War Lord

Chapter 502: Dark War (1)

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The door of the study was rudely knocked open, and a tall alien life squeezed in from the door. It has a liger-like face, but it has three eyes. Like a wolf's nose, its sense of smell is very sharp, and the row of broken teeth that turn out the lips on a wide mouth can even bite through the steel plate. The alien-like orc has obviously undergone a certain degree of transformation. Its right arm is made of metal. The fist covered with rivets and the shoulder tube that emits steam from time to time make it look full of punk style." "The novel chapters are updated the fastest."

This steel arm not only allows the orc néu to exert greater strike power, it also has a shotgun mounted on it, and the néu can be used as a rocket launcher after the fist is detached. Of course, limited by the amount of ammunition loaded, there is only one cannonball in the steel arm.

Orc Kabi, Lavichia's number one bodyguard. It loyally performed the job of protecting La Vícia, but the orcs were sometimes very old-fashioned and the methods of protection were somewhat rude, so La Vícia did not like it very much. Kabi’s abilities are indeed good. After partial transformation, its power is comparable to that of a human being, and the rocket launcher in the steel arm makes Kabi néu instantly explode with huge combat power. In addition, its loyalty and bravery are rare qualities. Therefore, Lavisya has criticized it for years, but has been dismissing the rude orc all the time.

Seeing U in Lavícia, Kabi first closed the curtains in the study, and then the right boss said: "Master Lavícia, we should leave. The whole market is full of **** scorpions. I don't think There are only ten guards néu in the courtyard to stop these big reptiles, maybe we should find a safer āng."

Lavichia screamed: "This is my property, and I'm not going anywhere. It's not you, the courtyard's weapon defense system? Are these all furnishings?"

The orc Kabi rudely grabbed one of Lavícia’s limbs and dragged it out of the study: “It’s okay for the dogs you keep to scare the flat-headed people in the market, but the big reptiles will definitely not eat this trip. What's more, their loyalty is questionable. As far as I know, several guards who saw the big reptile escaped. Among them, I personally killed one. As for the rest, it is estimated that even the courage to fight is méu. As for your weapons. The defense system, you should also dào, those are old antiques, you forgot to update them with the necessary updates, and now you can't count on them!"

"Okay, okay, brave Kirby, loyal Kirby. Can you let go of your **** hand, I'll leave it." Lavichia broke free of the orc's claws and angrily left the study .

The window of the corridor was shining with the fire of the bazaar, and the ravages of ice scale scorpions filled the bazaar with chaos and disorder. Lavikia and Kabi are sitting in the long corridor leading to the back of the courtyard. The wall in front of the turán corridor is torn apart, and a giant scorpion is trying to arch its body into the corridor.

"It looks like we have to take a shortcut." Kabi stopped, swiping his steel fist towards the wall of Páān, and slammed it out. The concrete wall was blasted with a gap by the orcs in a loud noise. Without knowing it, Kabi pushed Lavikia's bloated body into the garden outside.

After passing through this **** gap, Lavikia realized for the first time that maybe it was time to lose weight, and could not die tonight. Coming to the garden, the fire is more intense. The dull gunshots and roars came from all directions, and two or three giant scorpions stared at the courtyard of Lavikia, and the few guards left were fighting the scorpions. But as Kabi said, these vain guards are fine to scare the guys at the market, but in the eyes of the giant scorpion, it is just a piece of food.

A half-saurian yelled from the roof and jumped out of the garden, and it landed not far from Lavikia. The half-saurian looked panicked, and the skin on his body was constantly changing colors. It desperately wants to activate its complacent ability to integrate into the current environment, but it is a pity that the color that changes from the skin under the flustered state does not have any concealment effect at all.

At this time, the giant scorpion in the corridor rushed out, and countless turbulent rocks flew around. The scorpion flexibly used the tail stab to stick the half-saurian upright, then rolled it up and threw it into the scorpion's mouth to chew. Suddenly, blood splashed in the scorpion's mouth, and the half-lizard only had time to make a call or two before it was completely silent.

