War Lord

Chapter 497: Tunnel attack and defense

Watching the tall, blood-red figure walk away, Pedro Fanny completely dispelled the intention to shoot.レm♠思♥路♣客レ From the moment Red Duke appeared, the **** queen put all her attention on this alien powerhouse. She had heard that when Rì stormed Gregnia, the red prince Merlin once stopped the magician, the clown, and the king of destruction in one person. It wasn't until later that the adults took the action personally that Merlin was defeated.

But even so, being able to block the joint attack of the three colleagues, Merlin is already proud of her strength.

For the strong, Pederfani has always been reluctant to let it go. If the brains of these powerful men can be eaten, the genetic complement of her purgatory general will be inestimable. Only until Merlin left, Pedevani couldn't find a chance to shoot. This tall fish is like a mountain, with no flaws in sight. In the meantime, Pederfenni secretly tried with power, but found that all the energy and power disappeared without a trace as soon as it entered three meters around Merlin, which made the **** empress dare not take it rashly.

Betsy glanced at the queen lightly, he was too familiar with his colleague. I have to say that the cowboys are very fortunate that Grandpa Red is very strong, and at the same time, Peder Fanny did not do anything stupid this time. Otherwise, they don't have to act, they will have to fight with the tricky figure of Gregnia before talking about it. ..

After dispelling the idea of ​​pursuing Merlin in the dark, Pederani walked to the cowboy and said, "I don't understand. Since killing zero is the priority in this operation, why do you want Bann to do so much."

"This is an adult's idea. He has always been cautious, leaving everything behind." Betsy spread his hands and said: "You know, our goal is not ordinary people, but one of the man-made gods created in the old age. The speed of his growth is obvious to all. Even Bann, who has his% genes, plus a Jenny, can kill him. It’s still unknown. Therefore, he must be laid out in case of emergency."

"Then suppose the two lunatics killed zero, the adults didn't want to get his genetic information, is it too wasteful to kill him like this?"

"This is the previous idea, but the zero growth rate and the construction of the circle of influence have exceeded the expectations of the adults. It is difficult for Asgart to get the genetic information perfectly, so the big talents have to try their best to adjust him. Go to the west to freeze the original. Because this is our home court, and because Bann is here. He has the ability to absorb the other party’s genes and simulate them. As long as Bann’s vampire tastes zero fresh blood, even if he kills It doesn't matter if it is zero, Bann will be the best gene bank."

"I'm afraid that guy won't cooperate obediently by then, don't forget his expression when he gets zero blood. I bet that after getting the zero complete gene, he will definitely hide in, until all the genes of the artificial **** are unearthed. "

Betsy laughed and said: "If that's the case, how can we decorate it. Benn's best not to do that, otherwise he won't even have a 1% chance of living."

"Well, we have to act. Before Bann has no intention of betraying us, at least we have to create zero chance of attacking for him."

After all, the cowboy just jumped off the edge of the cliff with his hat on. He was wrapped in a flame tornado, supporting his body and slowly descending towards the ground. Pederfani does not have the ability of the element domain, but she uses her agility to bounce between the rocks protruding from the cliff, the old trees and all other things that can be borrowed, but she reaches the bottom of the mountain faster than Betsy.

The two of them were so submerged in the night, and followed the torrent of ice-scale scorpions in front of them.

It was night, in the tunnel connected to the Mobistone Bazaar, the remaining servants had fallen into a deep sleep after dinner, in order to restore the physical energy and gods consumed by the march. Of course, it is impossible for all the servants to rest, and there are still some soldiers who must watch the night.

The soldiers on duty were selected from the three squads and mixed into temporary guards. They had to watch the night in batches to ensure the safety of the camp in the tunnel. It was time to change shifts, and Brown suddenly appeared on duty. For the servant commander in this zero team, the soldiers from the other two teams also gave him the minimum respect.

In fact, as Brown, it is completely unnecessary to take part in the defense on duty. Only with his physical stamina, he has recovered from his fatigue after three or four hours of rest. Brown also knows that ordinary soldiers need more rest. If he is willing to participate in defense, at least three to four soldiers can get valuable rest time.

So he came.

