War Lord

Chapter 504: The difference (1)

Bann wandered like a ghost in the parking lot.


   Various kinds of information are constantly released in the brain, how to hide, exercise, observe the environment and find opponents. All this information comes from Zero, from his rich combat experience. And these experiences are now passed on to Bann, and the magician doesn't feel unfamiliar in using them, as if these experiences belonged to him in the first place.


   If I were zero, what would I do? Maybe I will find a safe place to hide, this place must not be so conspicuous, but at the same time have a wide view. Because only then can the entire parking lot be observed. Then I would use a sniper rifle to send a bullet into his head when the opponent appeared somewhere. In this way, everything is over.


   Then, where will this place be?


   Bann imitated zero thinking, his eyes kept searching in the parking lot, and finally his eyes fell on the administrator's lounge at the gate of the parking lot. It was a simple building nailed with iron plates and wooden slats, two stories high. The first floor serves as a utility room, and the second floor is where the administrator rests. There is a corridor on the second floor with windows on all sides of the room, allowing the administrator to observe the situation in any corner of the parking lot in the room.


   The iron plate room is not only simple, but the temperature is extremely high during the day, just like a large microwave oven. Even at night, the slow heat dissipation of the iron plate will make the people inside it hot. But that's the same thing before. Now whoever cares, no matter how you look at it, this lounge, like the parking lot, hasn't been visited for many years.


   When entering the parking lot, Ben also passed this simple building. But Bann ignored the past, because he subconsciously thought that Zero must be hidden deep in the parking lot. But in retrospect, this is simply a psychological blind spot. It is difficult for ordinary people to think that the opponent will not be far away from the entrance.


   Cunning little thing, almost fooled your Uncle Benn. You have done a good job, and you have done a good job so far. But that's it, because Uncle Benn is here. I'm going to break your little trick, and then you will cry and apologize to me. But I won't forgive you, absolutely!


   Bann thought, and using his zero experience he moved among the wreckage of the car. The parking lot is like a huge maze, and the magician walks in blind spots that can be observed in the lounge. At this time, Bann was very grateful. If he hadn't passed on his experience to himself, it would be impossible for the magician to be like an experienced hunter like now, using his superb technique to continuously approach his prey.


   Get zero experience, and also get zero ability. The Shadow Rogue's ability, Bann can be used at will, but because the information released by the blood is reserved, Bann can only use about 60% of his power. In other words, every ability has been discounted by Ban Enshi. The power of the death crit has decreased, and the distance of the shadow jump has also been reduced by a third.


   Therefore, if Bann wants to use the shadow jump directly into the room to kill him by surprise, he needs to shorten the distance between the jumping point and the destination to five to six meters. This is not an easy job, but Bann has the confidence to complete him.


  Because he is a magician, he is also zero.


   Ten meters, eight meters...Bane has come near the lounge. He is using the piles of wreckage of cars nearby, and some garbage such as old beds and old furniture as a cover to quietly approach the distance to the destination. When the distance was shortened to five meters, Bann showed a triumphant smile. When the distance was shortened so close, he did feel a breath of zero energy.


   is very weak, but it is real. Zero is an excellent sniper. He is good at hiding his breath. Bann, who got his blood message, knows this very well. But when the distance is shortened to a certain extent, even if zero convergence is good, Bann can detect it. He was inside, and Bann seemed to be able to hear the blood flowing in Ling's body. It was so surging and powerful, full of vitality and vitality, and for Bann, it was definitely the temptation of the devil.


   So the next moment, his figure melted away in the darkness. Almost at the same time, Bann had appeared in the room on the second floor of the lounge. As soon as he appeared, Bann immediately saw the figure lying on the window.


   "The game is over!" Bann laughed and fired his pistol. In the firelight, the bullet drew lines of fire in the dark, and instantly submerged in that figure.


   But there were no screams. With the light of the fire, Bann discovered that the figure was an illusion caused by wearing an administrator's uniform on a chair, and a bullet was quietly placed on the edge of the window, on which Bann felt a breath of zero energy.


   This is a trap!


   Bannfang felt fooled, and strange vibrations appeared in the air.


   That is the sound of bullets breaking through the air.