Lavícia saw his body trembling with fat, but fortunately, Kirby followed out of the gap and violently dragged Lavícia to the direction of the back door. It was the first time for Lavikia to appreciate Kabi's rudeness, because it was walking with too soft feet.

"But Kabi, how can there be any safe āng in the market now?"

Just after coming to a relatively quiet alley from the back door of the courtyard, Lavikia thought of this headache. Kabi pointed to the bazaar in a certain direction: "Green Forest Hotel, I heard that it became the last refuge of the bazaar."

"You asked me to take refuge in the Gregnia?" Lavitchia screamed, "Let the Lord Midra dào this matter, and he will tear me up!"

At the end of the speech, a few ice scale scorpions got in from the alley. At first, these big reptiles just shook their heads and searched for food, and Turán found the big [meat] queen of Lavichia. The giant scorpion's eyes glowed, and he crawled over from the ground and the roof like an enclave with six legs.

The boss who Kirby pushed away with one hand raised his steel arm. There were two thin heat streams between the fist and the forearm, and the two thick screws bounced off the wrist, causing the fist to fall to the ground, exposing the hollow barrel in the wrist.

The next second, a fire flashed in the barrel, and a rocket launcher with a shark beeping on the warhead came out with a flare, and 0.5 seconds later, it hit an ice scale scorpion running at the forefront.

The shell exploded, and a huge fireball rose in the alley. The glamorous ice scale scorpion was directly blown into fragments in the flame, and the two reptiles behind were also stunned by the shock wave of the explosion, and fell to the ground at the entrance of the alley, unable to move for a while. However, at the corner of the alley, under the reflection of the flame, Lavigne clearly saw the shadows of other reptiles approaching.

Kabi looked at Lavitchia and said, "Boss, make a decision quickly!"

Laviggia exclaimed, "Don't think about it, go to the Green Forest Hotel. I'll talk about it after this night. As for what Lord Midra thinks, I don't care about him for the time being!"

When there was a need to choose between life and loyalty, Lavícia did not hesitate to choose the former.

In a lobby on the top floor of the Green Forest Hotel, Leah was standing in the middle of the lobby. In her páān is Ademili, and the long-range support troops of Gregnia are scattered around the hall. These murloc spearmen armed with guns are firing high-energy beams, killing the giant scorpions approaching the hotel one by one. There is no doubt that the Lancers occupy the commanding heights, which is no different for them to be an advantage.

But the main reason why néu suppressed the attack of the scorpion tide was because they could always grasp where the scorpion was and kill it. But the biggest hero who made them nénháng accurately snipe was Leah. Leah was closing her eyes and launching the ngshén scan with all her strength to firmly control the environment of the hotel uwéi. No matter which direction the scorpions rushed out from, they couldn't hide from Leah's ngshén scan.

In addition, Leah also opened up another ability. She uses the ability of the mind chain to connect with other murloc guards to facilitate commanding them to snipe the scorpion nháng. Originally it was Leah's ability and couldn't connect to the nàme multimurloc guard at the same time, but with Ademili, this problem was solved. Ademili méu has any fighting ability, but her ngshén power is like a bottomless abyss, an endless sea, which is bottomless.

Otherwise, what she supported that day could accommodate the entry of the will of the planet like Agradis. And now, Ademili acts as the ngshén power booster, greatly expanding Leah's ngshén power upper limit, so that her mind chain néu connects all the murloc guards.

With the uninterrupted cooperation of the three, the Green Forest Hotel kept it tight. All the ice scale scorpions were cleaned out of the range of 500 meters, and the āng within 500 meters was like a thunder pond, so that the scorpions could not cross. However, the distance of this boundary is shortening. As more and more aliens flock to the hotel to seek shelter, their arrival also attracts more ice scale scorpions to the direction of the hotel.

This means that the workload of Leah and the murloc guards has risen sharply, and it is not that Ademili has increased and constantly supplemented Leah's ngshén power, and Leah's two abilities cannot be maintained until now. With the rapid increase in the number of scorpions, Leah's report became more and more urgent, and the murloc spearmen's beam weapons even stopped for a moment.

The energy source of these weapons is directly drawn from the biological energy of the murloc guards, even if they are all trained elite fighters. However, under this high-density combat situation, it gradually became a little unsustainable.