The temperature outside the tunnel was very low, and the soldiers dug a makeshift trench outside. You can avoid the cold wind and monitor the movement ahead, but the environment is definitely not comfortable. Brown is now also nestled in the trenches, and a Green revolver speed cannon is firmly erected on the trenches. The ammunition chain extending from the cannon is connected to an ammunition box to ensure sufficient ammunition for the cannon.

The soldiers looked at this machine gun in awe. Anyone who can use this heavy firepower with their bare hands can be called abnormal, so the attitude towards Brown is more fearful in respect.

"A cigarette?"

Brown handed out cigarettes to several soldiers next to him. On the battlefield, it was either cigarettes or spirits that could quickly connect feelings. Even sometimes, alcohol and tobacco are hard currencies on the front.

So a few fires lit up in the trenches, followed by smoke. After talking about some inferior yellow jokes, Brown has quickly become acquainted with the soldiers from other squads. Being able to quickly get along with soldiers is also a talent, and it is obvious that Brown has a lot of experience in this regard.

When I heard a soldier telling me how he changed from a green-headed boy to a real man, other soldiers made fun of him from time to time. Brown heard it, and he felt a little bit back to the mercenary era. Back then, it was the same as it is now, hiding in narrow trenches, smoking cigarettes and telling adult jokes, and must be careful to guard against attacks that may come at any time.

Only now, the companion who was born and died in the past has become a soldier who just got acquainted with, and he has also transformed from an ordinary mercenary into a commander of an army of hundreds of people.

"It feels so **** like a dream," Brown muttered to himself.

At this time, there was an imperceptible vibration from the trenches. The shock was not obvious, so the few soldiers who were still talking and laughing were not aware of it, but they couldn't hide it from Brown. His face changed slightly, he jumped up quickly, lowered his voice, and pressed his ears to the ground. His actions finally attracted the attention of the soldiers, and the soldiers immediately closed their mouths and squeezed their weapons.

With regular bursts of sound in his ears, Brown jumped up and reached out to the soldiers, "Who has a tactical telescope?"

"I have, sir!"

A young soldier with freckles on his face immediately took out his binoculars and stuffed it into Brown's hand. Without saying anything, Brown immediately raised the binoculars and looked into the darkness. The telescope has activated the night vision mode, and in a green world, Brown saw a dark shadow. The black shadow moved from far to near, and completely appeared in the telescope's field of view after two seconds.

Brown gasped.

This is a scorpion as big as a chariot, covered with a thick carapace. The overpowering left claw and the high raised tail spurs made Brown feel uncomfortable in his stomach. Especially after this scorpion, one after another scorpions appeared in Brown's field of vision, making him almost groan in pain.

"Damn, monsters. A group of monsters are coming towards our camp, be on guard! Soldiers, who else will notify the Centurion of Rennes, and then bring the **** communication device, I have to notify Captain Staley to them !" Brown yelled, and gave successive orders to the soldiers.

His order was quickly implemented. A soldier ran into the tunnel and awakened everyone who was resting. At the same time, he reported the situation to the top commander in the camp, Ren. As for the outside of the tunnel, the dull roar of Green's revolving speed machine gun has sounded, breaking the tranquility of the night first.

The speed of the scorpion group is very fast. They rushed out of the forest in the distance and rushed towards the tunnel along the mountain road. The breath of living creatures in the tunnel greatly stimulated these monsters that were forcibly awakened from hibernation by the ice tyrant. The scorpions are hungry now, they even forgot their original goal, and just want to have a full meal at the moment.

But what greeted them was not a delicious meal, but the metal heat flow from the speed machine gun. They drew a bright line of fire in the dark night, swept across the scorpion group with a gusty sound. The thick armor of the ice scale scorpion can withstand the sweep of a rifle, but it absolutely cannot stop the bullet of the speed machine cannon. The powerful bullet swept the scorpion group in front of them, and under the point of the gun line of fire, whether it was an ice scale scorpion or a rocky tree, it was blasted to pieces.

Outside the trench, Brown was biting a cigarette, a pair of muscular arms steadily controlled the speed cannon to attack fiercely. Only he, a master of guns, can control the bullet points of the speed machine cannon to such a dense degree. Under the torrent of bullets cutting back and forth, more than a dozen ice scale scorpions were torn into pieces.

