War Lord

Chapter 503: Dark War (2)

Ademili unfolded the kind of mental force field when she encountered zero at the beginning of the day, and directly connected all foreign races with her will, and conducted dialogue and communication in the spiritual world. This kind of direct communication through the heart is extremely powerful, and the two parties in the conversation will feel the will and emotions of the other party without hindrance, and there will be no lies or other appearances of confusion.

Another advantage of this way of communication is that although all foreign races and Ademili interact in two ways, there is no way to establish contact between the foreign races and the other races in the novel chapters. This will enable all alien races to hear Ademili's voice, but they cannot know what other people think, and thus prevent some people with ulterior motives from using words to incite others.

"Everyone, with regard to Mr. Rano’s claim that we have caused trouble, I am firmly opposed to it. Two incidents that happened on the same day by coincidence, without any substantive evidence support, should the disaster brought by the scorpion tide be deducted. In our heads, is this too unfair to us?" Ademili said calmly in the spiritual world: "Furthermore, the human beings that you regard as the enemy, do you know what they are doing now? Yes, they are fighting the scorpion tide. As far as I know, just outside the tunnel of the market, my friend is preventing some scorpions from entering, otherwise there will only be more scorpions in the market at the moment. In front of you, in this Green Forest Hotel, there is a human girl who selflessly contributes her strength."

Accompanied by Ademili's soft words, every alien sees such a picture in his mind. Located in the top lobby of the Green Forest Hotel, a human female closed her eyes, sweating profusely, and her expression was very withered. However, she kept reporting the coordinates of all the scorpions around the hotel. Her tired but determined voice echoed in the minds of every alien. The girl's stubbornness and persistence instantly touched a certain place in the hearts of all aliens.

"Did you see? This is a human with mental power scanning. Since the first asylum seeker entered the hotel, she has never stopped using this ability to accurately tell my guard the location of the scorpion. Otherwise, We can't stop the attack of the Scorpion Tide so easily. And until now, she hasn't rested for a second. Even if her mental power is nearly exhausted, she still persists. Why? Because she knows that once we stop, our line of defense will be It will collapse. After all, only relying on me to bring a limited number of guards, it is difficult to guard the entire hotel."

In the picture, Leah suddenly spilled two blood lines in her nostrils. This made her unable to hold on, and immediately sat down on the ground. Seeing this picture, many aliens exclaimed.

Ademili sighed: "Have you all seen it? The human beings you regard as the enemy are fighting to protect your lives. Looking at yourself again, you are so selfish that you are not willing to even save yourself. Do. That girl is almost unable to support, our line of defense is already in jeopardy. I repeat here, I need your help. Of course you can refuse, I will immediately leave with the guard. We hope to protect everyone as much as possible , But far from being selfless enough to sacrifice oneself for a group of selfish people!"

"So, choose!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ademili severed the connection. There was silence in the lobby, and Ademili's communication shocked their hearts to a large extent, especially the picture about Leah, which was undoubtedly a huge impact for these alien races. There is a huge contrast in Naping Su's cognition of human beings, which also makes them embarrassed.

In the crowd, a thick armoured arm was raised. It was a humanoid life full of scarlet carapace. It said in a deep voice: "I'll help. Although I don't have much strength, I'm very resistant. I should be able to help you resist attacks or something."

Baltimore readily said: "Mr. Very Good, we are missing the means to contain those big crawlers. The role you can play will far exceed your own imagination, trust me!"

With the first alien who volunteered, more and more aliens responded. Perhaps Ademili and Leah stimulated them, or they realized that if they lost Gregnia's guard, they would not be able to survive this sleepless night. But no matter what, it is always a good thing for these alien races who only thought of themselves at first to stand up and help.

As a result, Baltimore began to get busy. He divided the aliens who were willing to help into different groups according to their specialties or abilities. Each team is responsible for different tasks. They are flexible and act as scouts. Those who are strong and rough-skinned become the vanguard. Those who can control and release offensive energy will go to the top lobby to participate in the sniping of Murloc spearmen. Work and so on.

