War Lord

Chapter 473: Special mission

"James, what do you do if you encounter an invincible enemy?"

It was a sunny afternoon, and the holographic projection panel that had just been activated and put into use was creating an image of blue sky and white clouds over Asgart. Although it looks very close to the pure sky of the old age, it always makes people feel that something is missing.

James, who was only 10 years old, soon discovered that there were few changes in the scenery created by the projection board.

Clouds only appear in one place, and the angle of sunlight is always the same. But in the real sky, there will be wind pushing the clouds, and the sun will change its role over time, so that the color of the sky shows subtle changes in varying degrees.

But even so, being able to see the clean sky that has been restored as much as possible has already given the young James a subtle feeling.

That is happiness.

Hearing what his father said, the boy who was sitting on the artificially cultivated grass and looking at the sky wondered and said: "I can't beat it. Of course, I have to escape."

Father laughed and sat next to him. The laughter gradually diminished, and his father looked ahead solemnly: "If you are just a civilian and meet a strong enemy, you can escape. Because that is instinct, but James, you have shown the potential of your ability, and you are destined to become a fighter. Soldiers have to carry far more things than civilians, such as protection, dignity, glory, etc. When carrying these things on their backs, running away is not a good choice."

"I don't understand? Why can't I escape if I can't fight?" The boy was confused.

The broad palm of his hand fell on the boy's head, and his father patted James on the head and said: "Because of responsibility, everyone has their own responsibilities. The responsibility of a soldier is to protect the civilians, uphold their beliefs and maintain this glory. If you run away, you are evading your responsibility..."

"So stand up, James!"

His eyes expanded suddenly, and the blurred vision became clear again. The flames were burning, the corpses of the servant soldiers were stumbling and showing various postures, and the black legion was moving. It was like a torrent, advancing from his left and right to the rear.

Behind is Shadow Canyon.

"Don't think about it..." James closed his fingers and stood up with difficulty. "Don't think about crossing my defense line, don't think about... trampling on my dignity!"

Yelling, James ignored the hollowness of his chest and the wailing of his body. He ignored everything, but recklessly mobilized every bit of energy remaining in his body.

He is here, burning his life!

The general turned his head in horror and looked at the man behind him who was enveloped in the flame of energy in disbelief.

The data just now tells it that this human with Tier 8 power has died. But now, he stood up again. There were unexplainable contradictions in the logic system, and the general did not know how to react for a while.

James ran towards the general with a hand, and the crystal sickle that had fallen nearby bounced back into his hand. James yelled, waved his hand, and the front end of the crystal sickle spun and flew. Hover in the air for a week and cut diagonally toward the back of the general's neck.

Instinctively makes the general jump high, then fall to the ground awkwardly, shaking up a pile of mud. But when it looked forward again, James had disappeared.

A scorching breath came from behind, and the general could not turn his head, a pair of powerful hands had already embraced it. These hands were like a pair of steel pliers, and General Ren couldn't get rid of it no matter how hard he was. Finally, the circling sickle circulated several times around it and James, and finally the sickle was nailed into the carapace of the general's chest. The general saw clearly that there was a slender and tough crystal cord connecting the tip of the knife and the sickle body, making it more difficult for the general to break free from James' bondage.

Behind him, the energy index of the dying person has risen to a terrifying level. The general's system told it that the opponent's energy was already in an uncontrolled state, and the collision and annihilation between the energy made it fission. In other words, a big explosion of energy is about to occur.

So the general ordered other biological weapons to help.

A ferocious black epee slashed past James with a terrifying speed driven by the blood-red flame. The magic crystal armor cracked immediately, spraying a wave of blood from the crystal armor, but at the end there was no sign of James' hand loosening.

This situation made the attacking black warrior feel at a loss, and at this time, two scimitars and a war gun simultaneously created more and larger wounds on James. But James was like a stone statue, and even his eyes did not show any slight fluctuations in his expression.

He just turned his head, looked in the direction of Shadow Canyon, and then said lightly: "Farewell, my friend. I can only ask you for the next thing."