   Its speed was so fast that it was almost as soon as Bann felt that the windows had been torn apart. In Bann's pupils, a metal bullet the size of a child's fist continued to expand.


   "No!" Bann screamed, starting a shadow jump.


   The metal bullet passed by where Bann was just now, and broke out of the wall to the other side of the room. There was a piece of blood remaining on the bullet's warhead. The blood evaporates quickly due to the friction of the air when the bullet is advancing at a high speed.


   Just in the lounge room, a broken arm appeared on the ground. It was still twitching. The conical shock wave brought by the alloy bomb that broke through the sound barrier was too late. When the white air current visible to the naked eye plunged into the lounge like an awl, the room, which was simply nailed with iron plates, immediately turned into fragments. . The pieces of iron, wood chips, and other debris as if being shoveled up by a bulldozer, they jumped into the air, and then all lifted toward the front of the bullet's flight trajectory.


   Bann appeared on the ground, one of his left arms was broken. Even if the shadow jump was activated, the arm was still hit by the zygote at the moment he escaped into the similar space. The flying speed of three kilometers per second makes the alloy bomb a terrible weapon. Not to mention hitting it head-on, even if it is rubbed, it will overturn a main battle tank. What's more, it's just Ben, and torn off an arm is considered a minor injury.


   But the magician is still furious.


   The anger is not because of the injury, but because of the zero trap. Zero obviously knew that Bann would simulate his combat thinking. When Bann thought he was catching Zero, he actually became a pig hitting the trap.


   This is where Bann can't let go.


   The pistol fired a few shots in the direction of Zero's sniper symbolically, but Bann knew that he would be in the morning. After a few shots, Bann's face changed slightly, and then another shadow jumped out. As soon as he disappeared, another alloy bullet came through the air, ploughed over where Bann was just now, lifted several car wrecks into the sky, and then fell heavily.


When    hit the ground, the wreckage had turned into a piece of debris, which made Bann in the distance see his scalp exploding.


   No, I have to calm down. That guy is a natural hunter, he will not be angry, not impulsive, only as calm as cold. Calmly calculating the opponent's actions, he shot the opponent into **** again. No, I can't be fooled anymore. Bann shook his head while a plan was formed in his mind.


   The magician made a decision immediately, and quickly got into another pile of car wreckage. After a while, zero appeared nearby. He squatted down and touched the ground with his hands. In addition to a pile of gravel, there are blood stains in his hands.


   Bann’s blood, zero put the blood in his nose and sniffed, and then noted the smell of Bann. Bann can hide his figure and restrain his breath, but he can't even cut off his own scent. In fact, it is impossible to achieve this point, unless special props are used to eliminate the smell or replace it with another taste.


   When he first stepped into the wilderness, in order to track corpse wolves, Ling had already learned to distinguish their scents. After that, as the opponents became richer and richer, zero found that everyone's scent was unique. These scents are difficult to detect if they are not carefully paid attention to, and only low-level hunters will practice distinguishing scents.


   As for the high-level powerhouses, they are more accustomed to judging the opponent's position through the lock of breath. However, this technique becomes useless when encountering people who are good at hiding their breath, such as Zero or Ye Liu. Therefore, Zero does not feel that it would be a shame to learn and master low-level skills like distinguishing smells, and often in some special occasions, low-level skills will come in handy.


   In Zero Mind, there is no difference in skill, and there is always only one winner.


  With his hand, the blood-stained gravel scattered all over the floor. Zero has already marked the smell of Bann, as long as it appears, Zero will not be chased down. Zero is very patient. Bann has already learned from him once, and he can't fall into his trap as easily as before. So this time, he could no longer wait passively for him to appear, and Zero decided to take the initiative.


  The prerequisite for taking the initiative to attack is to determine the opponent's position, otherwise you don't even know where the person is, so what else to talk about?


   So Zero started to move around the parking lot, taking his position as the origin, and walking around in circles. So when the range was extended to 100 meters, Zero stopped, during which several traces of Bann's passing were indeed found. Either blood stains or footprints, but these marks are intermittent. There is one but no next, which shows that Bann is hiding well, and it is almost impossible for Zero to find him through these traces in a short time.


