War Lord

Chapter 485: Opportunity

"It sounds like a VIP room. レm♠思♥路♣keレ" Ling smiled.

"VIP room?" The murloc nodded: "That's almost what it means, then. Dear Planet Son, we have to talk."

Zero did not answer, flipped his hand. Black Rose jumped into his hand and pointed the muzzle at Ademili: "I want to attack you in the inner world, and you in the real world should be harmed to the same degree. So tell me why you call me planet Son. If I feel that is not the answer I want, believe me, you will regret it."

"There is no need to be hostile to me, son of the planet. You are the chosen successor of the will of the planet. I don't think there is anything wrong with calling you the son of the planet." Ademili said flatly. ..

Zero's eyebrows twitched: "Do you know the existence of the will of the planet?"

"Of course, our great king, the emerald green Hamomis, was aware of the existence of the planet's will a long time ago. Other true kings also know this secret more or less."

"True King?" Zero pupil shrank slightly: "Are you the life created by Prosius?"

"Don't be nervous." Ademili said faintly: "Son of the planet, it is not appropriate for you to say that. We are good, animals, and humans are good. To be correct, we are the creation of the will of the planet. Our genes are evolved. The direction was written in the script at the beginning of life. It’s just that Prosius has accelerated the course of our evolution, and the life model that we need millions or even tens of millions of years to achieve occurs in just a few decades. So. You see, strictly speaking, we are not the creation of Prosius, it is only a catalyst for us."

"It seems you know a lot."

"This knowledge was told by the wise Hamomis. Lord Hamomis is the wisest of the seven true kings. He had already clarified us, the will of the planet, and Prosius a long time ago. "The relationship between them." Ademili said sincerely: "Please believe me, son of the planet. Not all true kings are willing to be loyal to Prosius. Probably except for the true king transformed from the corpse, the rest of the true kings are strictly controlled. With the growth of the country and blocking the connection with Prosius, most of the time he enters into deep sleep."

Ademili's words reminded Ling of Lilith, who had been seen by Jotunheim, the Queen of the Living Corpse was also one of the seven true kings. It has no doubt about the loyalty shown by Prosius, but now Ademily tells him that not all true kings are as loyal as Lilith, but it makes Zero Heart be puzzled.

As if seeing zero doubts, Ademili said calmly: "We know very well what Prosius is. It is another will that invades this planet. It urges us to evolve in order to enslave us, and Finally, let us liberate it. What will be the situation after the liberation of Prosius? It is conceivable that it will madly retaliate against this planet, the energy of the planet will be consumed by it, and people or other life will continue to die. , The rivers have dried up, and thousands of trees have turned into ashes. This planet will eventually die, and it will leave to continue another long journey. As for us, we will be abandoned, and the planet will eventually become the dust of the universe. Look, It's not hard to guess, so no real king wants to see this ending happen."

"Well, Miss Adimili. I admit that your words are very convincing. But regardless of the will of the true throne, let's talk about you and those companions. Why are you here?"

"because of you."


Ademili nodded and said: "Yes, we are here to look for you under the guidance of Lord Hamomis. Son of the planet, Lord Hamomis hopes to meet you. This is to stop this spreading war. , It is more to find a way between human beings and other higher beings to survive each other. Therefore, I only sincerely invite you on behalf of Lord Hamomis, please follow me to our country, the green city of Gregnia !"

"Peace. Coexistence. Very good reason. It sounds like I have no reason to refuse, but how can I trust you?" Zero finally asked the sharpest question.

At this moment, another voice sounded in this inner world: "You can believe it, zero. Because as far as I know, the situation among the true kings is just as Ademili said so far. Perhaps this is an opportunity, an opportunity to bring the planet back to life."

Zero looked at the source of the sound in disbelief, and a figure gradually appeared, but it was another man who looked exactly the same as Zero.

"Agladis?" Zero lost his voice.

split line

All the way to the west, there is a snowfield where snow is piled up all the year round. On this white snowy field to the west, there are scattered low mountains and dense virgin forests. The snowfield is quiet, but not dead. The trees on the snowy field have undergone harsher tests than other places. At the beginning of the new era, large tracts of forest died. But the plants and animals that survived stubbornly evolved quietly.

After decades, the virgin forest appeared on the snowfield again. But this time, they are full of vigor and vitality. Vitality comes from mutations in genes, and every plant and animal has its own unique genes. These genes enable them to live and multiply in such a harsh environment. It is no exaggeration to say that every piece of virgin forest is a natural genetic information database~lightnovelpub.net~ In a corner of a forest, a snow beast is flying. Skimming. The snow beasts resemble the baboons of the old age, but they are smaller, which allows them to save energy expenditure in the body to the greatest extent. With two pairs of eyes like lizards, the Xue Beast can observe the world without any dead ends. They have strong limbs and are covered in soft, long hair. This makes them look like dwarves in white coats when walking directly.

In order to adapt to the cruel living environment, snow beasts have evolved something similar to fleshy membranes between their arms and bodies, allowing them to glide short distances, which is more conducive to catching prey.

Just like now, this snow beast is flying among the trees. On the one hand, it has to track a fat snow hare that is constantly running away underneath, on the other hand, it has to be careful not to provoke some mutated trees that feed on creatures.

Seeing that Xuemian was driven by it to a low-lying land with nowhere to escape, Xuemu cheered and flew down. However, just in the air, a black shadow suddenly took a head shot, hitting the snow beast. When Xuemon didn't know what the situation was, it was suddenly torn into several segments in midair. Suddenly, a rain of blood began to fall in the air, and fragments and internal organs of the corpse fell to the ground, staining the snow.

The transfer from hunter to prey sometimes only takes a few seconds.