Each small group had a clear job and quickly joined the hotel's defense line under the command of Baltimore. These guys who are scattered in the sand on weekdays, through simple division and combination, also formed an effective defensive force. This is what Lavikia saw after being taken to the hotel by bodyguard Kabi. Lavikia could hardly believe his eyes, that those filthy selfish ghosts who only planned to know themselves are united now. In Lavikia's words, it's "Damn it."

After the hotel's defense line was supplemented by vigorous forces, it finally became firm and stable, but Zero and the hotel were getting farther and farther away. Behind him, the magician and the clown followed like a shadow. The two mysterious killers of Lingba try to keep them away from the Green Forest Hotel to share the pressure on the hotel. The arrival of the ice scale scorpion made the market environment more complicated and chaotic.

But this is not a good thing for Zero, the big reptiles wreaking havoc in the market are basically not helping each other. If you make good use of these monsters, it will cause some trouble to the opponent who is chasing behind the ass.

As at this moment, Zero is passing a block. Suddenly a giant scorpion sprang out from an abandoned gas station ahead. The giant scorpion waved the scorpion claws towards Zero, and Zero speed greeted him up. Seeing the food delivered to the door by himself, the giant scorpion was not polite. Zero's toes pressed **** the ground, and the whole person fell forward, and immediately slipped from the belly of the scorpion, causing the giant claws of the beast to hit the open ground.

With too much force, the Icescale Scorpion made a tumble and fell to the ground, and ran into the magician and the clown behind.

Seeing the giant scorpion ramming, Bann yelled, "Get out of the way, annoying trash!"

The magician jumped up quickly and dropped a foot on the belly of the scorpion, and suddenly stepped on the belly of the giant scorpion to sink a clear footprint, while Bann took advantage of the force to get past the scorpion and continued to chase zero. The clown behind with a wicked smile, lightly presses the reptile as he passes by the scorpion. Suddenly, the living creatures in the scorpion boiled, and red spots appeared.

When the clown passed the scorpion, half a second later, the surface of the giant scorpion was covered with bright red energy spots. When the biological energy in the body boiled to a certain critical point, the giant scorpion exploded and sprayed a raging flame from its body, which was the flame after the biological energy was catalyzed.

This is one of Jenny's masterpieces, "ignition", a technique that introduces his own energy into the target body, and then oscillates the energy in the organism and triggers an explosion. The advantage of this ability is low consumption and high output. The disadvantage is that it needs to be in contact with the target to be effective, but in general, the flaws are not concealed.

The explosion of the giant scorpion caught the attention of a pair of eyes in the neighborhood.

They also have golden pupils, but their pupils are vertical beast pupils. Wolf King Kayton noticed the unusual energy breath coming from the street over there, and at the same time he caught Zero's figure passing by. Of course, the first two figures chasing after Zero also fell in Kaiton's eyes. The wolf king's eyes flickered, and it seemed that he had made a decision in the end. It leaped forward, followed its hands and feet and slanted it towards the front of the block.

And behind Kaiton, there are several giant scorpion corpses with frost all over.

Zero has faintly seen the outline of the parking lot, where the terrain is open, but because of the accumulation of numerous car wrecks and market garbage, the environment is quite complicated. It was a zero-choice battlefield, where he planned to use the complicated environment to solve Bann and Jenny. Even if the two assassins are strong people of the eighth rank, zero one is fearless.

This confidence is based on countless battles. It has been deeply rooted in Zero's blood and soul, and will not be easily supported by external factors. And this belief in having a heart of victory no matter when and where, Tian is the quality that every true strong possesses. And those who easily shake their confidence, all fell into the endless abyss when they climbed the peak of strength.

People who can't even believe in themselves have no way to reach the pinnacle of power and the end of evolution. This is the iron rule of nature, and it has always been.