   Traces, smells, these are all means to find opponents. But Ling felt that the efficiency of these was a little low. He hid behind a hill piled up by scrapped cars, quickly took off his tactical suit, and stacked it up with two automatic pistols and stuffed it into the one between the car and the car. In the crevice.


  Naga Genome, start!


   Ling gave an order to his body, and the Naga Gene in the independent storage area was released. Zero quickly formed a gray-white cuticle, followed by a protective exoskeleton, and finally a magic eye was formed on each of his chest and shoulders. When all the changes are completed, Naga's biological armor is declared complete.


   Ling, wrapped in this set of biological armor, has become like another creature, exuding a violent aura. It was just that this breath was quickly converged by Zero, and at the same time, Zero activated the wave energy detection of Naga's Demon Eye. After the waves of detection waves were emitted, everything within five hundred meters of zero could be seen in his mind. It’s just that although the wave energy detection can allow Zero to observe the surrounding three-dimensional environment, the detection range is ultimately limited, and the area of ​​the parking lot appears to be too open. The environment that Zero can observe can even be one-tenth of the total area. Less than.


   It would be nice if the range of the three-dimensional environment map was larger. When Zero thought this way, he felt a special change in his body suddenly.


   It seemed to be a throbbing from the depths of the soul, as if some kind of powerful existence has been sleeping in the depths of Zero's soul, and at this moment there are signs of awakening. For this feeling, Zero felt a little familiar. So the brain automatically recalls the past memories for identification and comparison, and after a few seconds, zero sees a picture. That was when fighting against the undead creatures created by Dr. Curd in the white blood cell base, the undead zero inflicted strong biological acid into the body. At that time, Zero also produced this feeling, and then the body automatically activated a countermeasure mechanism to prevent and expel the undead’s strong biological acid.


   At that time, there was an intuition of zero, that the attack of the undead was almost zero to death. In the face of the threat of death, Zero, as a super life clone, was driven by instinct to awaken the 100,000 DNA memory group that had been sleeping. As we all know, there are only 40 groups of memory dna owned by life on earth, but they already contain extremely rich biological information, enough for any living thing to continue to multiply and thrive.


   And even as a clone of Zero, there is only a memory group with half of the super life. But a hundred thousand memory group is equivalent to a vast information library like the universe, which is equivalent to saying that zero also has the possibility of infinite evolution. After being stimulated by the undead, the zero memory group was activated for the first time, and played less than one-tenth of a ten thousandth of it, which was the local evolution to counteract the strong acid of the organism.


   Now, when Zero Desire expands the range of the three-dimensional environment map to a larger extent, the feeling that the DNA memory group is activated is flooded. In the next second, a message suddenly popped out of Zero's mind. That is the information of a biological weapon, with zero blood as the substrate, combined with part of the Naga's genes for self-adaptive evolution. The evolution process only takes 3 seconds, and the evolved creature is like a pocket spider ~lightnovelpub.net~ body length is less than 1mm. In the shape of an eyeball with four pairs of steps, this biological weapon called "Spy" can reproduce by itself, and the limit of reproduction is 16 times. They can be scattered in a designated area, and the current environment can be scanned with the eyeballs that can emit wave energy detection, and finally summarized in the magic eye of the Naga armor, and integrated to form a wide-area three-dimensional map for zero use.


  Information swept across Zero's brain like flowing water, and Zero shocked beyond words. Although the role of this biological weapon is very single, it is undoubtedly a masterpiece of the DNA memory group. One hundred thousand dna memory sets are enough for zero infinite evolution, and at the same time, it can be used as a substrate to generate any organism. What's rare is that this kind of "snooper" creature is combined with the ability of the Naga armor, which can be said to be the best solution that the DNA memory group can obtain based on the current situation and the limitations of Zero's own ability.


  Zero believes that when his abilities continue to improve, there will only be more biological weapons that can be generated using the dna memory group, and the power will be stronger. At that time, he could even have his own army of biological weapons like Dr. Cord. This is not an illusion. In fact, Dr. Cod's z-substance is the dna from super life. But Zero is more clear, no matter how strong the biological weapon that can be generated is, it is always more important to be strong.


   Biological weapons are always foreign objects, and their own strength is truly powerful!