The next moment, the energy flames on James suddenly expanded. As if a sun rose in the small town, the scorching light covered the general and the living weapons in other towns. When the light is so strong that it cannot be added, suddenly all the light shrinks towards the center a bit. When there was only a small white spot left, a violent explosion appeared. A huge orange fireball appeared in the town. The fireball involved everything and regarded them as its own burning.

A ring of horrible shock waves swept in all directions in a ring shape. Whether it was a concrete structure or a natural rock or rock, it was blasted away under the shock wave. After all the heat energy was dumped, the vacuum that appeared in the air was quickly filled by the retracting air flow, so a mushroom cloud that resembled a small nuclear explosion soared up in the town, and continued to spread out huge smoke rings, witnessing James' last glory!

After the explosion, the town has become history.

At the center of the explosion, everything was razed to the ground, and even the residue did not fall, leaving only a large black pit 100 meters wide and 10 meters deep. Outside of the explosion point, it gradually decreases from the inside to the outside within one kilometer, and the phenomenon of high temperature melting occurs. As for the edge of the explosion, the remaining flames continued to burn on the ground, buildings or corpses, and produced a lot of dense smoke.

James used himself as a medium to cause a big explosion of energy, killing the opponent's highest-level biological weapon general in one fell swoop, and dragging a large number of black warriors into **** together. He alone wiped out nearly 80% of the members of this biological army. Only the black warriors who had been far from the explosive heart and almost had to walk out of the town for less than two hundred survived, but they were more or less injured in varying degrees.

For them, even though the general is dead, their orders must continue to be executed. Even if there is only one left.

So the biological weapons continued to advance in the direction of the canyon, but they didn't take long to see a man standing straight at the entrance of the mountain road leading to the canyon.

A man who is drinking hard liquor.


With a ding-dong, the empty wine bottle was thrown on the ground by Staley. He unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his strong muscles. Staley clenched his fists in both hands, snapping the joints. He looked at these black iron cans and said lightly: "Let's stop here, I don't want you to go up. Because you have to bury James, just as he let me watch a moving firework and thank you. ."

split line

The long night finally passed. When the sky was dark, two off-road vehicles cleared the way, followed by a team of hundreds of soldiers back to the original town. The town has disappeared, leaving only a ruin for everyone.

Several carnivorous mutant crows landed on a black hill in the ruins, and the red-eyed bird was pecking the flesh, and then swallowed it. Under the hill was a black stain, judging from the smell, it was blood.

The blood of biological weapons.

This hill is made up of the corpses of nearly two hundred biological weapons. Standing on the off-road vehicle, looking at this corpse mountain, Ling seemed to understand something.

After eliminating the gorilla-like biological weapon last night, Ling found Ye Liu and evacuated the city. As he evacuated, Ling felt a few tornado-like tyrannical auras rising from the depths of the city, and that should be the real powerhouse in the alien coalition. The breath of each share was above zero, and Zero dared not stay for a long time. He carefully hid his energy traces and sneaked out of the city, and joined Brown's team in the wilderness.

Afterwards, he fought with foreign soldiers in the wilderness. Not long after, the flames and mushroom clouds rising from the direction of the town made Zero feel intensely uneasy. Finally, under flexible guerrilla tactics, the struggling alien soldiers were constantly eaten by the zero party and returned to the town before dawn. However, in the battle last night, the number of zero soldiers was reduced to less than a hundred. This was the result obtained under the cover of multiple capable people. Otherwise, ten times the number of alien troops would be more than enough to keep two hundred human soldiers in the wilderness.

At this moment, Zero heard footsteps. He jumped out of the off-road vehicle and saw a figure coming from the direction of the canyon from a distance.

Staley took off his shirt, revealing a muscular upper body. He dragged a corpse with a biological weapon in each hand and walked towards the town's Shishan, speechless, silently watching Starley approach, and threw the biological weapon on the top of the mountain. After doing all this, Staley clapped his hands and said to Zero: "This is the tombstone I gave to the old man James. How about it, luxurious enough?"