Seeing this situation, Ademili said in ngshéè: "Miss Leah, please connect me to the Baltimore Chief Guard."

Leah doesn't want to do me, but she can't be distracted to ask. Nodding her head, Leah quickly searched for Baltimore's ngshén force response, and after a moment he connected him with Ademili's ngshén.

After ngshén was connected, Ademili said: "Captain Guard, what's the situation in the lobby?"

Baltimore's voice sounded directly in Ademili's mind: "It's a mess. There are too many people seeking asylum. There are so many that we can't maintain the necessary order. If this continues, I am worried that the situation will get out of control. "

"It is true. In the induction of Miss Leah, more and more scorpions are coming in our direction. Our guards alone cannot ensure the integrity of the hotel, the chief guard, let those who seek refuge do the same. Get up and participate in the defense work. Only in this way can we hope to repel the scorpion."

"I'll try my best, look at it horizontally, these guys are some selfish ghosts."

In the lobby, Baltimore ended the call with Ademili. He looked at the lobby, which was filled with lives of different races. From time to time, other people rushed in through the scattered gates, making the otherwise small lobby more crowded.

At the beginning, only four or five alien races occasionally passed the hotel uwéi and saw that the hotel was as safe as a fort, so they ran into the hotel to seek protection. Ademili did not oppose méu, and with their strength, it is not impossible to protect four or five people. But as more and more aliens flooded into the hotel, that was another matter.

There were so many people in the lobby that the remaining murloc swordsmen of Gregnia could not play the role of maintaining order at all. Baltimore could only transfer the swordsmen to guard the passage leading to the upper part of the hotel to prevent these guys from rushing up, thus affecting the top-level Ademili and their battle.

Now, the whole lobby is noisy. The aliens are discussing the disaster that turán is coming to, and many voices attribute the disaster to the humans who entered the bazaar in the evening. I have to say that from a certain level, such a guess is correct.

In such an environment, Baltimore jumped onto the counter in the lobby. The actions of the Chief Guard immediately caught the attention of others, and this was exactly what Baltimore wanted. He took a deep breath and said loudly, "Everyone, I believe everyone has seen it. More and more scorpions are coming in our direction. It is difficult to defend against the scorpion's attack with our strength alone. In this kind of crisis At any moment, I hope everyone will unite. Only when everyone works together can we hope to survive this disaster!"

As soon as Baltimore's voice fell, there was a quiet voice saying: "My lord, we have the ability to fight, do we need to hide here?"

The chief guard looked towards the source of the sound, but what was talking was a humanoid life that looked like an octopus. It is the human trafficker Rano, and the octopus man waved a few tentacles and said in a tone full of irony. Corrano's words have been recognized by many foreigners, so many foreigners rushed to reject Baltimore's request.

Baltimore was furious at hearing ~lightnovelpub.net~ When the rejection was getting louder and louder, the chief guard finally couldn't help but yelled: "Shut up, you selfish fellows. I don't want to think, if you didn't come. When we seek refuge here, how can we attract the attention of the scorpions. Please remember that we can méu your obligation to shelter you. If it weren't for the kindness of Miss Ademili, do you think you can stand here now?"

These few words of the Chief Guard made the aliens feel a little embarrassed, and the voices that opposed the defense also gradually disappeared. But the octopus Rano said again: "My lord, we, Mobistone, have always been safe. Those ice scale scorpions usually live in crypts deep in the forest. For me today, you and those so-called human friends. When they arrive, these big reptiles will immediately attack our bazaar. Don’t you think all of this is a coincidence? I’m afraid you angered the scorpions, that’s why the situation is like this. nàme now we ask you Isn't it reasonable to provide protection?"

As soon as these words came out, a lot of aliens immediately joined in and said: "Yes, yes, you are the cause of the trouble, so naturally you have to deal with it."

Baltimore heard fire bursting into his eyes, and when it was about to break out, a strange wave swept across the lobby. At the same time, a soft voice sounded in the minds of all the beings in the lobby: "I am Adimili from Gregnia, please be quiet and listen to me!"