War Lord

Chapter 481: Bloody feast

Eva was injured, and Alice was uncomfortable. www.dyzww.com[第_一_中_文_网] The shock wave and gravel shattered her ice shield in less than two seconds. Although she had taken the opportunity to fly back, she still gave a piece of nearly a ton. The big stone struck her left shoulder, tearing a large piece of blood from her belt. But Alice did not hum, and reached out to hold the wound. The injured area froze quickly, freezing the skin and the nearby capillary blood pores instantly.

Alternative treatment methods.

He dragged the black dragon upside down, squatted with a low waist, and then jumped out of the round hole and fell on the ground. Seeing Alice's emergency surgery, Eva commented in her heart.

"What a terrible power, you are also a destroyer?" Alice asked with a frown.

In the information he had, Alice knew what type of ability the zero force possessed. When approaching the zero company, Alice was already very surprised when she felt the presence of other strong players in the base. This shows that Zero still has unknown powers hidden under the water. And the woman in front of her seemed to be known for her strength. Among the classifications of many abilities and occupations, only the Destroyer fits the characteristics of this woman.

Unexpectedly, Eva sneered and said: "Don't confuse me with Su Na. The old lady is not a destroyer at all, and she has never even been promoted.

Dragging the heavy sword backwards, Eva walked towards Alice. Just the force of natural dragging has caused the black dragon to embed in the ground and plow a clear trace.

The danger approaches as the trace approaches.

Alice pointed at Eva with one hand, and a dazzling blue light flashed across her fingertips.

In the wilderness, I saw a beam of light flashing like a meteor. Wherever the light beam passed, a faint white icy air remained in the air.

Ray of Frost!

Knowing that Eva is known for her strength, Alice no longer intends to use the Ice Touch to attack her body as she did just now. Blocking the opponent a hundred steps away is the tactic that the Queen Frost should have, although Frost Ray is an eighth-order ability. But Alice knew that it couldn't kill Eva alone, but it should be able to stop her from moving forward.

To her surprise, Eva did not evade. Almost at the same time the Frost Ray shot, Eva also accelerated to charge Alice. She directly let the frost ray pass through her right chest, and the wound immediately escaped the blood line. But Eva ignored her, her beautiful eyes were full of madness at the moment!

Alice frowned and tapped her fingers. Frost rays continued to blast away, so streamers lit up in the wilderness. Eva only used the epee to block important places such as the heart and head, and let the frost rays fall on her body in other places, causing various penetrating wounds.

At 100 meters, Eva charged in a straight line, and it only took less than two seconds.

Seeing a black lightning burst in the hands of this crazy woman, Alice was shocked to realize that she had only fired five rays of frost, and that a powerful ability "Frost Storm" hadn't even had time to accumulate energy.

Alice had already seen Eva's slashing power, she didn't dare to stay close to the slashing position. The ground quickly froze under the movement of her heart, which provided her with quicker mobility, but also caused a certain amount of trouble to the opponent. The ground is as smooth as a mirror, if one is not careful, a dog will gnaw on the mud. However, Eva smashed the ground roughly, and if Alice expected Eva to be slipped on the ice, it would only be a joke.

The epee broke through the air.

Alice has slid five meters out of the side.

But this time, the black dragon did not directly slash to the ground. A cold smile appeared on Eva's face, and the dark epee suddenly changed its trajectory, flattening towards Alice's abdomen.

But even so, the blade of the black dragon would never want to meet Alice. However, the blade can't be touched, and the wind pressure released by the black dragon's high-speed chopping is completely achievable.

There was a sharp howling in the air.

Alice suddenly fell backwards, and a sword pressure shock wave cut from the tip of her nose, cutting off a few of Alice's blue hair. The sword slammed into the distant woods, and then the sound of a dead tree fell. Pieces of big trees were cut off at the waist, and fell heavily to the ground, shaking up clouds of dust that lasted for a long time.

Looking in the direction of the upside-down woods, Alice smiled bitterly.

Can pure power be so terrible? Alice thought to herself, but people weren't idle, a few tumbling and retreating ten meters, and then bounced from the ground, only then looked at Eva solemnly.