The tone was very plain, but Zero smelled a hint of sadness. Looking at Shishan, he said nothing but: "He..."

"Nothing!" Staley suddenly laughed, and said: "Death on the battlefield is the ideal home for every soldier. I think James thinks so too. It's just that he patted his **** and left, but left a bunch of odd jobs. Let me deal with it. If I die one day, I have to find this guy to compensate for my labor costs."

After speaking, Staley waved his hand and turned back to his camp.

This day is very peaceful.

The big city in the west was visited by Zero once and suffered heavy losses. Most of the factories had been blown up, and there were not many biological weapons that could be used, which did not pose much of a threat to mankind. Only the fighters of the original races can be used by the alien coalition forces. The levels of these fighters are uneven, and they cannot form a torrent of steel with the average level of Tier 6 like a biological weapon.

The construction of the Arc de Triomphe Bridge was finally successfully completed. In the ten days that Zero Class had worked hard for, the paving work of the second half of the bridge was declared complete before the evening of this day. As the last screw was tightened, the barracks on the east side of the bridge also began to move. First, artillery tanks and missile armored vehicles drove across the bridge, and then the infantry phalanx of Huang Duo Tomahawk.

After the infantry, there are more than 800 warriors all dressed in dark golden soft armor. They are the souls of the golden battle axe and the true combat strength of this legion. When Ling watched this force coming from a distance in the sunset, what he saw was a golden sea like a wave.

The golden battle axe is followed by Doomhammer. Compared with the former, the latter not only has different tank styles, but also loosely spans the team. It does not form a square formation at all, which completely exposes the poor discipline of Doomhammer. .

After the two human legions crossed the bridge, under the command of Tyre, new fortifications began to be built. The soldiers set up a new barracks, and various chariots lined up in a row in the front, posing an attack at any time.

The members of Doomhammer gathered in the ruins of the town, including Thor, and everyone bowed to the dead James and other soldiers. The scene was solemn and solemn, and in the end, more than a dozen elemental domain capable people launched different types of elemental flames into the sky as a way to fight the dead heroes.

When the first elemental flame burst in the sky, night fell quietly.

After dinner, Zero received Tyre's invitation, which made him a little flattered. With Leah's help, Ling put on a straight uniform and walked through the barracks guarded by heavy soldiers to the camp where Tyr was. During the period, the soldiers who met Zero, no matter which system they came from, greeted him and saluted him. Ten days of fighting, Zero and others' efforts and dedication, and the contributions made are obvious to all, which earned him the respect of the soldiers.

However, Zero thinks that James is the most respectable, not because he died in battle, but because he fulfilled his promise. Use your life to build an indestructible line of defense, such a man can be called a true warrior.

Thinking about it, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com Zero has come to Tyre’s camp. After being notified by the soldiers on duty, he was invited into the tent. In the camp, Tyre is facing Zero, and the young God of War is looking at a plasma tactical board, which shows a topographic map and various parameters. Apart from Tyre, there are still two people in the camp. One of them is Starley, and the other is a strange man.

The man was tall and well-proportioned. The shape of a slab-inch head made him look very energetic, and the dark gold soft armor attached to the black tactical uniform to protect important parts of his body, let Ling know his position.

A full member of the Golden Tomahawk.

Hearing footsteps, Tyr turned around. He was very enthusiastic, smiled and greeted Zero Hug, and then said, "I'm sorry about Mr. James. I didn't expect that since the enemy had a biological corps, I made a mistake in judgment. As the supreme commander, I am duty-bound. "

Zero started to know why Tyre had such a high reputation in the army, in addition to his own talent and strength, I am afraid it is also related to this kind of sincere emotion and the sincerity of daring to admit mistakes.

"But this is not the time for us to be sad. Tonight, we are calling the three of you, because there is a special task that I want to give to you three." Tyre let Zero sit down and turned to the other two.