War Lord

Chapter 484: 里世界

Rough, but almost the same size stones form a triangular pile.レm♠思♥路♣客レ In the gap between the stone and the stone, a trace of fire shines through. The high temperature bake the stone hot and "sizzle", making a cracking sound from time to time, bursting out a pinch of tiny lime, and spraying out a few thin flames, flying up into the air.

A sharp dagger picks the slices of meat thinly as white as white paper onto the pile of rocks. As soon as the slices of meat stick to the pile, the high temperature on the surface of the stone immediately catalyzes the fat of the slices of meat. They made them flow out bean-sized fat, dripped onto the stone pile along the texture of the meat slices, and suddenly turned into a rich and meaty green smoke.

When the meat was roasted golden, the owner of the dagger, a man with a sharp-cut head shook his wrist, and picked the roasted meat into the hands of another man with an Asian face next to it. Looking to the side again, another guy sitting on the ground holding a drink and pouring his mouth, Bancuntou frowned and said: "I think Captain Starley shouldn't have to eat anymore, God, you already Almost three bottles have been filled. Will Captain Starley replace all the supplies with wine?"..

"That's right, Rehn Centurion." Staley smiled with drunken eyes: "Wine is really a good thing, it can help me forget some unpleasant things. Except for James' old stubbornness, it is my best friend. Of course, now I have a new friend. To you, zero!"

Staley raised the bottle to gesture to Zero who said nothing.

Zero pulled an arc at the corner of his mouth and defended, he had already gained Starley's favor. And because of the joint defense, Staley regarded him as a comrade-in-arms like James. It can be said that after being on the west front for so long, Zero was truly recognized by Doomhammer. And all of this was done with fate, and there was no deception during the period.

On the battlefield, trust and majesty can only be exchanged with blood and sweat, nothing else!

"Well, I have no intention of discussing your feelings about wine." Rennes from the Golden Tomahawk, and Zero and Starley belong to a different system. Although he accepted Tyre's order and Doomhammer to act together, on this journey westward, Renn rarely gets along with the other two alone as he does now. Make an exception at this moment, but for the alien that suddenly appeared in their field of vision during the day.

"Or let us talk about what the two captains think about those murlocs?"

"According to me, it's okay to kill them all right from the beginning, so why bother." Staley burped and gave a martial arts answer.

Ren shook his head and said: "If it is flat, I will also take Captain Starley's approach. But today is different, that strange life, it shows us its own world of consciousness. Although I am not a perceptive person, but I also know that all disguise in the conscious world becomes meaningless. The emotions of anger, sadness, murder, and hostility cannot be concealed in the conscious world. The only thing the conscious world shows is the truth. And it is through showing us. Let us know that it is not hostile to our own conscious world. Otherwise, without me, Captain Staley would have done it early."

Staley slapped haha, noncommittal. Turning his face away, his gaze crossed the outer camp, and landed on another small camp 100 meters away. In that camp, several murloc swordsmen occupy the four directions, and they are in charge of jǐng ring. In the center of the camp, they were shown the strange life in the world of consciousness, and the murloc named Ademili was sitting gracefully like a stone statue.

Renn was right. If it hadn't felt Ademili's hostility or deception, Starley's iron fist had long turned these alien races into broken corpses, so how could they still be as good as they are now.

But Ademili threw them a problem.

"Captain Zero, what do you think?"

Ren's voice seemed to be coming from a distance, as if the wind swept across the hollow gorge, producing layers of echoes, making Stali a little bit tranced.

The named zero raised his head and said, "Or, could this be a trap?"

"Trap? I can't rule out this possibility." Renn used a dagger to deliver a piece of barbecue to his mouth. He ate it boldly, his steel teeth bite, and the gravy overflowed. Less than a few chews in his mouth, Rennes vomited this piece of meat, and then picked up another piece: "These guys who claim to be from Gregnia in Green, claim that they love peace. To prove this, they climbed the mountains. The mountains and the snowy forests came to the front line and tried to invite some humans to visit their country, so as to be peace messengers to prevent the spread of the war to the west. It sounds like a tale of ghosts, but this **** green is on the coordinates with us. The destination Death Basin is the same, in other words. This may be a trap or an opportunity!"

"Opportunity? Why do you see it?" Ling asked lightly.

Ren said with an expression of excitement: "Think about it, the two captains. Anyway, even if they refuse and kill them all, whether it is Death Basin or Greentown Gregnia, we all have to go. So, why don't we accept it? Their invitation. With these guides leading the way, we can spend less time, don't you two want to complete the task as soon as possible?"

"I'm afraid these guides will lead us to hell." Staley chuckled lightly.

Rennes contemptuously said: "Just rely on them? I admit that Ademili is very special, but it does not have enough power to threaten us. As for the other guys, the guy whose average level is only about Tier 6 is only me and enough to kill. Just leave them, why worry?"

"So, what does a hundred people mean is to accept their invitation?"

"Yes, let us be fools. But it's hard to say who is the real fool." Renn clapped his hands and said: "If the two captains have no objections, then I will personally convey our resolution. Trust me, This will definitely be a wise choice."

Zero glanced at Starley, who made an expression of "whatever you want". Ling Cai nodded at Renn and agreed. With a red face, Ren stood up and strode towards the murloc camp. Looking at this tall figure, Ling said indifferently: "Are there such power-loving guys in the golden battle axe?"

"Power makes people drunk~lightnovelpub.net~my friend. It's like the wine in my bottle, although I know it is poison for intestinal piercing, but I can't leave it." Starley laughed, looking up and pouring again. Take a sip of spirits.

Zero lowered his head, thinking that it was okay, originally he had to consider how to accept Ademili's invitation without a trace. Now that Ren takes the initiative, it saves a lot of trouble. In fact, the invitation that Ademili initiated this time was actually aimed at him alone.

Recalling everything that happened during the day, it was a very strange experience for Zero. At that time, Ademili, who rushed into their field of vision, showed not only one world of consciousness, but two.

When Adimili used an external realm of consciousness to let hundreds of people including Zero feel its pure jīng **** world, it also opened up another world to Zero alone. The zero at that time felt that even consciousness had been split into two parts. The surface consciousness still stays in the previous consciousness, but the deep consciousness is alone with Ademili.

I remember when he asked Ademili what was going on, the strange life replied: "This is the inner world, the deepest part of the consciousness world, the closest to the soul. In this world supported by me, there are only invited people. Talents can come in. So we can speak freely here without worrying about being discovered by others."