War Lord

Chapter 493: Red Duke (2)

Zero snoring, tap the ground with your toes and gently slid away. Kayton's ice spine pierced into the air, but he didn't continue to chase, anyway, like sea urchins staggered out from all corners of the bar. Zero stabilized his figure, looked around, and found that Bingjuan was everywhere. The entire bar becomes an ice cellar, and the ice cones of different lengths change the environment of the bar. They make the bar space more narrow, and the random ice cones greatly limit the flexibility of zero to a certain extent.

To put it simply, Kayton uses the power of Bingyan to artificially create a home court "" novel chapters are updated the fastest.

"In this way, our speed will be greatly reduced. What is left of nàme is the collision of power, human beings, I don't know if you have confidence in the power." The wolf king slowly stood up, and it stuck out its pink tongue. Sweeping his mouth, revealed a cruel smile.

Ling said indifferently: "The narrow battlefield may not be detrimental to me. And standing in the home court may not necessarily mean victory. Just like this."

He fired a shot at the empty spot. While the muzzle of Black Rose expelled a tongue of flame, the bullet shot towards an ice cone rising from the ground diagonally in front of Zero's left. This air-shooting action made Kayton a little stunned, but the next moment the Wolf King discovered that the bullet shot on the ice cone bounced away under a certain subtle angle, followed by a "ding ding dong dong". The chaos rang. Bullets continued to eject between the ice vertebrae of the bar, drawing a complex turning trajectory.

The last bullet bounced from the ground in front of Kayton, and shot the wolf king obliquely at the center of his eyebrows.

The wolf king finally reacted, stretched out his hand, and the ice flame in his hand burned wildly, and the bullet that was shot in the air formed an ice tuo and fell to the ground, but even so, Kayton was still secretly surprised by the complicated shooting trajectory. It is the attack it is least good at.

"You see, this is just one bullet. Are two or three of these jump projectiles?" Zero prompted, but the two guns in his hand fired into the empty space.

As a result, the two bullets staggered more complicated trajectories between the ice vertebrae of the bar. They continued to turn and jump in the surrounding space at an angle that the wolf king could not capture, and finally shot Kaiton from the left side and behind the back to its ventral side. And the lumbar spine!

Kayton spouted two air currents from his nostrils, and it turned turán on the spot. With both arms sweeping, a whirlwind of icy flames was born, and both bullets were swept in. Being caught in the icy flame whirlwind, the surface of the bullet quickly formed frost, but one of the bullets exploded with a small amount of turán.

Although the explosive power of the explosive bomb did not hurt Kaydon, it shook its movement slightly. With such a pause, zero intensive shooting was evoked. Zero double guns were raised horizontally, taking advantage of the moment when the ice flame whirlwind stopped. Kayton had to reluctantly set up a layer of ice flame field to resist, but found that this zero attack was simple.

The bullets all fell towards the same bullet point like eyes. In addition to the amazing standard of zero, each bullet also exhibits different functional power. First, flash bombs, then explosive bombs, then stun bombs, and then incendiary bombs. A traitor, the bar is colorful, and the ability of zero-use materialization dumped each special effect projectile towards Kaydon with multiple attacks.

Multiple attacks make the bullets continue to fall on the same bullet point, and the consumption of the ice flame force is immeasurable, coupled with the auxiliary interference of various special effects bombs. But in a moment, the ice flame force field was declared to collapse. Compared to the last time, the ice flame field lasted only ten seconds!

In the next moment, Kayton had to cross his hands in front of him and use bullets to test his body's defenses. But after blocking four or five bullets and ending with an incendiary round, Kayton found that the impact from the front had disappeared. When Bingyan engulfed the flame of the incendiary bomb, the wolf king found that Lingang ran into the direction of the back door, and his sight only caught the bar back door swaying open and closed.

Seeing that he was fooled by Zero, Kayton followed up with a loud howling. It savagely smashed through the ice vertebrae blocking the way, and finally smashed the back door of the bar to pieces, and plunged into a dim street behind the bar. However, at the moment he broke through the door, Kaiton's whole body hair rooted up, and his intuition told him that a huge danger lay ahead.

The moment he hit the bar, Kayton saw Zero squatting on the other side of the street. In his hand, the two pistols that seemed to have infinite bullets disappeared. Instead, it was a weapon that Cayton had never seen before. It had a long gun body, and the black, hollow, large-caliber muzzle was daunting. It is more appropriate to say that it is a portable artillery rather than a gun.

In fact, this murder weapon is zero battleship artillery!

The moment Kayton rushed out of the back door, Zero simultaneously pressed down the trigger. The battleship's artillery shook slightly, and when it produced a huge recoil, it pushed back to zero. At the same time, the muzzle expelled a blue fire, and the alloy bullets that came out of the barrel hurried away at a speed of three kilometers per second. The warhead rotates at a high speed, thus enveloping a layer of spiral airflow, and it blasts in an instant.

Kaiton roared wildly, it no longer remained at the moment of life and death. The icy flames of both hands released two zero-degree lines of fire like a volcanic eruption to envelop the alloy bullets, but the kinetic energy of the bullets fired by the battleship artillery is comparable to that of ordinary pistols. Although the two zero-degree lines of fire firmly envelop the alloy bullet, the surface is constantly freezing while also offsetting the impact of the bullet. But there is only one street between Zero and Kayton, and at such a short distance, how can the kinetic energy of the bullet be offset by nànéu.

So Kayton had just rushed out of the bar and pushed the Alloy bullet back. I heard a burst of broken objects in the bar, and then the glass window in the direction of the front door of the bar burst open, and the wolf king’s tall body was forcibly knocked out by the alloy bomb~lightnovelpub.net~ crossed over. Street. When many aliens screamed and screamed, they hit another building on the opposite side of the street, and the building's outer wall was cracked, and the wolf king stopped.

With a bang, the icy alloy warhead fell to the ground. Kayton then slipped weakly on the wall, the ice flames on its arms shrank to almost disappear, and the arm bones were in pain. Even if méu fractured, but Kaiton had cracks in his bones.

At this moment, the wolf king's eyes went dark. However, Zero used the shadow to jump and flashed in front of him, and aimed at its head with the black muzzle of the battleship's artillery. Kayton was able to block a frontal blow from the battleship's artillery. It was very impressive now, even if it was fired from a kilometer away, it couldn't stop it, not to mention the muzzle of others was right in front of the eyes.

But to Kaiton's surprise, Zero actually slowly put down the battleship's artillery.

"Don't kill me for me?"

Zero put away the weapon, and said lightly: "You are still just a beast, I will kill you without hesitation. But you are not now, you have wisdom, the king of Fenry wolf. So I want to ask you to think about it. , Is it important to hate or to let the people live well? I am here for peace, nàme, I think, might as well start by dissolving the hatred between you and me!"