As Eva said, she doesn't have a so-called career, nor does she have all kinds of abilities. She has only pure power, and when the power is pure to the extreme, she has to overwhelm the so-called skills or abilities. She took a different path from most capable people, no matter how many roads there are in the world. Alice knew that the ends of these roads were actually the same.

That is the essence, or peak, of power.

There is no doubt that Eva is not far from the end. Therefore, the simple slashing action fell into her hands and turned into a secret skill lore comparable to high-level abilities.

What a terrible woman.

Tick ​​tick

It was the sound made by Eva's blood falling to the ground. Alice suddenly discovered that Eva seemed to be indifferent to her injury and allowed her blood to flow continuously. She frowned slightly, even a rookie knew that sometimes on the battlefield, she must know how to first aid. At least, you can't let yourself lose too much blood. This is common sense that every soldier knows, but Eva doesn't seem to know it.

There is power in the sky, but no actual combat experience? Alice thought of this possibility, so she gave up the use of powerful skills, but kept releasing cold air. Frozen air merges with dust or other things in the air, thus forming circular ice flakes thin as paper.

Hundreds of ice flakes swirled around Alice's body, making whistling noises. Under the command of Alice's mind, the ice flakes spun out one by one, and they flew out in the air with a complex to extreme trajectory, like a firework in full bloom, which was dazzling.

Countless ice flakes passed by Eva at different angles and speeds. Eva seemed to be in a daze, the body surface cut by the ice flakes first cracked with a thin slit. Then, under the pressure, a blood mist sprayed out, and hundreds of ice flakes were cut in disorder, and a cloud of blood mist exploded on Eva's body, which made the soldier by the gate feel tight.

In the air, a strong blood rushed toward his face.

Alice smiled, as long as enough blood is let go, no matter how terrible the guy is, it will become a dead person!

The ice flakes still roared, and the smell of blood in the air became more and more serious. Eva was like a machine that suddenly lost its power source, standing upright and motionless, letting the ice pieces create more wounds and blood on her body.


"Enough fun?" Eva, who was wrapped in ice flakes, said suddenly, and she looked at Alice. At this moment, she is no different from a blood person, and the color of her hair and body are indistinguishable. But even so, the smile on Eva's face is getting more and more crazy: "It makes my old lady bleed so much blood, don't you look so happy? Now, it's your turn to bleed some blood!"

After all, Eva stomped on the ground. The earth seemed to be stepped on by a wild beast, and it shook in the muffled sound like a thunder. Behind Eva, a smoky dragon burst into the sky, as if she was transformed into a rocket, and Eva rushed out of the ice matrix directly. Despite dozens of more wounds on her body, her eyes and face were filled with crazy smiles and rushed towards Alice.

Almost moving on Eva's side, she was already close to Alice. The speed was so fast that several smoke rings exploded in the air. When Eva stopped the footsteps, a huge roar suddenly sounded, and the shock wave of the sonic boom shook Alice back as if hit by a train.

The black electricity in Eva's hand rose again, and the epee tore through the air, and the tip of the sword kept trembling at changing angles, making it difficult to detect the trajectory of her next slashing. Alice, who was in the air, was not surprised, her fingers flicked, and dozens of extremely sharp ice needles rushed towards Eva like raindrops, but they used a method that would hurt both sides. If it is normal, even the arrogant strong people are unwilling to continue chasing in this situation, and most of them will evade and regroup.

But Eva is like a rookie who has no common sense of fighting, ignoring the ice needles and getting closer instead.

So the ice needle pierced Eva's body, and at the same time the black dragon's sword tip and Alice passed by.

When she landed, Alice stuck her whole body to the ground. The ground kept freezing, causing her to keep sliding back. She retreated ten meters away before she stopped. On the icy ground, a winding blood stain was left.

Lowering the epee, Eva shook her whole body, and shook away the ice needles on her body, but at the same time there were dozens of more blood holes on her body. Fresh blood flowed out from these wounds and poured into the ground, forming a blood puddle.