After continuing the attack for a second, the cannon finally stopped screaming. That was because five hundred bullets were empty. Brown kicked over the empty ammunition box and roared, "Go back into the tunnel, don't fight with those big guys in the clearing."

Although it was a retreat, not everyone left in a rush. Several soldiers stayed behind to take charge of the palace, but the machine guns in their hands were obviously not as powerful as quick guns. Therefore, the scorpion's footsteps were hardly blocked for a moment. After two or three seconds, an ice scale scorpion kicked the ground forcefully, and lifted its three-meter-long body into the trenches. within.

The trenches suddenly screamed again and again, and the ice scale scorpion smashed a soldier into mud with its majestic left claw, and used its tail stab to provoke another soldier to chew in his own mouth. In an instant, a large group of large groups of blood flowed from the mouth of this monster, even more hideous.

The remaining soldiers yelled and attacked the ice scale scorpion. At close range, the rifle bullet hit it, and it was able to penetrate its thick armor. Immediately the scorpion shed thick yellow body fluid from its carapace. But the good times didn't last long. As the scorpions jumped into the trenches one after another, the soldiers in charge of the queen immediately became a scorpion's meal.

The young soldier who stuffed Brown with the binoculars was also among them. He only had time to fire a few shots before piercing a scorpion through his chest with his tail from behind. The soldier shook all over, and immediately spit out a large mouthful of blood from the corner of his mouth. But he was still going to die for a while, clenching the tail spur that emerged from his chest in one hand, when the scorpion held him upside down and sent it to his mouth. The soldier smiled. He took out a powerful grenade and pulled off the insurance.

The next moment, a ball of fire rose from the trench. After the orange flame burned the air, it turned into red and black smoke and soared into the air. Two or three ice scale scorpions were blown to pieces within the explosive range of the high-powered grenade, and the scorpions and human flesh and blood viscera were mixed together, and there was no difference between them.

"Hurry up, attack intensively, and beat Lao Tzu to death!" Brown roared, directing the soldiers to attack at the entrance of the tunnel. The use of the limited space at the tunnel entrance limits the number of ice scorpion attacks, and allows soldiers to conduct intensive attacks in an echelon style. Even if the soldier's weapon is only an automatic rifle, it temporarily suppressed the scorpion's offensive.

After the initial chaos passed, the waking soldiers joined the attack. The penetrating attacks from automatic rifles to high-powered grenades constitute a line of fire that the scorpions cannot pass through. Only this time with light equipment and simple riding, the soldiers only brought light equipment, and even the number of grenades and ammunition was very limited. Brown saw it in his eyes, but he could only be anxious in his heart.

He knows very well ~lightnovelpub.net~ According to this style of play, soldiers will soon run out of ammunition. At that time, they can only fight hand-to-hand with those monsters, but in this way, there is no chance for ordinary soldiers to win. Under Brown's continuous urging, the soldiers finally sent him another ammunition box. After the ammunition was loaded, the revolving machine gun was once again powerful, and the fierce fire instantly tore the scorpions at the tunnel entrance to pieces, and even pushed the scorpion back several meters.

But what happens after the bullet is lit up? Brown could not imagine.

Just as Brown was anxious, the soldiers' exclamation sounded in the tunnel behind him. Brown took the time to look back after his busy schedule, and his eyes were about to burst into flames. The rock walls of the tunnels on the left and right suddenly collapsed, revealing two large Hessian holes. Then a giant scorpion came out of the hole, and they rushed into the unsuspecting soldiers' positions, bringing a **** storm wherever they passed.

"Damn, do you even drill holes?" Brown roared with red eyes, but he couldn't get out of it.

Fortunately, a bright yellow flame quietly appeared on one of the scorpions. The scorpion first took a meal, then divided into two parts in the middle. The scorpion's body is cut and smooth as a mirror, and even the blood and internal organs inside have not lost half of it, which shows how fast this attack came. The swiftness seemed to freeze even time, and after the decomposed scorpion, Ren was carrying a golden spear upside down.