When the parking lot was in sight, a figure suddenly appeared next to an apartment-style building on the street. Under the dark red sky, the wolf king's pair of beast pupils danced wildly with golden flames. It roared and rushed towards Zero, and changed from being on all fours to running upright. At the same time, blue ice flames began to wrap around his arms, and Kayton's power was even higher. Zero mind immediately came to a conclusion, when Kayton encounters himself, its power will rise to its peak!

But for some reason, Zero had an intuition that the wolf king didn't come for himself. The main reason is that it is powerful but not murderous. And more importantly, Zero couldn't see her own shadow in the pair of beast pupils. It was a clown with oil paint on his face that appeared in Kayton's eyes.

In an instant, Zero had a decision.

He accelerated forward and met Kayton on the street a few seconds later.

Time seems to freeze at this moment.

Kayton’s pupils were filled with special gazes, a bit of approval and a bit of sympathy. The Wolf King suddenly arched his body, and when his body contracted to its limit, he jumped up like a spring, rushing into the space of ten millimeters in an instant, sliding across a beautiful arc, and roaring down towards the clown. In midair, Kayton pressed his hands toward the position of the clown.

Suddenly, the buildings around the clown appeared distorted light. The next moment, the windows of several nearby houses and all glass products exploded into fragments. Strange ripples appeared on the surface of the civil structure. When these ripples all overlapped on the ground, the house exploded, and countless muds, rocks, and trees poured out towards Jenny.

As the sand and rocks poured out, a forcing frost came upon his face. Along with the sawdust dumped on the clown, it quickly enveloped the space within a radius of more than ten meters. Everything freezes, and the zero degree of frost freezes the explosion and dumping of the house, and at the same time it becomes a frost prison that traps the clown!

Kayton landed heavily on the ground, it stood up and glanced lightly in the direction of Zero. Suddenly, there was a scream from the ice cell. After the scream ceased, the ice prison exploded, and the explosion lifted up nearly a ton of ice debris and spilled it around the block. The Wolf King sprayed two smokes from his nostrils, his eyes locked on the ridiculously painted clown in the ice prison. Kayton shook his hands and rushed towards the clown holding two ice flames.

As the ice flame trailed, two azure light trails were left in the air. When Kayton rushed into the ice prison, it was followed by a sky-shaking explosion and blue flames rising into the sky.

The peripheral light from the corner of his eyes caught the gleam of blue light that lit up behind him. He knew that the wolf king did this not to have a good impression of him, but to pay back the unfired bullets of the battleship artillery. But no matter what, if Kayton stops the clown, there is much less pressure to zero, so he is very grateful for Kayton's actions.

The parking lot is already in sight, looking at the corpses of a lot of giant scorpions lying all around, and the hideous seam for the giant scorpions to invade the market. There was no time to pay attention to who the scorpion body came from, and his body flickered, rushing into the parking lot before Bann.

This will be the battlefield where he will confront another himself. Only one of the two can leave here, and no one can change the ending.

A few seconds later ~lightnovelpub.net~Bane also came to the parking lot. The same did not pay attention to the scorpion corpses that died in a miserable state, the magician kept licking his tongue, he was only interested in Zero. It's just that Bann has always been used to working with the clown. Now that the clown is stopped by a werewolf, Bann alone is a little uncomfortable. But he still came, and zero blood was like the temptation of the devil to him, and this temptation overwhelmed everything.

The parking lot was quiet, and even the sound of scorpion tide and alien fighting in the city became very weak here. Bann knew that this was a zero-choice battlefield. In interpreting some of the information in Zero's blood, Bann also knew Zero's combat methods. Hide, exercise, and find the right opportunity to kill with one blow.

Bann chuckled. In a way, he even knew Zero himself better than Zero.

It doesn't matter, hide yourself as much as you want, little boy. Uncle Bann will play this hide-and-seek game with you patiently, but don't let me catch you, or you will pee your pants in fear. The magician thought so in his heart, and at the same time wondered where he would hide now if he were zero?

This is a battle in the dark. Two people with almost the same combat mode competed not only for their ability and strength, but also for their scheming and strategy, as well as their familiarity. Before the battle was closed, no one knew who would be the prey, and who was the hunter who had the last laugh!