War Lord

Chapter 492: Red Duke (1)

Seeing Ling, a strange human being rushing in, the Rhino man brandished his iron fist and slammed into the bridge of Ling's nose with its nail-studded iron fist.レm♠思♥路♣客レ, this guy has also been in the Mobstone market for a long time. Although he has no special talent, his strength and defense have reached the level of human beings. Usually no one dares to make trouble in its bar, because all troubles are beaten and cracked.

But today seems to be an exception. He is about to hit zero. The rhinoceros suddenly sees a flower, but zero is missing. After being suddenly pushed by someone behind him, he couldn't help but knocked out towards the door. What's terrible is that another figure rammed into the doorway, and the tall figure was burning with two raging ice flames in his hands, which made the rhinoceros's inanimate head easy to remember a name.


Crazy Wolf Kayton’s ice flame is one of the few things in this market that he doesn’t want to provoke. The blue flame that will freeze your soul is definitely not something rhinos can afford. But it has no choice at all, even if it wants to stop the body, it is too late. And Kayton didn't have any intention of retreating. Just when the blue ice flame filled his eyes, the rhinoman only had time to scream. ..

Then there was a round of spinning around the world.

When it came back to its senses, it found itself thrown out of the hotel like many troubled drinkers before, and fell on the hard ground of the market. The Rhinoman hurriedly ran up and found that he had no place to be frozen into ice, so he relieved himself and let out a smirk.

Besides, in the bar, after the wolf king Kayton threw away the guy who got in the way, Volley caught Zero's back. It spreads its sharp claws in both hands, grabbing clear flame marks in the air. However, Zero seemed to have eyes growing behind his head, and suddenly stopped and flashed before he swept out of Kaiton's attack range. Kayton caught the claws in the air, and only had time to turn around halfway, and from the corner of his eyes, he caught the gesture of zero raising the double gun.

Black Rose and Golden Rose are roaring, this pair of new era automatic pistols completely subverted Kayton's cognition. At least in the memory of the Wolf King, the power of human pistols is by no means as fast and violent as these two guns. As the tongue of fire spurted, the bullets brought up a stream of flames, pouring toward it like lines of fire. Although the Wolf King built a layer of ice flame force field around his body, he could still feel the threat posed by this pistol.

Driven by the strong kinetic energy, the bullet impacted the Wolf King’s ice flame field, causing the field that should have been hidden to flash blue sparks. This is the result of the bullet's kinetic energy exceeding Kaiton's imagination, making the ice flame field unable to be easily intercepted in a hidden state. Every time the spark flickers, it means that the energy to maintain the force field is rapidly consumed.

In Kayton's memory, only frequent shots from an automatic rifle within a hundred meters can cause the force field to be rapidly consumed. In other words, the zero double gun has as much power as an automatic rifle, which means that both kinetic energy and penetration are exceptional. And Zero kept wandering while maintaining the shot, the two pistols showed no signs of stopping at all, and the eyes of Kaiton beast narrowed slightly.

Looking at it horizontally and vertically, it is just a pistol of ordinary standard, and its ammunition capacity seems to be a little too high. Kayton's eyes were not bewildered by the flying line of fire, and fell on Zero's body from beginning to end. Staring at this familiar face, the wolf king found that after years of age, while it was growing, wouldn't the humans who died in its hands become more powerful.

With a roar, the ice flame field on the wolf king suddenly expanded and an explosion occurred. Suddenly the blue flame swept all around, forming bursts of invisible shock waves rushing to every corner of the space like waves. So a nearby bar was squeezed out by the shock wave, exploded into countless fragments and flew out. Then there was the wine cabinet behind the bar, as well as the bottles and wine glasses in the cabinet, all exploded into fragments in the sky.

Only then did the guests in the bar react. As a result, the aliens showed various means of escape. Some flew out directly from the window, some climbed to the top of the sky, and some used their hands and feet to rush from the ground to the back door of the bar, and walked cleanly for a while. , Leaving the battlefield to zero and Kaiton.

After using the ice flame force field to explode to open the zero, Kayton turned back and rushed towards the zero. The wolf king's speed is not slow, and Zero also has a space-like shuttle method like Yin Shadow Jump. Suddenly, the afterimages of the two left in the space were almost all over the bar. Kayton's claw shadow left many blue traces in the air. It tried to suppress Zero with speed, but found that Zero not only kept up with its speed, but also used Yin Shadow to jump and attack at a tricky angle.

A wolf and a person, you come and I go, like two groups of human-shaped storms in the bar after a few laps, there is almost no complete decoration left. Tables, wooden chairs, beams, and the furnishings in the closet bar are either slapped into ice cubes by Kayton, or exploded into fragments with zero dense shè. From a purely destructive point of view, the two are really not the same. up and down.

During the fight, Zero suddenly stopped. Kayton also stopped his body, the wolf king's chest was violently up and down, even this kind of fast attack felt a little overwhelming. What makes it a headache is that zero breathing is not a trace of confusion, which shows that he is still at ease. In fact, the wolf king is simply relying on speed to capture Zero's movements, and Zero can use yīn shadow jumps to adjust his angle and position from time to time.

Relatively speaking, his consumption is less than that of Kayton. This is the difference between high and low abilities. Compared to basic abilities like agility, Yin Shadow Jump has more convenience. It is precisely because of the existence of this ability that the rogue has the capital to fight with opponents at close range, thus ignoring the basic principle of "gunners regard distance as life".

"Enough~lightnovelpub.net~ This kind of battle is meaningless. You have seen that, basically none of us can do anything about it, so why not just let it go?"

Zero tried to convince Kayton to stop, but the latter did not agree.

"It's still early, you and I don't do your best, you should understand this." The Wolf Dynasty sipped on the ground, followed by moving his limbs, preparing for the second round of attack.

"I just said that at that time in Moline, there was a war between the two races for survival. That's right, your compatriots died in our hands, but you killed a lot of humans, right? Preventing such things from happening, so I came here, why you can’t think about it. What is the meaning of this spreading hatred? For you, letting the people survive is the top priority, right?"

"You may be right, but the problem is that you are human, and I don't believe in humans!"

Roaring, the wolf king slapped his hands to the ground hard. The ice flame attached to the hand immediately caused a layer of green profound ice to condense on the ground and spread continuously, covering every inch of the bar's ground. Suddenly, Zero slipped and almost fell. He had to lower his center of gravity to maintain his balance. But as Kayton's heart moved, countless ice vertebrae appeared one after another like a hedgehog, and stabbed all the way towards Zero.