Alice pressed her abdomen tightly, and there appeared a huge wound that almost cut her in the middle. Alice's palm is constantly releasing cold air, temporarily freezing the wound to prevent the loss of too much blood. She frowned and looked at Eva. The other party lost only a lot more blood than her, but Eva was not like a person who lost too much blood.

Her breath is still steady, and her energy is more like a violent sea, gushing wave after wave. Alice doesn’t know what kind of method is needed to keep a person with too much bleeding still maintaining such a high prestige.

"Hey, you have no way to escape." Eva seemed to give up the idea of ​​chasing. She lifted the epee and hung it diagonally on her shoulder, but pointed to Alice and said.

The distance between the two is about ten meters, which is a safe distance created by Alice. Alice didn't know the basis of Eva's so-called "no way to escape". A distance of ten meters was enough for her to do a lot of things.

Eva showed a regretful expression: "Have you not found it yet? Poor woman, then I'll be like this."

After that, she snapped her fingers: "Let's start, a **** feast!"

The voice fell, and the earth shook. Alice is keenly aware that the source of the vibration is under her feet. She lowered her head and suddenly realized that there seemed to be too much blood under her feet.

A large amount of viscous blood gathered under Alice's feet, and the blood covered the area more than tens of meters long and wide! It is naturally impossible for Alice to lose so much blood. If so, she would have lain down at the moment. And she found that the blood was not standing still, but quickly gathered at her feet, just like a wave of blood!

The shock originated from this blood, and only then did Alice discover that the pool of blood under Eva's feet had disappeared at some point.

Could it be that blood is her real ability? When this idea first came up, Alice could not see anything anymore. In her pupils, there was only a curtain of red blood rising to the sky.

Blood column!

The blood column mixed with sand, dust and mud rushed into the air like a volcanic eruption. The vibration caused by the rising of the blood column is being transmitted to the surroundings. It is not a simple liquid shock, even if the impact force generated by the speed of the blood column erupting at the moment, it is no longer weaker than the water column sprayed by the high-pressure water dragon. . However, the most terrifying thing in this continuous eruption of blood column is the energy contained in each drop of blood.

That is the real killing of this "bloody feast".

Through the collision and annihilation between energies, high-frequency oscillating wave energy is formed. In the blood column, the coverage of the shock wave energy is all-round, so the target hit by the blood column cannot build an effective defense at all. The shock wave energy will destroy the target from the internal organs and even the bones in all directions, and the target hit is just as Eva predicted before.

pink! body! broken! bone! !

Amidst the roaring sound, the pillar of blood continued to erupt for thirty seconds before it gradually fell back. After the blood fell on the ground, it did not penetrate into the ground. Instead, blood beads are condensed, and the blood beads continue to roll and fuse, and finally form a blood cell. The blood cell seemed to be summoned invisibly and automatically rolled towards Eva. When I got to Eva's vicinity, the blood cells rushed towards Eva with a splash of blood.

The blood curtain was in the air, and thousands of blood strands were scattered continuously from the wound on Eva's body. Not only that, the blood stains on the surface of Eva's skin and on her clothes suddenly became active. Following that, as if she had life, she kept rolling and also got into Eva's body wounds. After a while ~lightnovelpub.net~ Eva had no blood on her body, and the wounds of all sizes began to heal automatically.

So Eva was as clean as she had just walked out of the base. If it wasn't for her clothes to be damaged, who would have imagined that she was still covered in blood just now.

"Huh." After recovering the lost blood, Eva was surprised to find that Alice was still dead.

Alice was wrapped in a rectangular ice cube ten meters high and three meters wide. But at this moment, the ice cube is covered with hair-sized scars. Then the ice cube burst into pieces, and Alice inside immediately fell to the ground. She barely supported her body, her pale face suddenly flushed unnaturally. Following the nostrils, ears and the whole body at the same time sprayed out a cloud of blood mist.

Alice opened her mouth, a bite of blood mixed with tiny meat

. She smiled bitterly at it. If it hadn't been for the defensive ability "Ice Coffin" just now, her fate would have turned into debris like an ice coffin.

Lifting her head to look at Eva, Alice thought.

Terrible woman!

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