the energy tūrán in his body boil, but it was resonated by the huge energy of the spar under his feet. After taking a few deep breaths and stabilizing the energy in his body, he quickly took out the eight bundles of plastic bombs that he had prepared in the backpack and placed them in a circle on the energy spar. After setting the explosion time, Zero dared not stop, and after a short run-up on the spar, he jumped into the void again.

With the buoyancy of the gliding suit, Zero flew towards a building in the distance. At this time, because his height had dropped, the alien warriors on the ground finally found him. As a result, various strange screams sounded, and soldiers in twos and threes appeared from various hidden points and chased the zero in the air. The situation is not good for the zero sight. People are too passive for him in mid-air, so with his hands and feet close together, the zero speeds up and descends, almost like a cannonball, falling diagonally toward a street.

His tūrán accelerated, and he immediately shook off the aliens behind him. Seeing that the ground was at the moment, Ling suddenly got a big stretch. After taking the opportunity to slow down, he crashed into a scrapped car on the street. The car was swayed violently, and Ling took the opportunity to roll to the ground, and then quickly ran into an alley between the buildings. There were messy footsteps behind him, thinking that the alien race had already chased him. But right here, the plastic bomb that zero placed on the energy spar, and its second counter was reset to zero at the same time!

After connecting several flashes, the bomb exploded. The huge impact force shook the spar with countless cracks, and after losing the "stabilizing device" of the spar, the strong energy torrent formed a second explosion due to the collision and annihilation of the energy. This was a huge and deadly explosion. The energy spar exploded, and the energy stream in it suddenly lost its restraint, running around like a wild horse.

In the explosion caused by the continuous collision of energy beams, the energy furnace blew up fireballs and quickly disintegrated.

In the deafening explosion, countless fragments carried flames and poured downwards. A rain of fire began to fall in the sky fǎngfó, spreading death and destruction in all directions.

When the explosion extended from the top of the energy furnace all the way down, in less than 2 seconds, its bottom base also exploded. This was another violent explosion, with nearly a ton of debris smashed in all directions driven by the shock wave. The alien warriors who could not escape were either smashed to death or shattered to pieces by the shock wave. Fortunately, the soldier who was far from the explosion point did not die in the destruction of the first two for the first time, but was swept in by the fire wave that followed and turned into a fireball.

The fire wave was violent and spread to other blocks from the direction of the explosion of the energy furnace. When Ling happened to hide behind the building, one of the fire waves swept across the alley where he was. When the fire wave receded and Zero came out, the alley was scorched. The building is shaped like coke, and the fire ladder on the outer wall also shows signs of partial melting, not to mention the several sorting bins stacked under the building, which have now turned into piles of foam.

As for the alien warriors who are chasing Zero, they have turned into fireballs because they can't avoid them. The fireball gradually extinguished, revealing the wreckage of these soldiers who had been indistinguishable from each other.

The damage caused by the explosion of the energy furnace is chained. After the base exploded, the flames burned along with the energy transmission pipelines connecting the various terminals of the city. So after a while, there were constantly buildings being lifted into the air in the explosion. Pillars of fire soared into the sky, as if igniting a torch in the city. For a time, the sky above the city was shining blood red by the fire on the ground.

The sound of the explosion spread quickly across the wilderness. Looking from the direction of Shadow Canyon, Staley could still see a cloud of fire floating over the western city. He touched his nose and said, "Good fellow, what a good job."

Also shocked by Zero’s “performance” was James, but James was not at the side of Shadow Canyon at the moment, but instead brought his team to the town that Zero defended before. James is on a rooftop, from his direction you can clearly see the skyrocketing fire in the city. His face was sullen and he didn't say a word, but there was a slight smile on the corners of his mouth.

In the wilderness beyond James' sight, two scarlet lights lit up, and quickly looked towards the city behind which was ravaged by flames.

"General, it looks like the situation in the city is not good."

A black warrior that Zero had seen before spoke to the tall figure like a hill in front of him in a foreign language.

The figure in front of the black warrior is very tall, nearly five meters tall, making it look like a moving fortress. Also dressed in complicated dark armor, there is a huge energy spar embedded in the armor leaf on the chest~lightnovelpub.net~ The energy spar overflows with flames from time to time, and the tōngguò crystal gap wanders around, outlining like The pattern comes like an electronic circuit. The creature called the "general" carries a heavy cannon in his hand, and there are several energy transmission tubes on the heavy cannon that are connected to the general itself.

Behind the armor leaf on the shoulder of the general, two rows of energy flames will be emitted from time to time, which looks like a gorgeous cloak.

The general is a super-order biological weapon, with an energy level equivalent to that of a human capable person, and is the commander of this biological weapon army at the moment. On the middle of nowhere, there was a trace that was deeper than the darkness, and it was composed of nearly a thousand black warriors. Among them, there are more than a dozen black shadows that are almost the same height as the general, but the energy aura on these black shadows is far less than that of the general.

At this time, a hoarse voice sounded under the general's thick visor: "No, go ahead at full speed as planned. We must destroy the opponent's defense line before dawn and level their barracks in the canyon to the east. This is our mission, mission. Not to be disobeyed!"

As the general waved his hand, the undercurrent continued to advance, and the direction they were advancing was surprisingly the town where James was located!

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

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