War Lord

Chapter 488: Coexistence

"For the sake of God, please tell me. レm♠思♥路♣客レBezy, who is this guy. And how long ago is this drop of your blood?" It changed to zero, The magician Bann grabbed the cowboy's trench coat and shook it vigorously. In those eyes, the brilliance as blazing as the sun of midsummer flowed out.

The cowboy has to press his hat tightly to prevent his favorite things from flying away. He flicked away the magician's hand: "That drop of blood is something from months ago. But you, tell me Benn, how much of his ability did you copy?"

Bann stretched out ten fingers and squeezed his fingers like a clumsy child: "%?%? No, it should be around %. Damn it, it's all to you. That drop of blood has been stored for too long, and many of the information can't be interpreted. Come out. Otherwise, with my ability, I should be able to copy more than% of my ability!"

"%? That's enough. At least you look the same as him, and you have mastered his signature skills. Although compared to the traditional body, the power of the skills is only about half." Bei Qi didn't care about it. Look like. ..

"Not enough!" cried the magician, her hysterical look like a housewife: "You don't understand, he"

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Benn covered his mouth with his hand.

No, I can't say. They can't let them know how powerful the potential of the owner of this drop of blood is. I won't tell them what I saw when interpreting the information in the blood!

A vague light and shadow passed through Bann's mind. In that picture, he saw a creature in armor. With a human-shaped posture, every part of the body is covered by the full body armor of an ancient knight in the Middle Ages. The knight armor is engraved with intricate and gorgeous patterns, and in these patterns there is energy and flame constantly overflowing, like the energy loop of power armor, surging with endless energy aura.

The creatures in knight armor are holding giant cannons and tower shields, and behind them are two golden flames spitting out continuously, like two wings!

This strange creature exudes the imposing aura and majesty like a prison sea, and exudes the vast aura like a wild beast. Although it was only part of the information released from the blood, Bann felt an endless tremor when he was stared at by the creatures in that screen. It was as if an animal had encountered a natural enemy, completely unable to resist, and had to close his eyes and wait for death as hopelessness enveloped Bann's mind.

Fortunately, the picture flickered, but Benn knew what he saw.

The creature in that picture is the future image of the blood master. In other words, if there is nothing unexpected, the owner of this drop of blood will eventually evolve into that terrifying creature.

At least the potential of Tier 12!

Bann was so sure in his heart and longed to meet the master of blood. No matter how the above might deal with this goal, from the moment Bann got his blood, the magician had decided to take this goal as his own.

If it is fresh blood, it should be able to decipher 100% of the information. At that time, I can replace him as the life in that future image! I, Ben, will ascend to the Tower of Babylon and become the highest king!

The magician screamed frantically in his heart.

-----------split line-----------

Suddenly, Ling's hair straightened up, giving birth to the feeling of being stared at by a king cobra behind her back. He could even imagine that the poisonous eyes of the poisonous snake were staring at the aorta of his neck, and the snake's kiss opened and leaked greedy liquid.

This feeling faded away.

Intuition tells Zero that he is thought of by someone or a certain creature.

Still in the inner world of Ademili, when Agrandis appeared, the surprise was more than zero. Ademili, this strange life from Gregnia in Greentown trembles all over, and kneels to the ground respectfully: "Great planet will, I am honored to be able to meet you. Please forgive my impoliteness, I don't know anymore. What words should I use to express my feelings at the moment?"

"It doesn't have to be, Ademili."

Agradis waved his hand, and there was energy and brilliance rising from the ground, gently holding up the murloc who was half-kneeling on the ground.

"Excuse me, Ademili. If you want to persuade Zero to go to Ludu, why don't you show it all and show everything in front of him. I believe that my successor will make the right choice."

Ademili lowered her head and said, "I know. Since you are here, I have nothing to hide. Besides these things, even if I don't tell them, Lord Hamomis will tell him."

Turning to zero again, the murloc said lightly: "Then, let me tell you the truth. Son of the planet, the truth about this war. Its origin is only because of something we have."

"We call it the Shield of Nethres!"

There was light generated under Zero's feet, and Zero lowered his head, only to see under his own feet. The soft light extends and expands like a light curtain. In the light curtain, images are gradually being generated. It was a basin full of greenery. The lush and unknown plants occupied almost 90% of the area of ​​the basin. They grew arbitrarily, forming a green country.

"This is our kingdom, Gregnia. It was Master Hamomis who discovered it and transformed it into a place suitable for our people. At the beginning, the environment here was very harsh and not suitable for life. Survival. At that time, people of the tribe died every day. Until Lord Hamomis found a ruin under the basin.” Ademili looked at zero: “That’s a ruin from the last era, it’s a medium-sized one. Large-scale city. Most of the ruins have been damaged, but a small part is still preserved. It is in that part of the well-preserved ruins, our scholars have unearthed incredible scientific and technological civilization, and thus developed our own Own technology. One of the most important technologies is the Shield of Nethres."

Following Adimili's words, UU reads the basin in the light curtain of www.uukānshu.com, and a beam of light rises from the very center. After the beam of light continued to breathe for a few seconds, it turned into a mask and fell, enclosing the entire basin.

"The Nethresian Shield is also called the Space Purification Energy Field. Simply put, it is a force field. Within the range of the force field, the radiant content of the air can drop to close to or even surpass that of the old age. Cleanliness. In other words, within the effective range of the force field, it is a paradise for life. We no longer have to worry about the surface air full of radioactive substances, polluted water sources and various other environmental problems. And Nethres The emergence of the Shield has also made Gregnia, the green city, develop rapidly and become the largest kingdom of higher life in the tundra to the west."

Listening to Ademili's words, Zero's right eye sprayed a thin golden flame: "There is such a purification technology. If such a technology can be copied and shared, then the living environment in many places will be greatly improved! "

"The role of the Nethresian Shield is much more than that. In fact, Lord Hamomis has also considered it. When this technology matures, it may be possible to unite humans and other higher life to install this on the surface of the entire planet. The device is interconnected by nodes to form a Super Nethresian Shield that covers the entire planet. In this way, the global environment will be improved, and no matter humans or other higher life beings, there is no need to fight for living space. This is Master Hamomis envisioned a way for all lives to coexist!"